Hero Costumes


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He walked into the room and saw most had already changed. He too started to undress and folded his clothes neatly, opened the case, and looked at the three pieces of items. He quickly wore them and left the room. Since he was last to arrive to the room and he was meticulous with his clothes, he was last to change and by the time he was done, others had already left.

He smiled and walked out as well. On the way, he saw Momo leaving the girl's room and they walked shoulder to shoulder. When he arrived at the Ground Beta, All-Might and the rest of the students were already there. They all turned to look at them.

"Damn!" One of them said.

"Damn, indeed." Another said.

Momo, unlike the anime costume, wore skin-tight red leather with black markings. It was covering her whole body, as it was made of her skin.

Although the clothe she was wearing was made of skin cells, it was as durable as diamond and resistant to most elements. Her shoes were also the same. Other than those, there were only pair of lenses on her eyes. Those weren't regular contact lenses but supercomputers attached to the chip in her brain. She could control them with just her thoughts.

The lenses had as much vision as his organic eyes, and extras too. If she created a drone as he did in the exam, he could connect it to her lenses and see the map. There was also a list of formulas of different materials stored in the chip in her brain, in case she needed to create something. All in all, she had anything she needed.

Mokami on the other hand had simpler clothes. A black harem pants (real name) and a white unbuttoned shirt. His bare chest and eight-pack were open in full glory. The shirt's arms were folded twice, revealing his forearm and at his feet, there were a pair of black boots. All made of his skin tissues, ultra durable.

He also tied his hair behind his back into a ponytail to prevent it from blocking his vision.

The duo looked at the drooling students and chuckled. The boys were ogling Momo while the girls were looking at the ultimate eye candy. There were a few oddities in the group of course. Like Todoroki was looking at the sky as if it was the most interesting thing, while Bakugo was looking at him in hatred. Izuku's eyes were jumping from one side to the other, well Shoji's all tentacles had eyes now and half of them were focused on Momo while the other half was on him. 'Hmm, strange.'

Kyoka was also an oddity. She was looking at both of them, and her face was about to drip blood. She looked like she was having something of too much and was about to die from it, but she was also blissful to die in this way. 'Interesting.'

"They say the clothes make the man, young men, and ladies." All Might proudly give a speech. "Be fully aware…"

Gradually, one by one the student of class 1-A began to flex their clothes "From now on… You are heroes…!" All Might smiled as he scaned his students.

"That's great, everyone. You all look cool!"

Mokami looked at Izuku and shook his head. When Inko came to him and asked what he thought about the costume she made for her son, he brutally destroyed her. First figuratively then literally on the bed. After she satisfied him with her pretty mouth, he created a hero costume for Izuku just like what he wore after he mastered One for All. With the claws, boots, and everything. It was extremely durable as well.

He didn't mind helping others and he would eventually create costumes for the rest as well. Some of their clothes were ridiculous after all.

"Before we start..." Mokami said before All-Might continue.

"Anything you want to say, Mokami-boy?" He asked with a smile.

"Well, Toru-chan's hero costume is her birthday suit, and that is understandable giving that no one can see her, but Momo-chan and I have special lenses allow us to see her to a certain extent, and I would like to report so she wouldn't be in any unfair situation." He said while he gazed into her eyes. She was still clothed as she could easily take off her clothes when it was her turn. After all, even if no one could see her, being naked was uncomfortable.

"Y-You can see me?" Toru asked in desblief.

"Yes." He smiled, "You are really pretty, Toru-chan. Like super cute."

"Really?" Mina asked.

"Really," Momo added.

"Let me show you, Toru-chan, and if you want, you can show others." Mokami walked to her and show his phone. Since his eyes were connected to the AI in his brain, he could digitize anything his eyes could see or hear. "Nigel, transfer the picture to my phone."

"Right away, Master." An elderly answered in his mind.

"Oh my god!" Toru brought her hand to her mouth upon seeing the picture. Then she hugged him while kissing his lips.

Luckily she was still invisible, and no one could see where she kissed. "How? My family tried many things but nothing worked."

"This is my own creation. I believe only Momo and I have this kind of camera, so I doubt anyone else can see you." He explained.

"Amazing!" Other exclaimed.

"Let us see too!" Mineta shouted, ruining the moment. Girls look at him as if he was an insect, while the said insect crawled behind Izuku.

"Do you want the picture?" He asked while holding Toru.

"Yes, please. Let me input my number." She grabbed her phone and added herself to some of the social media apps he used. He then sent the picture to her.

"All right, congratz Toru-girl, and thank you Mokami-boy, but let's keep showing the picture for later, and continue with the battle training." All Might said, "I also thank you for your honesty and not taking advantage of a young girl, Mokami-boy. All I can ask for you to deactivate your visions when it is Hagakure-girl's turn. Luckily, neither you nor your sister will face her, so it shouldn't cause any problem."

"Alright, we can do that, Sensei." He smiled. Momo nodded too.

"Good, now let's start with the training."

"We're going to move ahead two steps!" All Might answered while raising two fingers. "Most of the time, fighting villains takes place outside, but if you look at the total numbers, atrocious villains appear indoors at a higher rate. Imprisonment, house arrest, backroom deals—In this society filled with heroes," All Might cleared his throat. "Truly intelligent villains hide in the shadows! For this class, you'll be split into villains and heroes and fight 2-on-2 indoor battles."

Students asked many stupid questions, but Mokami ignored them. He already knew what the training was about, so he wasn't worried. But from what All Might said, he deduced that this time around, unlike what happened in anime, they were matched by Sensei himself.

"The situation is that the villains have hidden a nuclear weapon somewhere in their hideout. The heroes are trying to dispose of that." All Might explained the exercise. "The heroes need to catch the villains or get the nuclear weapon back in the allotted time. The villains need to protect the nuclear weapon for the whole time or catch the heroes."


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