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As the dim light from the corridor outside the room illuminated the figure's face, Momo's eyes widened in horror. The face that looked back at her was not her beloved Mokami, but Shigaraki Tomura, the leader of the League of Villains.

Momo's heart pounded in her chest, a mix of relief and confusion, but she couldn't deny the fact that Shigaraki's eyes were filled with love, as pure and genuine as any she had seen. It was baffling and terrifying at the same time. Shigaraki stepped closer, smiling warmly at her.

"Momo, I'm here to save you," he said softly, his voice surprisingly tender. He reached out, his fingers about to brush her face, but Momo jerked back, making his hand freeze. "I couldn't let them hurt you any longer."

Shigaraki freed Momo, stepping back and giving her some space. He seemed to understand her discomfort with his touch. "I'm sorry," he said quietly, his voice full of genuine regret. "I didn't mean to frighten you. I just... I couldn't stand to see you in pain."

Momo stared at him, her mind racing with a thousand questions. Why would Shigaraki, the leader of the League of Villains, go to such lengths to save her? And why was he looking at her with such love in his eyes?

Shigaraki gestured for her to follow him. "Come on, we should get out of here."

As they walked through the darkened facility, Momo's eyes widened at the sight before her. Dozens of villains from the League stood in attention, their eyes focused on her and Shigaraki as they passed. What was even more horrifying, however, were the countless bloodied corpses strewn about the floor. It seemed as though Shigaraki had taken out every member of the Equity Headquarter in his quest to rescue her.

"Shigaraki," Momo began, her voice barely a whisper as she tried to contain her shock, "what... what happened here?"

Shigaraki's face contorted into an expression of endless bloodthirst and anger, a stark contrast to the gentle demeanor he had displayed moments ago. His eyes darkened, filled with rage, as he answered Momo's question. "They took you away, Momo. They dared to harm you. I couldn't let them get away with it."

As he spoke, it was evident that there was no malice or trickery in his feelings. He truly loved Momo, and his intentions were as pure as they could be. He had done all of this – stormed into the Equity Headquarter, slaughtered every single person within – because they had taken Momo away from him.

No matter the gesture, the help, no matter what, Momo was still steadfast about Shigaraki. He was an enemy. And there was only one person in her heart, Mokami! No one else could seep in, as her heart was seamless. There was no crack, doubt, or second guess in her love. Momo was resolute in her determination to hold on to her love for Mokami, even in the face of Shigaraki's incomprehensible feelings for her. Those feelings only got stronger as she was in captivity.

As they walked through the carnage left in Shigaraki's wake, Momo's thoughts raced. The bizarre circumstances weighed on her mind, and she could no longer contain her questions. She stopped, her voice trembling as she spoke. "Why, Shigaraki? Why would you do something like this for me? We've never met, never spoken before today. Why?"

Shigaraki looked at her, his eyes filled with a deep, inexplicable love that seemed to defy all reason. "Love is not something that requires logic," he replied softly, his voice gentle and sincere. "It's not something that can be explained or controlled. It just… is."

Momo stared at him, her heart pounding in her chest, her body tense with conflicting emotions. "No," she whispered, her voice firm despite her fear. "It will never happen, Shigaraki. No matter what you do, I will never answer your feelings. My heart is already taken. There is only one person for me."

His face transformed in an instant, the warmth and gentleness that had been there moments ago replaced by endless bloodthirst and anger. The contrast was jarring, a terrifying reminder of his true nature. He was a ruthless villain when it came to others, but with Momo, he seemed like a pure, lovestruck teenager. "Who?"

Shigaraki's voice was laced with anger and envy, but none of those negative feelings were directed at Momo. He could never get angry at her. In his mind, she had been tricked, disillusioned by whomever she had fallen for. The intensity of his emotions was palpable, as if a storm was brewing within him. His eyes searched Momo's, desperately seeking answers that would never come.

Momo stared back at him, her expression resolute. She refused to allow herself to feel anything for Shigaraki other than disgust. "It will never happen," she repeated, her voice stronger this time. "Not because of someone else, but because of who you are. I will never answer your feelings. My heart is already taken."

Her words seemed to pierce through Shigaraki's heart, but his face remained stoic. He took a deep breath, attempting to control the turbulent emotions raging within him. "Tell me," he said, his voice trembling with barely contained rage. "Who has captured your heart? I want to know who has made you feel this way."

Momo's eyes flashed with defiance. "That is none of your concern," she said firmly. "My feelings are my own, and they will never belong to you."

As the silence stretched between them, Shigaraki's face transformed in an instant. The warmth and gentleness that had been there moments ago were replaced by endless bloodthirst and anger. The contrast was jarring, a terrifying reminder of his true nature.

"You don't understand," he said, his voice low and dangerous. "You don't know what I've done for you, what I'm willing to do to protect you. I've eliminated every threat, every obstacle that stood between us. No one will ever hurt you again."

Momo took a deep breath, steeling herself as she addressed Shigaraki. "I won't deny that you saved me, thank you for that, but you need to understand something, Shigaraki. Whatever feelings you have for me, they're just fantasies. They aren't real, and they'll never come true." Her voice was steady, her gaze unwavering as she met his eyes. "Don't delude yourself into thinking that anything could ever happen between us."

Shigaraki's face seemed to crumple, his eyes reflecting the pain her words caused him. But he didn't lash out or retaliate. Instead, he let out a defeated sigh, his shoulders slumping. "I understand," he whispered, his voice barely audible.

Momo nodded, her face resolute. It was time to leave this place and return to her life, to the person who truly held her heart. She turned to leave, not sparing Shigaraki another glance.

As she flew towards home, Momo couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of relief. She had escaped the clutches of the villains, and she was finally on her way back to Mokami. The horrors of the past few hours seemed to fade away as the wind whipped through her hair and the sun warmed her skin.

"Bianca," she said softly, her voice filled with hope and anticipation. "Please call Onii-chan. Let him know that I'm okay and that I'm coming home."

"Of course, Momo. I'll call him right away."

Momo's thoughts were interrupted by Bianca's voice. "Momo, I've reached Mokami. He's on the line."

"Thank you, Bianca," Momo replied, taking a deep breath as she prepared to speak with the person who meant more to her than anyone else in the world.


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