Celestial WW2

My first thought upon waking up was why am I in a field and next why am I woman. This devolved into a lot of panicking and yelling till a key dropped on my head and with it a note.

-Stop Panicking it is very boring to watch now, you Jacob Henson are now thrown back in time to the 1940s and not just the regular 40s no you have been transported to a more magical 40s which one I will not tell but you will find out. But fear not I have given you the most powerful of tools The celestial Forge but it was not entirely Free as you can tell your previous gender was the cost.

But hey unlimited power or keeping the same gender, I think it worked out in the end. Now for your starter perks.

-Muggle Technology (Make a Wish) (200CP)

You know it, general knowledge of up to graduate level in every scientific field is known to you, not only this, but the knowledge seems very eager to help you and as such whenever you are using magic for creation of something or other, the knowledge will leap up with helpful facts and connect seemingly disconnected facts to help in whatever magical creation you are making next. Post Jump, the helpfulness and eagerness spreads to the rest of the knowledge you have in your mind. (2020 level)

-Analysis (Red Alert 3) (100CP)

You can immediately identify any defects in hardware upon casual observation. This is effective on devices, Vehicles, and buildings.

Access Key (Personal Reality) Free:

This is a special key that lets you access your Personal Reality and its contents. When inserted into any lock on any door, the door opens to reveal a gateway into your Reality at a predetermined location within it. You are the only person who can take the key from the lock, the gateway remains open as long as the key is in the lock, and if key is ever lost or stolen you will find it in your pocket a few minutes later. You cannot close the door as long as you are inside the Personal Reality.

Entrance Hall (Personal Reality) Free:

This is the room your Access Key opens a door to. It starts off as a 5-meter cube with blank white walls, floor, and ceiling, as some doors, one leading to the current Host Reality, the other into your Cosmic Warehouse, with additional doors leading to other extensions as these get added to your Personal Reality. Feel free to customize this Entrance Hall as you see fit. Additional Halls can, at your discretion, be linked only to certain keys or only to certain extensions. This allows you to have an entry hall just for skiing if you want.

Good Luck out their my new toy you have a lot of Nazis to kill.

Happy hunting, Mary Maelstrom

From Halvard Maelstrom-

My mind was then bomb barded with information. Every field of technology entered my mind from chemical to computer now was in my head, I knew how build anything in theory that was around in the 2020s I knew how to build Rockets even which was always a dream of mine. And I could in theory jumpstart the Nuclear program by years, which I felt conflicted about. The forge also gave me a number of physical degrees as proof of my knowledge which gave me a nice feeling.

But that is for later, now I had to find some civilization.

Mary Maelstrom-


I would walk for half the day through the woods, and from what I could guess based off my biological knowledge from the forge I was somewhere in the North east of America and it was sometime around winter here.

When I finally came a upon a "road" which was a simple dirt road as the major road network that would be seen in the future had not been built yet.

So I traveled that road till I finally came upon a small town, by the Name of Riverside. I did get some looks as I wondered into town I was able to find the date after walking by a newspaper box December 10th 1941. Three days after the attack on Pearl Harbor, and my plans were already falling apart I had hoped to get into the military in some kind of fashion before the attack to prevent the loss of life but that was out the window but at least I hadn't missed to much yet.

My thoughts were interrupted when a officer had walked up beside me.

Officer-"Ma'am are you okay you look lost, and you just walked in from the woods." He sounded actually very concerned and behind him was a small gathering crowd.

Mary-"Yes I am lost actually. I grew up in the woods near here and I actually am not sure where here really is."

Cop-"Ah I understand frontier kid, it's not that uncommon to hear but rare out here now a days. Let's get you to the station to work this out."

He would walk with me to the station, where the forge would trigger again

-Cranial implants (Warhammer 40k: Adeptus Mechanicus) (100CP)

Which put fucking a supercomputer processed in my brain and gave me a interface with my technologies and a actual database of all the information I receive from the forge.

Cop-"Now, my name is Officer Owens. Let's get you sorted out, now I know you lived on the frontier but Did you family teach you anything? Something you can do for work? Anything like that, I know some people in town would be glad to put you up till you get on your feet but having something should help."

I thought for a moment on how to explain my knowledge, I knew I had to lie a lot to not be called a witch or a crazy person, so I went with the eccentric professor dad story.

Mary-"Yes actually quite a lot, my father rest his soul was a professor but lost his job in the market crash and my mother with it. So he sold what ever he had and moved to the woods out here, so growing up he made sure to teach me everything he knew. From fixing farming equipment like tractors or electrical engineering."

When I spoke that I get the world shift as my story had been willed on the Earth, suddenly I gain additional memories Mary's to be exact growing up near Harvard then the market crash her mothers death, then moving to the small farm that she left when her father died.

Owens-"Really now, that would be nice. It's rare to hear a woman in those fields even after the first war, but it would be nice to have a mechanic in town as Larry died in the attack. I'll call one of the ladies in town to put you up for the night then they will show you the shop in the morning."

Nice widow named Barbara had offered to put me up for the night till, when she left me alone I was finally able to enter the Forge properly.

It was basic set up, it held a variety tools and equipment that I would need to make pretty much anything that would be used in the 2020s even a basic home computer which I could use my implant on which was nice to have to write out documents instead of a type writer.

I mostly just wondering around the forge while using my implant to write out what all I could remember about the war and why technology I could develop to win the war quicker and limit the strength of the USSR.

The bed was okay but I missed the more modern beds as they were more comfortable, I would eventually fall asleep having nightmares over what my situation as truly become.


The mechanic shop, was nice for a small town and would be useful for setting my self up and I actually already had my first customer, officer Owens squad car needed work don on it and it would also be proof of my expertise.

And with the knowledge from the forge and the Perk from Red Alert, it showed me he had a faulty wire in the ignition and was a simple fix. With my knowledge and skills proved he and the town agreed to let me use the shop in a probationary period of a week and after that they would pay me what they owed but after that I would be on my own.

I immediately got to work organized and cleaning the shop to my specifications, while working I began to think what to "invent" to get my name out their. The biggest was the simple transistor which would revolutionize the electronic field and would allow me to build all sorts of things from smaller radios to computers.

After getting the shop organized I started to work on the backlog that had accrued with no mechanic in town, tractors, cars, and anything with a engine was brought to me to fix after I showed I was competent.

While working on the cars and stuff during the day and the transistor and some prototypes to show at night, my first week went by fast. And with it the war progress the Nazis declared war, and with it south east Asia fell to the Japanese but America was mobilizing and more and more men and women joined the war effort the men joined the fighting force while the women went to the factories.

It also solidified my plans, it was my duty to help fight. I knew they would not let me near the front lines but I hoped by showing some of my technologies they would let me join the allied research division.

When my week was up they payed me $100 dollars which was about $2,000 grand which most was donations from the town when they heard my story. I had also fixed up a Motor cycle and side car and made my way to New York as a add on the radio caught my attention.

Howard Stark was doing an expo on his flying car and my choice on how to help the war effort was made, as was my panic as I still had no idea on how what version of marvel this was.