Steamy Reunion[R-18]

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As the evening wore on, the family members gradually retreated to their respective rooms. Mokami, feeling both physically and emotionally fulfilled from the day's events, changed into his nightwear and settled into bed. He couldn't help but smile as he thought about the day he had spent with his family, cherishing the memories they had created together.

Mokami had a feeling that Eire would visit him that night, given how long it had been since they'd had a chance to spend any real time together. It was an unspoken understanding between them, something that was deeply personal and meaningful. Though their relationship was a secret in name, it was an open secret within the household. The other family members knew, but they didn't speak about it, respecting Mokami and Eire's privacy.

Sure enough, as the clock ticked past midnight, Mokami heard the door to his room creak open, and Eire quietly entered. He looked up, his eyes meeting hers in the dimly lit room, conveying a silent message of understanding and longing.

Eire approached the bed, sitting down next to Mokami. Her voice was a soft whisper as she spoke. "I've missed you, Moka-chan."

Mokami reached for her hand, his fingers intertwining with hers. "I've missed you too, Eire-chan. It's been too long since we've had a chance to be together like this."

Eire sighed, her eyes searching his face for reassurance. "Do you ever worry about what others think? About us, I mean."

Mokami thought for a moment before answering honestly. "I do, sometimes. But I also know that they care about us and want us to be happy. We're not hurting anyone, and our love is genuine. That's what matters most."

Eire smiled, her heart swelling with affection for Mokami. "I'm so grateful for you, Mokami. You always know what to say to make me feel better."

As they continued to talk, their conversation drifted from the challenges of their relationship to the depth of their feelings for one another. Mokami and Eire spoke with open hearts, expressing their love and yearning for each other.

"I wish we could be more open about our relationship," Eire confessed, her voice tinged with sadness. "But I understand why we can't."

Mokami squeezed her hand reassuringly. "Maybe one day, we'll be able to show the world how much we love each other. For now, though, we have these moments together, and that's enough for me."

Eire leaned in, her lips meeting Mokami's in a tender, passionate kiss. They shared an intimate moment, their love for one another evident in the gentle caresses and whispered words of affection.

Soon, she was on top of his growing member, rubbing her garden on him, secreting honey from her pussy.

"Oh, Mokami. I love you so much," she moaned as her honey soaked him.

It was a slow and gentle buildup, their feelings for each other echoing through the room. Mokami was rock hard by now, his member stiffer than ever.

Eire wanted to make him cum as soon as possible to taste his honey. So she grabbed his 9-inch hard cock, and she started to pet him with slow, circular motions. With each pass, her hands became faster, making his breathing harder.

Mokami was close to the edge, so she sped up her ministrations. As his breathing became more and more ragged, he was finally about to burst. So she grabbed his cock again, and she started to stroke him even faster.

The first spurt came out just as she brought her lips to his stiff member and devoured it whole. He came into her mouth, giving her what she wanted for a week, even dreaming in her sleep.

"You are like a drug to me, a drug that I cannot live without. I love you, and I will always want you," she said before cleaning the rest of his cock.

Mokami pushed her off him, as he moved on top of her, kissing her again.

It was now her turn to lie down on her back while Mokami was on top of her. His erection was now rubbing against her pussy lips.

While she was moaning in pleasure, Mokami was licking her neck, her nipples, her collarbone, and her stomach, his dick now rubbing against her soaking wet love hole.

She was so wet that Mokami's cock went inside her pussy without any difficulty, and she moaned loudly as his hard dick moved inside her.

"Oh Mokami, I love you so much. I will always love you."

Her words only turned Mokami more on, and he started to thrust in and out of her, his dick still as hard as a rock.

His thrusting soon became faster and faster, and she started to moan louder and louder.

Mokami, feeling how wet she was, decided to speed up his thrusting even more.

He pulled and rammed it back inside, watching the pleasure on Eire's face. As he pounded her pussy, he moved his left hand to her clit, massaging it until she was about to burst.

"Oh, Mokami. Ahng~ I'm cumming."

"Oh I am going to cum. I am going to cum. I am..." and she screamed in sheer pleasure.

"I love you, Eire-chan." Mokami whispered to her ears, without pulling from her hot folds. Her cumming tightened her canals, making it even more pleasurable for him. He was yet to lose his erection, so without stopping, he started to move once again, while placing his lips on her sweet, sweet nipples.

She couldn't believe what was happening to her. She felt his cock moving inside her, his manhood filling her. She felt his lips on her nipples and then on her neck. She felt his hands all over her body, leaving a trail of pleasure wherever they touched. She felt his tongue licking her beautiful breasts, her mouth, her stomach.

Her hands snaked around his neck and clutched his back as her whole body was enveloped in a whirlwind of passion. Her back arched and her whole body shivered.

She closed her eyes, savoring Mokami's presence and the wonderful sensation that accompanied it. As he thrust in and out of her, she moaned and groaned, her pleasure growing with every passing second.

Eire moaned and whimpered with pleasure, her eyes closing in bliss. She held Mokami's head, pushing his lips closer to her nipples.

"N… n… ngh... Moka-chan... I... I... m... oh..." She stuttered as his cock moved inside her.

As she came, she pulled Mokami's beautiful cock from her dripping pussy, and took it in her mouth. Smeared with his cum, and her love juice, the most delicious meat she ever tasted, was even more succulent now.

She licked and sucked on his cock, making it hard again, and as he was grunting, she once again orgasmed, seeing him now fully erect. Their love making lasted for hours, as if they were making up to a week when he was absent.

They lay together in the afterglow of their lovemaking, holding each other as they drifted off to sleep.


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