Brutal Beating


Mokami is not gay nor is he a BI. There will be no gay sex scene in this novel, including Yuri(Lesbian). But, there are gay, Bi, and lesbian characters in the novel. I will not change it. If that makes you uncomfortable, sorry no sorry, you can stop reading. I have nothing against the gay people. It is just that I am straight, and gay sex disgusts me. It doesn't mean I am against others living their lives in whatever way they want. I hope this clears out some of the questions you may have.

The second issue is the reason why Izuku denied Mokami's offer to train together; When I added Inko at the beginning, I thought not asking Izuku would be stupid. I said before when I am writing, I put myself into their situations and think before I write, so I had two options. 1) Izuku accepts and becomes friends with Mokami. That would change everything and eventually, Izuku probably wouldn't get One for All and the story would revolve around Izuku. I don't like that. I don't want to write fiction that revolves mostly around the main character of the original series, thus I chose the second option. Izuku rejects. Since he did, Mokami has this mindset that he is kinda biased against Izuku.

Thanks for listening to my rant, I hope you enjoy the chapter!


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Izuku looked at Mokami wryly and this time, he only used a toe to throw himself forward and folded a finger while aiming at Mokami's shoulder. Now he was using a more versatile fighting style and could change his aim if Mokami moved out of the way. To his surprise, the older twin didn't move at all and waited for him to attack. Izuku, after a second of hesitation, flicked his finger and sent a powerful blast that destroyed the part of the stage, moving towards Mokami.

While the latter just waited for the attack to arrive, and dodged to the side without taking any damage. He only felt the shock of the attack, but it was so small, it didn't even take his stamina.

"Lesson 3, Using a Quirk by itself is not your power. It is just a tool to make your body do what you can't. You think having a strong Quirk would make you strong, but you are wrong."

"Shut up!" Izuku yelled, "In the end, you are just lucky!"

Mokami's words were like knives, and Izuku felt like he was struck by them. He knew Mokami's words were true, but he couldn't accept them. After feeling helplessness to showcase his worth to his mentor and best friend and realizing he is not going to be the number one, he panicked, but his frustration turned greater.

As Mokami dodged Izuku's attacks and beat him with his sheer bodily strength, he thought about the whole ordeal.

Mokami couldn't help but feel irritated at the way Izuku acted, thinking he was better than everyone else just because he gained All for One overnight. He had wanted to become a hero for years, but what had he done to earn it? Nothing but whine and complain, while other people fought against their destinies with everything they had. Toru, for example, was just a normal girl with invisibility, but she didn't let that stop her from becoming a hero.

Mokami knew that his own Quirk gave him a significant advantage, but he refused to let that power be the only gun in his arsenal. He wanted to prove that relying solely on one's Quirk was not enough to become a hero. He wanted to show Izuku that true strength came from hard work and dedication, something that Izuku seemed to be lacking.

Despite his frustration, Mokami couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt as he landed blow after blow on Izuku's beaten body. He didn't enjoy hurting Izuku, but he felt it was necessary to teach Izuku a lesson. He promised to look after him for Inko and this was part of that promise. If Izuku wanted to grow up, he needed to see the truth of the world. In the end, Mokami knew he would come out victorious, but the victory would be bittersweet, as he couldn't help but feel a sense of disappointment in Izuku's attitude.

As the fight between Mokami and Izuku raged on, Izuku couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration and confusion. Here he was, using his Quirk to the best of his abilities, yet he was still losing to someone who wasn't even using their own Quirk. It didn't make sense to him.

As Mokami's attacks continued to rain down on him, Izuku felt his resolve faltering. He knew that he couldn't keep this up for much longer - he was already feeling the strain of his injuries, and every hit he took was like a blow to his already fragile confidence.

But he refused to give up. He had come too far to let this defeat define him. So he pushed himself harder, digging deep and finding a reserve of strength that he didn't even know he had.

"I'm not stupid! I know! To win a fight, I have to get close to my enemy! I am not a child anymore!" The wimp clenched his fist and with his last four fingers, he circulated One for All to his limit. With a mighty dash, he was in front of Mokami, who was truly surprised. As far as he knew, this wimp could only use around 10% of One for All, but the speed he reached now was much more than that.

"Take this, Texas Smash!"

"No!" Mokami heard All-Might's scream, but he wasn't worried. In fact, he was smiling. A wild smile almost cracked up his handsome face. He looked at the approaching fist and felt how ridiculous this power was. It was probably less than 15% of One for All, yet, if it were to hit him, he would die.

'Ten years of training and I am still mortal.' He shook his head. Still, he wasn't stupid enough to take the attack head-on. With unimaginable flexibility, he fell on his back, and the fist flew over him. The attack was so strong that wherever the fist moved, destruction followed. As it moved over him, Mokami too felt his innards churn and his skin threatened to split open, yet, his smile never dropped.

"Now you lose." He said and grabbed Izuku's collar and threw him outside of the stage.

As Mokami delivered the final blow, Izuku felt a sense of relief wash over him. It was over. He had given it his all, and he could walk away from this fight with his head held high.

But at the same time, he couldn't help but feel a sense of emptiness. He had lost, yes, but he had lost to someone who refused to use their own abilities. It felt like a hollow victory for Mokami, and a crushing defeat for Izuku.

As he stumbled off the field, Izuku couldn't help but wonder: what was the point of having a Quirk if you couldn't even use it to win a fight? And more importantly, how could he ever hope to become a hero if he couldn't even control his own power?

Mokami looked at Izuku, who was lying on the ground, defeated, and sighed. He had purchased a microwave for Inko years ago. He hoped that with that, Izuku could correct his mistake but it was futile. And he couldn't go and give him suggestions about One for All when he shouldn't have known anything about it in the first place. It would make things worse and the most powerful people in the country would set their eyes on him instead.

'Not like it is my fault. Momo and I asked him to join us in our training, but he refused. I don't feel guilty.' Mokami turned and stepped down from the stage. Although he followed option one, he was a tad more brutal than he planned. Izuku's opening speech enraged him. He lost his cool for a second, but luckily it was still fine.


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