Another Road Trip

Weekly Extra Chapter


The day of the departure had finally arrived, and the students of Class 1-A and Class 1-B were buzzing with excitement. Both classes had gathered in the school courtyard, ready to embark on their summer training adventure. Momo and Mokami, the Class 1-A representatives, were busy organizing their classmates into a bus. Itsuka, the vice-representative, was assisting them with the process.

Meanwhile, Ibara Shiozaki and Reiko Yanagi, the representatives of Class 1-B, were overseeing their own class's boarding onto another bus. Homeroom teachers Aizawa and Vlad King were present to ensure everything went smoothly, while Nezu, the school principal, watched over the entire scene with a satisfied smile.

As the students chatted excitedly amongst themselves, Mokami observed the scene from a distance with a mysterious smile on his face. He seemed to be in deep thought, and his gaze lingered on Aoyama for a few seconds before he turned away.

"Hey, Onii-chan!" Momo called out, waving him over. "Can you help me with this seating chart?"

"Of course," Mokami replied, walking over to her side. "What do you need help with?"

Momo pointed at the chart, her brow furrowed in concentration. "I'm trying to make sure everyone is seated next to someone they can get along with, but I'm not sure where to put Mineta."

Mokami chuckled. "How about we put him next to Sero and Kirishima? They can keep him in check."

"Good idea," Momo agreed, writing down the names on the chart. "Thanks."

As they continued working on the seating arrangements, Uraraka approached them with a worried expression. "Um, Momo, Mokami, I think there's a problem with the luggage. Some of the bags are too big to fit in the storage compartments."

Mokami sighed, rubbing his temples. "All right, let's go take a look." He turned to Momo. "You continue with the seating chart, I'll handle this."

Uraraka led Mokami to the side of the bus, where a small group of students had gathered around the open storage compartment. The problem was evident; several large suitcases were taking up too much space, and there was not enough room for everyone's luggage.

Mokami glanced at the suitcases, then at the students who were starting to panic. "Don't worry, everyone. I'll use my quirk to create a temporary storage container. We can keep the excess luggage in there and attach it to the bus."

With a wave of his hand, Mokami used his Quirk to materialize a sturdy storage container. The students watched in awe as he effortlessly attached it to the bus, creating ample space for the remaining luggage.

"Thank you, Mokami!" Uraraka exclaimed, her face lighting up with relief.

"No problem," Mokami replied, smiling at her. "Now, let's finish loading the luggage and get everyone on board."

Once the seating chart was completed and the luggage issue resolved, the students began boarding the bus. Mokami and Momo stood by the entrance, checking off names as their classmates filed inside.

"Midoriya, you're sitting next to Bakugou," Momo instructed as Midoriya stepped onto the bus. Midoriya nodded and made his way to his seat, giving a friendly smile to Katsuki.

"Ashido, you're with Jiro," Mokami said, pointing to their designated seats. Ashido and Jiro high-fived each other before taking their seats, already engaged in lively conversation.

As the remaining students boarded the bus, Mokami and Momo continued assigning seats. "Todoroki, you're sitting with Tokoyami," Mokami instructed, gesturing towards their seats. Todoroki gave a small nod and made his way over, sitting down next to Tokoyami who was already immersed in a book.

"Uraraka, you're next to Asui," Momo said, smiling as the two girls excitedly took their seats together. They immediately started chatting about their plans for the summer training program.

"Ida, you'll be with Ojiro," Mokami continued, watching as the two boys took their seats and began discussing their recent training sessions.

With most of the students settled in, Mokami turned to Momo. "We're sitting together, right?"

Momo nodded, and the two made their way to their seats near the middle of the bus. Mokami noted that Toru, Ashido, Jiro, Itsuka, and Yui were seated close to them, with Toru and Itsuka chatting animatedly while Yui was listening with a smile.

As everyone found their seats, Aizawa climbed onto the bus and looked at them before nodding in approval. He addressed the students, "We'll be making stops every hour or so for bathroom breaks and to stretch your legs. Behave yourselves and remember, this is a training camp, not a vacation."

Aizawa then took his seat at the front of the bus, leaving the students to their own devices.

As the bus took off, the students started to talk animatedly. After a minute or so, Kirishima exclaimed, "Do you guys remember the USJ Trip? Mokami helped us with our Quirks, giving amazing suggestions?"

"Right! More, more!" Ashido chimed in. Others also showed their support for the idea, so with a sigh, Mokami reluctantly agreed.

"All right, fine," Mokami began, looking at each student thoughtfully. "Kirishima, you've been doing great with your Hardening Quirk, but you should consider training to improve your reflexes and mobility while hardened. You could try practicing agility drills or even dance classes to increase your flexibility."

Kirishima's eyes widened, and he nodded enthusiastically. "That's a great idea, Mokami! I'll definitely look into it."

Turning to Asui, Mokami suggested, "Asui, your Frog Quirk is versatile, but have you ever tried using your tongue as a whip? With some practice, you could become a formidable ranged fighter as well. You can even work with Sero, and learn from each other during Joint Training."

Asui blinked, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "That sounds amazing, ribbit! I'll give it a try!"

Next, Mokami looked at Ojiro. "Ojiro, your Tail Quirk gives you a powerful weapon, but have you considered focusing on your balance and acrobatics? Developing your agility could help you evade attacks and use your tail more effectively in combat."

Ojiro nodded, his face determined. "I appreciate the suggestion, Mokami. I'll work on it."

Mokami then turned to Aoyama. "Aoyama, your Navel Laser is powerful, but it's also very conspicuous. You should think about practicing stealth techniques to help you surprise your opponents and conserve your energy?"

