
The first checkpoint is confirmed, so enjoy your extra chapter! 22 more Euros for the second checkpoint. My Patreon page charges the day you sign up, so the start of the month or the end of the month doesn't matter. Thanks, and Peace!


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"Sir, someone withdrew all the money in your account." An elderly voice called out in Mokami's mind.

"What?" Mokami asked in shock in the middle of the street he was walking. He stood frozen on the sidewalk, while people passing by stared at him as if he went crazy.

"The I-Bank account your father created had been siphoned free." Nigel reported. "Shall I follow the transaction to see who did it?"

"Do it. Fast." Mokami said in annoyance as he checked his other accounts. The family account was still safe but he wasn't keeping that much there. His cryptocurrencies were also safe. All expect the I-Bank account his father created for him. "Did he break out of my control? It is possible, after all it has been years since then, but why hasn't he returned? Is it something else?"

"Sir, it was taken by Yozo. The money had been used to purchase lands overseas under your name." Nigel reported while Mokami was thinking about the possibilities.

"That doesn't make any sense." He muttered. Why would that bastard of a father do that? He didn't order him to do so. If Yozo used money for other purposes, he would think he got out of his control but he purchased the lands for him. Then it meant he was acting on his orders. What were his orders again?

"You will not disturb us ever again. From now on, you will only work and earn money for me, Momo and mother. You will not hurt any of us physically or psychologically. You will protect us against all odds. You will never touch another woman in a sexual way, especially a minor!"

"Protect us against all odds. Protect us… Protect us… This must be it." He thought. "But from whom?"

"Sir, a satellite is locking on you. Shall I disallow it to trace you?" Nigel reported.

"Shit! Is it the I-Island's satellite?" Mokami asked in dread as everything started to make sense.

"Yes, sir." Nigel said. "There are three vehicles approaching your location. The mobiles in those vehicles are connected to the same the satellite."

"What should I do?" He thought he didn't have much time. He could escape but that would endanger his family. I-Island was strong and he still didn't have full trust in his abilities. "Don't interfere. Cancel Counter-actions from 23 to 54. Remove all the information about secret bases from your database and isolate all the information about Plan 7 to 123."

"All done, sir." The old voice reported.

Soon, three SUVs approached and people in suits started to walk out. One among others stood out. He had a navy blue suit with a gray shirt. His appearance was handsome and stood out from the crowd with his blue eyes and blonde hair.

"Mr. Yaoyorozu?" He reached out his hand, "My name is David. I am Chief Security Agent of I-Island and was tasked to bring you to the island."

He looked and saw all the other goons surrounding him. They were holding their belts without giving out anything. Would they battle with guns? Knives or Quirks? He couldn't read them at all. 'They are professionals.'

"How long the all thing is going to take?" He asked without showing nervousness on his face.

"I am not qualified to know what is going to happen, sir." David said as he opened his arm to gesture at him into the car, "The council wants your presence. That includes your father as well."

"Let's go then." He said and walked into the car. David sat at front, while goons filled their own vehicles. SUVs dashed out of the street towards the private airport outside of the city, and soon, he was seated in a private jet. The whole ordeal took less than 20 minutes, and he was in the air, on his way to super island that was also moving towards Japan.

The jet, true to its name, was fast. It took only thirty minutes and they landed on the island. David, who came with him, led him to a room from underground. Although Mokami was always curious about this island, he always avoided it due to obvious reasons. But now that he was here, he wasn't even allowed to walk on the surface. He heard it was exciting with all the futuristic equipment and fairs.

"We are here, sir." David announced as he pointed at the door. "Council is waiting for your presence."

"Thanks." He said and opened the door without bothering knocking. He looked at the crescent shaped table and faces sitting behind. There were a total of 12 people sitting. 8 men 4 women. Most were old, while there were three young among them. Yozo was standing nearby, with his hands clasped in front of him.

"Mokami Yaoyorozu." The one in the middle declared with a booming voice. "Do you know who we are?"

The man looked like in his thirties but he was probably much older. Mokami tried to activate other visions but before he could do so, a voice warned him.

"This is your first warning. Do not try anything funny." A voice reverberated in the room from shadows.

"Answer the question." One of the young women said with a sultry smile. Her gaze was wandering all over his body, but it wasn't to the level of making him shiver like how other older women looked at him.

He could feel his quirk, but he couldn't use it. As if something was blocking him from using his power. 'Nigel, are you there?'

"Yes, sir."

'Any probe?' He asked.

"Yes. But shields are standing strong." Nigel reported.

"Good. It seems like I am going to need you in a second." Mokami thought in his mind and gave the command, 'Say I don't know.'

"I don't know." Mokami answered as he looked at the man in the center's eyes. The voice was his. It came out of his voice box, but the one who uttered the sentence wasn't him. As he answered, the man in the middle looked at the screen in front of him with a frown.

"If you didn't know of our existence, why did you withdraw all your money to buy those lands?" The man asked again.

"I was planning for a while. It seemed like the right time, as I am sure you are aware, I am about to start my internship." The answer came. The man in the middle looked at the screen once again with a frown.

"Cut the bullshit! Any person who reaches a certain amount of wealth will be welcomed to our midst. And coincidentally, as soon as your net worth reached a billion, you withdrew most of your money and purchased those lands. Are you telling me it was all a big coincidence?" The man hissed.

'That explains why Yozo withdrew the money.'


Next Checkpoint for extra chapters is missing 22 Euros! You can now support me and have two extra chapters!
