Mess With Me and I Will Mess With You

A big SHOUT OUT to my fifth Patron T-Money! Thank you very much for supporting me!


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"I am coming!" A woman shouted from inside, as she heard the doorbell. A fifteen years old teen standing at 1.80 height in a casual but stylish dress was waiting at the door with a small smile.

"Hello." Mitsuki Bakugo opened the door and looked at the handsome young man.

"Sorry to bother you, Ms. Bakugo, I am Mokami Yaoyorozu, your son's classmate." He introduced himself as he bowed slightly, "Today at school, I acted out without thinking and hurt your son, so I am here to apologize."

"Ah, Mokami-kun, no need, no need." Mitsuki quickly shook her hands, "I heard what happened, and questioned stupid son of mine and learned it was all his fault. He should be the one who should apologize."

"I still feel guilty, so let me please convey my feelings that I didn't mean to hurt him so badly." He smiled in a good manner. Mitsuki looked at him approvingly and invited him in. "Please take these chocolates and flowers."

"Take a seat, I will get Katsuki." She said and left. While going to her son's room, she stopped by the kitchen put flowers in a vase, and filled the kettle to boil some water for tea. Mokami just walked around the house and took a look around. There were some photos of the family and Katsuki's childhood pictures. 'How cute.'

The mother and son duo returned after a few minutes of arguing he could from the living room and sat across him.

"What he—" Katsuki was about to start, but Mitsuki hit him in the head and bowed his head.

"Apologize to your friend right now!" She demanded.

"Why should I apologize, you puckered old hag?" Katsuki asked in defiance.

"Puckered? My skin is flawless, you blind brat!" Mitsuki showed her face and hands, "Mokami-kun came here to apologize despite you being faulty, but I will not let you act wantonly. Now, apologize for being a pain in the ass."

"I refuse!"

"Then I refuse your refusal."

Both of them kept bickering, while Mokami just observed from the side, not expecting this war of words between mother and son. He tried to break the tension by sipping his tea, but neither of them noticed. Mitsuki continued scolding Katsuki until he finally gave in.

"Sorry." He muttered and looked away, embarrassed.

Mitsuki smiled and nodded in satisfaction as she turned to Mokami with a kind gaze. "I hope that clears all your doubts about my son's behavior." She said before heading inside the kitchen again, leaving the two boys alone in awkward silence.

Katsuki didn't know how to react after such an embarrassing situation, so he just stuffed his hands in his pockets and looked away while Mokami coughed slightly before speaking up.

"Katsuki-Kun, you don't have to act all ashamed. Mitsuki-san is so kind whereas you are so spoiled. You should learn from your beautiful mother."

Katsuki snorted and waved him off "No one asked for your sympathy!" He spat out making Mokami chuckle softly at his reaction which only made Katsuki more flustered but less awkward than before.

Mitsuki came back a few moments later carrying a tray full of snacks for them which caught both their attention immediately and they ended up talking about school and other things during their snack time together, dissolving any trace of awkwardness or embarrassment from earlier on.

The duo was about to start another bickering about snacks when Mokami started to chuckle. The war of words between Katsuki and Mitsuki was only interrupted by Mokami's soft laughter.

"Ms. Bakugo looks like you can handle your son quite well." He said with a smile on his lips, "I understand why Katsuki is so hardworking now. He is lucky to have a mother like you looking out for him."

Mitsuki smiled warmly, "Thank you. Now let's put this argument aside and enjoy some tea together."

After talking about other stuff a bit longer, Mokami reached forward and asked with an embarrassed smile, "Ms. Bakugo, can I hold your hand?"



"Sorry, I should have explained, I believe your Quirk is something to do with Glycerin right?" He asked.

"Yes. That is my Quirk." Mitsuki nodded, not knowing where he was going with it, while Bakugo was staring daggers at him.

"I believe your Quirk keeps your skin moisturized and thus, you have such flawless skin as you said previously." He said earnestly and added, "If you don't mind me taking your hand, I would like to take a closer look. I don't know if you are aware, but my Quirk allows me to create various things by burning my lipids, so I am interested in chemistry. I thought your Quirk may be a valuable factor for producing beauty creams."

"Oh, okay." She said and reached out for him to hold her hand. Bakugo huffed and puffed before he left the room. Mokami grinned as he roamed his fingers on Mitsuki's arm, "Truly flawless."

Mitsuki blushed as a current of electricity traveled through her arm to circulate through her body. Complemented by the compliment, she felt her heart beating wildly in her chest.

"Ms. Bakugo—"

"Call me Mitsuki."

"Mitsuki, would you like to be my partner?" Mokami brought his face closer to hers and said softly.

"Wha?!" Mitsuki was taken aback, as a crimson wave climbed up from her chest to her face. For a second, her brain short-circuited, and she lost her ability to speak. "But, but I am marr—"

"Would you like to be my business partner?" He asked again. Mitsuki looked relieved and disappointed at the same time. Her eyes lost focus, then she calm down.

"Do you want to use my Quirk to produce beauty cream?" She asked.

"Yes." He nodded, "I won't need you to secrete your precious juice for me all the time."

Blush again.

"I only need some samples from time to time, so I will be visiting you and collect when I need them if it is okay."

Blush climbing.

"They have to be freshly secreted, so I need to be here during the procedure and if I can, I would be glad to help you get these precious juice."

Blush at peak.

"I may touch, smell or even taste your precious juice, so I would like to inform you in advance to prevent any confusion."

Heart beating madly.

"It is all part of the procedure. Of course if possible, I would like to be in contact with you while you secrete this precious juice, so I can observe better."

Breath quickens.

"I will 'fill you in' every time I come around, about the process, and in the end, we will rock the world with our union."

Brain fried.

"Mitsuki?" Mokami looked at the blushing woman and called softly, "Are you listening?"

"Oh, um yes. Yes, I am listening. You will need my preci— Quirk Juice and do testing." She said while fanning herself with her hand.

"Yes. After I have enough data, I will come up with a formula and put the cream on the market. You also don't have to secrete this precious juice all the time, once I have the formula, I can create it on my own, but do not worry, you will still have your share of the product, and earn from every sale." He put some number on his phone and showed it to her.

"This should be around your yearly income, exempting taxes."

"Wow!" Mitsuki's eyes opened like saucers. "I can earn this much by doing nothing? Is this even possible?"

"Trust me, Mitsuki..." Mokami laughed as he held her hand between his and looked into her eyes with a grin, "I know a thing or two about business. I always end up on top."


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