"What now Taylor?" I frustratingly asked Taylor as I answered his call.

I heard him laugh on the other line.

That makes me feel more frustrated. This is not the first time that Taylor disturbed me when I was doing something that made my soul happy.

"Wait. Why are you so angry? Ohhhh. Don't tell me, you were having sex? Did I disturb you, boss?" The sarcasm encapsulated the tone of his voice.

"You already disturbed me!" I let out a sigh of frustration again. "What do you want? Give me a good and acceptable reason or else I'll cut off your head when I get back."

Again, I heard him laugh. "Seems I really interrupted your pleasure. Kidding! Anyway, I just wanted to bring you the good news. I have already found her."

The annoyance I felt was suddenly gone and replaced with a little bit of surprise. I quickly went to the terrace and closed the crystal door.

"What did you just say?"

"I already have information about her. Finally, boss, you will be able to see her now. Should I email this to you or wait for you to come back..."

"I don't need it." I cut his sentence. "Discard."

I don't need that anymore.

I don't need her anymore.

"What!?" I heard he dropped something. "I've been looking for her for over eight years and you want me to discard it? Boss! It's a waste of my efforts," he murmured.

"I don't care, just discard it. I don't... need her anymore. It's over."

"Wait... Really? Are you serious? I thought you still loved her?"

"I did, before... But..." It's already gone.

Damn it. Is it really gone, Nathan?

"Do you love someone else? Was that your student back then? Don't tell me. Did you two meet there?"

"What? No." I lied.

"So? What's the reason?"

"I don't have to explain, Taylor. Just discard the information about her. Do not search for her again, and do not mention her again. That's an order. Are we clear?"

"Nathan." I could hear him let out a deep sigh. Taylor was an adult, and he made good decisions. But now, I will follow my decision."Nath, you can't love that woman because you're still..."

"Stop it, Taylor. I'm busy. Bye for now." I didn't wait for him to speak again and I dropped the line.

I let out a sigh.

I admit I was hoping that she would come back to me, but now, I'm letting her go. I'm ending my feelings for her because it's really over. This is the right time for me to love someone else.

I love Elisha now. I'm sure.


It's already 9:30 AM, and I have to leave now. My things are already packed, already in the car, and just waiting for me to get in. But I couldn't get out of Nathan's arms. From time to time, he begged me to leave tomorrow so that we could be together. I would love that to happen, but that's impossible. My boss was so strict so I can't cancel my flight today.

"Can't you just stay here, love? Let's go home tomorrow together. Please?" Nathan asked me again while he was hugging me tightly from the back.

He brushes his soft chin on my shoulder. I raised my right hand to reach out to his soft cheek. He's very tempted. I want to take my belongings in the car and bring them back upstairs, to stay here with him.

But I can't do that.

"Don't worry love. I'll wait for you there. Okay? We will just be apart for one night only." I leaned my head on his shoulder while patting his cheek.

"Yeah but, I miss you." He said like a kid who wants candy. He's adorable.

"I know, and I miss you too."

He let out a deep sigh. He released my waist from locking on his arms, pouting as he faced me. "I can't really stop you," he said and took my hands. "Okay. Then you should go now. I'll see you tomorrow, okay? Take care, love." He said with a trace of sadness on his face.

I smiled immediately. Not because he's sad, but because of the reason that he misses me already. I can feel it.

"See you soon, love." I gave him a kiss on his lips before I got in the car. When I was already inside the car, I lowered the car window and said goodbye to him again. I gave him a flying kiss. His shoulders were raised in his short laugh.

"Call me when you get home."

"Yes, I will." I waved at him and closed the car window.

The driver started the engine and drove it away.

I miss him already.

But we are going to see each other tomorrow.

I can't wait for it.

Even though I see him every day now, there is still excitement I feel all over my body.

Maybe this is how it feels when you are truly in love with someone.

Nathan. I really love you.

I'm smiling like a fool right here now while thinking about him.

What? I'm badly in love with him.

Just then my phone vibrates in the middle of thinking of him. I smile even more when Nathan's name appears on my phone screen.

I opened his text message.


9:45 AM

/Love, I already miss having you by my side. I cannot wait to see you tomorrow. I love you./

My lips curled as I smiled when I read Nathan's message. I can't explain the flattered I am feeling right now. That, he finally came back and now, I have him. He's mine.

Thank you, Cupid. For hitting us both.

1 hour and 13 minutes.

I'm here now at NAIA airport. After getting off the plane, I pulled out my suitcase and walked out. No one would fetch me right now, nor did I tell my mom that I was going home now.

What for?

I can manage myself. She taught me how to be alone. I'm used to it.

Besides, I don't want to see her. It's kinda rude, but I never lost the anger I had for her.

"Glad! You arrived safely!" I turned my gaze to a loud voice ringing in my ears. I saw Brent, leaning against his car while both of his hands were in his pants pockets.


What is he doing here?

He's smiling widely. I pulled out my suitcase and walked up to him. "What are you doing here?" I raised an eyebrow when I asked him.

He pulls out his hand from his pocket as he walked towards me. "Isn't it obvious? I'm here to fetch you."

