Screaming with Sirens (2)

Ask any local in Akihabara and they can easily point out the UDX building for you. Whenever I was here, I craned my head up and slacked my mouth. Akihabara UDX building stood with 15 floors that zoomed up the sky. It had a platform that leads to the Gundam Street.

The Gundam Street gathered known stores after one exits the east of the station. Due to its wide space, it became a home for mini-events, conventions, and even protests.

A man in shades and a suit held the loudspeaker and led the protest; he was the only proper in the group. He also brought five manned mascots with him, wearing a vegetable costume with the worst quality possible.

The rest that accompanied him were farmers from the countryside. Mud covered their feet and muck scattered on the shiny ground. Their clothes seemed like they got suddenly dragged out of their work. They seemed dead, and their only job was to wave placards.

"LOOK! The world is dying! We should preserve the climate before it destroys us! That was the goal of our ClimateSave program! Look at how climate change affects us in our everyday lives! We humbly ask for your support and donate to us!"

They were asking money upright!? What a generic speech with no touch of enthusiasm, a reason why everyone ignored them. They looked like high school students practicing for an act.

The climate issue needs to be resolved… But they don't need a protest. Japan had a loyal and proper prime minister I wished wouldn't die. The office of the prime minister was always open to requests. They could email them this matter and it would be answered within days.

But disciplining them was never my job… but Minoru's. He entered the scene with style and a smile like an old man dancing of rumba.

The EcoManiac wore a green wavy wig that shined with the sun. His thick coat shared shades of green, yellow, and white. He also wore thick shades to hide his eyes.

The EcoManiac approached the man in the suit. Everyone hung their mouths open when EcoManiac slapped the man. Plap! The loud sound caught everyone's attention.

"BITCHES! YOU ARE ALL COUNTRYSIDE BITCHES!" EcoManiac barked, giving everyone goosebumps, including me. With a cracking voice and a threatening tone, he continued the sermon.

"HOW DARE YOU… THE ONLY YOU… TO BE ASKING FOR MONEY FOR SOME FAKE AGENDA!? What are you? What even are you? I've never seen a proper green group doing what you did!

"The farmers that accompanied you had rumbling stomachs! Where the hell did you drag them out of work!? Those who accompanied you weren't even passionate about saving the world!

"I couldn't see a bit of love to my beloved Gaia, my queen, mi amor. You stepped on her with those dirty slippers, but she never complained. She asked for care… not money…

"ClimateSave? Phew! There's no money here! Maybe you could earn something in a comedy bar for the joke you made… A joke meant to be funny and offending, but you only OFFENDED ME!


The crowd gathered when I walked beside Minoru. My only job here was to diss cosplayers, but… I couldn't see a touch of a convention or event here. Since Minoru gave me the spotlight, I set up my stage.

"Who cosplays a kinder tree!? Shit monks! Your costumes looked like it was stolen prop from a TV Show! No branches, no roots… The leaves were even round! What the hell! You're funnier than you thought!

"And please, those eggplants and carrots, can you censor it? It is shaped like a d*ck. I don't know if you intentionally strangled it with thick condoms to create an artificial d*ckhead… Oh, the one inside must be a d*ckhead. 

"Potatoes never shined! And why are you using farm props in climate change propaganda? It would've been more reasonable if it was—"

The shutter sound of a camera halted me. I gazed to my right where countless studio cameras and microphones were. People with huge IDs with Press labels approached me.

"Mr. MagnusK? Aren't you Mr. MagnusK? Do you have anything to say about the allegations about you shutting down a TV show? Won't you fight your rights back—"

I stepped away as my legs trembled. I gasped, flinched back, and stared at Minoru while my sweat poured down my scalp. I practice my right to be silent, but if the media caught me, it would be huge trouble.

"F**k sh*t, Min—EcoManiac!" I dragged Minoru in reflex, out of the crowd, away from the shutter sounds. He had no idea what was happening.

Breathless, we entered the building where we changed our clothes. We stood over a vending machine and caught our breaths.

"Why did you pull me, Kou!? I'm not done with my revolt!" Minoru complained.

