Faoladh or Robert Bruce Makes a Deal

(This is inspired by power wolf after listening to them all day at work. So I recommend listening to Blood for Blood (Faoladh))

On the eve of Roberts the Bruce greatest victory he should be celebrated with what was left of his men but he couldn't.

As his losses were to great and the war still waged as the English still had a great many men farther south that needed killed to guarantee peace between England and Scotland.

So in one of the outlining villages he headed rumors of a monastery that had a monster imprisoned deep within its walls, he had spoken to his priest which confirmed that the monster existed and had been locked in the monastery since the time of the Romans.

Worst of all it hadn't aged a single day and had only requested books, paper and ink for witch it writes in a code that non had deciphered for over 600 years, what had been seen and were designs of complicated devices that he had never seen before.

That is what had brought him here in the heart of a monastery deep within a cave system covered in various crosses and prayer seals that covered the cave walls till not a single inch of the 10 foot tall caves was seen.

There at the end of the cave sat a wrought iron portcullis with just enough space for food to placed in and to see part of the cell, as Bruce approached the cullis his arm was suddenly grabbed by one of the monks.

Monk-"We go no further, only the Abbot can got further if anything happens we will not rescue you." The monk then retreated out of the cave not looked back.

With the monk fleeing, Bruce heard movement inside the cell quickly turning the face the cell he saw parts of the monster, and what a monster it was.

Covered in thing grey and black fur, with large dagger like finger nails, last where the head of a man would be is that of a massive woods head, but the clothes he wore at complete odds with his monsters form.

His clothes while strange was a set of comfortable pants with ink stained white shirt.

The beast then sniffed the air a couple of times and let out a short laugh.

Beast-"I can smell you, so no since in hiding. I also heard you and the monk talking earlier what do you want King of Scotland."

It's voice was pleasant and rumbled deep within its chest.

Bruce, shifting to be in front of the bars but kept his distance to keep out of range of the large claws. "The monks have told me you are a monster that killed thousands, that you helped expel the Roman's from British shores. Or you are the spawn the devil himself sent to tempt the people of Briton into sin."

Beast-"So that's the story that I have now, it changes every couple of centuries, But it's true I fought off Hadrian himself during his expeditions into Scotland.

But know this Robert Bruce King of Scotland I am no mere beast, I was once sought after by the greatest chiefs and kings of the ancient world but your church imprisoned me here after breaking a truce during the great Viking Invasion."

It's long arms shot out of the holes in the portcullis it's knife like nails just barely out of reach of Bruce's throat.

"So tell me King of Scots what do the Catholics need of a pagan Heathen now."

His yellow eyes stared directly into Bruce's own who held his ground and didn't even flinch at his burst of speed.

"My men and I have made a decisive strike against the English but to secure a true peace but we have lost to many men in the battle. So we need help raiding and pushing the English past Hadrian wall."

Beast-"What do I get out of this, my people are dead and rotting there descendants scorn there history. So what are you willing to give me King of Scots, because it must be a king ransom as I am a man who has lost much."

Bruce-"Then I must know your name and person as you have said your story has changed over the centuries."

Beast-"My name is Dagda the last wolf of the Faoladh tribe, we were know for our great wisdom and strength. Our craft men were known for making great machines and world of art that even gods begged them for them.

I was one the king of them, but that hasn't mattered since the time of giants and dragons. So that is what I am Robert the Bruce, a king of a dead people."

Bruce-"I can not bring back your people or change the past but I can promise you this the island of Arran has suffered a recent plague and famine and is mostly depopulated.

So if you help me win this war and secure a lasting peace I will give you the island and move the worshippers of the pagan gods there for you to rule and your descendants to rule so long as my blood line rules Scotland."

Bruce then approach's the bars and extends his hand, Dagda looks at him for a moment then shakes Bruce's hand.

Dagda-"You have a deal…..my King."

Bruce then walks over to a lever on the side of cell and pulls its and the portcullis raises, allowing Bruce to fully see Dagda and his full 8 and a half feet tall self.

Dagda-"If we are to leave soon then I'll need help as I have a lot of writings and designs, about six hundred years worth."


Dagda wasn't joking when he Said he had that many books, it took them and the monk a couple of hours to load them all into the carts he had brought.

He was also kind enough to wear a large cloak to hide his form for now till Bruce could announce him to the army and his loyal nobles, as he refused to hide his presence for long.

Which brought them to now Bruce and his war council was meeting in his personal tent past sunset.

Bruce-"Thank you for meeting so late my friends but my reasons are important as I have someone to introduce you all too.

This is Dagda Faoladh, now lord of the isle of Arran, he has already shown me some weapons that will be of great help In defeating the English.

But my reasons for meeting so late will be obvious, but I ask you all not to panic."