Currently, I'm eating dinner with my mom. For the first time in our history, I was able to eat dinner with her. Not because I liked it nor wanted it, but because she pleased me to accompany her to eat.

When I was a kid, even once in my life, I never ate with her from morning to noon, or even at night. I always ate alone at this long table and could hear nothing but every sound of the spoon and fork I held. And since I was a kid, I didn't even know who my dad was. She doesn't even mention it to me. I also asked my nanny before, but she always says that it was up to mom to tell me. But every time I ask my mom about my dad, she always avoids it.

Until I got tired of asking her because I didn't get any answers, so I stopped asking her about it. Besides, there was no reason for me to know some information about my father. He left us. He left me. That should be my point. I don't have to look for someone who has left.

I have grown accustomed to the fact that it doesn't matter who my parents are, even if they're just around me. They trained me to be alone, so it wasn't my fault if I was far from them.

"You didn't tell me that you were coming home. I would have fetched you at the airport."

I laughed sarcastically at what she said.

Gosh. My wonderful mother.

Does she really have the intention of picking me up? Should I be happy?

Tsk. Tsk.

I stopped poking the meat using the fork and looked at her. "Really? Will you do that? Ah... You're trying to recover the things that you missed? You're really.... unbelievable mom--- oops. I don't really know if you're still my mother. I can't feel it." I said. She looked at me. Maybe because my voice was filled rudely. But there was no trace of annoyance on her face. She remained calm.

"Elisha, honey." Her voice was wrapped with regret.

Is she repenting now? Well, it's too late.

She could no longer take away the anger I felt at her.

I smirked, dropping the spoon and spork that I was holding. "Okay, I'm done eating. Thanks for dinner. I appreciate it." It was so cold that it popped out of my mouth. I took off the tablecloth in my lap, got up, and left the dining room. If I had stayed there with her for a while, I might stop myself from blaming her.

I took my sling bag from the couch and walked straight out of the house. I'm leaving. Well, as always. I'm not used to staying at home if she was the only one I could be with. Even though I'm tired and sleepy now, I'd rather stay outside.

I quickly got into my car, but before I could start the engine, I sent a text message to my bitch friends.

Where am I going?

Well, as usual.

I'm on my way right now to the bar where that's the only place my friend and I always go, also a memorable place for me.

I already miss him.

I can't wait to see him tomorrow.

I took my cell phone and dialed his number. It rang right away.

/Love. I've been waiting for your call. I've been calling you many times earlier but I can't contact you. Are you okay? What's wrong?/

He's worried. My love.

Automatically, a broad smile grew on my face when I heard Nathan's gentle voice on the other line. Damn. I miss him even more. I want to give him a shower of kisses right now.

I put my cell phone on the other seat and put my earphones in my ear.

"I'm sorry, Love. I'm just having a meeting with my team earlier. Sorry I didn't call you right away when I got here." Forgive me for lying.

/It's okay. Just... I miss you. I can't wait to see you tomorrow./

I miss you too.

"Please get in a hurry. I can't wait either."

I heard him laugh a little. /I can't hurry, Love. You know... I'm always gentle./ He said chuckling.

A soft smile grew on my lips.

Damn. If he is seducing me right now, well... It's effective.

I arched my neck because it felt like I could feel his warm breath on my neck. Ugh.

/Are you driving?/ His soft voice covered my ears.

"Uhm," I answered.

/It's late, where are you going?/

Yes. It's already 8:45 PM. I didn't notice the time it was but this is a good time to go to the bar. Fill up and there are lots of people, you won't be bored.

"B-Bar?" I said with a trace of stammer in my voice.

I heard him let out a loud sigh.

I hope he won't get angry.

"Is it okay? I'm with my friends, your old students too."I gently laughed. "Don't worry, I won't do any crazy things there. You know...I will only do those things for you, Galacio. Only to you." My voice filled with lust at the end of the word I said. It's been a while since I called him 'Galacio'.

/Okay. Be safe. Don't drink too much, love. I'm not there to take care of you if you get drunk. You know... bad guys might do something bad to you. Remember... You're mine. Your body and soul are mine. All of you./ He is whispering. I could feel his voice being sincere.

"Yes love, I put that in my mind." I smiled.

/I love you. Be safe. I'll see you soon./

"See you s----" I couldn't keep up with what I was saying because I suddenly looked out of my car window. I noticed that there was someone who was following me and it seemed to stare at me from the inside. Or maybe... I am just assuming. My car window was closed.

Okay, never mind.

"See you soon, love," I replied to Nathan and I hung up the call.

My car stopped as the stop sign at the stoplight showed up.

