Scary Twins!

Hey you all! I hope you are all well. I decided to rant at the end of the chapters from time to time, so if you don't want to see them, just skip after Patreon Advertisement. But I would like your comments! Thanks and Peace!


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"I will defeat you with my bare hands then!" Bakugo charged forward, his face red from anger and heat.

"As if!" Momo smirked. People usually underestimate her due to Mokami, but she was a master in martial arts too.

Momo had been trained in multiple martial arts since she was four years old, and had achieved great mastery over them. Bakugou, on the other hand, was a fierce combatant, with a quick mind and lightning-fast reflexes. His Quirk allowed him to maneuver at high speed in the air, thus earning him enough experience to act very quickly. Although he wasn't proficient in martial arts or hand to hand combat, he had great reflexes.

The two opponents circled each other, waiting for the other to make the first move. Momo's eyes darted back and forth, analyzing Bakugou's movements, looking for any weaknesses she could exploit. Bakugou, meanwhile, had a fierce scowl on his face, ready to attack at a moment's notice. Momo had been sparring with Mokami for years and knew that every art had its weaknesses and openings that could be exploited, let alone attacks without any technique behind them.

Suddenly, Bakugou lunged forward, aiming a swift punch at Momo's face. The latter sidestepped the attack with ease, and countered with a swift kick to Bakugou's side. The boy grunted in pain, but quickly recovered, and launched a series of punches and kicks at Momo. She moved gracefully and swiftly, dodging Bakugo's attacks and striking with precision. Bakugo, meanwhile, was struggling to keep up, unable to use his power to its full potential. His body was on fire, and he couldn't even think straight.

Momo blocked and dodged each attack with skill, moving with a fluid grace that belied her strength. She counter-attacked with a flurry of jabs and kicks, but Bakugou was just as agile, and managed to avoid most of them.

The two fighters continued to exchange blows, neither one gaining a significant advantage. Momo's martial arts training had given her a wide range of techniques and strategies, but Bakugou's fierce determination and quick reflexes made him a formidable opponent.

As the battle raged on, Bakugo started to feel the effects of the heat. His body was weakening, and he was having trouble breathing. Momo saw her opportunity and seized it. She launched a swift, powerful kick at Bakugou's midsection, knocking the wind out of him. Bakugou stumbled back, gasping for air, and Momo pounced. Momo saw her opportunity and landed a final blow, knocking Bakugou to the ground.

With a lightning-fast series of strikes, Momo landed a series of blows on Bakugou, each one hitting with the force of a sledgehammer. Bakugou tried to defend himself, but he was too weak to mount a proper defense. He stumbled and fell to the ground, defeated.

Momo stood over him, panting, but triumphant. She had won the battle, using her martial arts skills and her cleverness to overcome Bakugou's formidable abilities.

She approached Bakugo, who was now struggling to breathe, and said, "This should teach you to stay cool in the heat of the battle. Being hot-tempered will only lead you to your own downfall. It might be literal in this case, since you really lost your ability in heat, but metaphorically you will still find yourself at a disadvantage if you act like this in the future."

"Shut up!" Bakugou shouted as tears started to form in his eyes. This was one of the lowest points of his life. Not only did he lose his ability to use his quirk, he was even ass-kicked by a woman and lectured about his only character point. He knew he could die for his temper, but that was his anchor to Izuku-chan! He couldn't lose that, he would never lose that. Even if… Even if that meant death.(Last two sentences aren't serious. Please don't lynch the poor author.)

"Suit yourself." Momo shrugged and walked out of the stage. She didn't want to copy Mokami, but in the end it turned into something similar. Well, not like she didn't use her quirk. She was just a genius and countered her opponent masterfully. Was it her fault to be so amazing? Could anyone even blame her for being so brilliant? She didn't think so.

Bakugou lay on the ground, staring up at the sky. He felt defeated and humiliated. He had always prided himself on his strength and his quirk, but Momo had shown him that he was not invincible. Her expertise in martial arts hadn't been unexpected, yet he had been unable to keep up with her movements.

But what stung even more was the fact that she had robbed him of his quirk. Without the ability to produce explosions from his sweat, he felt helpless and vulnerable. He had never imagined that anyone could take away his quirk like that, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of fear and uncertainty.

As he lay there, his mind raced with thoughts of what he could have done differently. Should he have been more cautious? Should he have trained harder? Should he have anticipated Momo's tactics? But deep down, he knew that it wouldn't have made a difference. Momo was simply too skilled, too clever, too powerful, too resourceful…

Slowly, Bakugou sat up and looked at Momo. She stood a few feet away, watching him with a calm expression. Bakugou felt a surge of anger and frustration, but he also felt a sense of respect. He knew that Momo was a formidable opponent, and he couldn't deny that he had underestimated her.

"That was the quarters you all, now we will continue with the semi-finals." Midnight called and the audience went crazy. The fights were epic, and they were discussing which one was their favorite.

"Yaoyorozu twins are scary."

"Yeah, I thought the brother was the dangerous one but when that little lass stripped the power from her opponent and even forced him to sit like a little kitten, I realized she was the true devil."

"Eraser Head, your students are a bunch of monsters. How can she even achieve something like this?" Present Mic asked in shock.

"Like I told you, the study and training they put after their Quirks are what makes them this strong. What if you have a strong Quirk when you can't even use it?" Aizawa commented with pride. After all, he was the two monster's teacher. He would be praised by proxy.


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So, some people ask why I don't consider writing One Piece Fanfiction. Despite being one of my favorite Anime and Manga, I truly believe that it is impossible to write One Piece fanfiction without messing up a lot of things. You see, Luffy's adventure, unlike others, is close to perfection and I can argue with anyone on this. If you change just one thing, it will ruin the rest of the story with it. That is why, either you follow the same plot without changing anything, which I already said I don't like to do, or you will ruin the perfection. Again, not something I want to do. The third option would be writing an AU where the whole plot is different. Possible, but not as enjoyable. That is why I don't want to write One Piece Fanfiction.