Brain over Brawn

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"Thirteen and Eraser Head, huh?" A deep voice echoed. "The teacher's schedule we received the other day said that All Might was also supposed to be here."

"The trespassing the other day was the work of these scumbags after all, huh?" Aizawa observed. It was a wonder how they didn't suspect a thing and went on with their lives. He knew Nezu was suspicious about the whole event, but if he didn't act on it, it was all useless.

"Where is he?" The shorter skinny villain that had just walked out of the warp gate asked with a murderous face "I went through the trouble of bringing this whole crowd, too. All Might… The Symbol of Peace… I can't believe he's not here."

The man looked up at the children above the staircase as he smirked. "I wonder if he'll come if we kill some kids?"

The student gazed at the scene with mixed emotions; fright—awe—panic. Tremors run through their bodies, as they watched the gemote of villains. Although they weren't just, they were there to deliver their own sense of justice.

"What? Villains?!" Kirishima cannot help but stare at the approaching mob with trepidation. "There's no way they could get into a hero school!"

"Sensei," Itsuka asked from where she was. "What about the trespasser sensors?"

"We have them, of course, but…" Thirteen began as she watched the crowd.

"There is someone among them that can jam the signals. I just confirmed and Momo and I working on removing it. Don't talk about it and don't give it away." He whispered so only teachers and students could hear them. He wasn't afraid to show what he was capable of. There was a traitor among them, and he would appear sooner or later anyway. He didn't care if the ultimate evil wanted to come after him. He built a fortress for that reason.

"Sensei, I will create a stronghold, so come close. It should defend us for at least an hour." Mokami called out. Aizawa looked at the villains, then at him. After thinking for a while, he nodded. He slowly stepped back and Thirteen also approached.

"Thirteen, can you open a big space on the ground." He asked. The hero looked at him weirdly, but she walked behind the group while Aizawa faced the group and started to delay them.

"All-Might is about to arrive and when he does, you all will run away like insects. I am surprised to see you dare to show your faces, but it is utterly idiotic of you to bring a useless crowd to threaten the strongest hero."

Mokami had to admit, Aizawa could hurt with his words.

"Hehe!" Shigaraki chuckled, "I see that you don't afraid of dying, Eraser Head."

"He probably doesn't know who he is dealing with." The black creature added.

"Should we kill them with Nomu? Or feed them to hundreds of villains."

While they were ranting back and forward, Thirteen carved the ground and created a giant opening. Mokami looked at it and nodded, "Thirteen, carve forward toward the exit. When everybody is inside, I will block the passage. "You guys enter one by one lest we draw their attention."

"I will fight!" Bakugo hissed, but a look from Mokami was enough to deter him. He snorted then faced away, "You lot go first then."

Girls jumped into the hole one by one, and soon all the students were gone. Villains started to realize something was wrong by then.

"They are escaping!" Kurogiri shouted.

"Nomu, stop them," Shigaraki ordered. A big creature standing by his side jumped with amazing power and was moving toward them. Aizawa grabbed his scarf and was about to attack when Mokami shouted; "Sensei, move!"

Out of nowhere, a bazooka appeared on his shoulder and fired a net. There were rockets at the leadline at certain intervals. The rockets carried the net forward, and the giant creature was caught by it. Although Nomu was strong, his power came from his ability to absorb shock waves. He was created to battle against All-Might. When 6 rockets carried him away, he had no chance to fight back.

Aizawa looked at the villains one last time as he jumped into the ditch. Mokami was the last to enter, and as he did so, he sealed the path with the strongest concrete formula he knew. By the time he started, Kurogiri had already warped near him, so when he finished, another gate appeared behind him.

'Hehe, I was expecting you.' He hid his smile and looked at the person who appeared out of nowhere. Aizawa was still there, making sure he was okay, so Kurogiri lost his ability to move.

Luckily while Momo was moving with students, she created light sources and the now sealed ditch wasn't fully dark and Aizawa had a clear vision.

"What do we have here?" Mokami smirked as he walked toward the villain.

"Mokami, step back." Aizawa started to approach, as he warned.

"It is fine, Sensei. He has no physical body and now that you have him under control, he can't hurt me." He explained and walked towards Kurogiri. He grabbed him by the neck brace, and in a matter of seconds, a device appeared on top of it.

"That, villain, is a bomb." Mokami said while looking at Aizawa, "Sensei, I hope it is okay. It will only act out if he opens a warp gate. It is distance-sensitive so if he moves, he would explode if he sits tight, he will be fine. I wouldn't be held accountable for this right?"

"So long as he sits tight, he will be fine, right?" Aizawa asked with a smirk. He caught the glint in Mokami's eye. He knew his student was bluffing. Heroes had no authority to threaten villains with their deaths. After all, even Pro-Heroes were like enforcement officers. They were essentially public workers and had no authority to kill even the villains unless the situation absolutly demand it.

They were also celebrities, so, most heroes refrained from killing villains to tarnish their reputations. Mokami had lofty goals, and he needed publicity. He wasn't even a hero yet, so if he were to murder a villain, even if it was an accident, it would make things harder for him.

"You are a tricky one, that is for sure," Kurogiri said as his yellow eyes locked on him. Mokami did more than create a fake bomb that second when he touched him. He hid a very, very small tracking device in Kurogiri's neck brace. So from now on, he would always know where this troublesome villain would be when he needed it.

"You shouldn't stick your head to a place you don't know. You jumped right into my trap." Mokami chuckled

"Laugh while you can. Do you think you are safe here? Nomu will blast it open in no time." Kurogiri said.

"Somehow, I doubt it." He said with a laugh as they rant among each other but soon, punching sounds reverberate and the ditch starts to quake. Nomu was freed and he was ordered Shigaraki to try his best to open the ditch with immense strength, but it wasn't doing him any good. The wall wasn't normal concrete. It was basically a big cluster of Sorbothane, hardened and atomically strengthened against elements. By itself, Sorbothane could absorb shockwave, let alone the upgraded version created by Mokami. Nomu's punches were as useless as Coby's when he punched Luffy.


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