Time to Choose Hero Names!

I am thinking of a Marvel Fanfiction. Any Marvel fan that wants to bounce ideas? Don't worry, I am just thinking, so it will not effect this novel or the next one. I will start with the ground work and start after I finish this one. Anyways, if anyone wants to help me, please come to my discord and let me know.

I am thinking Mafia Family. The MC is last heir of a family that had been killed by Kingpin due to some issues. He will not be hero nor villain. But he will protect his city...



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The two-day rest flew out the window like a spring wind, and the school was open once again. Mokami, who knew what was coming, chose the subtle way of transportation as always and walked with Momo at his side. He chose a location this close to school for this reason from the beginning.

The weather was rainy but with a single umbrella, the twins walked slowly while listening to the rapping of raindrops. The fresh smell of earth that was filling their nostrils washed away all the sleep in them. It was rejuvenating. The only issue was people walking around.

UA was famous and by proxy, all of its students had certain fame. The winner of the festivals? They were like celebrities, thus taking public transportation after such an event was like looking for trouble.

Luckily, the media was meeker this time around and there wasn't any problem on their way, but as they were walking, they could hear other students complaining. Some, were less sincere than others. Obviously drawing attention was to their liking.

"Maan! I cannot believe how many people asked for my signature." A boy exaggeratedly said, "I didn't even make it to the second stage, but my performance in the obstacle race still made some impact."

"Heeh, Koru-san, you were almost in the second phase. Of course, you drew some attention." A lackey said.

"Well, I may not be in the Hero Department but that is by choice. I don't want to bust my ass to make a meager amount of money. That is why I am in the Business Department."

"Pfft." Mokami couldn't help but snicker when he heard this Koru-san.

"Huh?" The boy turned to look at the twins in displeasure and asked, "Did you laugh at me?"

"Nah, sorry. I was talking to my sister." Mokami said with a smile hidden behind the umbrella he was holding.

"I heard you!" Koru said, "You laughed at me!"

He took a step towards them and recognized the duo immediately.

"Y-You!" He took a step back in shock and fear, "Sorry. I didn't mean anything."

"No harm done." Mokami chuckled. The boy was afraid not because Mokami would beat the shit out of him but because of his fortune. Yaoyorozu was a big name in the market and any aspiring businessperson would be afraid to offend such a person.

"Thank you, Thank you!" The boy bowed and watched as the duo walked by.

"Such a boaster." Momo shook her head when they were far from them.

"Don't mind such people, Momo-chan. The world is filled with people like them." He said. That was how it was. That person would oppress him if it wasn't for his fortune and family name. Although society changed due to Quirks, human nature did not.

They soon reached school and the class. There were only a couple of students inside, so they started to discuss how the public reacted to them. Every single Hero Department Student had passed the Obstacle Race, thus they were a bit more famous than regular students.

"I can't believe how many people recognized me," Ashido said.

"Yeah, lots of people asked me to take pictures." Kirishima sighed, "They didn't even ask me for an autograph, just pics."

"Wait, you got asked for pics?" Ashido asked in confusion.

"Why is that weird?" Kirishima asked with a small blush.

"I didn't mean anything bad," Ashido bowed her head, "Just that, you are intimidating. Sorry if it came out wrong."

"Oh, I see." Kirishima looked at the ground, depressed.

'Poor boy.' Mokami sighed. He was still on the fence when it came to Ashido. He liked this energetic girl and to be honest she was into him as well, but he knew Kirishima had a huge crush on this girl, but he also didn't want to sacrifice his own happiness for others. Although at the moment he decided to take Ashido soon, he still felt bad for the red-haired boy.

Students walked in one by one and soon the whole class was there. They joined the ongoing conversation and told how they had been harassed by the public. The class was loud until Aizawa entered.

The clamor was drowned out in a matter of seconds when the homeroom teacher entered with papers in his hand. Mokami was observing Iida since the day of the festival and today when he arrived, but failed to see any sign of trouble on his face.

He did some research and even asked his contacts underground and learned that Hero Killer Stain had never gone to Hosu, and Ingenium had never been injured. Instead, just a day ago, he appeared in Nurahata where the League of Villains' headquarters was.

'There must be some change.' He thought to himself. With saner Shigoraki at the helm, Hero Killer might have joined the league this time around. It wasn't a big game changer but could spell some trouble. After all, even with a single non-augmenting Quirk, Stain was strong. If he were to receive another one from All for One, that would be dangerous. 'Need to ask my agent in the league.'

Sadly a bit after the Toga incident, his trusted agent's cover was blown and he had to vanish from underground. After all, there were others who knew this girl that wanted to join the league. Toga wasn't a quiet type and ran her mouth left and right, and when she suddenly disappeared with Mokami's agent, he was under the spotlight.

He had a couple of others but weren't high-ranking like that one. That had cost him years and lots of money but he wasn't regretting it. Toga was crucial and he couldn't let League take her away.

"Good morning, kids." Aizawa greeted the class. "Today we will have something special for the Hero Information Class."

The class was tense in anticipation. Usually, Hero Information Classes were boring. The details about tax calculation on income, insurance, etc were boring details most ignored. There were people who mastered these that would work for heroes. Why should they learn these boring things? But this time it was different.

"You will be choosing your Hero Names!" Aizawa dropped the bomb.


Next Checkpoint for extra chapters is missing 22 Euros! You can now support me and have two extra chapters!
