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Please read this carefully before continuing to the next chapter. Firstly, I would like to clarify that I am not from the Eastern region. While I absolutely adore the food, the characters that will appear in the following chapters have nothing to do with my origin. Secondly, the world is vast and expansive, and the idea that there are only three individuals who are the strongest is, at best, absurd and, at worst, idiotic. If All Might, All for One, and Star and Stripes were the only three strongest characters in the world, there would be, at best, only three countries. In the upcoming chapters, there will be new characters who are just as powerful as All for One, which I believe will make the story more interesting and balanced. I hope my imagination does not offend anyone, and I would like to reiterate that I am not from the countries mentioned in the novel. I have no intention of glorifying my country of birth or any other country. I simply want to tell an engaging story. Enjoy and Peace!


A dark jet was silently flying over the sea without anyone even seeing it. Mokami and others were seated inside. The dark plane the army was following was just a distraction he created and Nigel was piloting it. He at first thought of sending it in the opposite direction towards the Mediterranean Sea, but in case the army wanted to shoot him down, he didn't want people down below to get affected. After all, from Cairo to the Suez Gulf was less than 100 kilometers, whereas to the Mediterranean Sea was around 200 kilometers.

At least before Nigel blew up the plane, he sent a radio message to confuse the army. If they fell for his trick, they would start to go towards his opposite direction to save him from trouble.

He sat in the cockpit of the sleek jet plane, his hands gripping the controls tightly. He knew that he was in a dangerous situation - the government was after him, and they wouldn't hesitate to use force to bring him in. But he used cloaking technology to prevent them from seeing him. Nigel was dealing with Radars and other technological methods that could locate the plane. With luck, he would reach the South China Sea without a hitch in no time at all.

The night sky was clear, and the full moon cast a pale light over the Red Sea as Mokami flew over it. The water below glimmered like diamonds, and he could see the outline of the mountains on the shore in the distance. He knew that he had to be careful - any sudden movements could alert the government to his presence.

As he flew over the Gulf of Aden, then to the Arabian Sea, he heaved a sigh of relief. He was now out of Egypt's border, and could relax a bit.

As he was closing into India's southern tip to circumvent Sri Lanka, Mokami felt a sense of unease wash over him. He already ditched the Egypt air force, but there was this unexplainable energy washed over him. And when he heard a voice in his mind, he jumped back in fear. "Who are you?"


Akash Sharma was once a name that brought hope to the people of India. He was a tall and muscular man with short black hair and deep brown eyes, and he wore a red and gold superhero costume with an emblem of a bird on his chest. His quirk was the strongest in the country, allowing him to control the minds of people around him, make himself invisible, and manipulate objects telekinetically. He was a natural leader, fiercely protective of his country, and had a no-nonsense attitude.

Akash was born into a family of superheroes and grew up watching his parents and siblings fight against evil. He inherited his powerful quirk from his mother, who was a mind controller. He began training at a young age to hone his abilities and became one of the strongest quirk users in the country.

His first major battle was against a powerful villain who was terrorizing a city. During the battle, Akash was able to use his mind control abilities to turn the villain's henchmen against him, ultimately leading to the villain's defeat. From that day forward, Akash became a symbol of hope for the people of India.

Despite his successes, Akash eventually lost his original team and family due to the government's mistake. The incident left him disillusioned, and he gave up on the path of heroism, instead secluding himself to meditation. He accepted the role of the secret protector of the country and only acted when there was a major threat.

From that day forward, Akash continued to protect India from the shadows, taking on only the most significant threats. He was respected by his fellow heroes for his bravery and intelligence, and the people of India looked up to him as a symbol of hope and strength. But he wasn't the hot-headed hero he once was. He lost that person alongside his family and friends.

Akash was sitting cross-legged in his secluded meditation room, deep in thought. It had been decades since he had last fought as a hero, and he had long since given up on the idea of being a public protector. The pain of losing his family and original team still haunted him, and he had chosen to dedicate his life to the pursuit of inner peace and enlightenment.

But something had stirred within him, something that he hadn't felt in years. As he meditated, he suddenly sensed a plane flying high in the sky just outside of the country's border. He opened his eyes and focused his mind, honing in on the plane and attempting to sense what was happening on board.

To his surprise, he found that he couldn't access the pilot's mind, although he could still "read" his intentions. He focused his mind on the army base closest to the plane and realized the plane was completely invisible to all of their detections, flying like a ghost through the air. But Akash was not deterred. He continued to focus on the plane, determined to understand what was happening.

As he concentrated, he realized that the pilot had no intention of penetrating the country's borders. Despite the plane's invisibility, it could not escape Akash's mental grasp. He was about to dismiss the matter as a non-issue when he felt something different about the pilot. It was a subtle feeling, but it was enough to pique his curiosity.

"Who are you?" Akash asked, his voice appearing as a thought in the pilot's mind.

The pilot was startled by the sudden intrusion and looked around nervously, but he could see no one else in the cockpit. "Who's there?" he asked aloud, his voice betraying his fear.

Akash chuckled at the pilot's reaction, amused by the fact that the man would probably be scared by the sudden voice in his mind. "I am Akash Sharma, protector of this country," he replied, introducing himself. "And you are flying a plane that is invisible to all detection."

The pilot was taken aback by Akash's statement, but he quickly regained his composure. "My name is Mokami Yaoyorozu," he said. "And I apologize for the invisibility. It's a technology I've been working on, but I didn't intend to use it to enter your country illegally. I escaped from Egypt due to some reasons, and need to go back to my country. Please forgive my intrusion, as I had no intention to get close to your land."

Akash listened carefully to Mokami's explanation, but he remained suspicious. "I sense something different about you, Mokami," he said. "Something that sets you apart from the other people I've encountered. I can feel something deep within you."

Mokami was surprised by Akash's perceptiveness, but he understood the seriousness of the situation. "It might be my Quirk, sir," he said. "I can create things, so I modified my body. It might be that."

With that, Akash was taken aback, but shook his head. That wasn't it. It was something mightier than a simple modification. A beckoning to his souls and perhaps questions, but it seemed like he couldn't get his answers without force, and he forgone the path of force long ago.

"So be it, Mokami Yaoyorozu. Be careful of China and don't get close to their borders, she is not as tolerant as I am." Akash gave his final warning and sat down back to his meditation.


The Andaman Sea came into view, and Mokami breathed a sigh of relief. He was almost at his destination, but he knew that the danger wasn't over yet. He had to be careful as he made his final approach, as any misstep could be fatal. He recalled his interaction with Akash, and shivered. He was flying thousands meters above the sea, and India was pretty far from him when that person talked to his mind directly. Not only that, he was sure that person wasn't at the border, and most probably at the center of the country, as that would give him more range. Yet, he could project his voice to Mokami's mind directly.

"He never appeared in Manga, so either he wasn't introduced yet, or he is unique to this world." He pondered. Either way, he was way too powerful. "He wasn't able to read my thoughts, but he was still able to project his voice to my head. I need to get stronger and take countermeasures. I am still too weak."

The rest of the journey was less troublesome. The only land he crossed was Malesia, 100 kilometers of land, as he didn't want to circumvent Singapore. It would waste too much time. Soon, he was at the South China Sea, and a giant plane was hovering in the air. He sent a radio signal and confirmed it was Nezu's craft, there to take him back. He parked the jet inside the giant plane without a hitch, and heaved a sigh of relief. It finally ended.


Next Checkpoint for extra chapters is missing 31 Euros! You can now support me and have two extra chapters!
