Date With Nejire

A big SHOUT OUT for my Third Patron!!!! Dad (He is not my dad)! Thank you for supporting me!


Hello all! So again, I would like to answer an issue. The reason why I use Yuuei instead of UA is that the sites I use for proofreading and grammar checking always try to change it with USA which is annoying. I don't know why other Authors do that, but this is my reason. Thanks and Peace.


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"Well, then I will take Nejire on a date." He thought to himself and looked at her location on the map that appeared in front of his eyes. "Hmm, she is returning home."

A pair of rolling skates appeared under his feet and started to carry him forward. Although it was forbidden to use Quirks in public, using Quirks products wasn't so he could use his Quirk to his advantage.

In less than five minutes, he arrived at an intersection and saw Nejire hopping toward home. He grabbed her without giving any warning and earned himself a scream, but when he kissed her lips, she recognized and stopped protesting.

"Let's go on a date." He said as he looked into her eyes.

"Okay." She nodded then buried her face in his chest. He looked for a suitable place while moving on his rolling skate, and found a romantic place where couples could watch a movie while eating in private booths. There were also Karaoke booths they could visit afterward.

'Hmm, seems like a good time to advance our relationship.' He muttered and rolled towards that destination and they arrived in no time.

"Welcome Lady, Sir." The Waitress greeted them and looked at his uniform. Nejire was in casual dress, but the waitress could tell they were expensive, so she was respectful. "Do you have a reservation?"

"No, is it possible to dine without reservation?" Mokami asked with a smile.

"There is an opening. You are lucky." The waitress smiled and lead them in. The booth was at the corner of the restaurant and had a nice ambiance. The wood exteriors looked freshening. When the sliding door opened, the duo saw the cushions were velvet and comfortable, while the screen across the couch was curved with good quality.

"You can order from the tablet on the table, and pick any movie you want to watch. I will alert you five minutes before I come with the food and only come again if you ask for my service. Please have a seat." The waitress smiled and after they were seated, she shut the door.

Mokami reached and locked the door and pulled out a device from his pocket and scanned the room.

"What is that, Moka-chan?" Nejire asked with a tilt of her head.

"This scans hidden devices. I am checking if there are cameras or recorders." He sighed when it came back negative so he put it back into his pocket and hugged Nejire.

"Nejire-chan, I missed you." He acted spoiled and kissed her.

"I missed you too, Moka-chan." She sighed helplessly. Lately, her internship was taking up all her time. Although they were a couple for almost two years now, they still haven't progressed much but their relationship was as close as ever.

If someone else saw them, they would assume they were siblings or somehow related, but they knew they got the most affection than everyone else. Deep inside, they wanted this. They loved each other, and nothing could break that bond.

"How about Momo-chan? Have you started to date her?"

"Not yet. Although she too has feelings for me, I think she has some apprehensions." Mokami smiled wryly. He was the same. Despite admitting his feelings, he was still a little perturbed about the whole ordeal.

"Don't you dare to lose her to another boy," Nejire warned with a frown? "We are one big family. I don't want anyone else to come between us. Ever."

"That will never happen. Don't worry." He smiled as he leaned to kiss her then he asked with a smirk "Does that include our mothers?"

"I know you have also feelings for Mika-chan, and I have no problem with it, but I am not sure about Mom. It is not that I don't feel weird about it, it is still a bit weird, but if she is okay with it, I don't think I would object. I know she is lonely for years, and I want her to be happy with all my heart. But like I said, I don't want anyone to come between us." She said while looking at the table.

"Hehe, you are so cute." He grabbed her and sat her on his lip then started to kiss her deeply. His tongue invaded her mouth, while she tried to escape.

"Let's order first." She blushed.

"Fine." He grumbled and looked at the tablet attached to the table. "What do you want to eat?"


"Okay, let's eat light."

They picked their food and then looked through the movie catalog.

"Let's watch a classic again."

"Okay, how about..."

In the end, they picked an anime movie, Your Name, and started to watch it. Food arrived shortly after, and after an enjoyable hour or so, they left the booth and entered the Karaoke room.

"Do you wanna sing?" Nejire asked as she looked at him cutely. While he was checking the room with the device.

"What do you think?" He grinned as he held her and started to kiss her.

She blushed red and then pulled away. "You are so mean, pervert"

"But I am your pervert." He shamelessly said and kissed her again. This time, she didn't reject and accepted him with an open mouth. Their tongues started to dance, while their hands roamed around each other's bodies.

He was drawing a map of her body with his fingertips. His fingers moved from her lips to jaws, from there to her neck, to her collarbone, her breasts, stomach, toned thighs, and sweet feet.

She was perfect to the detail and he couldn't get enough of her. While he was drowned in her intoxicating smell, she wasn't any different. She was tasting his amazing lips, while her hands were touching his defined muscles. His back was broad and strong. It was like a wall she could lean on.

His shoulders were wide and strong, like a column that could carry her. His arms were strong and warm, like a guardian.

She loved everything about him, and he was the same. They were enjoying each other's embrace, not only lips. This mutual feeling made the kissing only more passionate.


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