10 AM, when Elisha arrived in Palawan. There, when she got off the van, Brent met her, who had arrived in Palawan early. Brent is one of her co-workers who has a secret crush on her there, but she just ignores it.

"How's your trip? Did you get tired? Hungry? If you're hungry, I have prepared food for you." Brent asked Elisha. They are currently in the elevator going up to their room on the 4th floor.

"No thanks," Elisha answered frankly and crossed her arms while stamping her feet on the floor. She does this when she doesn't want to talk to the person. But she has no choice now because she was sent here for this job with Brent. She sighed silently.

"Ah, by the way, our client will arrive here tomorrow afternoon. So do you wanna-- ah wander around? I know some famous restaurants here. Wanna try their food? My treat."

There was a brief silence.

"Wanna?" Brent asked her again.

Elisha just shrugged her shoulders, lazy to speak out. Brent was waiting for her to answer but he didn't hear any word from Elisha. Brent was already aware that, from the start, Elisha didn't like him. He'd been rejected so many times also, but still, he doesn't give up. Because the first time he saw Elisha, it captured his heart, not because she was beautiful, but because Elisha's attitudes were different from the other girls that he'd encountered. Creative, talented, and Elisha was the only woman who ignored his good-looking face.

The lift sounded when they got to the right floor.

The elevator opens.

Elisha walked outside first until they reached their assigned room.

"Thanks. You can go now." Elisha said coldly to him after he put her suitcase over her bed.

Brent sighed loudly. He badly wanted to eat outside with Elisha, because he knew tomorrow they would be busy with work, but he didn't want to upset her.

"Sure. Ah. Just call me if you need something or you want to go somewhere, I will be downstairs." Brent tried to smile at her. Elisha just nodded. "Sure. Rest well." He went outside.

Elisha sighed as Brent went out of her room. She sat on her bed and lay down and sighed again. She watched the ceiling for a few seconds, without blinking her eyes. Unexpectedly, Galacio's face appeared in her mind. It has a broad and high forehead, high-bridged nose, brown eyes, thick eyebrows, long but a little bit curly eyelashes, it's broad and broad muscular shoulders, and even kissable heart-shaped lips. It was 3 years since Galacio left, and the whole face of that man was still intact in her mind. She's really in love with that man. She did not change her feelings for that man by even one percent.

"Where are you? Why did you suddenly disappear like a bubble?" Elisha shed a tearful sigh as he took a deep breath. She slowly closed her eyes, to remember and remember again the memory that Galacio had left her. Although she was hurt, it still brought her happiness. And she's hoping that someday, they will meet again.

She stood up from lying down, and opened her suitcase but stopped for a moment. There is a weird sound coming out of nowhere. She rubbed her stomach, begging for food.

'Uh. I'm hungry. Yeah, I hadn't eaten breakfast before I left.'

She remembered.

She closed the zipper of her suitcase again and got her phone to send Brent a call. But as she looked at the open sliding door, she saw Brent standing at the seaside with a girl. She lowered her cell phone and threw it in the drawer.

"Boys nowadays are fucking jerks." She closed the sliding door. She went out of her room and took the elevator to the ground floor.

The elevator sounded as it reached the ground floor. A hotel staff member greeted her as she went out, she just gave her a smile and kept walking until she left the hotel.

Brent's position wasn't too far away so he noticed her immediately. "Hey!" Brent's voice calls Elisha from a distance. Elisha turned her head as her hair was waving because of the fierceness of the wind that overshadowed her. The young man waved at him but she just ignored it and walked away.

"Hey. Elisha. I thought you were not coming out?" Brent asked her as he was following her. Elisha felt irritated as Brent followed her, but she didn't make it obvious.

She also didn't want Brent to feel like he was a shadow. Because at least, Elisha has a soft side.

"I suddenly feel hungry." She shrugged and walked slowly, gazing at the gentle waves of seawater.

"See? I told you to call me if you're hungry. I had a meal for you at the hotel."

Elisha turned her head and looked straight at him. "It seems like you're busy talking to someone. I don't want to bother you, Brent."

A broad smile formed Brent's lips at what he heard. Is she jealous? A question he had in his mind.

Elisha noticed it immediately.

"It's not what you think, okay? I don't care who you want to talk to her. And besides, I don't like hotel meals."

Brent laughed. "I'm not thinking anything."

Elisha rolled her eyes. "Whatever."

"So, where do you want to eat? Just tell me. I'll take you there."

Elisha shrugged her shoulders and shook her head as her answered.

"Can I decide?"

Elisha looked at him in an unpuzzled way. "Make sure that their food is delicious."

Brent chuckled silently. "You will not regret it, " he winked.


Burger, Bacon and Eggs, Philly Cheesesteak, Chilli cheese fries, Fried Rice, Shrimp soup, and a bottle of wine.

Those are the goods presented in her front. Her eyes closed because of the sweet smell of the food in front of her. This isn't the first time she has eaten at an American restaurant, but she prefers this one. She took a spoon to taste the soup.

"Mmm. Wow!" A smile drew on her thin red lips.

'This soup is damn delicious. I like this.'

"How's the taste?" Brent asked her a question and smiled, knowing that Elisha liked the restaurant he shared.

Elisha stared at him, raising her eyebrows. "What? You're giving me now a victory smile?" She gave him a short smile.

Brent chuckled. "I guess I am."

"Tsh. Let's eat before it gets cold."

"Yeah. Uh. Let us have a toss first."

Brent took the wine and opened it. He put some wine in Elisha's glass.

"Cheers?" Brent led and raised his glass of wine.

