Flesh Bender of Westeros

Bio- The MC was dropped into Westeros and given the power of complete biomanipulation. With restrictions, one he can only slightly alter his body (no additional limbs, but can alter lungs) , two the power does give him passive ideas on how to create what he wants, three his future children will have his powers (18 manifest and slowly grow in strength), four his natural intelligence has been boosted to completely remember everything in his life.


I was floating in a sea of pure darkness, and it was maddening as I felt it seep into my flesh. The tearing and rending as it was changed into something holy alien to my own, then the darkness went further into me and into my mind and soul.

And I was suddenly filled with knowledge skills and powers, I was a now a Drow from a world totally unlike my own.

A world of bio-punk monsters where a guild of mages manipulated the biology of their world to their whims, till the very planet was one giant organism and reach apotheosis where their entire race was one hive mind.

Thankfully I was just given the information and no emotional attachment to the memories and was forced through a crack in reality and dropped into a snow covered forest with a pack and chest.


Rickard Stark lord of Winterfell and the lord Paramount of the North was once again sitting in the Gods wood praying once again in hopes the gods or maybe his wife would guide him.

His children were growing and mostly grown but they still needed his guidance, but his quiet contemplation was broken by a loud crack as a man(?) dressed in interesting clothes with a large deep purple wood chest to the side.

Drawing his sword and sending out an alert to his guards they slowly approached the man and checked to see if he was breathing, one of his guards secured the chest and search the downed man for weapons and found a small dagger and a book.

After being man handled the man slowly awoke from his stupid and looked around obviously confused by the situation and those around him.

Man-"Who are sharti am sal, sharti are salen tools." His guards looked at the man and then to himself confused on what he is saying.

Rickard-"I I'm sorry I can't understand you but, stay calm." He them motioned to himself and then to his guards "Lord Stark, Guards."

The man then shook his head like trying to clear it and stood to his full height which was much taller than he originally thought about 6'5 ft.

Man-"Common then, I apologize for the entrance my lord, but via the mode of my transport I had no control of my landing, Ah where are my manners I am Essick Thales Master Of the Shapers guild and from your looks you have no idea what that is and also where am I?"

Rickard-"That is correct correct Master Thales, and that means you shall be answering a great many questions but fear not so long as your answer willingly you shall be treated as a guest."

Essek-"*Sigh* I understand my lord, but please do be careful with the chest it is full of my research and a great many glass implements." The man then was escorted to one of the more secure rooms of the castle for more unruly guests, there he was stripped to his under clothes and his given replacements for the moment.

While he changed Rickard began to look through the contents of the chest, as Essek was "requested" to unlock it.

To unlock it Essek placed his hand upon the top of the lid, where a set of large and heavy set of wooden straps rapped around his hand and a small needle ejected and stabbed directly into each tip of his fingers. After a moment a the chest then allowed itself to be opened and it's contents to be examined.

Essek was then escorted to lord Starks Solar, lords Stark while not the most extravagant room it held some of the oldest Northern Artifacts.

A set of armor that was commissioned by Torrhen Starks (The king who Knelt) sons to use is a would be rebellion against the Targaryens soon after submitting to their rule. It was never used as his sons flees to Essos where there future children would found the company of Roses.

Lining walls are shelves and paintings that detail many historical events of the North from the raising of the wall to Lord Bolton bending the knee to the Starks.

This is what Essek sees as he is escorted into the Solar and sat on the other side of a massive ironwood desk as two of the four guards in the room stand by home while the others stood by the door.

There he was lord Stark was examining a Esseks research notes while most of it is written in Elvish but he could make out some of the diagrams gave him a general idea.


Images of man and beast cut and labeled each giving a highly detailed image of dissection of beasts he had never seen before.

Rickard-"First I thank you for your cooperation thus far. But now I have a great many questions for you, as from what I have gathered you are a Scholar and a Craftsman of flesh and bone is that correct, in addition what are you." The lord said giving Essek a hard look from his grey eyes.

