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As I stated before, starting this month, I will be adjusting the checkpoint system to a weekly schedule. This means that there will be a certain number of extra chapters every week, depending on the total amount of Patreon earnings. For now, my total earning is 82 Euros, and I will be publishing 1 extra chapter every week. Thank you all for the support!

For 50 Euros: 1 extra chapter every week (8 weekly chapters instead of 7, with an extra 4 chapters per month).

For 100 Euros: 2 extra chapters every week (9 weekly chapters instead of 7, with an extra 8 chapters per month).

For 200 Euros: 3 extra chapters every week (10 weekly chapters instead of 7, with an extra 12 chapters per month).

For 300 Euros: 4 extra chapters every week (11 weekly chapters instead of 7, with an extra 16 chapters per month).

For 500 Euros: 7 extra chapters every week (14 weekly chapters instead of 7, with an extra 30 chapters per month).

You can still subscribe to different tiers on my Patreon page to read up to 20 advanced chapters ahead. The extra chapters will not affect the 20 chapter gap between this site and my Patreon page.


The students returned to the changing rooms, talking animatedly about the day's rescue training exercise. They were exhilarated, filled with energy and the thrill of competing against their classmates.

The changing room had a warm, inviting atmosphere. Sunlight streamed in through the windows, illuminating the wooden floors and creating a cozy ambiance. Two rows of benches ran parallel to one another, with lockers standing tall behind them. At the furthest end, where the benches met, there was a smaller bench facing an empty wall.

Bakugou, Midoriya, Shoji, Kirishima, and Tokoyami sat on the left bench, while Aoyama, Iida, Ojiro, Todoroki, and Sero sat on the right. Mokami occupied the smaller bench, listening intently to the conversations around him with a small smile on his face. Mineta, on the other hand, was walking around close to the wall, away from the small bench.

As the students chatted, they began to discuss their performances during the race.

Midoriya said, "Todoroki, you were amazing out there! Using both your ice and fire to create a path was really clever!"

Todoroki nodded, "Thank you, Midoriya. But your control over your Quirk has improved significantly too. You were really fast. Not only were you not injured, you were even able to move swiftly."

Bakugou, never one to be left out, chimed in, "Don't get too full of yourselves, Deku and Half-and-Half! I won't let you beat me next time!"

Meanwhile, on the right bench, the conversation was equally lively.

Aoyama remarked, "I must say, my dear Iida, your speed was simply dazzling!"

Iida replied, "Thank you, Aoyama. But your Navel Laser was quite impressive as well."

Ojiro added, "And Sero, your swinging was amazing. You navigated the labyrinth so smoothly! Your new ability to swing is amazing."

As the students continued to praise and encourage one another, Mineta was acting peculiar. He moved a trash bin cautiously toward the wall, occasionally casting nervous glances at Mokami to see if he was paying attention. When the bin was in place, Mineta was about to approach a hole in the wall that would allow him to peek into the girls' changing room.

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the room changed. The students stopped talking, and an eerie silence filled the air. It felt as if the temperature had dropped, despite the still air. An impending sense of danger and fear washed over the students.

Mineta slowly turned his head and found Mokami's eyes locked onto his own, still wearing that small smile that seemed to dare him to reach out and take a look through the hole. Mineta was so terrified that he began to shiver in his boots.

Mokami, his voice calm yet chilling, addressed Mineta, "I think it's best if you don't do that, Mineta."

Mineta, his voice trembling, replied, "I... I wasn't going to do anything, I swear!"

Mokami raised an eyebrow, "Really? Then why move the bin so close to the wall?"

Mineta stuttered, unable to come up with an explanation, "I... uh... I just wanted to... um..."

Kirishima interjected, "Dude, just leave it. We all know what you were trying to do."

Midoriya added, "It's not right to invade someone's privacy like that, Mineta. We're all here to support and respect each other."

Mineta, feeling the weight of his classmates' disapproval, nodded sheepishly, "Y-yeah, you're right. I'm sorry, guys."