I couldn't answer him right away because he had taken the suitcase in my hand. "Since taxis are full now, you will find it difficult to get one. Come on, I'll drive you home."

"Okay." I followed him. I don't want to argue.

Well, good thing he fetches. Because he was right, the taxis are now full. Many tourists are occupying taxis. So, if Brent wasn't here, it would take me a while before leaving this place, especially when I'm all alone by myself.

We are currently in the middle of our way home. As I leaned my head against the window of his car, I suddenly looked outside, but my gaze fell on the side mirror. There, I could see Brent, focusing on his driving.

Looks like something has changed with him now.


His hair. His hairstyle changed. If I'm not mistaken, skin drop faded, messy fringe, and a long beard was the style of his hair and it suited him well. From his hair, my gaze dropped to his body. He was wearing a blue V-neck shirt, and I could see the muscles in his arms. During the long period I spent with Brent at work. I just now realized that he had a beautiful body, but Nathan's body is better. But when it comes to their looks, I can't tell. Brent's face is far from Nathan's. Brent has his own definition of being handsome as well as Nathan, too.

But wait...

Why was Sanderson the surname of Brent and Galacio the surname of Nathan if they are siblings?

Right. Why didn't I realize that sooner?

I lifted my head as I thought about that thing.

Why didn't I notice that in the first place?

"Let's eat first?" Brent breaks the silence. His car stopped in front of a restaurant. But I ignored it, instead, I looked at him with curiosity on my face.

Couldn't it be.... one of them was an illegitimate son?

"Are you okay? Why are you looking at me like that?" He chuckled as he asked me, but there was a trace of wonder on his face. Suddenly, I looked away.

Couldn't Brent's second name be that he made his last name?

Is it possible?

Nevermind. I won't mind that.

"Nothing. Let's go." I got out of his car and walked straight into the restaurant. He followed me.

"What do you want to eat?" He asked as the two of us sat down, looking at the menu list we were holding.

Almost all the food here is expensive. There are different sections of food. Korean food, American, Thai food, and many others. My favorite is American food, but for now, I want to try Thai food. Brent will pay, so, it is no problem. I will order everything I want. I'm starving.

"Ahm. Guay Teow, Yam Pla Dook Foo, Khao Pad, and Gai Tod. (Noodle soup, spicy, Fried Catfish with Green Mango Salad, fried rice, fried chicken)"

"How about your drinks?"

"You decide." I closed the menu list I was holding. I'm not good at choosing when it comes to drinks at a restaurant. I'm only good at choosing alcoholic drinks.

"Okay." Brent had called the waiter to give us our order.

"Your orders will be served in a minute, Sir." The waiter said and left.

"Did you stop at the office before coming here?" I asked him.

"Yeah. Actually, we have company dinner tomorrow."

"W... what? Tomorrow?" I asked with a trace of stammering in my voice.

No way.

Why tomorrow?

I'm going to meet Nathan.

"Yeah. Sir Evan wanted to treat our team to a company dinner. You're coming, right?"

Sir Evan? What kind of gimmick will he make? Is this his style again to get me?

Yeah. He likes me. Brent and the rest of our co-workers didn't know that because he kept flirting with me secretly in his office. But I was never bitten by his trap. Yes, he is handsome, his body is beautiful, and women are chasing him too, but sad to say, like Brent, I don't have any affection for him.

I leaned my back against the back of the chair and crossed my arms.

Trying hard, Evan.

"No. I won't come. I have so many designs to do. I don't have time to relax. It's a waste of time." Sorry, I have a session with your brother tomorrow. I cannot waste that time.

"Come on, Ish. This will only happen once in our team. Come on. We need to relax sometimes. And I want you to be there."

"I would rather..." I wasn't able to continue what I was going to say when my phone rang.

"Excuse me." I pulled the cell phone out of the pocket of my handbag.

My eyes widened when I saw who called.

NATHAN MY LOVE calling...

Gosh. I forgot to call him.

"Aren't you going to answer the call?" Brent asked.

Should I answer this in front of him?

"Ha? Yes. Yes." I removed the shock that covered my face and smiled at him so he wouldn't wonder. But damn, why are my knees and my hands shaking?

"Hello, Sir/Ma'am. Here's your order. Enjoy eating!"

Yes. Save by the crew.

I was about to hang up the call...

"Answer that first before eating," Brent said while pointing to my phone using his mouth.

I thought I was saved. It seems like I have to do something crazy now.

"Yap. Since it's important," I answered the call.

"Love, did you arrive safe..."

"Oh, Aimee! Yeah! Yes, I just came back to Manila. Of course! I have a present for you. How can I forget you? Yes. I'll see you later. Of course. Bye! Take care too! I love you." After I did that craziness, I dropped the line right away.

Gosh! Nathan, I'll explain it to you later.

I can't talk to Nathan in front of Brent.

It's not that we're trying to keep our relationship private, I just don't want to lead. I want Nathan to tell everyone about us.

"It's Aimee." I turned off my phone and put it back in the bag.

I took a deep breath. It feels like I'm going to melt.

"Okay. Let's eat."

"Yes. Sure."

My heartbeat is getting a bit calm. But for sure, Nathan will go crazy thinking about why I said those words.