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As he waited, Bakin's answer didn't come. Mokami grew more and more angry, finally hearing, "I can't."

"Bakin, I said I will not interfere with how you rule the country, but I need assistance right now," Mokami begged. At this point, he didn't care about anything else. Even if he had to beg a beggar, he would do anything to save Momo.

"I just took the seat, Mokami. I am powerless. I cannot make such a big move a week after my election," Bakin answered, about to continue but Mokami cut the line and punched the control board in anger.


Mokami's rage was palpable, and Nigel could feel it in the air. He searched vigorously, doing everything in his power to locate Momo. As they continued their search, Mokami couldn't help but feel the weight of his love for her and the determination to save her at any cost.

Mokami's voice trembled with barely contained fury as he ordered Nigel to create a map of all known Equity hideouts. His eyes, bloodshot and wild, scanned the screen as Nigel complied with his request. As soon as the locations were pinpointed, Mokami wasted no time in piloting the jet toward the first hideout.

As they approached the first location, Mokami's rage simmered just beneath the surface. He knew he couldn't afford to lose control, but the thought of Momo in the hands of such a sinister organization made his blood boil.

The jet descended upon the hideout with the force of a hurricane, Mokami bursting out and charging inside without a moment's hesitation. He was met with a barrage of villains, but their attacks did little to slow him down. He tore through them like a whirlwind, his Kevlar skin, carbon fiber bones, and Kevlar muscle fibers making him nearly unstoppable.

"Where is she?" Mokami roared, grabbing a villain by the collar and slamming him against the wall. The villain's eyes widened in terror, but he stammered out that he didn't know anything about Momo.

Mokami's eyes flashed dangerously as he threw the villain aside, moving on to the next hideout without delay. The jet screamed through the air, its engines roaring as Mokami pushed it to its limits.

The second hideout was no different from the first. Mokami tore through its defenses like a madman, his anger and desperation only growing with each passing second. He interrogated villain after villain, his methods becoming increasingly brutal as his patience wore thin. But no matter how much pain he inflicted, none of them could tell him Momo's whereabouts.

His heart pounding in his chest, Mokami stormed into the third hideout, his entire body trembling with barely suppressed rage. This time, he encountered a group of villains who seemed more organized and formidable, but Mokami's determination to save Momo made him a force of nature.

He fought with everything he had, his superior camouflage allowing him to move like a phantom through their ranks. His porous lung material and pulsed bioelectric organs boosted his stamina and resilience, allowing him to continue the relentless assault without pause.

Finally, he cornered one of the higher-ranking villains, his voice a low growl as he demanded, "Where is Momo? Tell me, or I'll tear this place apart."

The villain, visibly shaken by Mokami's ferocity, hesitated before finally relenting. "She's at our main headquarters," he whispered, fear making his voice tremble. "I don't know the exact location, but it's somewhere in the city."

Mokami's eyes narrowed, his heart pounding with a mixture of relief and rage. He had a lead, something to follow. But the knowledge that Momo was in the hands of the villain organization's leaders only fueled his desperation.

As Mokami flew the jet towards the city, his mind raced with thoughts of Momo, the love of his life, held captive by the vilest of villains. The jet's engines roared like the fury inside him, and his heart pounded in his chest like a desperate war drum. His desperation was palpable, a raw energy that seemed to fuel him even as the jet streaked through the sky.

Suddenly, a call from Nezu came through the jet's communication system. "Mokami, you must return to UA immediately," Nezu ordered, his voice firm and commanding.

Mokami's eyes flashed with anger, and he replied sharply, "I can't, Nezu. I need to find Momo, no matter what."

"If you don't return to UA right now, you will be treated as a vigilante and hunted down," Nezu warned, his voice tinged with concern.

Mokami gritted his teeth, his knuckles turning white as he gripped the jet's controls. "I don't care," he hissed. "Momo's safety is all that matters. Everything else is secondary."

As he ended the call with Nezu, an unknown number appeared on the communication system. Thinking it might be Equity calling for ransom or something else, Mokami answered immediately. The voice on the other end was not what he expected; it belonged to the leader of the council.

"Mokami, we know you need our help," the leader said, his voice smooth and calculating. "If you join us, we will help you find Momo. We have already taken care of the World Quirk Supervision Agency. They will not interfere with your business."

Mokami's body trembled with a mixture of hope and despair. The council was trying to take advantage of his desperate situation, and he knew it. But what choice did he have? He couldn't let Momo suffer any longer.

"I don't have time for your games," Mokami spat, his voice shaking with barely suppressed rage. "If you can help me find Momo, then do it. Otherwise, leave me alone."

The leader of the council chuckled darkly. "Very well, Mokami. We will be in touch."

As the call ended, Mokami's heart raced with anxiety and frustration. The council's offer was tempting, but he knew that joining them could have disastrous consequences. Yet, his love for Momo and his desperation to save her threatened to drown out all reason.

Nezu reached out to his extensive network of contacts, gathering any information he could about the possible location of Momo. His brilliant mind worked tirelessly to analyze and make sense of the situation. He couldn't let Mokami become a criminal – not if there was any chance of saving both him and Momo.

As Nezu continued his investigation, his phone rang once again. He glanced at the caller ID and saw that it was Aizawa. The two had spoken earlier, and Aizawa had filled him in on the events that had unfolded, which was how Nezu knew what Mokami was going through.

"Nezu," Aizawa began, his voice tense with worry, "have you found anything? Mokami's not in his right mind. We need to find Momo before he does something he'll regret."

"I'm doing my best, Aizawa," Nezu replied, his voice calm but determined. "I've reached out to my contacts, and I'm analyzing all the information I can gather. I won't give up on Mokami or Momo."

"Good," Aizawa said, letting out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding. "I just hope we're not too late."


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