
Have you ever accidentally shocked yourself when you unplug something or touch a crappy extension cord and had a strong electrical shock from it.

I woke up with that feeling but multiplied by a million as what felt like lightning had been injected directly into my veins.

Rolling out of my small bed in my crappy apartment, I noticed how the world felt sharper the glass that I had worn since I was 3 were no longer needed as I could see the individual dust particles that floated in the air.

Focusing on my my old glasses I felt a button press and a tool tip popped up in the image of a Magic The Gathering Card detailing my glasses which were worthless and could be summoned for nothing with clear mana.

With that I focused inward and tried to press the button on myself, with more effort I had another tool tip pop up in my vision.

The top of the card simply stated Planeswalker across the top, and I knew that it was true.

After taking some time to collect myself I couldn't keep the grin off my face as my dead end life had changed. I started to plan first I needed to gather some camping and traveling gear luckily working a blue color job meant I had a lot of sturdy clothes and a cross bow from when a got really into renaissance fairs.

Next I went out to the local areas to attempt to bind the land to myself, first was a park that had been let go for many years and was over grown.

At the center of the old park I took off my shoes and sunk my toes into the soil, I then focus downward and thought of the very concepts of Nature and it's ever sprawling being.

My mind was then expanded and I knew every blade of grass and bug that moved through the park for a short moment and the mind was slowly brought back to my body, I still "felt" part of myself in the land but my body was improved as I felt my muscles and even my organs.

I repeated the process again, Churches, libraries, cemeteries, and a decommissioned military. Each of these represent a different color of mana that gives access to a variety of different benefits, White from the church is the land of absolute law or in wavering morality good or evil, Blue a library which represents a place of knowledge and cold logic, Black the cemetery which is a place of death and rot, Red a civil war military base a place of war or action, last is green which is nature the park which was the first place I bound to myself. In addition to the colored mana colorless was very common in cities as most businesses and buildings were colorless like a bank that passively generated money when I placed it in a world.

This didn't immediately give me any spells but while heading to all of the mana locations I copied various common items, clothes, bolts of fabric, ect anything I could find in the area. In addition to objects I copied people that had interesting skills like a soldiers and engineers.

With everything gathered and my finances sorted out I attempted to make my first planet jump, as for my destination I focused on the walking dead universe as there I could get some practice in fighting humanoids and monsters. Along with getting ahold of some various jewelry and luxury goods I could trade with in different dimensions.


One moment I sat in my apartment then the next I appeared in my apartment but different as the room was falling apart as it seems that no one had been living there for months.

Brandishing my Bowie Knife I began to clear the apartment just to be safe and thankfully no zombies were here.

With the apartment secure I began looking for any information on where in the timeline I was as I had appeared in Atlanta where my old apartment was, and I knew that the CDC building would be exploding or had exploded.

Grabbing only the jewelry and the knives in the kitchen, I made my way out of the apartment and making my way down the three flights of stairs again no zombies except those I could hear in there locked rooms as most had made there way down to the roads were the sound of the various hordes had caused them to increase in size.

Wielding my crossbow while reaching the ground floor I finally encountered my first zombie, as a group of three were trying to exit the doors but a barricade had been placed by the living residents some time ago blocking them.

Aiming my crossbow at the head of the closest zombie, taking a deep breath and steadying myself as I had only ever killed raccoons and other vermin with this.

Slowly I pressed the trigger and with with a thump and a wet shlucking noise the bolt buried itself into the rotting skull of the first zombie, the noise of the body dropping altered the other two but not to myself.

Not taking my eye off the zombies I reloaded my cross bow and fired at the second zombie, with agin sunk into its skull and dropped to the floor. With there only being a single zombie and most of the danger passed I reached out with my planeswalker abilities to copy the zombie for a minion/cannon fodder.

The apartment building is about 5 miles from the CDC building in Emory university, I could walk there but I do not want to be attacked on foot so I summoned a motorcycle inside the entrance of the apartment building and gunned it down the road weaving through the abandoned cars.

As I rode I saw tracks of zombies all of them heading in one direction, taking the chance that this is Rick on that horse I weave through the alleyway for a couple of minutes till I see a massive horde of zombies surrounding the Tank.

Seeing the bag of guns off to the back side revving the engine, I then focus some of my blue mana into the motorcycle a card then formed in my mind "Enhance Tech" that allows me to temporarily or permanently (if an additional mana was used) improve the piece of technology.

The motorcycle then shifted slightly and with a loud boom from the exhaust most of the turned to look at me and let out roars, the horde began to shamble there way over to me.

Colt(MC)-"COME ON YOU ZOMBIE FUCKERS" doing a series of donuts to get even more attention I made my way back to drag some of them off.

Not looking back I knew that half of the horde stayed as I heard a yell of thank you from Rick but I kept going weaving through the alleyways funneling them through them as choke points to slow them down.

Making my way in a giant circle back to the tank, where the bag of guns still was behind the tank. Grabbing and analyzing it with my planswalker powers I got a card "Bag of Weapons" which when summoned allowed the caster to choose a type of weapons from medieval Melee Weapons to modern firearms (till I copy more advanced weapons).

Slinging the bag on my shoulder I look up the roofs of the various buildings I see Merle with a high powered scope pointed at me with T-Dog right besides him.

I see Rick pull Merle off and I loose sight of them, looking at the front of the building I see about 30 zombies at the door I don't immediately shoot them all as I would just draw the horde over I head here.

Instead I make my way over the the box truck up the road and pull it over to the alleyway where the fire exit is and begin to climb my way to the top, before climbing I use the weapons card to summon a large axe which I fasten to my biker leathers.

As I reach the top I could hear the group arguing back and forth calling Rick an idiot for putting them all in danger, before reaching the roof I yell out.

Colt-"Hey, tank guy it's motorcycle guy don't shoot me when I come up."

Reaching the top of the ladder I peak my head over where I see all of them readying there weapons, Rick pointing his massive fuck off revolver at me as I slowly crawled up.

Keeping my hands raised I approached the group and Rick spoke first.

Rick-"Thanks for the save out there I would be dead if you hadn't pulled that horde away, I'm Rick Grimes." He extended his hand for a hand shake which I accepted.

Colt-"I'm Samuel Colt, just call me Colt. If you guys need a way out of the city I grabbed those guns and a box truck we can use to get out of here, If you don't mind me traveling with you all."

Rick looked over to the rest of the group agreed and introduced themselves Glenn, Merle, T-Dog, Morales and Andrea.

After a couple of trips up and down the fire escape with filled bags of canned foods from the store below and make our way back to the group camped by the quarry.