Waifu Catalog in ASOIAF

Put into Jon Snow with the Waifu Catalog, now the MC must survive and thrive in this new world.


When THE COMPANY approaches you, you do not refuse there offer. That is how I found myself in this position in a very bland office room with a phone and the Waifu Catalog open on it and I already had a very basic plan.

For the world I'm heading for Game of Thrones a couple of years before the events of the show, but with some changes Aria and Sansa are the same age, Instead of being a drop in as in as some random with no background in a feudal setting I am taking over Jon Snow.

The rest of the build is thus:

Binding & Lure


[ Company Stamp ] which when pressed to the skin of some sentient being they came be bound as a companion or familiar. Companions are completely loyal and will develop romantic feeling towards the MC, while families will be loyal but no feelings.


[ Sticky Fingers, Faerie Feast ]

Sticky fingers allow the user to be a master at any lewd activity while the feast makes them a master chef.

Other Controls:

No Other Controls

Talents & Perks


No Ride


[ Pocket Space, Pocket Apartment ]

Give the user a pocket space 1m by 1m by 3m tall along with a A 75 sq m extradimensional residence, for when you need a place to crash. It has all the basics: two medium bedrooms, one bathroom, a living area, kitchenette, and closet space. All characters with alternate outfits, shown in any official source, will find them stored in their room or closet. This includes phone, TV, internet, and other network access to any worlds visited after, but not before, chargen. Be careful not to mix up separate networks; URLs may not lead to the same place from one world to the next.


[ Everlasting, Martial, Wild, Science, Body Tune-Up, Engineering, Template Stacking I (You as Jon Snow has Spider-Man/Peter Parker (Marvel)) ]

In order, Everlasting makes me a low level immortal and no skill gets rusty, Martial and Science make me a one and a generation genius at those to fields, Wild makes wildlife leave me alone, Body Tune up makes me into an Olympic champion level physic, Engineer gives practical application to my Science skill allowing the user too build and reverse engineer technology.

The last is the Template stack which gives me the knowledge and powers of Peter Parker from Earth 616, with his intellect and powers I can keep up with and be above most if not all the non magical threats.


No Defenses


[ Sexual Calibration, Fertility Calibration I ]

Basically only the hood bits of sec and non of the clean up or leaving Bastards around.


With my selection made I my mind was then ripped from my old which crumpled lifelessly to the floor while I was suddenly in an entire new body.

The memories of my now three lives passed before me, my life as Jon Snow the bastard of the North. In this life he was borderlines abused when he was a child by Catelyn when Eddard was a away at the different vassals or during the Iron born Rebellion.

This was when it got the worst to the point that Robb understood what was going on and alerted his father when he returned which stopped the worst of it.

Jon continued his training and for the past couple of years has been considering joint the nights watch which I had no plans on as I am only 18 years old.

For the Peter Parker memories they are about what you would expect, wimpy high-school nerd Peter Parker was bitten by a radioactive spider while attending a science fair, he was gifted with amazing powers corresponding to the abilities of a spider!

He initially used his abilities to simply make money as a wrestling star, but after his uncle Ben was killed by a burglar that Peter failed to stop he devoted his life to crime-fighting, driven by the guilt.

Peter spent much of his life throughout high-school and college juggling his responsibilities as a crime fighter with his personal life and job as a photographer for the Daily Bugle, a newspaper whose editor was determined to smear the name of Spider-Man as a thief and a villain.

Peter made a number of bizarre and dangerous enemies during this time, and served alongside a number of superhero teams such as the Avengers and the Fantastic Four. After graduating from College, Peter started his own business, a multi-national technology company called Parker Industries. Although he is no longer the impoverished, bullied student he once was he still continues his crusade against evil.

With all this information in my head I had to take a moment and process everything, laying in a fur covered cot I thought about the future.

I later there for a about half an hour till I finally got up and was able to examine my new form, I was borderline godly in my looks as with Spider powers and Everlasting talent I was amazing.

