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They were all ushered outside where the other students were already gathered, their murmurs of conversation interrupted by the appearance of Principal Nezu. His small stature belied the immense respect he commanded from his students, his keen eyes reflecting intelligence and a certain playful whimsy.

"Attention, everyone," Nezu began, his voice ringing clear in the chilly night air. The students hushed almost immediately, their eyes focused on him.

"In light of recent increases in villain activities," he continued, "We've decided to put all students with Provisional Hero Licenses on Hero Internships." A murmur spread through the crowd. Internships were a major stepping stone in their journey to becoming full-fledged heroes, and they understood the gravity of the situation.

"But this doesn't mean you're all going to be thrown out there unprepared," Nezu reassured them, noticing some of the anxious faces. "Your teachers, as well as experienced Pro Heroes, will guide and supervise you."

After Nezu's announcement, the atmosphere had taken on a tinge of gravity. Still, the principal managed to lighten the mood with a few well-chosen words and his typical whimsical demeanor.

"There is much for you all to look forward to," Nezu said, his small hands clasped together in front of him. "But remember, you are heroes in the making. Do not let excitement cloud your judgment. The world out there can be a tough place, but with your training and the guidance you'll receive, I have no doubt you'll excel."

With that, he took a step back, dismissing them for the evening. As they began to disperse, Mokami watched them all with a thoughtful expression, his eyes occasionally flickering towards Momo. They shared a quiet understanding, one born out of their shared experiences and their shared Quirk.

As he and his sister headed back to their dorms, they were joined by some of their friends. Mina was excitedly discussing the prospect of the internships with Toru, their voices animated and full of life. Behind them, Itsuka and Jiro were engaged in a deep conversation, their words too low for Mokami to catch.

The atmosphere in class was so thick with anticipation that it seemed to vibrate. The words "Hero Internship" were fresh in everyone's mind, whispered and repeated, their implications hung in the air, unexplained and tantalizing.

Aizawa walked into the room, looking just as tired and unimpressed as ever, despite the buzz of excitement. The chatter died down as he set his bag down on his desk and began to flip through his notes, his attention firmly focused on the pages.

It was Tsuyu who broke the silence, her straightforward nature propelling her to ask what everyone else was thinking. "Sensei," she began, her voice steady, "What did Principal Nezu mean by Hero Internships?"

Aizawa sighed, running a hand through his hair as he looked up from his notes. "I was planning to tell you all about it some other time," he said, his tone weary. "But now that I think about it, I suppose it's more logical for me to tell you sooner than later."

He turned to face the class, his gaze sweeping over them all. Mokami sat quietly at his desk, watching the exchange with a steady gaze.

"Put simply," Aizawa continued, "They're hero activities done off-campus, think of it like a more formalized version of the field training you did with Pro Heroes before."

A chorus of surprised murmurs ran through the class. Uraraka, looking both excited and anxious, piped up, "I didn't know there was a system like that. What was the point of all the struggles we went through for the Sports Festival then?!"

Aizawa silenced her with a look. "In the past," he said, "Each office would conduct their own recruiting efforts, but it often caused a lot of trouble because they would fight over U.A. students. And that's why it is the way it is now. Because you have acquired your Provisional Licenses, you are now eligible to participate in formal, longer-term activities."

His words echoed through the room, each one heavy with implication. "In the past, there weren't very many examples of first-year students with licenses. But with the rise of villains, we are very deliberately thinking about your participation. Also, you will also be expected to write about your experiences, but I'll properly explain all of that as well as your next steps at a later time."

Nezu watched the students closely, his eyes scanning the room before he spoke again. The weight of his words hung in the air, and he knew the gravity of the situation they were about to face.

"Remember, my dear students," Nezu began, his voice filled with a mixture of pride and concern, "you are the next generation of heroes. The world needs your courage, your determination, and your unwavering sense of justice. Each and every one of you has the potential to make a difference."

He paused, allowing his words to sink in, before continuing with a gentle smile. "I have witnessed your growth, your triumphs, and your struggles. And I have absolute faith in your abilities. This internship opportunity will test you, challenge you, and push you beyond your limits. But it is through these experiences that you will truly shine and discover the heroes you are meant to be."

The room was filled with a renewed sense of determination, sparked by Nezu's words. The students exchanged glances, finding strength and resolve in each other's eyes.

"To all of you, my young heroes, seize this opportunity with all your might. Embrace the challenges that lie ahead, for it is in those moments that you will discover your true potential. And remember, no matter how tough the road may get, you are never alone. Your classmates, your mentors, and I will be there to support you every step of the way."

The opening buzzed with a renewed sense of determination and excitement. Nezu's words had ignited a fire within each student, filling them with the belief that they could overcome any obstacle that stood in their path.

As the chapter came to a close, Nezu left them with one final thought. "Heroes are not born, but made," he said, his voice resonating with conviction. "And it is through these internships that you will forge your path towards greatness. Embrace this opportunity, my dear students, and let your light shine brightly in the darkness."

With those words lingering in their hearts, the students dispersed, their minds filled with visions of the challenges and triumphs that awaited them. And as they embarked on their respective journeys, they carried with them the encouraging words of Principal Nezu, propelling them forward on their path to becoming the heroes they were destined to be.


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