It's 6 in the morning. Elisha was packing her things when someone knocked on the door and opened it. Her head immediately turned around and knew who was coming in.

"What!?" She was irritated, asked as she zipped the suitcase and went to the front of the mirror to fix her face.

"You're leaving early?" her mom asked.

"As you can see, my things are already fixed and ready to go." She replied sarcastically.

"Do you really have to be angry before you leave? Hmm. Do you need anything?" Her mother asked her in a friendly way.

Elisha scoffed while putting her hair in some oil. "I don't need anything." She scolded coldly.

The reason why is that's how she treats her mom because, since she was a kid, her mom has always been busy managing their business, and often forgets to take care of her. Her mom and dad are separated. She was always suffering alone from sickness to her problems and even eating her food from morning to evening. Until she grew up and went to college, she became cold to her mom. She was always out, going to a bar with her friends. On the outside, she only experienced the true joy of being with someone.

"I will go ahead." Sounded cold. She grabbed her suitcase and slung the bag on her bed. Walked out of her room.

This morning is her flight to Palawan. She was chosen to be the designer of the bride's gown there. Elisha had not expected that she would become a famous successful fashion designer. Because she thought before, she had no destination in her life. It was far from what her family wanted for her. Her family owned big hospitals here in Manila and it's in their blood to become a doctor, except for Elisha. Ever since she has had no real interest in becoming a doctor.

"Elisha baby, take care okay? Call me if you need anything, and I will help you." Her mom gently said while following her through to the main door. Elisha stopped walking and faced her mom.

"Thanks. But. No thanks." She rolled her eyes after that. She turned her back and started to walk through their gate.

Her mom snapped a big sigh.

"I'm sorry, my baby." just in her mom's mind.

Elisha is on her way to the airport. She leaned her head on the window of the taxi she was in. She closed her eyes for at least a few minutes of sleep. She didn't sleep much last night because she finished the gown design that her client asked her for. And she knew by the time she got there, she would not be able to rest properly. But instead of going to sleep, a memory popped into her mind. Elisha quickly glared at the thought. She gently touched her lips, neck, and ears as she remembered that night. The night she will never forget. It was the night she wanted to repeat, but she thought it was impossible.



I glanced at a large room. I spread my gaze in its entirety as I felt my headache a little. There is a lampshade, two tables, and sofas surrounding it. There is a small fridge. Gosh. I'm in a private room, right here in the bar.

I slowly got up and looked at the bed. Sir Galacio is gone. Where is he? Why did he leave without waking me up?

Not even one thing he owned was gone. Only my clothes were scattered on the floor.

I stood up quickly and felt a slight pain in the middle of my thigh. Yeah. It was torn last night so it's probably normal. I picked up my clothes and put them on and left the room.

I was very dizzy as I got to the ground floor of the bar and there a scream went through my ears. Gosh. I can't go wrong. Those are my friends.

"Oh, my gosh! Issshhaaa!!"

"OMG! I can't be wrong! I can't be wrong! What? Is it big? He's not gay???"

"You should tell us what happened yesterday, ASAP!"

They were screaming in excitement when they came to me.

I don't know how to answer them. I'm hungry.

"Guys. I'll just wake up, okay? I'm hungry. You can maybe feed me first?"

"Yes! Of course! Come on. My treat." Aime volunteered and just pulled me out of that bar.


"So what happened? Did you two... Do the toot thing?" Aime asked me excitedly.

We are currently here in a restaurant. Seriously. They actually ordered a lot of food for me as if they were celebrating my championship on pornhub.

"C'mon Aime, no need to ask that." Kristy laughed and looked at me teasingly as she rubbed the glass in front of her that had wine. "Not impossible." She added.

"OMG! What's the feeling, huh? Is he good? Ahm. Is his banana big?" Aime's eyes lit up.

I didn't know how to answer her question. Because I could feel the butterflies flying around in my stomach again. If I'm not wrong, I'm blushing right now. It has been a bit fresh since it happened last night. I could still feel his lips touching every part of my body.

I rubbed my neck and smiled at them. "Yes. We had sex." I shyly said.

"O... M... G....!!" They both reacted in the chorus as they refrained from shouting. They're both blushing as I am. But all of a sudden I was embarrassed to think that tomorrow is Monday. Monday means there is a class. And our first subject is biology, so that means...

Oh, no.

"Oh god!"

"Why? What's wrong? Aren't you satisfied?" Nicole asked as she raised her shoulder.

"Oh no. Sir Galacio's banana is small--"

"No. It's not like that." I cut Camilla's line.

Gosh. Seriously, the big deal here is if Sir's banana is big or small. They're crazy.

"Then what? Why do you feel like you lost a diamond? Oh right, you lost your diamond already." Camilla raised her eyebrows and drank her coffee.

"No. Not like that, just. Tomorrow is Monday!"

They both laid their backs on the chair. Shocked as I am. Both cover their mouths with their palms.

"Oh. My. God."

I think they already know what I mean.


I feel nervous walking up the stairs to the third floor and going to our classroom. My knees are shaking with every step I take. My sweat was slowly dripping from my head. I tried to keep myself calm but I couldn't. I was very nervous that while I was walking, the scent of his body came back into my mind. The warmth of his kiss still clings to my skin. Gosh. I closed my eyes and stopped walking for a moment as they reached the lobby.

I breathe deeply, trying to make my heart beat calmly. "Okay. Relax, Isha. Relax. Act as if nothing happened. Okay? Right! You can do this. You can do this." I whispered to myself. I opened my eyes, took a deep breath once again, and started to walk.

Until I got to the front door of our classroom.

I breathed heavily again before I held the knob and opened the door. The room was filled as I opened the door. Everyone was bowing their heads, holding a pen, and writing. My friends were looking at me, there was sadness written all over their faces.

What's wrong?

"Do you belong in here?"

I suddenly turned my head in front of the whiteboard. There's an old woman. Holding a book in her left hand and chalk in her right hand.

Wait. Where's Sir Galacio?

Why is it our biology teacher is new?

"Yes, miss."

"Then come in. Take a seat. Get your notebook and answer what's written on the board. I'm the new teacher here, please pass your class card for me to include your name on the list."


That was the day Elisha found out that Galacio had resigned. She didn't know where he went and the reason why he had resigned. She was very sad when she heard that news. It broke her heart into pieces because she thought that was the beginning of their love story. She also returned to the bar daily, hoping that she would find the man that she loved there, but three years had passed she still could not see it.

Elisha heavily sighed as she got out of the taxi. She is now at the airport and ready to go to Palawan.