Aoyama's eyes sparkled. "Ah, mon ami, that's an interesting idea! I'll definitely give it a try!"

Addressing Tokoyami, Mokami said, "Tokoyami, your Dark Shadow is incredibly strong, especially in darkness. However, you could benefit from improving your own hand-to-hand combat skills, in case you ever find yourself separated from Dark Shadow or needing to fight in tandem."

Tokoyami nodded thoughtfully. "A wise suggestion, Mokami. I shall endeavor to improve my own abilities."

Looking at Shoji, Mokami continued, "Shoji, your Dupli-Arms Quirk is great for reconnaissance, but have you considered using them to create improvised weapons? For example, you could fashion a shield, a club, or even a whip, depending on the situation."

Shoji's eyes widened as he considered the possibilities. "That's an incredible idea, Mokami. I'll definitely experiment with that!"

Mokami then addressed Jiro. "Jiro, your Earphone Jack Quirk is versatile, but have you considered training your hearing to detect even the faintest sounds? This would make you invaluable for stealth missions and help you locate hidden enemies."

Jiro's eyes lit up with excitement. "That's awesome, Mokami! I'll work on that for sure!"

Next, Mokami turned to Sero. "Sero, your Tape Quirk is useful for mobility and capturing opponents, but you could try incorporating it into your hand-to-hand combat. You might be able to use the tape as an extension of your limbs or create makeshift weapons on the fly."

Sero grinned, nodding in agreement. "Sounds like a great idea, Mokami! I'll definitely practice that."

Mokami then looked at Ashido. "Ashido, your Acid Quirk is versatile and can be used for both offense and defense. You should consider practicing to create different types of acid? For example, you could work on creating a slippery substance to trip up your opponents or even create a highly adhesive acid to immobilize them."

Ashido's eyes widened, and she clapped her hands in excitement. "That's so cool, Moka-chan! I'll definitely try that out!"

Turning to Hagakure, Mokami said, "Toru-chan, your Invisibility Quirk is great for stealth missions, and it is useful that you started to learn some basic self-defense techniques in case you're discovered. But you should also work on using your environment to your advantage, like creating distractions or setting traps. Adding more traps to your Hero Suit would be helpful."

Toru nodded, her excitement evident even though she was invisible. "Great suggestions, Moka-chan! I'll definitely work on those."

Mokami addressed half-half. "Todoroki, you've been making great progress with both your fire and ice powers. However, I think you should work on combining them in creative ways. For example, you could create a steam screen to obscure your movements or rapidly alternate between fire and ice to make your attacks unpredictable."

Todoroki's eyes narrowed thoughtfully as he nodded. "I appreciate the advice, Mokami. I'll definitely experiment with that."

Continuing on, Mokami turned to Uraraka. "Uraraka, your Zero Gravity Quirk is incredibly useful, but it can also be exhausting if you're not careful. I think you should focus on building your stamina and practicing precise control over your Quirk. This will help you become a more effective hero in the long run."

Uraraka's eyes sparkled with determination. "Thanks, Mokami! I'll definitely work on that."

Next, Mokami looked at Itsuka. "Itsuka, your Big Fist Quirk is already powerful, but I think you could benefit from incorporating more grappling techniques into your fighting style. This would allow you to take better advantage of your strength and control over your opponents."

Itsuka smiled gratefully. "That's a great idea, Mokami! I'll definitely look into it."

Turning to Yui, Mokami said, "Yui, your Size Quirk is versatile, but you should consider working on your speed and agility while in your larger form. This will help you to be more effective in combat and avoid becoming an easy target for your opponents."

Yui nodded, her eyes filled with determination. "Thank you for the advice, Mokami. I'll make sure to work on that."

Mokami then looked at Iida. "Iida, your Engine Quirk gives you incredible speed, but you could benefit from improving your maneuverability and precision. This will help you to better control your movements in combat and avoid crashing into obstacles."

Iida's eyes shone with determination. "Thank you, Mokami. I'll be sure to work on that."

After giving suggestions to Uraraka, Itsuka, Yui, and Iida, Mokami looked at Mineta, who gulped in fear, remembering Mokami's threat after his last pervy action. Mokami ignored Mineta's fearful expression and offered him a suggestion as well. "Mineta, your Pop Off Quirk can be used creatively for both offense and defense. Have you thought about practicing to create different levels of stickiness or bounce with your spheres? This could allow you to control the battlefield more effectively."

Mineta's eyes widened, and he stuttered, "T-t-thank you, Mokami. I'll, uh, try that."

Finally, Mokami turned to Bakugou, who appeared uninterested, looking out the window. However, his gaze was focused on their reflections, closely following the conversation. "Bakugou, you're already an incredibly skilled fighter, but I think you could benefit from working on your teamwork skills. This will help you become an even more effective hero and leader."

Bakugou's eyes narrowed, but he didn't argue. "Fine," he muttered, acknowledging Mokami's advice.

With Bakugou's suggestion complete, Midoriya looked at Mokami with a fearful yet expectant gaze. Mokami sighed, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "Honestly, Midoriya, I don't really have any idea how to improve your Quirk. It's incredibly powerful, but your body can't handle it, which doesn't make much sense. It's almost as if your Quirk came from another source."

Midoriya shivered at Mokami's words but managed a small smile. "Yeah, I guess it must be because I got my Quirk so late. But thank you, Mokami. I'll keep working on it."

With the advice session over, the atmosphere on the bus became more relaxed, and the students began chatting and laughing with one another.


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