"If the media caught me, they wouldn't stop asking me bothering questions! After that, I will reject countless job offers until the end of the day. If you're involved with me too, you wouldn't be back home in time. Compared to my mother's violence, it was much more painful in the ass."

"A celebrity bluff," Minoru sighed and opened his locker. "With that said, we're lucky that locker vending machines exist everywhere. We could hide our apparel anywhere, and no one would notice us."

"Shut up with the weeb talk and let's go change before someone does."


EcoManiac and MagnusK left no trails from the world before leaving. We changed our apparel back to what we had before. We walked back towards the station without an inch of worry.

"By the way, Kou, weren't your insults earlier became lighter?"

"Sorry, I don't smoke. I could feel that there's no convention like you've said. Thank you for lying, Minoru. I'll find a time to smack you soon."

"Thank you for lying, Minoru. I really thought that was a convention. I'll find a time to smack you soon."

"I thought the Chitter wanted list was just a joke."

"Imitation Judgment was a big-time show. Even though it's their fault for letting me sign a contract, the hate gathered all to me. Their contract was trash. It even had a 'Go all out in discrimination' section. The program just got what it deserved."

"Really? Looks like the job offers were bad news, but you looked like you were enjoying your part."

"That was who MagnusK was all about! A pure, blessed, magnanimous act of lively—"

I noticed myself walking alone. Minoru vanished by my side. I gazed around and found him… He faced a tall man having a muscular build and a thug's face.

"Too much for enjoying my part… This is bad!"

The Yakuza leaned on the wall of an alleyway near the Radio Kaikan area. The cigarette in his mouth emitted smoke that blew toward the center of the road. He claimed his space by letting civilians stay away from him.

Minoru clenched his fists, gritted his teeth, and growled. He furrowed his eyebrows and slumped his shoulders. They formed an eye contact stronger than the Earth and Moon's magnetism.

After seconds of awkward silence, Minoru swung his arm and slapped the Yakuza. The cigarette flew down and lit off.

The Yakuza's cheek swelled. The Yakuza stared back at Minoru and roared. They exchanged their growls like dogs barking in the backyard. The public caught their attention and murmured.

"Was that kid dumb? Why would he slap a gangster? Just one punch, and he'll fly to Saitama."

"They're both at fault. That gangster was a pain, and no enforcer tried to stop him. The kid lacked common sense."

"Let's do a bet! I'm handling the bet for the Yakuza member!"

Instead of stopping them, the audience brought out their phones. No one had the confidence to stop the Yakuza. They were all eager to see a fight. Honestly, if I was them, I would join them… But it was my friend that needed my help.

I ran to Minoru, pushed his head down, and did an eshaku. "WE'RE SORRY! WE'RE VERY SORRY! I apologize on behalf of my insensitive friend. Please spare us. This won't happen again. I will watch over him! I swear!"

"K—Kou… What are you doing!? He's done such an irrational act—"

"Apologize too, Minoru, if you want to see Shizu-sama again."

He groaned, paused, and gulped. "I'm sorry." He didn't show his bitten lip to the Yakuza.

We faced up. The Yakuza squinted his eyes at me for long. I widened my eyes and gulped. I wouldn't know what he was thinking. Was he targeting me the next time we met?

"Tch!" He swayed his head and left the alleyway. The crowd traffic dispersed. After everything calmed down, I exhaled.

"You looked like you're enjoying your part, Minoru. Don't forget that you're not in EcoManiac mode."

"My love for goddess Gaia was never a persona. No matter what I looked like and whatever obstacles come in the way, I will never avert the grand quest of saving Earth."

"You might save Earth, but we'll end up getting killed before that."

"I'll be honored!"

"Hey, you only focused on the first statement. Sigh! By the way, let's meet up at Atle's later. I'm going to the lingerie shop first."

Minoru compressed his face. "I—I can suggest designs and materials proper for your sister. Why aren't you letting me go with you?"

I could classify good clothing by myself. The reason why I don't want him to join me… "You're a pervert."

He couldn't argue back with my sentiment. He spent his time browsing at the Radio Kaikan tower for electronics. I entered the lingerie shop near the Elven Maidreams cafe.

Stares… The 3D girls' stares surrounded me, the staff included. I was the only male in the zone. They might be thinking that I'm a gloomy shut-in who jerks on underwear. When I approached a saleslady, she squealed and jumped back.

