Planning Future

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As they entered the study, Mokami took a seat at the head of the table, his expression composed and focused. Momo admired his ability to maintain his calm demeanor even under such emotional circumstances. She knew how angry he must be feeling at the moment.

"Thank you all for coming," Mokami began. "We have a lot to discuss."

Mokami looked at Terraformer, Lumina, and Echo, his eyes spewing fire with anger. "Mistwalker was responsible for this," he said, pointing out that the fourth member of the Subterranean Sentinels was the reason why Equity was able to attack them and kidnap Momo. "I know you had been betrayed too, but because of your willful neglect, I almost lost Momo."

Terraformer clenched his fists, his face reddening with shame. "We... We never meant for this to happen. We trusted Mistwalker, just like you did. We didn't see the signs, and for that, we are truly sorry."

Lumina, her voice wavering, added, "We understand your anger, Mokami, but we were deceived just as much as you were."

Echo remained silent, his eyes downcast, not daring to meet Mokami's gaze.

Aizawa opened his mouth to say something, but Nezu stopped him. "Although it is not your fault entirely, I must agree with Yaoyorozu-san," the principal began. "Mistwalker was part of your group for years and had been spying on you, but you couldn't even tell. I must admit both Yaoyorozu-san and I conducted a deep background check on each and every one of you, and still failed to find the connection. But as people living together all the time, you should have seen the signs."

Mokami clenched his jaw, trying to maintain his composure. It wasn't easy to contain his anger and disappointment, but he knew they had to move forward.

"Very well," he said, taking a deep breath. "Let's discuss our next steps."

Nezu's eyes narrowed in thought. "First, we need to learn from this experience. We must be more vigilant in the future, and be prepared for unexpected threats."

Terraformer nodded solemnly. "Agreed. We'll do everything in our power to ensure that something like this never happens again."

Once they had finished discussing their plans and the Subterranean Sentinels left, Nezu turned to Mokami, his expression serious. "Momo, please tell us what happened at the Equity headquarters. How did you manage to escape?"

Momo hesitated for a moment, her eyes flickering towards Mokami, who gave her a small nod of encouragement. Taking a deep breath, she began to recount the harrowing tale.

She took a deep breath and began her story. "When I was taken to the Equity headquarters, I was imprisoned and kept under constant isolation. I didn't know what they were planning for me, but I knew I had to find a way to escape." She paused, her eyes meeting Mokami's for a moment before continuing. "Then, unexpectedly, the headquarters was raided by the League of Villains, led by Shigaraki."

Nezu leaned forward, his curiosity piqued, sensing the weight of the revelation in Momo's words. His eyes bore into her, demanding more details. "So, Shigaraki was responsible for the attack?" he asked, his voice a mix of concern and disbelief.

Momo nodded slowly, her body tensing as she recalled the horrifying events. "Yes," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. "He and his followers, they... they slaughtered every member of Equity they encountered." The words hung heavy in the air, their brutality sinking deep into the core of her being. She shuddered involuntarily, unable to shake off the vivid images that haunted her every waking moment.

Aizawa's normally stern expression twisted into a frown, his eyes narrowing with worry. "But why did he save you, Momo?" he questioned, his voice laced with a mix of genuine curiosity and genuine concern. "What was his motive?"

Momo's gaze dropped to her trembling hands, her knuckles turning white as she clenched them tightly. The memories of Shigaraki's chilling words echoed in her mind, sending shivers down her spine. She took a deep breath, summoning the courage to speak the unthinkable. "He..." Her voice wavered, choked with revulsion. "He said he was in love with me."

The room fell silent, the weight of Momo's words hanging heavily in the air. Aizawa's eyes widened slightly, his concern deepening as he struggled to comprehend the implications of such a revelation. Momo's face contorted with a mix of disbelief and disgust, her features contorting as though she had tasted something unspeakably foul.

"I couldn't believe it," Momo continued, her voice laced with a raw, visceral emotion. "I felt sick to my stomach at the thought of someone like him having feelings for me." Her voice cracked, a solitary tear escaping her eye and tracing a path down her cheek. The very idea of anyone else daring to love her, to invade the sacred sanctuary of her heart, was utterly repulsive. It clashed with the image of her beloved Mokami, who occupied every fiber of her being, every beat of her heart.

The room seemed to close in on her, the walls pressing in as her emotions threatened to consume her. Momo's hands trembled uncontrollably, her body overcome with a mixture of repulsion, fear, and an indescribable sadness. She longed for the safety and comfort that only her cherished Mokami could provide, their love acting as an impenetrable shield against the darkness of the world.

As Momo raised her gaze, her eyes, filled with a mixture of determination and vulnerability, met the concerned gazes of Mokami. In that moment, it was clear that her love for Mokami was unwavering, an unbreakable bond that not even the darkest forces could sever. And the mere suggestion of anyone else encroaching upon that sacred connection had shaken her to her very core, leaving her shaken, wounded, and utterly repulsed.

Mokami's fists clenched at his sides, his eyes darkening with anger. "That monster doesn't deserve to even look at you," he growled.

Momo reached over and placed her hand on Mokami's arm, trying to calm him. "I know, Onii-chan. But it doesn't matter what he thinks or feels. My heart belongs to you, and always has."

Mokami looked into her eyes, his anger subsiding as he saw the love and trust shining there. He took her hand in his, squeezing it gently. "I'm just glad you're safe, Momo."

As they continued discussing the events that had transpired, Momo and Mokami grew more resolute in their determination to become stronger and prevent such incidents from happening again. Their resolve was shared by the entire group gathered in the study.

Nezu then revealed his plan to build dormitories within the school grounds to provide a safer environment for the students. "With the recent events and the increasing villain activity, we must take every precaution to ensure the safety of our students," he explained.

"Furthermore, with Shigaraki's obsession with Momo, it is all the more reason for both of you to live in the dorms."

Mokami shook his head, disagreeing with Nezu. "My house is one of the safest places on Earth, but if you believe living in dorms would be more secure for everyone, then I'll agree to it. On one condition," he said, his voice firm and resolved, "I will be the one to create them. I want to ensure that they are as strong and secure as my house."

Nezu considered Mokami's offer for a moment before nodding. "Very well, Mokami. Your expertise in creating secure environments is well-known, and I trust that you will do an exceptional job."

Momo looked at Mokami with admiration and gratitude. She knew that he was taking every possible measure to protect her and their friends from further harm. The thought of living in a safe environment, created by Mokami himself, brought her a sense of comfort and reassurance.

As they wrapped up their discussion, Mokami and Momo knew that they had a lot of work ahead of them. Not only did they need to create the new dormitories, but they also needed to focus on their training to become even stronger heroes.


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