Riding the Pony[R-18]


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Mokami stepped forward and wrapped his hand gently around her wrist, lifting her chin with his free hand to look directly at her. His hazel eyes bored into hers, filled with compassion and understanding, telling her without words that everything would be okay. With one finger tracing the line of her jawline, he spoke in hushed tones: "Are you ready?"

She nodded once, closing her eyes as he ran his fingers down the length of her arm, tracing its shape and form. Mokami knew well enough what he wanted to achieve, having taken countless measurements for his designs over the years. All this, however, was new to Pony. Being touched intimately, but rather for the purpose of creating something specifically tailored to her body alone, just for her wear. The warmth radiating from his hands permeated her pores, making her tremble ever so slightly.

He measured the circumference of her upper arms with precision before moving on to the thinner part of her elbow joint. Then followed her shoulders, measuring width and height; then along her collarbones and neck. Before reaching her chest, he leaned close to hear if she objected but heard none. So he continued, taking note of both the size and shape of her bosom. Moving further southwards, he cupped her waist and hip area before sliding around to measure the distance spanning her glutes.

With a deep breath, Pony raised her eyes, locking them with Mokami's as his arms encircled her waist. They leaned closer together, their faces mere inches apart. Tension built up within each other until it seemed unbearable. Finally, Mokami pressed his lips against hers. Their first real kiss, gentle yet slow, sending a ripple of excitement through every inch of their bodies.

Despite being nervous, Pony reciprocated, opening up beneath Mokami's touch. Feeling more secure now than she thought possible, she allowed herself to melt deeper into his embrace while enjoying each moment of their lip-lock. For a few precious moments, all concerns vanished. There existed only this space shared between them. But eventually, they drew away from each other, their foreheads resting against each other's.

Pony pulled Mokami to his bed, pushing him back until he lay sprawled out on the mattress. She climbed on top of him, straddling his torso with a fierce determination in her emerald green eyes. To Mokami's surprise, Pony took the lead, pressing her lips to his in a hungry, desperate kiss. He could feel her moan as she ground her crotch against his rapidly growing erection. One of her hands reached up to caress the side of his face, her other hand exploring the contours of his abdomen.

Mokami groaned aloud, feeling himself become lost in her warm embrace. Every nerve ending came alive underneath her touch. Never before had anyone affected him quite like Pony. As they broke apart for air, Pony whispered seductively, "I want you inside me." Her voice was laced with desire and hunger, leaving no doubt about her intentions.

Mokami was taken aback by Pony's sudden fervor, even though he was aroused by the attention. It had only been two days since they began flirting, and none of his previous relationships had escalated so quickly.

Mokami felt the need to caution Pony to take things slow, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. He was swept up in the moment, and he couldn't help but notice how passionate she was. However, he couldn't help but worry that she might be getting overly excited and moving too quickly. Despite his reservations, Mokami found himself unable to resist her relentless charm. She reached out and pulled his erect cock and rubbed it to her dampened entrance.

She began to gently slide down onto him, watching him as she did. The look on her face was one of pure wanton lust mixed with an innocence that made him harden further. Once fully seated upon him, Pony leaned forward and resumed the kiss, using her mouth to convey just how good it felt having him deep inside of her. It wasn't long before they were completely absorbed in each other once again, Pony riding him wildly as he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close to keep pace.

Pony rode him relentlessly, digging her nails into his chest as if to hold on to something that seemed impossible to reach. Each stroke hit the sweet spot as they both fought to control the pleasure. In between thrusts, Pony slammed her wet core against Mokami's hips repeatedly, giving him a salacious preview. They moved in unison, becoming enveloped in a world where nothing existed except the rhythmic pounding. The scent of their sweating flesh melded together perfectly as their foreheads collided, sending sparks flying. Inches from his face, Pony growled at the endorphins ravaging her senses. Their hearts thundered in tandem as their bodies jerked violently towards ecstasy.

"You're mine," she snarled, biting playfully at his bottom lip.

Mokami flipped them over, easily throwing Pony off balance and pinning her beneath him. He spread her legs wide open, admiring the sight of her writhing body beneath him. With a smirk, he lowered himself down and plunged into her with reckless abandon. Pony arched her back, crying out in pleasure as Mokami hammered into her mercilessly. His movements became rougher, and he growled as he increased the tempo, driving her closer and closer to the edge."You cannot claim me."