Walking amongst the castle in the early morning I felt the cold and wind settle over my body as I watched the servants getting the place ready.

I walked amount the halls and paths till I had found my way to the training yard, grabbing one of the maces that were set off to the side and I began to run through the motions.

[3rd Person]

From an outside prospective it looked like a dance, as Jon moved amongst the various target dummies he had set up, These dummies which are meant to stand up to large amount of abuse from weapons were being shattered from his hits.

For the next hour he would enter this semi trance like state, slowly the inhabitants of the castle would hear his practice and would watch enraptured with the dance as he moved among the yard.

This would last till Theon Greyjoy would enter the yard in full practice gear as he didn't want anyone to view Jon in a good light.

Theon-"Oi Bastard think your the "Dawn" reborn or something or can you only hit dummies." Him not letting Jon even answer Theon charged Jon with a Sword.

Jon immediately dropped his trance as his Martial talent was activated, Jon dogged the sword and went on the defensive. Swatting away Theon's hits which further enraged him as Jon made him a fool to the growing crowd.

"RAAAAG" Theon then charged at Jon throwing caution to the wind aiming right for Jon heart. Turing the the side Jon dropped his elbow directly on to the Knap of his neck dropping him to the floor.

This was met by cheers and boos of the crowd, Jon then turned to face the crowd and lifted his mace and let out a cheer. Theon enraged and embarrassed at a bastard being better than him a lord Paramounts heir, reaching into his coat he grabbed a Dagger and threw it aimed directly at his back.

With spidy sense help Jon was able turn to the side and grab the dagger, looking at where the dagger would have traveled there Jon saw Aria.

Enraged Jon snapped the dagger in half and grabbed Theon by the front of his shirt with his enhanced strength Jon lifted Theon a foot in the air and wound up a punch but before he could cave Theon face in Lord Stark and a hand full of guards approached.

Ned-"What in the olds gods name is going on here." He bellowed out and made the crowd parted allowing him and his guards to approach.

"Father, it was Theon, Jon was just practicing and Theon charged with a sword and was destroyed by Jon. When Jon won Theon tried to throw a knife and Jon dogged it." Aria who had run over as soon as she saw her father and tried to calm the situation.

"Is this true Jon." Lord stark asked in a level tone.

Jon simply nodded and dropped Theon to the floor and turned to Lord stark." It's True, I was practicing in the yard with a mace." He said gesturing to the broken dummies.

"Is this true." He turned to the gathered crowd which let out a variety of affirmations and agreements. "Understood Everyone get back to work Jon and Aria follow me."



Aria and I turned to follow lord Stark, she pulled me into a hug. She whisper a quiet "Thank you", and using the chance I stamped her.

While I felt bad for this I knew it would be for the best as I knew a life full of adventure and exploration was exactly what she wanted.

I felt the stamp settle and my ownership of Aria complete I gave her once last squeeze and followed Lord Stark.

We arrived at his Solar and he had his guards close and lock the door.

"What you did was idiotic Jon." Before Aria could interrupt he raised his hand. "I do not mean protecting your sister that was the correct choice and I respect that greatly, what I'm talking g about is how far you want in beating him.

I know you are a great fighter Jon and after this morning I think you may be one of the best, but Theon is a lord Paramounts son and that carries weight that you do not have.

So while yes,Theon will be punished but so will you as I know the squids will call for your blood or more severe punishment. For now you will be banned from the Yard and from interacting with Theon again."

I understood the punishment I was way farther down on the political ladder than Theon and his family was already on the edge of rebellion once again.

"I completely understand Lord Stark, I'll take the punishment and any more that come but I do not regret the fight."

Lord Stark gave us a nod and dismissed us.

Once we left his solar I turned to Aria and said "Do you want to see something amazing."


I had her follow me back to me into my room, and locked it behind me.

"Aria, promise me that you will not tell anyone what you see in here, not even father."

"I promise." She reached her hand out for a pinky promise which i returned.

I then opened my portal to my pocket apartment and let Aria in.

(Should I continue this story? I think it could be fun.)