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Toru's words were filled with sincerity and raw emotion, and Mokami was moved by the depth of her affection. She confided in him her fears of returning to the life she once knew, where she had been invisible and ignored by those around her. Toru was afraid of losing the sense of hope and belonging that Mokami had brought into her life. Her words were tinged with a hint of desperation, as if she was grasping at the last threads of a connection that meant everything to her.

Mokami's heart swelled with love and tenderness for Toru. He had always been aware of her affection, but he had never realized the true extent of her feelings. As Toru whispered her confession, he could feel his own heart skip a beat. He wanted to hold her close, to reassure her that they would be together again soon, but instead, he simply whispered her name, overwhelmed by the depth of her love.

As Toru leaned in to kiss him, he was overcome with a sense of being flooded by her intense love, which permeated every cell of his being. It was not a mere physical act of kissing; rather, it was a metaphysical experience that transcended scientific explanation. He, a man of science, was at a loss to explain the intense pleasure he felt in his heart, an emotion that even his past sexual encounters with Eire and Inko paled in comparison to. The complexity of emotions that surged through him in that moment was beyond words. As they parted, Mokami gazed into Toru's eyes with a deep fondness.

"Don't worry, Toru-chan," he said with a reassuring smile, "We will be united once again soon enough. My feelings for you run deep and your absence will help me realize how much you mean to me. Think of it as a chance to see if your feelings are true or just the gratitude effect due to me helping you with your invisibility. If you feel the same way after a week, I will be here. I like you, Toru-chan."

He couldn't help but admire Toru's bubbly character, her cheerful demeanor, and her ability to enjoy every moment life had to offer. It was these unique traits that drew him to her in the first place. He knew that whenever they were together, they would always find joy in each other's company, no matter what challenges they may face.

Mokami appreciated Toru's positive outlook on life, and it was contagious. She had a way of bringing light into his life, even on the darkest of days. He was grateful for her presence in his life, and couldn't wait to be reunited with her once again after seeing how much he meant to her.

"We will make the most of our time apart," He placed a gentle hand on her cheek, and looked deeply into her eyes. "Until then, Toru-chan, know that you are always in my thoughts and in my heart."

Toru smiled at him, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "That sounds like a good idea. And when we come back, we can share all our stories with each other. I am sure my feelings for you are not due to gratitude only. I like you, Moka-chan and when I return, I will prove them to you."

Mokami leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to her lips. He felt her hands come up to cradle his face, deepening the kiss with a passion that took his breath away.

When they finally pulled away, they were both breathless, their faces flushed with desire. Mokami leaned his forehead against hers, looking into her eyes with a tenderness that took her breath away.

Mokami pulled her into a tight embrace, holding her close as they both savored the moment. They knew that they had to say goodbye soon, but for now, they were content to just hold each other and bask in their love.

"Let's go, the buses are about to leave." Mokami whispered. He didn't want to end this moment, but he still hasn't said his goodbyes to others. Although he had an amazing date with Momo, he would like to at least hug her once again, before they went their separate ways.

Hand in hand, they walked in the garden slowly for a few more minutes. Close to the opening where the buses were waiting, they looked at each other one last time before they reluctantly let go of each other. Toru went to speak with the girls, while Mokami went near Momo who was talking to Kendo.

"Onii-chan, there you are." Momo exclaimed as he got near. "Where were you?"

"Making sure of something." Mokami smiled, "Are you guys ready?"

"Yes!" Kendo rolled up her sleeves as she said excitedly, "Thanks again for the opportunity, Mokami, Momo. Working with Ryukyu and Nejire-senpai is too valuable for me."

"You are welcome. Don't worry about it." He smiled, "Learn from them and when you come back, we can exchange notes. I wanted to work with Ryukyu too, to be honest, but having this offer from Egypt is a once in a lifetime situation for me. I cannot pass."

"It is really shocking. Not many overseas agencies offer internship despite the UA's fame." Kendo sighed, "I am glad you get this chance."

"Well, Momo too received a number of them from different countries, but none of them fit our style. Mirko will be the best option for her, I believe."

"Get into buses. We are about to depart." Aizawa declared.

"Well, see you in a week, Kendo-chan." Mokami smiled but didn't make a move to hug her.

Although they were on friendly terms, they weren't that close yet. Kendo bowed slightly as she expressed the same before she hugged Momo, "See you in a week."

"Onii-chan, be careful out there." Momo whispered as she hugged him. "That woman called you for a villain, so I expect things to go awry. Please take care of yourself."

"Don't worry, Momo-chan. I am too selfish to die. I still want to come back and kiss you." Mokami whispered to her ears, much to her embarrassment.

"I will hold you to that." Momo smiled as she looked deep into his eyes, "I will miss you, Onii-chan."

"I will miss you more, Momo-chan." He kissed her cheek and walked to his bus. It was going to be a long week.


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