Highlights of Chaos (2)


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Shigaraki sat in his dimly lit office, his eyes fixed on the camera in front of him. He took a deep breath before hitting the record button.

"Good evening, citizens of Japan. My name is Tomura Shigaraki, and I am the leader of the League of Villains. Today, I want to talk to you about a man who claims to be a 'just a lawyer' but is nothing more than a corrupt fraud."

He leaned forward, his eyes burning with intensity.

"I am talking about Bakin Oki, the so-called lawyer who has suddenly become a prominent figure in our society. Have you ever wondered how a mere lawyer could amass such support and influence? Have you ever questioned his integrity?"

He paused for effect, letting the weight of his words sink in.

"Well, I have. And I have uncovered some disturbing information about him. Bakin is nothing more than a puppet of the corrupt government and the powerful elites. He has been using his wealth and influence to further their agendas and line his own pockets."

Shigaraki leaned back in his chair, his eyes scanning the script he had prepared.

"But that's not all. I have reason to believe that Bakin's wealth was acquired through illegal means. He has been hiding his true intentions behind a facade of kindness and charity, but I assure you, there is something more sinister at play here."

He took a deep breath before continuing.

"So, I urge you, citizens of Japan, to question Bakin's integrity and motives. Do not be deceived by his smooth words and charming smile. He is a wolf in sheep's clothing, and we must expose him for who he truly is."

Shigaraki paused the recording and leaned back in his chair, a smirk forming on his face. This video would be the first step in his plan to bring down Bakin and cement his own power in society.

Shigaraki watched the video with a grin on his face, his hand holding the phone tightly. He had been waiting for a chance to strike back at Bakin, who was quickly gaining popularity in the public's eyes. He had heard rumors about the lawyer's wealth and suspected something was off. Bakin's sudden rise to fame and influence had caught Shigaraki's attention, and he knew he had to find a way to counter it.

Despite expecting other players to appear after his exposé, he never anticipated them to act so swiftly. He had spent weeks meticulously planning his move to expose Bayen and the government. But, as soon as he did, another player emerged out of the blue, leveraging his hard work to attain instant recognition. This was unacceptable to him, leaving him to wonder if it was the council or another player who had interfered.

He summoned his team of hackers and ordered them to dig up any dirt they could find on Bakin. For days, they scoured the internet, searching for any clues about this black horse who had appeared out of nowhere. Finally, one of his hackers found a tip, as if it appeared out of nowhere. Even the hacker herself was surprised to find this document, but she was nonetheless happy to chance uponing that valuable information.

The tip revealed that there were tens of buildings under Bakin's shell company. They didn't know what they were for, but they damn sure knew a lawyer couldn't get those with just a salary. Shigaraki hesitated for a long time. He wasn't sure, but he had a bad feeling about it. He knew he had to strike Bakin when he was raising, so he made a video and questioned his integrity. How could a mere lawyer get buildings all over the world?

'It appears that Bakin may be a pawn of the Council, as some of the buildings he has acquired were purchased from a low-tier council member. However, his actions don't align with the Council's interests. In fact, he has even uncovered corruption among politicians that I deliberately chose to ignore for future use. Furthermore, he has granted greater autonomy to the heroes, which does not benefit the Council in any way. Thus, it is unclear if my assumption about Bakin is correct.' Shigaraki thought to himself, but came out empty handed, in the end, he decided to act on them. Even if he was wrong, Bakin had amassed a fortune to purchase those buildings in a shady way. That would spark enough distrust to assist his cause.

The video spread like wildfire, and the internet went wild with speculation. People started to lose their trust in Bakin. After the corrupt government, the decent-looking person who seemed to be trying to help people was also corrupt. Reporters started digging into Bakin's past and tried to find evidence to support Shigaraki's accusations.

Shigaraki was pleased with the chaos he had caused. He thought he had won this round, but he was wrong. A few days later, another leak arrived at the press, and all the news now started to sing Bakin's name. All those buildings were orphanages. Bakin, for years, had worked hard to raise funds to help children all around the world and had no intention of revealing them if it wasn't for people leaking them. People started to gain more trust in him.

Shigaraki threw his phone to the wall in frustration. He had been too hasty, and now he had failed to foil Bakin's rise. He had even helped him in the process. "Opponent was stronger this time," the voice from the other screen said with amusement hidden in his voice. "Smart indeed."

Shigaraki gritted his teeth. He knew he had to come up with a new plan to counter Bakin's influence. He had plans to plant his men into the government, and if Bakin were to succeed, most of his plans would go down the drain.

Meanwhile, Bakin was enjoying his newfound popularity. He had always been a man of "integrity", and "his good deeds" had finally come to light. He had been working with the police and the heroes to bring down the corrupt politicians and companies. With the help of a secret hand, he had managed to uncover their schemes and expose them to the public. He had earned the trust of the people, and they were now calling for him to become the new Prime Minister.

Because the exposing happened all of a sudden, Mokami didn't have time to think too long, and had to hasten his plans. By dividing some of his wealth and unregistered buildings all over the world, he gave Bakin a good image. Those buildings were really orphanages, as Mokami wanted to help children all over the world ever since he learned his fathers evil deeds, but they weren't registered under his name because he was suspecting the council was spying on him and the last thing he wanted was to lead council to children. Now that he had to give Bakin a good image, he had to register them under his name so Bakin could gain the public's trust.

It was Nigel, under Mokami's orders, who leaked the existence of the buildings to the League of Villains. He wanted them to confront Bakin and question him about those expensive buildings all over the world so that when Bakin "reluctantly" admitted that he was raising funds to help unfortunate children, the public would assume he was a Samaritan who didn't want to admit his good deeds and better consolidate his image.

As he watched the chaos unfold, Mokami couldn't help but smirk. His plan had worked perfectly. Bakin was now gaining popularity, and the plan was on track. However, he knew that Shigaraki wasn't going to give up so easily. He had to come up with a new plan to counter his next move.

Meanwhile, Bakin was preparing for his next move. He knew that the council reluctantly agreed on him to become the Prime Minister, but he also knew that he had to be careful. If he were to push too hard, it wouldn't be long before he too would be sacked. He had to keep the balance between the public and the council, and he didn't want to betray his true ideals.


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