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As Mokami fought, Temporal Thief targeted him, attempting to slow him down by stealing his time. Mokami felt his movements slow momentarily but, thanks to his high-speed neural connections, he was able to push through the effects. He sprinted towards Temporal Thief, his fists connecting with the villain's face in a brutal one-two punch.

The battle was nothing short of epic, Mokami's strength and determination shining through as he fought against the seemingly insurmountable odds. Blood dripped from his mouth and nose, a testament to the damage he had sustained, but he refused to back down.

The students and teachers continued to fight alongside Mokami, their spirits lifted by his unwavering resolve. They held their ground, determined not to let any of their comrades be taken by the villains.

"Everyone, we need to work together to take them down!" shouted Momo, taking charge of the situation. "Focus on their weaknesses and support each other!"

The students nodded, determination shining in their eyes. They moved as a unit, their martial arts skills and physical abilities put to the test as they faced the onslaught of attacks from the ten generals.

Mina dodged a stream of wind sent her way by Cyclone Master, using her agility to close the gap between them. Toru, using her invisibility to her advantage, delivered a surprise kick to Gravity Shifter, knocking him off balance. Pony, despite her fear, charged headlong into the fray, headbutting Echo Blaster with all her might.

Momo, Ibara, and Reiko combined their efforts to restrain Swarm Commander, using their martial arts skills and quick thinking to subdue him. As the battle raged on, the students and teachers continued to fight fiercely, their adrenaline and determination pushing them beyond their limits. They moved in perfect harmony, like a well-oiled machine, pushing back the villains.

"Everyone, stay together and focus on the main threat!" Mokami shouted, his voice strong and commanding. The students and teachers obeyed without hesitation, trusting in his leadership.

Bakugo, Todoroki, and Midoriya charged into the center of the villainous horde, their fists and feet a blur as they struck with overwhelming force. Ibara and Reiko worked in tandem, immobilizing and capturing enemies with their Quirks, while Asui and Ojiro continued to use their agility to dodge and counterattack.

The moment the ground began to shake, Mokami felt a deep sense of foreboding. He knew that, despite the chaos surrounding them, he needed to reach Momo as soon as possible. The shaking intensified, and Mokami's desperation grew, his heart pounding in his chest.

However, Temporal Thief's Quirk was causing Mokami's movements to become sluggish, and the injuries he sustained from forcibly unlocking his bodily strength were taking their toll. His body screamed in protest with each step, but Mokami refused to give in to the pain. His love for Momo and determination to protect her fueled his every move.

At this time, danger bells started to ring in Mokami's mind. With a command from Nigel, several bags started to fly in their direction at high speed. Catching them, Mokami gave them to Momo, Toru, Mina, Pony, and several others close to him, and they all started to soar into the sky. The bags were jetpacks. He created them when they first came to camp just in case.

"Stay in the air," he said, as he felt something was amiss with the ground. But the villains didn't let him do as he wished, and all started to attack him at the same time to delay him.

Just as the students and teachers were starting to gain some ground, a villain with wings swooped in, hurling an Oxygen Sucking Ball, the invention he came up with against Todoroki in the Sports Festival, towards Mokami and the girls. The ball rapidly absorbed all the oxygen in the area, causing their jetpacks to malfunction. With the group now in freefall and suffering from air deprivation, Mokami quickly pulled out six nose apparatuses designed to provide a limited supply of oxygen. He managed to secure them onto the girls' noses and his own just in time.

As they continued to plummet, the Aura Void's effects briefly ceased, and the ten generals made their entrance. Temporal Thief targeted Mokami, touching him as he was falling and slowing his movements to a crawl. The other generals launched their attacks to ensure the plan went smoothly.

Although physically slowed, Mokami's mind was still sharp, and he was able to think at his normal pace. Nigel, connected to his thoughts, received a mental command from Mokami. The AI sprang into action, activating a hidden feature in the jetpacks that deployed emergency air balloons.

The balloons inflated rapidly, slowing the girls' descent just enough to prevent a disastrous impact. The girls landed safely, but Mokami was still under the effects of Temporal Thief's Quirk. The scene ended with the girls regrouping and preparing to face the ten generals in an epic showdown, while Mokami struggled to free himself from the time-slowing effect and join the fight.

Despite his valiant efforts, Mokami couldn't seem to get any closer to Momo. The villains, sensing his desperation, formed a wall between them, determined to keep him from her side. Panic began to claw at the edges of his mind, and he could feel a suffocating sense of helplessness washing over him.

Just as the ground split open with a deafening roar, Mokami caught a glimpse of Momo's terrified eyes. Time seemed to freeze, and for a brief, heart-wrenching moment, their gazes locked. In that instant, Mokami felt an overwhelming surge of love, fear, and determination. He wanted nothing more than to reach out to her, to comfort her, to let her know that he would do anything to protect her.

But before he could act, a villain lying in wait seized Momo, dragging her into the darkness below. Mokami's heart shattered, the world around him reduced to a blur as his focus remained solely on Momo, now a fading light in the distance.

"No!" Mokami screamed, his voice hoarse with anguish and desperation. "Momo!"


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