Entrance Exam (2)

"That way, huh." He followed the drone as he looked at the map. To trick others, he ordered AI to move toward the robots he marked on his map, so observers would assume that he was following the drone, but in fact, he could see every single robot on the battlefield. AI even created a path for him to follow for maximum efficiency.

Soon, he arrived at an opening with three 2-pointers and two 1-pointers. He jumped among them as the robots started to raise their arms to attack him. Spring under his shoes appeared beneath the hidden compartment and when it was compressed enough, he jumped into the air and his fists started to blow out pressurized air. It helped him to rotate on his axis, and the sharp dorsal fins cut anything around him. Soon, all the robots fell to the ground with tens of cuts all over their bodies.


"Such a genius way of battling!" Nezu, the principal of Yuuei, the bear-mouse-dog Chimera said with astonishment.

"Who is he?" Vlad King said as he looked at the robots.

"Mokami Yaoyorozu. Quirk: Creation. By burning his fat, he can create anything so long as he knows their structural atomic formula." Eraser Head, Aizawa Shota, the home-run teacher of 1-A said with a small smirk.

"You mean, he is just a normal teen without anybody mutation?" Another said in shock.

"That is all hard work. I can see how much effort he put into his training." Aizawa praised. "Although his Quirk is versatile, his will and talent are much better."

"Hehe." Nezu smiled, "Last week, his sister was also astonished at the recommended exams. Momo Yaoyorozu, much like her brother, has great physical power and mind. And do you know what she said when I asked why her brother didn't come with her?"

"What?" Others asked.

"She said he wanted to prove to everyone they were worthy of seats in the most prestigious school in Japan, but he would still prove that so no one would question them," Nezu said with an evil smile.

"Quite arrogant, but I like it." Aizawa copied his smirk as he looked at the screen.


"52 points." Mokami looked at the count at the corner of his vision and focused on the man again, but this time, he saw a rainbow flare not far from here.

Ignoring the robot in front of him, he dashed to that location and saw a boy falling from a building damaged by a robot. He jumped into the air as he created a cushion tent for the boy to fall onto. Holding someone that falls at high-speed could damage them if they are normal people, so he opted to create a cushion, so most of the momentum would be transferred.

The boy fell into the tent and looked above to see the boy that rescue him dashing away without killing the robot. "You are fine, get up and keep on fighting." He smiled as he jumped from the building, moving towards another rainbow flare.

'I don't know how they calculate the rescue points, but it doesn't matter. So long as I save several more, I should be the winner.' He thought to himself as he arrived at a battlefield.

Four 3-pointers had cornered 5 students in the middle and were about to attack. He basically flew over to the battlefield and landed amidst the group. A blanket appeared out of nowhere and fell on top of them while a grande-shaped object was thrown into the air.

Mokami grabbed the blanket, and shouted; "Duck!"

Five students ducked immediately and hid under the blanket. The grenade exploded in the air and unleashed a two-meters diameter EMP and stopped the robots.

"You are safe now. There are three more minutes. Keep on fighting!" Mokami encouraged them and left before they could say anything.

He went from one place to another and saved students that were in danger. If he had a choice, he wouldn't attack the robots to save them and leave them to students, but if he couldn't he would just blast them and move forward.

Soon, there was only one minute left, and 0-pointers were unleashed onto the battlefield. He jumped onto one of the highest buildings and watched the robot without approaching. He wanted to battle with it, but he wouldn't if he didn't have to. His goal was to leave the best impression on everyone. Even nobodies he saved, so when they failed to join Yuuei and watch him at the Sports Festival, they could say to others his great deeds. That way, his fame would spread even further.

Luckily, fortune smiled upon him. A student, in desperation, attacked the giant robot and got caught by it. It wasn't dangerous but he shouldn't suppose to known it, so he could attack all the same.

He jumped from building to building and when he was close, springs appeared once again and threw him far into the air. He came close to the giant robot's arm and drew out a hilt of a sword.

He raised the hilt and aimed at the robot's arm from an angle that wouldn't hit the boy in its arm, nor anyone behind it, and a red beam tore through the air and reach the robot. He raised the hilt, and the beam followed it and cut through the hard metal. In a matter of seconds, the arm was separated from the main body and with it, half of the robot also was severed.

Mokami dived towards the arm and held it in his hands. A pair of rockets appeared on his leg and started to fire toward the air to stop his fall. When he was about to hit the ground, all his momentum was nulled, so he stopped the rockets and landed softly. Then he easily placed the robot's hand on the ground. Those who were looking at him as if he was a rare animal noticed pair of gloves releasing pressured air.

"Gloves that can carry tons?" One of them asked in shock.

Mokami smiled at the boy and looked at the teacher rushing in. One of them moved to the hand that rescued the boy, while another came to Mokami's side to check if he was okay.

"I have no injuries, you can attend to others. Thank you." He bowed with a smile, as he started to walk away.


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