"Uhm… Excuse me. I would like some fine quality two pieces. Would you recommend me good ones? I wouldn't care about designs."

"S—Sorry, sir, but… May I ask… W—What are you using that for?"

"I'm using what for?" I showed her Mom's message reminding me of Sera's underwear. "It's for my sister."

She flew her hand over her chest and sighed. "I thought you're…"

"I'm what? MagnusK? Why are people so judgmental of appearances?"

"N—No! Nothing! Never mind me." She coughed. "If it was for your sister, may I ask you? How many pairs do you need?"

"Make it a dozen. I wouldn't want to add laundry problems to Mom."

"How about the sizes?"

I pinched my chin and hummed. "Mom said Sera was D-cup… Hmm, D-cup, it is. As for her bottom, she's just a thin teenager. I don't have any knowledge of panty sizes."

"So, her name was Sera-chan, huh? May I ask for the reason why she couldn't buy her underwear?"

"Was that knowledge necessary?"

"I—It's not…"

"For stupid reasons, Sera doesn't want to go out of her room." Being an elf as a reason not to go out was an upright fantasy.

"I—I see! Puberty, huh?" She stuttered. "I'm going to ask my manager for the best quality ones. But I might warn you that it might cost heavier than you thought."

"Money was never heavy to me."

I perched on the comfy box chair and waited for my order. The gazes didn't fade. My existence here dampened the mood. The saleslady called me and showcased the twelve pairs of underwear on the table.

I didn't listen to her bait speech since I was destined to buy here. Marketing won't change anything. Instead, I squinted and inspected each of the undergarments. She stopped muttering after noticing me.

I pinched my chin and pointed at the second lingerie pair. "What are these loose threads? Were these your highest quality? Won't this poke my sister with a simple move?

"And look at the fifth. There's too much security. Covering tits might be its purpose, but it may become a burden on my sister's shoulders. The quality of the material is fine… it's just the thickness that holds it back.

"The sixth wasn't even color-paired. If people see it, they might think that my sister was lazy in her clothing. Eighth and ninth were too fashionable… I might ask for three pairs in which she was comfortable with sleeping.

"The twelfth… Wasn't there a D-cup size? She once bumped her boobs in my face, so I know that wasn't a D-cup size. I prefer her comfort and function over fashion. May I ask for a replacement for those that I mentioned—"

When I turned at her, she incredulously leered and sneered at me. Her eyes appeared cold and flat and her lips curled. It was like I gave her the impression that I'm a siscon.

"W—We will replace the said garments w—with your considerations, sir. P—Please wait here for a moment," she stuttered and walked out.


I just wanted a comfortable garment that wouldn't make Sera complain. What's wrong with that? Society was a judgmental facade under on they claimed equality.

Sera's underwear cost me a tenth of what Mom sent in my card. Mom might have already known that I'm a good judge of clothing. She doesn't even care about money at all.

I met with Minoru at Atle's and helped me look for Sera's clothes. Since Domi was their current feature, most of the clothes I bought had Domi's face. I even bought her a Domi plushie and a pillow.

Checking for her mountain of clothes' quality tired me. I doubted myself on how I could lift all of it. It took the sixth of the allowance Mom gave me.

Minoru stared at the elf maid giving leaflets from a maid cafe. "Kou, do you have some extra with you, right? Why don't we check the Maidreams Cafe?"

"I'm tired, and I'm currently not MagnusK. Looking at fake elves won't restore my sanity. I want to go home soon."

Elven Maidreams Cafe was sometimes my stop when I visited Akiba. Their staff were maids with elf ears, and the themes of their store were more forest-like and natural-loving. If I wanted to look at an elf, we had a real one at home.

Before we entered the station, my phone rang. I took the call and heard Mom panting and wailing. "Mom? What happened!? Why are you crying!?"

"Help me, Kou-kun… Sera-chan… Sera-chan ran away from home…"

  1. Eshaku is a bow usually done with your head slightly tilted forward while keeping your eyes open and your back straight.
  2. Radio Kaikan is a commercial building where the Steins;Gate time machine crashed into.