As Mokami drove deeper and harder into Pony's slick opening, she couldn't stop herself from letting loose a series of moans that got more intense with every passing second. Her breathing grew ragged as her orgasm approached, the tension building within her until it became almost unbearable. But still Mokami continued to push her higher and higher, refusing to let her come just yet. His hands roamed all over her body, squeezing her breasts tightly and twisting her nipples roughly between his fingers.

Finally, when Pony thought she could handle no more, Mokami paused for a brief moment and whispered directly into her ear. "Do you really think you can own me?" And with those simple words, she broke apart into a million pieces. Gripping onto the sheets tightly, Pony threw her head back and shouted out her climax loud enough for everyone in the hotel to hear. Mokami grinned wickedly, knowing full well what he had done. He kept going, prolonging her pleasure as much as possible, pushing her limits and testing just how far she would go for satisfaction.

Mokami turned Pony over effortlessly, pulling her arms above her head and forcing her face into the mattress. She gasped as he lifted her hips slightly, positioning her perfectly for the next stage of their encounter.

Without warning, Mokami thrust deeply into her, taking control of the situation and leaving little doubt about who held power between them. Pony cried out, the sharp pain mixing with an equally sharp pleasure as he filled her completely.

With each stroke, Mokami seemed to probe ever deeper, pushing past any resistance or boundaries set by either of them earlier. It wasn't long before Pony found herself begging him not to stop, desperate for something she barely understood but knew she needed like air itself. She was beyond thought by this point; only sensation remained. With each thrust, she became more and more of a slave to Mokami's body. She had no choice but to submit to his desires, and judging by the look on his face, he knew it.

She was beginning to lose all sense of herself, and the very thought caused her to tremble in fear and ecstasy. Mokami's eyes became hooded, and his hands tightened around her wrists and hips as he gave one final thrust. Their energies melded together as one, and he could sense the concentration of power building deep within her.

Her cries were no longer words, only moans and raspy breath. She clutched desperately at the sheets, fisting them and pulling them with every thrust Mokami made.

As he slammed into her one last time, Pony threw her head back, giving in to the sensations coursing through her body. The two of them came together, their mutual release spilling forth and marking a new beginning for them. The pleasure was too much.

She could feel her orgasm building up once again as he relentlessly slammed into her, filling her wetness with his hot seed. She came again as he finally released her and she collapsed under him. Mokami released his seed, filling her with a copious amount of his seed.

Pony shuddered and spasmed as the still-quivering limb gave out under him. Mokami fell over her, the full weight of his chest pressed against her back, trapping Pony between him and the bed. She struggled to fill her lungs with air, feeling painfully lightheaded and a little sore. She closed her eyes, letting out a content sigh as Mokami grazed his fingers along her arm.

"Who do you belong to?" He leaned over to her ear, nibbling her earlobes, his still hard cock deep inside her.

"You.." She whimpered.

"Good girl." Mokami bit her neck, and once again started to move his waist, pounding her hungry count with renewed vigor as she started to moan to the bed.

"MMMM!" Pony groaned loudly, squirming beneath Mokami's weight. He claimed her lips, kissing her passionately. His pace became more erratic, and he picked up speed.

Pony's nails dug into his bed as she felt her release close on. Mokami was still pounding without any sign of slowing down.

"Oh gods!" Pony groaned, clenching her teeth from the intense orgasmic pleasure. Her thoughts were jumbled and incoherent, her whole body was shivering in its wake. All she could hear was her heart beat. Mokami groaned again and again as he kept making love to her mercilessly.

"Mokami.." Pony moaned, struggling to breathe in air.

"Fill me up." She whispered in his ear.

Her body shook violently, and she bit her lip to stifle a cry as the orgasm claimed her once again. Her body was wracked with spasms, her back arching off the bed.

He had claimed her this time. He had shown her what she was truly capable of and now he was going to take full advantage of it.

With a low groan, Mokami came inside her, moaning more and more as he spilled his hot liquid deep inside her. Pony groaned and shivered, still riding the aftershocks of her orgasm as he growled and released more and more of his hot seed inside her.

Both Mokami and Pony lay in bed, naked in each other's embrace. Pony appeared more subdued than when she first arrived, gazing at Mokami lovingly as he softly caressed her back. The two shared a tender moment, growing closer than ever before.


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