"I have received an email from our clients. They said they would be arriving tomorrow," Brent said in the middle of our meal.

We are currently in Kalui Seafood Restaurant, eating dinner. Time passes so fast. It's already evening. I feel so bored while waiting for our clients. Brent wanted to do some activities with me here, like snorkeling, and others while we are waiting, but it's just me who doesn't want to. I just stayed in my room the whole day, doing nothing but sleeping.

"Okay," I answered shortly.

"Yeah. Are your designs for the bride ready?"

"Yeah. Of course," I still answered sparingly. I'm losing my appetite a bit now. I want to go back to my room and just sleep again.

"That's great!"

Silence wrapped us until we finished eating.

"Hey, uhm, maybe you wanna go to a party. I mean, for a light drink." Brent invited me while we were on our way back to the hotel. He's been inviting me the whole day to hang out, but I won't change my decision.

"I would rather sleep. I'm sorry." I said as I tilted my head to look at him.

"Oh. Yeah. Okay." He replied, smiling. But I could see a bit of sadness behind his smile. But even so, I won't change my mind.

Silence wrapped us until we reached our respective rooms.

I throw myself on my bed when I get inside my room. I close my eyes, trying to sleep, but I can't. I feel so bored.

Opening my eyes, I got up from bed, and walked to the desk. I took the designs from my bags and checked them, but still, I feel so bored.

Just then, a thought of Brent inviting me to a party sank into my mind. Somehow, I wanted to enjoy myself to ease the boredom I was feeling.

But alone. I want to enjoy being alone.

Dance there, dance here. A kiss there, a kiss here. Those are some of the happenings I see here inside the bar. I'm looking for those who are having sex in public, but there are none. In the private room? Pretty sure, there is. I know, because I experienced it. Tssh.

I'm in a corner right now, sitting and sipping a cocktail in front of me. The whole bar was noisy, many people were dancing on the dance floor. Yeah. The party is in full blast!

It's already 8:30 in the evening. I left the hotel without Brent knowing it. When he finds out, I know he'll be going with me. I don't want that. I want to be alone now. And here I am, waiting and hoping that I could see him here even though it was impossible.

Again, I drank a cocktail. I emptied the entire body of the tall glass I was holding. I raised my hand to the waiter who passed in front of me. He had a tray filled with glasses of various drinks. "Waiter, two more, please. The hard one."

"Here ma'am. Enjoy your drink." He laid it in front of me.

Dos Aquis.

"Thanks." I took it and drank a little. Wow. This one is quite hard, huh?

As I continued to drink, the memory of Sir Galacio and me at the bar suddenly sank into my mind. I smiled slightly as I rubbed the head of the glass using my index finger. I crave each kiss and caress on my body every day. I missed him. Damn. So much. I want to see him again. Jerk. I wanted to see him again and ask him why he had disappeared after that night happened.

"You're a jerk, Galacio."

I wasn't ready for you to run after using me.

I sighed heavily.

Where are you now? What took you so long to return?

Are you married now?

Oh hell. No way.

What was I thinking? I'm hurting myself. I should only think positively. Okay.

I sighed again.

"I thought you liked me. Then why did you fucking leave? Tsh. Are you fooling me, Sir? Or. Is it because you're a teacher and I'm a student?" I sipped a cocktail. "Or. Are you afraid of the responsibility? That's why you ran away from me? Bullshit. I'm not pregnant!" I dropped the glass on the table aloud.

Holyshit. I'm a bit dizzy. But I can still manage. I could still see the way and the people kept dancing. I got up slowly and went to the dance floor. It's a waste of my outfit I don't dance. I'm wearing a fitted sleeveless dress, and heels two inches long.

I danced when I got to the center. It doesn't matter how great the music is, but I still dance to it.

Galacio, at least tonight. Please show up for yourself.

"Hey, sexy." A warm breath hit my ear. I stopped dancing for a moment.

Sir Galacio?

"You're sexy. What's your name?"

Damn. It's not him. The voice was ugly.

Not new. I ignored it and continued dancing. But I was surprised when he suddenly grabbed my waist and put it in front of him. Shit! I could feel the erection of his penis in my ass. Fuck this!

"Jerk!" I slapped him when I faced him. It's good that everyone was so busy dancing that no one noticed us. He touched his right cheek where my palm hit it. He rubbed his jaw, turning his gaze to me slightly.

Yes, this is a bar, and that thing was just natural. But fuck it. He can't touch my body! Unless his Galacio.

"Wow. Am I the one who's rude here, right now? " He laughs.

"And who do you think? Me? Hey, you're the one who's fucking pulled my ass into your shit dick!"

"Wait. Wait. Wait. Don't tell me. You don't like it? "

"Will I hit you if I want it? You know what? Just back off! Ugly monkey!" I rolled my eyes at him before turning away. But he grabbed my arms tightly so my body came closer to him again.

"You know what, miss, you're playing hard to get. Tsk. Let me tell you one thing. Judging from what you are wearing, you're obviously not a virgin anymore."

My ears were pounding at what he said. I could feel my blood going into my face and it was boiling. "What!? How dare you!"

"Sshhh. Don't shout. I'll make you happy. Just come with me." he told me in a flirty tone and started kissing my neck. Bullshit!

"Jerk! Stop it!" I pushed him but he tightened his grip on my arm.

"YOU! Let me go!" I straddled in his arms but he pulled me away from the dance floor. HELL NO!!

"Hey! What the hell are you doing? Where are you taking me?"

"Shut up, will you!?"

Gosh. Is he crazy?

The drunkenness I felt earlier is suddenly gone because of this strange man.

"Hey!! Let me go!! Hey!!"

"Shut up! Don't be so fastidious. I'm sure you will enjoy it." He was smiling at me as he dragged me out. We got out of the bar.

The hell!? Is he going to take me home? He's crazy punk.

"I said let me go! Let... Me... Go!"


"Let her go."

That voice coming out of nowhere made him shut up. Who was that?

"Fuck. Who the hell are you?" The stranger guy murmured.

I looked around but I could see no one else outside but me and this bullshit man.

"Let her go, now," he said again.

And there, a man appeared in a red car. I couldn't see his face much because he was a little too far in our direction and I felt dizzy again. It feels like I'm going to vomit.

"Don't intervene here if you don't want to get hurt. My girlfriend and I were just arguing. Stay out of our business."

What did he say? Me? His girlfriend? His crazy!

"What the heck are you talking about? I-'m n-not your.. girlfriend." My voice started to stutter. I'm dizzy. The liquor I was drinking earlier already has an effect.

"I don't think that she's your girlfriend. You're harassing that beautiful woman. Now. Let her go." The unknown man said roughly.

But wait...

Why does his voice sound familiar?

"Don't come near us. Or else." The man who's holding my arms right now is shaking. I could feel the coldness in his hands. He's scared.

"What? Gonna kill me? Let's see." I could see the man walking in our direction.

"Fucking shit." The stranger man murmured, he suddenly threw me and ran away. Because of the dizziness I felt, I lost balance and found myself sitting on the ground.

My knee hit a rock.

I returned my gaze to the unknown man now. He was walking now near to me. I looked at him and tried to make my eyes open widely so I could see his face because he was hiding in the dark. Until he was close enough. The light of the moon struck his whole body, which caused me to see his face.

My heartbeat started quickly as soon as I saw the whole face.

If this is just a dream, please don't wake me up.

"Are you okay?" he asked in concern.

"S...Sir Galacio..."

Tears started to flow down my cheeks.
