The Flash Drive

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The hush that fell over the underground lair was so profound it felt like a tangible entity, a specter hovering over the five figures gathered around a single screen. Shigaraki, Gilan, Kurogiri, Dabi, and Stain held a collective breath as the information began pouring out of the flash drive, spreading across the screen in a sea of digits, images, and text. The members of the Meta Liberation Army, their quirks, their motives – all laid bare for them.

"Tomura..." Kurogiri murmured, uncertainty seeping into his usually composed voice, "Are you sure we should trust this?"

Shigaraki responded with a dismissive wave of his hand, his attention locked onto the screen. He scrolled through the list, his fingers barely grazing the device as he read out the names and quirks of the individuals.

"Re-Destro...quirk: Stress. Rikiya Yotsubashi, the real name of the man behind the Grand Commander. The more stress he feels, the stronger he becomes. A kind of energy transmutation."

"Skeptic…quirk: Anthropomorph. He can manipulate objects and turn them into human-like soldiers…" Shigaraki continued, a subtle hint of admiration creeping into his voice.

"Geten…quirk: Ice manipulation. Able to control ice in a large radius, creating it from the moisture in the air," Dabi interjected, a cold undertone to his voice that mirrored the nature of Geten's quirk.

"And…" Shigaraki paused, his eyes widening slightly as he read the final name. "Curious...quirk: Landmine. Turns anything she touches into a bomb." A sense of dread filled the room at the thought of this powerful enemy.

The silence stretched on for a few moments, each villain lost in their thoughts. The reality of the threat they were facing had hit them with full force. The Meta Liberation Army wasn't just an underground rumor; they were a formidable and well-organized group, armed with dangerous quirks and driven by a cause they believed in passionately.

"Why would Mokami give you all these?" Stain's voice cut through the tense silence, the question hanging heavy in the air. He wasn't there when the events revolving around Momo happened, thus she didn't know ins and outs of the situation. "And how did he find these names?"

Shigaraki's hand, perched on the edge of the table, paused in its constant twitching. His gaze left the data-laden screen and landed on the masked man. The silence stretched on, but it was the sort of silence that begged for answers.

"Equity took something from him." Shigaraki began, his voice quiet but filled with a sense of dark satisfaction. "They made a grave mistake."

The villains' interest was piqued, their curiosity pulling them away from the newfound data. Shigaraki's fingers danced on the table, each tap echoing in the room like a morbid drum.

A week ago, Shigaraki sat comfortably in his chair, surveying his underground fortress with quiet contentment. The dim lights cast long, dancing shadows that hid more than they revealed. His peace was disrupted by the arrival of one of his underlings, the henchman breathless and anxious.

"Boss," he had panted out, the fear evident in his voice, "We've got news from the city. It's about Yaoyorozu Momo."

The mention of Momo had caused a subtle shift in Shigaraki's demeanor. He was not someone who valued sentiment, but he couldn't deny his attachment to the clever, beautiful woman. The news that she had been taken hit him like a blow, sparking a flame of fury in him that had long been dormant.

"They took Momo," Shigaraki's voice turned grimmer, the rage still fresh as he narrated the story. The villains listened in silence, their focus fully on their leader. Despite their differences, they all knew the bond between Shigaraki and Momo. This was no simple abduction; this was a declaration of war.

"Mokami," Shigaraki continued, his voice carrying a note of respect, "He isn't one to let things slide, especially when it comes to his sister. He went on a rampage, searching for her, gathering information. That's how he found these names."

The memory was as vivid as if it had been yesterday. Shigaraki could still recall the rage that had consumed him when he first heard of Momo's abduction. It had hit him with the force of a sledgehammer, a rush of anger and shock that had nearly knocked him off his feet.

On that day, his fortress had fallen into silence as his henchman stuttered out the news. The words 'Yaoyorozu Momo' and 'Equity' seemed to hang in the air, cutting through the usual hum of activity. Shigaraki's world had narrowed down to those two phrases, the significance of which threatened to choke him.

He had never known love until Momo had stepped into his life, her intelligence and beauty charming him in a way he hadn't thought possible. His heart had always been a fortress, but Momo had breached its walls with an ease that had unnerved him.

In the face of her kidnapping, Shigaraki had turned to Kurogiri, his voice flat and cold, leaving no room for negotiation. "Today, Equity vanishes from the face of the Earth."

With those words, the fortress sprung into action. Within an hour, all their forces were marshalled, ready to strike. The uncertainty that had initially clouded their minds was replaced by a singular goal - rescue Momo and obliterate Equity.

Shigaraki and Kurogiri had worked tirelessly with his Sensei, using every resource at their disposal. They had pulled apart every piece of intelligence, analyzed every lead until they had pinpointed the location of Equity's headquarters and, more importantly, the place where Momo was being held.

Back in the present, Shigaraki's eyes were locked onto the digitized face of Re-Destro. The man who dared to call for his head, dared to challenge the League of Villains. His goals were clear: kill Tomura Shigaraki and obliterate the League.


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