Essek-"That is correct, my job description doesn't translate exactly but I will try. I am a Shaper which mean by using knowledge gained by a millennium research of my people I can shape the very make up of any living being to an extreme degree.

For example some 300 years ago a woman by the name of Larynda shaped a species of grain to be grown in the middle of winter, while a great many beast of burden were created horses that could hold a man in full plate while wearing plate of its own.

As for what I am I am a Drow, my people were know to live in the darkest depths of the world or far away from other civilizations." Essek had flipped to a number of different pages of note book for Rickard to look over.

Rickard-"Now I now the who and the what, but the how. How did you find yourself in my Godswood unconscious of all things, as it is obvious you didn't just walk right it." He spoke in a less tense tone than before leaning back In his chair.

Essek-"That is rather complicated, I was apart of a experiment for a new type of transportation via a new from of energy and was transported here rather than my destination. So I am actually quite surprised I survived but I strongly doubt I will find any people like my self."

Rickard-"Well, for now you will be a observed guest of Winterfell till you prove you are no active danger to the North, but I will ask you to prove some of your claims then if what you say is true I have some things to ask of you."

Essek was then allowed to gather his tools and his chest locked (after checking it) and sent to his new room. After that he was taken to the Broken tower where if anything went wrong nothing of true worth was lost, along the way Essek was able to actually see Winterfell in its glory.

It had more in common with the Forbidden City of China than a castle of Europe, it was a sprawling thing were if Essek was a true mage he would feel the magic radiating from the ancient walls.

The people of the castle were also looking directly at Essek as a Purple man with bright white hair was probably the craziest thing they had seen.

This started the rumors that would soon spread all over the Fortress then to the rest of the North than to the rest of the Seven Kingdoms.

The Tower was only partially abandoned as the bottom couple of floors were patrolled by the guards, so Essek was guided to the middle floors where he was asked what all he needed.

He thought for a moment of what he wanted to make, as he didn't have time to grow a full work beast so a lighter would be best. As it is a proof a concept for bio-heating since in the winter months/years heating is a matter of life and death.

So he had a couple the men go and gather any food waste from the kitchen and any animal waste from the stables, while getting some weird looks from the guards Essek got to work on the main body.

Grabbing a chunk of bone from a butchered deer, then in his hand it began to shift as if putty. He then began to pull and push the bone into an teardrop shape, after that he grabbed a piece of the rotten flesh from the pile of garbage he was given.

That is when everyone started to get uncomfortable as the flesh began to move in his hand they also saw it turn into a black and green color.

Essek took the tear drop shaped skeleton in his right and and the flesh in the other and merged the two until the flesh covered the skeleton.

Setting the Flesh lamp on the table, Essek grabbed a handful of the given garbage and held it over the top of the lamp which opened up on top and swallowed all of the garbage.

Essek then waited for a moment and took a second to explain to the observers.

Essek-"Now, we wait for a moment, This is a very common object of my home land a bio-lamp. By giving it any organic matter it will digest it and produce a variety of combustible gases which will provide a very bright light."

By this time the lamp had inflated and turned a very bright green color, Essek then pinched the tip of the lamp which came alight from a mix of volatile chemicals in a very bright white light.

With the demonstration done Essek pinched the neck of the lamp which stops the flame, he then looks over to group of Northerners. The guards looked a little freaked out but were calming down but non looked like there were going to attack or call for a purge.

Lord Stark though had a gleam in his eye, as from his pint of view he was given an answer to his problems.

Rickard-"Well, with your abilities proven I officially release from custody but I will ask to stay here in Winterfell for 3 moons at least as I have a number of projects I would like to hire your skills in."

Soon a contract was written up and projects decided; first I was to be given food and boarding for my employment, second I would develop a number of agricultural improvements based off my people (like better crops and beasts.) Three my contracted employment will last for no more than two years or until my contract is completed.