Again, I looked at the red car next to my car. Its window went down. There, I saw a man.

He was not facing me but I clearly saw his side-view face. I can't define his skin color since the color of my car window is black. He had a pointed nose, his jawline was perfect. I looked down at his neck, I saw his adam's apple moving.

But wait. Why am I staring at this strange person?

Again. Never mind.

I was about to look away when he suddenly looked in my direction. The window of my car was closed, but I knew our eyes met. A smile grew on his lips before he could turn his gaze away.

Who is he?

Does he know me?

Is he really following me?

My eyes flickered as his car suddenly slid out.

That guy was so weird.

"Tsk. Tsk." I shook my head before I drove away.


"Wow. You're 5 minutes late, bitch!" Melissa rolled her eyeballs as she sipped the teapot which had a beer on it.

"What took you so long?" Nicole asked me while chewing.

I just arrived at the Virtual Arts Bar, the bar we always go to. I sat down next to Aime and grabbed a bottle of beer from the table, drank it before I could answer them.

"Traffic," I answered shortly, having their eyebrows raised.

"Wow, you're good at lying, huh," Aime said, and she poured out her glass of beer.

"What's important is that I'm here. Don't be OA. Anyways, I have a present for all of you bitchies." I gave them a bitch smile.

"Whoa! Really!? What is it?" Their eyes were shining in excitement.

I took those little boxes in my bag. It has their name label so I let them find it for themselves.

They immediately picked up the box for them. Their faces filled with pleasure, their eyes bright and almost reached their smile. Seriously, what gift are they expecting?

"KEYCHAIN??" They both yelled out when they opened the box.

"Yes. Why? What are you expecting?" I raised the glass that I was holding to sip some beer.

"Seriously. I thought... it's a branded thing. Gosh." Kristy flipped her hair. The others do the same. I just gave them a smirk.

"I went to Palawan, not to America, you guys are a bitch." I rolled my eyeballs.

"Well. Yap. It's... Pretty." Nicole said while playing the guitar keychain. "But wait. I have a piece of news for you." Nicole stopped playing the guitar keychain she was holding.

"What is it?" I asked with curiosity.

The four of them looked at each other before looking at me. Not only that, but they also gave me a strange look that made my heart beat fast.

"What kind of news is that? Bad? Good?" I asked them again. My voice filled with nervousness but I didn't show it off. What is their news? Why are their gazes so strange?


I turned my attention to Aime. She was seriously looking at me, which made my heart beat faster.

What is the matter?

"Well, our ex-teacher, Sir Galacio, is finally back in the Philippines."


I took a deep breath at what she said. That's all? I was about to die. Damn.

"Guess? He still has no wife. OMG, Ish. This is your chance to taste him again, and maybe... you two will be together for the second time. Who knows, right?" Kristy gently slapped me and gave me a motivated smile.

'No need to. Yes, I found out that he was already in the Philippines. Secondly, we met. Third, I tasted him three times. Last but not the least, I didn't have to take another step to make him mine, because we are already together.'

I wanted to tell them that, but as I said before, I don't want to do it by myself. Again. I want Nathan to say it in public.

They just keep making their comments about Nathan. I even took a cocktail and drank it while listening to their comments. Damn, awkward. In fact, I don't know how I would react to them. I don't even know how to act. I'm surprised about the news that they have said.

"But wait.." Aime cut their talk. I looked up at Aime, her finger placed on the side of her lips, and seemed to think deeply.

What was she thinking?

"What Aim?" Melissa asked questioningly.

Aime turned her gaze to me. Having a light bulb on his head. Gosh. What is she thinking? Why does it seem...

"Isn't that true.. of what you saw in Palawan??? Is that really Sir Ga-----"

"Oh my! I think I need to pee, really. Excuse me." I hurriedly said to cut off Aime's line. I quickly got up and ran to the comfort room. I knew what she was going to say. That was Nathan I saw in Palawan. If she said that, I wouldn't be able to lie and I might even say that Nathan and I are in a relationship. Gosh. I'm sweating.

"Oh, sorry. Sorry." Because I hurriedly ran while my head was bowing down, I suddenly bumped someone.

"It's okay, miss. You're so beautiful, so I will spare you."

I raised my head at what he said. My eyes widened when I saw the man I bumped into.


He was smiling at me so widely that I could almost see his white and fair teeth. The path to the comfort room was a bit dark, but I could clearly see his whole face as well as the deep dimple on his right cheek.

If I'm not mistaken, he's the guy I saw earlier, in a red car.

Is he really following me?

"Who are you? Why are you following me?!"