"Who are you? Why are you following me?!" I irritably asked him. But instead of giving me an answer, he raised his right hand, which was holding a glass of wine. He emptied the glass.

He's pretty taller than me, has a baby face, and I think we're about the same age. After he drank, he stared at me for a moment. He was smiling at me and it seemed like he knew me well.

Who is this guy? Is he my stalker?

Don't tell me... He's stalking me all the time?

Then, I don't care who on earth he is. I'm not even interested.

I didn't wait for him to speak and I left him, but before I could walk away from him, he spoke again, which made me stop.

"Nathan... Earhl... Galacio...." I heard him chuckle. "I think you know him... Ah no, you really know him. Am I right?"

Wait, how did he know Nathan? Is he Nathan's old student too?

Or... Is it because Nathan always comes to this bar?


But why is he asking me if I know Nathan?

Is it because Nathan was my teacher before?

Or... Does he know that we had a relationship?

No way. That's impossible.

I faced him again, but he was not facing me.

"Who are you?" I roughly asked him again.

I do not know but I feel the trembling of my whole body.

I saw his shoulders shrug, and he seemed to laugh silently.

"You don't know me? Ah... All right, I know. I'm just the second option. Well." He slowly faces me, still smiling. His smiles were annoying. And what does he mean by 'he is the second option only?'

"I'm Nicoli Montellano. You're Elisha Hakinley Falco, right?"

My body froze at the moment at what he said. Not because he told me his name, but because he knows me. He knows my full name.

He knows me. Seriously? Who is he really?

Is he really stalking me? Or is it because I come here often?

Damn! I'm curious about this guy.

"How did you know me? And Nathan?" I asked him, bewildered. He's creepy!

He slowly walked towards me, and with every step he made my heart pound. When he was already in front of me, I took a step backward.

I feel nervous all of a sudden.

He's a stranger to me, yet he knows me and he knows Nathan.

I have a strong feeling that he has plans to do it. I don't know.

"Because I know you both. For so long." He answered with a serious tone of his voice. The smile on his lips disappeared. He's wearing a serious expression right now.

I swallowed hard.

Did he know us for so long? But how? Urgh! He's really... Is he keeping his eyes on us?

Is he also stalking Nathan?

"How did you know us?" I'm full of curiosity. My mind can't even relax knowing that there's a stranger who knows me and even Nathan. If he had known us since we had always been here, I would have known him or been familiar with him, but for so long that I've been here, I have just now seen him.

It took him so long to answer my question. His eyes locked on mine as if he were examining my face. I'm not used to it, except for Nathan.

I avoided his eyes and cleared my throat to distract him from staring at me. Don't tell me, he likes me.

Well. He's not my type.

"Okay. I won't think about it anymore and ask why and how come you know me." I returned my gaze to him, wearing a piercing expression. Our eyes met again. It's weird, but I resisted his stares. I don't even know him, so why would I avoid him? "Do not ever follow me." After I told him that, I passed him over and walked away.

I let out a sigh of annoyance when I got out of his place. When I got to my friends' place, I immediately took the bottle of beer that Aime had been drinking and quickly threw it into my mouth and drank. She was surprised at what I did.

"What the---- whoa! So, thirsty huh? That you need to take that from me." She mounted and she stole the bottle from me.

I wiped my lips with some leftover wine, before pulling out my bag. "Let's go home. I'm sleepy." I hurriedly said. Besides, it's already 11 pm.

"What? We haven't danced yet." Nicole pointed out the dancefloor, where people were dancing wildly. Yup. I want... No, we want to dance. But, not now. In particular, there's someone watching over me here. I don't feel safe.

"Yup, Ish. Come on! It's really fucking early to go home. Let's dance! Let's enjoy the night!" Melissa added with an excited tone of her voice. She stood up and held me but I threw her hand away.

She was surprised at what I did.

Gosh. I didn't mean it.

"It's a waste of our outfit if we can't even dance, right?" Kristy added that they all agreed. Crossing their arms, while staring at me and trying to please me, but.

That wouldn't change my mind.

"No. Let's go home. Come on, girls." I said and walked away.

"Ish?? Isha!" I heard them calling me but I ignored them until they had no choice but to follow me. When we got out, I headed straight to my car.

I quickly opened the door of my car but could not get in immediately because my eyes caught the stalker guy. He is leaning into his red car while both of his hands are in his pocket and he is staring at me.

What's wrong with him?

This guy really followed me up to this point? Seriously. What does he want?

"What? I thought we were going home. Let's go!" I turned my attention to Melissa. Her face was frowning as she entered her car. She's really mad. That's because I did not allow us to dance. That's all they want to do every time we go to the bar.

"Bye, girls! Be safe on your way home! Bye bitches!" Melissa said before she got out of the car in the parking lot. Aime followed her.

"Bye bitches! Take care!" Kristy followed and Nicole.

"Bye!" Nicole.

"Take care." I waved at them. My gaze followed them as their cars slowly got away from where I was standing.

When they disappeared from my sight, I returned my gaze to the stranger who was following me, but I didn't see his presence around. His car wasn't there either.

Where did he go?

"Tsk? Why am I looking for him? Jeez." I shook my head. "He's weird!"

But thank goodness he disappeared. But wouldn't he follow me to my house? Argh! He's giving me chills!

I got in my car and drove away.