Picking Heroes!

Just a quick reminder, as I have seen some comments about it: I started publishing this novel when I had more than 100 drafts, and I didn't make any major changes. Maybe a few small tweaks here and there, but the structure was solid when I began. I also had outlines written for the next 100 chapters, and more plans in my head. So, I'd like to say that most of what you've read was already foreshadowed from the beginning. I know this because I'm not really subtle.

Regarding I-Island... well, the MC's past life might remind many of you of something that happens in real life. If it doesn't, that's fine. Sometimes ignorance is bliss. Anyway, when he was reincarnated, he found out about similar things happening in I-Island within four chapters and made up his mind to battle against them. That was obvious, not even foreshadowing. The thing with the loophole in his orders has been commented on by many people already. Mokami didn't mention boys or men, and that was intentional on my part. That was Mokami's first mistake/lesson.

As for them summoning Mokami... I thought about this one for days, slept on it, and decided to go with it because it's not that far-fetched. There are worse things happening than this, and when I thought about how his father was involved with them, summoning Mokami didn't seem excessive. I'd like to emphasize that they summoned him, not kidnapped him.

That's all I wanted to say, and I hope you're enjoying the novel. Please give me feedback, and peace!



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The UA Sports Festival had come and gone, and the Class 1-A students had given it their all. After the festival, they were all approached by various hero agencies, each offering them internships. The students were excited to have this opportunity, but also nervous as they discussed their options.

Momo Yaoyorozu was the first to speak up. "I'm torn between interning with the support department at the agency that offered me a spot or trying to gain more combat experience with one of the pro heroes."

"Which combat experts offered you a spot, Momo?" Itsuka asked in envy. Momo and Mokami received more than six thousand offers, whereas the rest of the class could hardly catch up with one of them.

"Surprisingly, I got an offer from Mirko," Momo said with a sigh. "I heard she always worked alone and never offered an internship, but something must have intrigued her. I am not sure if I should go or continue with Ryukyu as I planned. Or choose a lab where I can learn more advanced formulas. All are appealing in a way."

Kirishima grinned. "That's the spirit, Momo! Nothing wrong with being indecisive. It just means you have options! I, on the other hand, received a pitiful few."

"No need to feel down. We all will learn from the pros and come back with more knowledge. Although some of us got more offers, what matters is finding an agency that fits us." Mokami said as he felt others were feeling depressed.

"Yaoyorozu-san, thank you." Todoroki suddenly said as he stood up and bowed, "I got an offer from Australian Hero Heat-Man. He can control heat to extreme degrees, so although our Quirks are not the same, he too can work with cold and hot. He said he chose me because of how I embarrassed myself against you. It is thanks to you that I got this chance."

"Haha. No need to thank me." Mokami embarrassedly rubbed the back of his head. This boy could earnestly thank him for beating the shit out of him. Why couldn't his unfilial son Izuku do the same? He beat him worse, but Izuku still hasn't thanked him.

"Wow, you are going to another country?" Mina asked excitedly. "I wish I got an offer from another country."

"How about you, Bakugou?" Kirishima asked. "Although not as much, you got quite an offer."

"I am going with half-half's father." Bakugou snorted. "Our Quirks are different, but he too can apply it to fly. I will try to learn aerial control from him. He is also the Number 2 Hero, and should know lots about Hero work."

Todoroki looked at Bakugou in surprise but didn't say anything. He got over his childhood problems and didn't want to work for Endeavour. Heat-Man could teach him much more than his father.

"How about you, Mokami?" Kendo asked.

"Not sure yet, but probably I will go abroad as well," Mokami answered.

"Oh? Which country? Sweden? Russia? Brazilia?" Mineta listed one after another.

"You are thinking of women there right?" Jiro asked with disgust.

"Well of course." Mineta proudly said.

"Sick pervert." Girls muttered.

"Most probably Egypt." Mokami said, then diverted the subject, "How about you, Itsuka-chan?"

"I wanted to go with Uwabami, but Momo said it would be unfruitful." She answered.

"To be honest, it was Onii-chan who said so. He thinks Uwabami chose us for our appearance and will use us to gain fame." Momo wanted to curse but held herself back. Even after she had proven herself, and worked so hard, there were people that wanted to undermine all her efforts and downgrade her to a hero with a beautiful look.

"Oh? I see." Kendo said with a nod, "That makes sense, so I will choose another."

"If I may, Itsuka-chan, I think you should go with Mt. Lady," Mokami said.

"Really?" Itsuka tilted her head, "I always thought she played to the cameras."

"She does and I know she is new, but her Quirk is a lot similar to yours, and yours might evolve into something similar to hers in the future. It would do you good to learn how to work in narrow spaces with your Quirk. After all, damaging public property as a hero is frowned upon and you might be forced to pay for those damages. Since she has been doing it for over a year, she must have great control over her Quirk." He explained.

"Hey, I wanted to go Mt. Lady too. We can be together." Mineta said drooling as he looked at Itsuka.

"You know what, Ryukyu is almost the same as her Dragon Quirk and more experienced. You should go to her." Mokami said.

"But I didn't get an offer from her." Itsuka sighed helplessly.

"That is easy. Nejire is her sidekick. I will talk to her, and have them send you an offer." Momo said with a smile, "I am sure Mokami was thinking the same."

"You know Nejire-Senpai!" The whole classroom asked at the same time, except Toru, who already met her, Bakugou who was oblivious, and Todoroki who was gazing at the ceiling.

"Yeah, we live together." Mokami grinned.

"You live together!" The class…

"Anyways, it is not a big deal." Mokami shrugged.

"Mokami! Please do the same for me." Mineta begged but Mokami kicked him away. "I was going to offer it because it fits Itsuka."

"Right, how about me, Moka-chan, should I go with Selkie?" Asui asked.

"Yes. It's up to your valley." Mokami smiled

"I see you're going for a theme there, Asui," Kirishima joked, earning a chuckle from the group.

Seeing Mokami was giving logical suggestions, others started to approach him too. He didn't shy away and helped them pick the best agency that could help them. Some didn't have many offers anyway, so he could only select the best among the list that could help them.

His goal, from the beginning, was the same. He wanted the class to develop alongside him so that when he finally took action against the world, they could stand by his side.


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