The Champion!

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"The winner is Mokami!" Midnight was declared and called the second round. Momo vs Ibara was less exciting as the latter's Quirk could be countered in many ways. A wall of fire created by Momo was enough to deter the girl with vine hair and Momo won.

"Now it is time for the grand finale!" Present Mic shouted, "Two siblings, defeated all others to meet at the finals."

Present Mic's shouting and Midnight calling out the name of the two finalists made the crowd scream in excitement. The two were quite the favorites.

"This is the finals of the last round of the U.A. Sports Festival. The first finalist of this round is Momo Yaoyorozu, and the other finalist as you all know is Mokami Yaoyorozu!"

Momo and Mokami walked out from the bench, both with a smile on their faces. This was it, after all the build-up and the sheer excitement, this was it. The final battle of this round. The two biggest heroes were the finalists in the last round of the U.A. Sports Festival and the people were going crazy.

"It was exciting," Momo said while standing opposite her brother.

"We made quite a ruckus, didn't we?" Mokami chuckled.

"Well, we had to give them a show." Momo giggled.

"Good job, Momo-chan. You were impressive. You make your Onii-chan proud." Mokami smiled then raised his hand, "I forfeit!"

"What?!" Midnight asked in shock.

"I give up." Mokami shook his head and walked out of the stage.

"I can't believe it!" Present Mic shouted, "Mokami Yaoyorozu forfeited in the final round, and gave up on the championship!"

"What is going on?"

"Why did he give up?"

"Why didn't he fight?"

Questions rushed through their heads as they tried to make sense of the situation.

Momo who was looking at her brother with a slight smile felt emotions fill her heart. She was planning to do the same but Mokami was faster, so she lost her chance.

"The winner is Momo Yaoyorozu, which concludes the Class 1 Sports Festival." Midnight shouted and added, "Now then, let's move on to the award ceremony!"

The stage was set, and Momo stood highest. She was the champion. As runner-up, Mokami stood on her right. With the same polite smile on his face. On her left, Todoroki. Ibara who could fight for the third place forfeited, as her vines were weak against both elements the half-half-boy possessed.

"Time to confer the medals. And the one who will present medals this year is naturally none other than...

"It is I!" All-Might did his hero entrance as he landed from the sky. "And I am here with Medals."

"...Our Hero All-Might."

The two talked over each other, so it was a bit funny, but people were psyched to see All-Might, they didn't care about it at all.

The strongest hero walked up to Todoroki and praised, "You are strong, Todoroki-boy. I have nothing but praise for you. I am sure in the future you will become even stronger. Work hard."

"Thanks." Todoroki awkwardly thanked him. He was a product of jealousy caused by this man. His purpose was to beat this man, yet he couldn't help but feel awed in his presence. All-Might has such an effect on any aspiring hero. This was his charisma and unyielding spirit. That was something his father lacked, and Todoroki knew, to become number one hero, power alone wasn't enough.

His eyes trailed on siblings on his right, and gazed at two siblings. Both had the means and charisma he lacked. Maybe he had to get his shit together. Now that he started to accept his left side, maybe it was finally time for him to accept his past, his family, and baggage that came with his powers. After that, he would stop being such an edge-lord and act like a true hero he wanted to become. Maybe not as enthusiastic as All-Might, but something like Mokami, cool and level-headed.

"Mokami-boy, you are strong, smart, and kind. I don't know what I can tell you. Although you lost control in one of the battles, I knew you meant well. You are an example to your peers and your existence helps them develop better. Keep up the hard work." All-Might slapped his shoulder, as he put the medal around his neck.

"And lastly, Momo-girl. You are amazing. The way you pull out counters from your pocket never ceases to amaze me. Despite tough situations, you can think through and find solutions. You deserve to be the first. I know you don't think so when your brother is your opponent, but I think he too thought you were amazing. Keep up the good work, and believe in yourself. You are the champion!" All-Might praised Momo and even said things Mokami was thinking.

From the moment he was born, he had never, even for a second, thought he would do things alone. That wasn't his way. That is why he added Momo to his training program. That is why he offered Izuku to join them. That is why he helped his friends.

He knew strength came from numbers. He was going to work his hardest to be the strongest, but in the meanwhile, he would also strengthen his friends, his family. That was his way. He didn't want people around him to be accessories. And over the years, Momo had proven how right he was over and over again. She was smart, strong, and kind. She was the best sister one could ask for.

After that, All-Might gave a speech about how hard working all the students were and how amazing their performance was, "The true winners of the U.A. Sports Festival are you, the students and heroes of tomorrow, who are going to make this world a better place to live in.

I am proud I have seen you all grow. You will all become amazing heroes. I am certain of it."

With it, the Sports Festival ended. In the class, Aizawa announced that there would be two days' holiday, and nominations for internships would be delivered after that and students were let go.

Mokami, who was holding his sister's hand, was walking on the street with a satisfied smile on his face. Momo was the same. The festival was amazing, and they got the top spot.

"Moka-chan, next year, no giving up alright?" She said although she too wanted to give up at the time.

"Mm." He nodded as they merrily made their way home.


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