Chapter 16 The kill

The immense storm clouds swallowed the moon's light, and rain bucketed down.

I was all alone at home. Jia was out with Maka and Maria, the television was on, but the volume was down so soft I could barely hear a whisper from the speakers.

The heavy rain and thunder drowned out all sounds in the house. Lightning snapped now and again as though a giant photographer was flashing pictures of the world around them. It was impossible to shake the unusual chill in the house.

That's when I heard it. It sounded like something moving.

Do I confront it? Do I stay here and see if it finds me? Was it a burglar? It could just be a possum. I waited a few moments, debating my mind, when it shuffled again. My curiosity got the better of me as my numb fingers unwrapped me from my cotton cocoon.

As soon as I stood up, bats screeched outside my window, causing me to jump. I was sure to step lightly to avoid bringing the intruder's attention to me. I grabbed my torch from the kitchen bench and shoved it into my dressing gown pocket.

With each step, my stomach tightens more and more. With each step, my fingers began to shake.

I had made it to the hallway before the staircase, my back sliding against the wall to be sure nothing could grab me from behind.

The ruckus upstairs became more violent the closer I came. I could hear items being thrown, banging against the walls with a loud thud that sent jolts down my spine. That's when the lights in the long hallway began to flicker. The stones had started to glow.

I had to do something and think quickly. The hallway went dark, and I felt a warm rush of adrenal kicking in, as it felt like every bone in my body broadening my front end felt heavier as I fell forward. My vision in the dark hallway became as clear as daylight.

My once cold body felt warm, like stepping out of ice into warm water. The relaxation was overwhelming. My nails shot out pointy. I could smell this pathetic human waste and hear their pulse and heartbeats in their chest. The flashlight came like a sharp beam of light to my eyes.

There I stood; I was ready.

I felt rage, satisfaction, and hunger. The three men with masks on and black clothes stood there. I heard their hearts race faster and faster. This is a reason to kill, a reason to eat, and a reason to tear them to pieces. Their eyes widened as they dropped their torches.

That's right, and I was not just any wolf; I was their 'Alpha.' My hunger, my thirst, and my diet were more significant than other wolves. I stood there, saliva dripping from my mouth, my tongue out. I could smell their fear. This made me feel alive.

As the lightning struck through the hallway, my speed was as fast as it was.

I was on top of the three men, not giving them time to think. I tore each piece of cloth off their body, mercilessly sinking my teeth into their veins. As blood-spattered and spilled in the hallway, the once-coated white wall was now all bloody red.

I ate, bit through their flesh, ripping it off like a lion eating its prey. The smell of blood made me more and more thirsty. The heart was still beating in their chest as I sank my teeth into it, chewing it like gum before swallowing it.

This is it; this is it. I felt shockwaves of adrenalin wavering through my system.

The lights came on, and I looked down. All that remained was the clothes lying there soaked in blood.

After I was done feasting on the three bodies, I changed back. My strength felt ten times greater. My vision increased by thirty percent above average my hearing increased when I heard the rain on a sink twenty meters away.

I now heard drops of water on concrete ground forty meters away. I pushed forward my arms, it was thicker, and I looked down at my legs; they looked strong.

I walked over to the mirror. My hair had a shine, and my skin was clear and glowing. My teeth were whiter my eyes grew lighter in hazel brown.

I looked at the mess I had made and ran downstairs to grab a bucket of hot water, scrapped the blood stains off the wall using bleach, cleaned the floor thoroughly, took out the broken clothes, and threw it into the trash.

I remember the room they broke into. I neatly backed everything where it belonged.

The doorbell rang as I walked over to open it. The three girls were back carrying wet bags. Ever since school, Maka and I spoke very seldom. She spent alot of time in her room with the door closed. I found out that Lei was dating her.

Jia noticed the difference in me. She looked at me and pulled me down, whispering into my ear, "I hope you cleaned up the mess."

I frowned; how could she have known if I had not told her? Maka looked at me as if she wanted to say something, then turned around and walked to the kitchen. Jia gave me a silver bracelet, "Maka got you this."

"She did?" Why would she get me anything? I thought.

Jia narrowed her eyes, "What is wrong?"

"Did you just read my thoughts?"

"No, did you have a thought? 'Cause I could tell you were thinking something on your expression."

"I was? What? Can't you read my thoughts?"

"No, I can't, and I could. Either I'm losing my ability, or your strength is increasing drastically. Three guys, right?"

I shook my head. All five stones were glowing. The yellow one was not glowing as brightly as the others, "would you mind-bending forward?"

I leaned forward. The pendant was open; it had a sparkling see-through diamond.

"What is it?"

She quickly covered my chain, "stand up. Don't tell anyone anything that happened here tonight."

Jia walked off to her room. I hadn't thought much of it and looked at the bracelet Maka had got him. It looked cheap, but it was the thought that counted. I knocked on her room door, "come inside."

She was sitting in her blue silk nightgown, and her hair was loosely hanging over her shoulder. She glanced over at me, "yes, Kai?"

I felt the cold air. I wanted to say thank you for the bracelet. "Your sister invaded my thoughts. She got it."

"So you were thinking of getting it, then my sister got it?"

She nodded, "are you okay, Maka?"

"I am fine. If that's all, please close the door behind you."

Something felt off, like she was not telling me something. I could hear her heartbeat. I wish I could read her thoughts, was her heart beating so fast because I was here?

I stepped out as she had requested, closing the door after me. From the outside, I leaned against the door. I felt her close to me, and it felt like she was on the other side of the door, pushing her ear against it. I could smell her sweet rose perfume as it lingered in the air.

I have to stop this. I am going insane being trapped in my thoughts about her. I placed my hand against the door. I felt a sudden flash and shock through my body. It was as if Maka and I were running on the beach shore holding hands. Her hair hung loose as the wind blew through it.

There was a little kid behind us as I turned around and looked identical to Maka. She was about five years old, and her eyes were glowing red. Maka looked as if she was twenty-five.

I felt coldness by my feet. I looked down and saw what seemed like most of the cold air coming from under the door.

I moved away as I walked back to my room. Maka had opened the door, looked down the passage and smiled at me then closed the door. Was she on the other side?

I couldn't help but feel stronger toward her than I had previously felt.

I entered my room. There was a knock on the door, and I walked up to the door opening it. It was Jia.

She asked if she could share a room with me tonight. She lay on the bottom bunk and me on the top bunk, "so you bought the chain?"

Jia never responded.

I looked down from the top. She was right asleep holding a jersey mom slept in.

There was a knock on the door as I climbed off the bunk, hoping it was Maka.

Opening the door, there she stood, beautiful as ever in her blue nightgown. She stepped closer, staring into my eyes. It was a moment of complete silence.