"Why did you still sue her even though you were aware she'd win?" Min Hye queried Dae Hyun when he got out of the shower and sat beside her on the bed. She figured he knew the rich kid would win the case even though she was the culprit, after all they both knew it was impossible for her not to, as her father was a wealthy businessman.

She saw a lopsided smile reach his lips.

"Ahh" He rested his head back on the headrest as he looked up at the ceiling thoughtfully for a second before stating.

"Well, the public believes only what people like us shows them, if a senator donates money to an orphanage, they'll say he's kind. It's all part of the game, it's either you play along or you lose."

She understood what he meant, to the public, he had tried to bring justice to two poor kids who had been mistreated by the kids from a higher hierarchy and he was their saviour, whether In Ra was charged or not, whether she was innocent or not, no one saw that, they only saw the fact that he was a humble and kindhearted transparent man, when he was in fact, nothing but a psychopathic serial killer.

"I see...I hope you quickly get rid of your problems so we could have a peaceful quiet life, I'm not used to all of these dramas, they're tiring and I feel like your attention is divided between me and your plans, I only want all your attention on me, no one else." Min Hye stated with a small voice as she snuggled closer to him, resting her head on his chest.

Dae Hyun was perplexed by how she felt, he was oblivious of the fact that she had been feeling less attended to by him. He tilted her chin up slightly, making her look up at him.

"I'm sorry for making you feel that way, but nothing will ever distract my attention from you." He stated with a firm voice, peering deeply into her grey eyes and a smile cut through her lips.

"I know, maybe I'm just overreacting, don't mind me." She said slowly with a short chuckle following behind.

His palm rested on her cheek and he stroked her soft skin gently with his fingers. His eyes stopping on her red luscious lips and her eyes followed his eye movement, making her face flush pink.

"You're so pretty, you make me lose control and forget about everything, it's not good, but I like it." Dae Hyun's voice was now suggestively low as he bit his lower lip salaciously.

Her breathing quivered at his actions, making her mind filled with lustful desires. He leaned his face closer to hers, burying his face on her neck as he inhaled her aromatic, maddening scent, while he played with her silky nightwear.

He fingered with the rope tied at the front of her dress and slowly pulled on it, making it come undone and the front of her nightwear came loose, revealing her twin magnificent peaks that made his Adams apple bobble up and down his throat lustfully.

She felt the cold air brush her naked skin but it was quickly replaced with the hotness of his mouth, taking one nipple in, sucking firmly on it, earning a moan from her lips and she ached between her legs to feel his fullness and hardness as she pressed her soft body against his hard one.

His hands sneaked underneath her flimsy nightwear, taking her panties in his hold, he pulled it down from her legs, throwing it aside. His hands moved back up underneath her dress to feel her wetness between her legs, he caressed her sensitive bud, making her close her eyes in excitement as a soft moan escaped her lips.

He massaged her firmly, slipping his fingers in and out rhythmically till she was panting heavily as her breathing quivered from the erotic moment.

He tore off her flimsy nightwear from her body, leaving her naked while he took off his pants before hovering above her, trapping her figure between him and the bed. She parted her legs for him to fill her insides as her whole body ached for his touch, she was wet, aching and excited.

He pressed his hard body into hers, making electricity spark through both their bodies as it heated up in flaming carnal desires. She wrapped her legs around him while she dug her fingers into his lush thick hair as she closed her eyes while waiting for him to feel her whole.

His raging monster brushed her wet, warm chambers and his whole body flared up, she was begging him to taste her, fill her and the temptation was too strong to resist, he would never resist. He placed her legs on his broad, hard shoulders, giving him a better access to her entrance.

Her breath hitched as she felt a tingling sensation underneath and within a second, she could feel his hardness at the tip of her entrance, slowly pushing into her, making her bite her bottom lips as she clutched the sheet of the bed in fervor.

She hissed in excitement as she felt his fullness grinding inside her, stroking her sensitive walls that made her shudder with each stroke as she felt sparks of electricity in her body. His thrusts hardened and she could feel his length colliding into places that left her drowning in euphoria.

His pace quickened, increasing the blissful moment they were having, loud moans reaching the four corners of the room as he hammered deeply inside her walls, making his veins burn with unquenched flaming desire, his hips moved with the speed of a rocket as he collided hard against her.

Their nerves exploded with the feeling of ecstasy as they took several rounds before their erotic night ended.

Dae Hyun took the day off work since Min Hye was still sleeping after being worn out from their erotic session the previous night. He watched her beautiful face while she slept and he adored every inch of it while he stared.

He washed up while she slept and in the meantime, he prepared breakfast for her before she would wake up. There was no doubt, she would be starving after their tiring session the previous night.

He had just finished setting up the table when he caught sight of her coming down from the stairs. She had already washed up and was now putting on a short gown, it was cute but it looked sexy to him, making his raging monster threaten to let loose, but he struggled to cool it down, until after she was done with her breakfast.

"Did you have a goodnight sleep?" He asked like a heartwarming husband while he gave her a small peck, her scent invading his nostrils at the process and it took him all his resolve to not grab her and tear off her clothes as he wanted nothing more than to fill her insides nonstop.

She nodded her head with a smile as she took a seat on the dining table and they started eating. He glanced at her every second after he was done eating, he was hanging on a thin thread of patience to fuck her right then, making him clench his jaws hard.

She raised her head up and in the process, caught him staring, his eyes locking into hers as he fixed his gaze at her.

"Do you want to make love again? After last night? Don't you get tired?" She queried with a bewildered look because truthfully, after the previous night, she had been a bit tired and worn out but she was shocked that he wasn't which made her wonder if he was human.

"I guess I have a lot of stamina, are you that tired? Let's do it just once, I'd love to see you out of that dress, it looks good on you, but you'll look even better without it." He said with a mischievous smirk playing on his lips. She bit her lower lips thoughtfully with a sly smile on her face and the action made him want to bite her lips instead.

"Alright..." She drawled with a rather seductive voice and within the blink of an eye, he carried her on the table in a sitting position, parting her legs in the process while taking off his shirt with frantic movements.

The chiming of the bell halted them in their movements and they exchanged blank glances at each other because they never had visitors. Dae Hyun's face turned grim as he put on his clothes to check who it was at that time of the morning, interrupting his moment.

With an exasperated sigh, he checked the cam placed at the door, only to find the two officers standing in front of it.

'What could they possibly want now?' He pondered inwardly in frustration.