Just in Case


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After everyone retired for the night, Mokami lay in his bed, his mind racing with thoughts and plans. The underground city was a new environment, and he wanted to ensure their safety and security. As he tossed and turned, he could hear Nigel's voice in his head.

"Sir, I believe I can assist you in your endeavors tonight," Nigel, the AI companion in Mokami's mind, said calmly.

Mokami considered the offer for a moment before agreeing. "Very well, Nigel. Let's get to work."

He got up from his bed and walked out of his private lodging. Mokami wasn't trying to hide or act stealthily, but somehow every camera pointed at him failed to catch him, and every alarm he passed by missed his presence. Nigel took care of electronic devices, while Mokami used other means to escape the senses of the heroes.

Mokami had a lot to do and too little time. He walked to every entrance in the underground city, planting his own security devices years ahead of the Subterranean Sentinels. Cameras with various visions such as dark, infrared, and ultraviolet... Seismic detectors... Even detectors that could see the airflow and based on something blocking it, could detect if an invisible person was approaching. After he experimented on the Chameleon's tail, he learned a lot about his means of escaping detection and came up with different trinkets.

While he was planting the devices, Nigel offered some advice. "Sir, I suggest placing a few more detectors around the more vulnerable areas, such as the dormitories and the training grounds."

Mokami nodded in agreement. "Good point, Nigel. We need to ensure everyone's safety."

After he had finished with the entrances, Mokami started planting micro cameras all around the underground city. They were directly connected to Nigel, allowing him to always see what was going on. He placed various devices in every nook and cranny, just in case.

"Sir, I've noticed a pattern in the city's layout," Nigel said, analyzing the map of the underground city. "It appears that the city is designed to accommodate rapid evacuation in case of an emergency. I suggest placing some of our devices near these escape routes to monitor any suspicious activity."

Mokami thought about it for a moment before agreeing. "That's a wise observation, Nigel. Let's make sure we have those areas covered as well."

Hours passed, and Mokami finally finished planting the devices. He took a moment to catch his breath and assess his handiwork.

"Excellent work, sir," Nigel praised. "I believe we've covered all the essential areas."

Mokami nodded, feeling satisfied. "I couldn't have done it without your help, Nigel. Thank you."

"You're welcome, sir. It's an honor to assist you."

Mokami, before entering his lodging, looked at the ground. "Terraformer, one of the Subterranean Sentinels, can shape the ground however he wishes. I wonder if the League has someone like him?"

"That is quite likely, sir," Nigel replied. "The League, or All for One if you will, has many valuable Quirks. Shall we take precautions, sir?"

"How can we take precautions against that?" Mokami held his chin. "I can plant mines that would explode if anyone comes from the ground, but that would put us in danger too. I can plant detection devices underground. Let's go with that; I don't want to create a minefield over where we are working, but to ease my paranoia, I want to add some security."

In the next second, tens of drills fell from his open hands and started to dig into the ground. When they were well beneath the surface, Mokami touched the ground, and the holes closed as if they were never there.

After he was done with that, Mokami returned to his lodging and saw Momo in his bed.

"Taking precautions?" Momo asked with a smile.

"As usual," Mokami smiled at his sister. "You always had trouble sleeping in new environments."

"Yes," Momo sighed. "Let's sleep together tonight."

Mokami nodded, understanding her need for comfort. As they lay down, Mokami couldn't help but think about the lengths he had gone to protect his friends and family. He felt a sense of responsibility towards them, and he would do anything to ensure their safety.

Mokami woke up early the next morning, feeling surprisingly well-rested considering how late he had been up. He looked down to see Momo snuggled against his chest, her breaths slow and steady. With a soft smile, he carefully extracted himself from her embrace and kissed her forehead, gently rousing her from her slumber.

"Mmm, good morning," Momo mumbled, her eyes fluttering open.

"Good morning," Mokami replied softly. "I'm going to make some coffee. Want some?"

Momo nodded sleepily and yawned. "Yes, please."

As Mokami prepared the coffee, Toru and Mina emerged from their respective rooms, rubbing their eyes and stretching.

"Morning, you two," Mokami greeted them. "Coffee?"

They both nodded gratefully, and Mokami handed each of them a steaming mug. The four friends sat in the common area, sipping their coffee in companionable silence as they slowly woke up.

Mina was the first to break the silence. "You know, I slept really well last night. I think all that work we did yesterday really wore me out."

Toru nodded in agreement. "Same here. It was a productive day, and it felt good to know that we were doing our part to keep everyone safe."

Momo looked over at Mokami, her eyes filled with appreciation. "Thank you for taking the initiative to put us in the first in the list, Onii-chan. Our friends were all tired yesterday, and it helped them a lot that neither had to work in the kitchen.."

Mokami smiled modestly. "It was a team effort, and I'm just glad I could contribute. We're in this together, after all."

As they continued chatting, Mokami mentioned his plan to go for a run before the day's activities began. Momo, Mina, and Toru eagerly agreed to join him, and they finished their coffee before changing into their workout clothes.

The underground city was eerily quiet as the four of them jogged through the empty streets, their breaths creating small clouds in the cool air. Despite the desolate surroundings, they found comfort in each other's presence, knowing that they could rely on one another to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As they ran, Mina puffed, "I wonder what kind of training exercises we'll be doing today. I hope they're not too intense."

Toru grinned. "Knowing our teachers, they'll probably push us to our limits. But that's a good thing, right? It'll make us stronger."

Momo nodded. "I agree. It's important for us to grow and learn from these experiences, especially since we're in such a unique environment."

They continued their run, each lost in their thoughts as they mentally prepared themselves for the challenges that awaited them.

After their workout, it was still early in the morning, and the breakfast team hadn't started preparing the meal yet. The four friends decided to return to their own lodgings to take a shower and meet up again for breakfast later.

As Mokami took off his clothes, ready to step into the shower, he heard the door to his room open. Turning around naked, completely unfazed by his state of undress, he saw Mina grinning at him.


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