Mokami's smile vanished, replaced with a stern expression as he spoke firmly, "I warned you once before, and this is the second time. There will be no third time, Mineta."

Mineta gulped, feeling the intensity of Mokami's gaze bearing down on him. "I understand, Mokami. I won't do it again."

As the tension in the room began to dissipate, the students returned to their conversations, albeit more subdued than before.

Bakugou grumbled, "You better keep your word, Grape Juice. We don't need creeps like you ruining our reputation."

Shoji added, "We're all here to become heroes, and that means respecting the privacy and dignity of others."

Mineta nodded once more, fully aware of the gravity of his actions and the consequences that could follow.

With the incident resolved, the students continued to discuss their training exercise, sharing tips and advice on how to improve their techniques and strategies.

On the other side of the wall, the girls of Class 1-A had been listening intently to the boys' conversation. They held their breaths, waiting to see how the situation with Mineta would unfold. When the issue was finally resolved, they exchanged relieved glances, grateful that their privacy had been protected.

Jiro, who had been standing closest to the hole, snorted in annoyance. "It would have been better if he dared. I would have removed his pervy eye," she said, feigning disappointment.

Tsuyu chimed in, "It's nice to know that the boys are looking out for us, kero."

Mina giggled, "Yeah, especially Mokami! He's like our own personal bodyguard!"

Itsuka added, "I have to admit, it was kind of cool how he handled the situation. So calm and collected."

Toru, her voice a mix of relief and admiration, said, "I'm just glad we don't have to worry about that happening again."

Mina continued to laugh, "But you know, Toru, you're the only one who shouldn't worry about being peeked on." Then, realizing her blunder, she gasped and hugged the invisible girl. "Oh, I didn't mean it like that! I'm so sorry, Toru!"

Toru, slightly taken aback but appreciative of Mina's concern, replied, "It's alright, Mina. I know you didn't mean anything by it."

Meanwhile, the other girls continued to discuss Mokami's protectiveness.

Jiro grinned, "It's like we have our own knight in shining armor, huh?"

Tsuyu nodded, "He really stepped up, kero. It's nice to see the boys being so supportive."

Uraraka chimed in, "And did you see how he made Mineta back down? It was kind of... impressive."

Tsuyu agreed, "Moka-chan is quite reliable, kero. We're lucky to have him in our class."

Itsuka added, "And he's always so helpful during training too. It's like he's really looking out for all of us."

Yui nodded, "That's true. He's always willing to lend a hand and share his knowledge."

Toru, still ensnared by Mina's hug, said, "I just hope Mineta finally learned his lesson this time."

Momo, joining the conversation, agreed, "Indeed, it's important for all of us to respect each other's boundaries. Also you can trust Onii-chan. Although he has a big, um, heart, he is not a perv. I mean, not that he would spy on others. He is kinda…"

"I think it is best if you stop talking, Momo-chan." Girls laughed.

As the girls continued to chat, they couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards Mokami for his unwavering support and protectiveness. They knew that they could rely on him and the other boys in their class to have their backs when it mattered most.

Yui joined the conversation, "You know, it's nice to see that we can trust our classmates. It makes it easier to focus on our training and becoming heroes. It feels good to know we can rely on them."

Kyoka added, "Yeah, it's great to know that we have a support system, not just with Mokami, but with everyone in our class."

Mina, grinning, said, "I'm really glad we're all in this together. We're like one big, happy, and slightly dysfunctional family!"

"You sure you want to be a family with Moka-chan?" Tsuyu poked her elbow to the pink-skinned girl's side, making her face evolve to a shade of red.

The girls laughed, and the atmosphere in the changing room felt lighter and more relaxed.

As they finished changing and exited the room, they joined their male classmates in the hallway. The group of students exchanged smiles and friendly banter as they made their way back to their classroom.


You can read up to 20 advanced draft chapters and the Next Checkpoint for extra chapters is missing 18 Euros! You can now support me and have two weekly extra chapters!
