Side Chapter: Assassination and Toys Wars?

Ever Since the Introduction of the Portable Plasma Generator Entered the Market, the Planetary Local Power Companies felt threatened of Solair Incursion In the Energy Sector, they Hired People From the Underground to do their Deeds, Sabotaging, Slandering and Many more, Many Assassin's Entered the Estate and They did not return, While this glaring Signs scared off Potential People wanting to take this task, they didn't Hindered all of them, In fact those that remain Are Embolden to Kill the Solair.... While they Discovered that The Mars Fabled Observation Outposts and Skulls only Affected the Daily life of the Common folk, what the difference is that the Higher up are partially exempted from such Scanning...

and the Solair Mansion has the Lowest Security in all of the Federation Manors they Killed

In a Undisclosed Location a Massive Group of people Attended an Derelict Atrium and a Masked Figure acted as a Middleman for the Corporation Interest

"Ladies and Gentlemen, We are here to See to it that the Solair Family Must Fall, Our Inside Agent Has Given Us the Plan for the Solair Manor Structure for us to Insert our Members to Strike and Pictures of your targets... If you have any Questions Please do so ..."

As a Nervous Member Raised his hand, the Masked individual took note and listened...

"Tell me ask a Couple of Questions sir, Why Is it that the Insider will not Commence the Assassination? And Why is that many of our Brethren in our Line of Work is no longer available? And How much is the Job that Outweigh the Cost?"

"Okay, I will answer it

First of all, He can't be found since he is part our long tern Plan to observed the Solair familiar habits, and if he does kill and failed, then All the Colonies will be out for blood and even the Federation Contact will not save us... My associates managed Bribed that man to leak the plans for a part of the bounty... The Missing Assassin's are no longer with the Guild since they took this job before you, they no longer exist and they never gave radio Contact anymore... and the Underground Bounty of the Solairs is now reaching 459 billion Federation Credits...Per Solair"

As a Cold air Was Breathed, as the amount would make a Group live a lifetime of Luxury for a Couple of years that the Masked Mention so casually, Decades even if one is thrifty....

"Any Questions? If So I would Delegate you to Mr. Kenny McKenzie as your Leader for this operation"

(A/n Ah, Another Kenny? Or am I running out of names to toss to the grinder? Name Kenny Has the Worse luck in History)

As a Masked Man Stepped Aside to Give way to a gruff Man...

"Know this People that now entered this Contract... If you Fail, you will not be backed by the corporation to free your sorry asses and This is the final offer If you don't want to Join, You may leave the Atrium, And If Not Stay where you Seated..."

Not a single One Took a Step in the exit, and Kenny Grins ....

"Since you are all eager now and there are 1500 of you, You will be Stuffed into 3 Groups of Egg, Bacon, and Steak" (AN: I can't remember when was the last time I ate a Egg...)

Group Egg, will Attack the Wondertainment Building to Divert the Cops and Hold Out there long enough for us to do our deeds

Group Bacon, Cut off the Power Lines and Hack the Security Cameras to deny our Identity Found, and Prevent Any Escape route for the Solairs to Escape and Provide Escape routes for both Eggs and Steak to escape...

Group Steak, Will Go in for the Kill, And only those who are confident that they can kill them, would join this group...

And we will begin at Midnight...

As Kenny Delegated the Groups, A Skull was On a Gargoyle Statue... After all the Occupants Left , It Floated Out to through the Window and went somewhere...

Team Egg:

Komzin Vasil was Kinda Scared and Excited at the same time as their group Entered the Wondertainment Company, That Make the Supposed Miracle Toys and one of the Client Target he took Was Protected by a Toy? Heh Perhaps he would burn it down for Further Contract...

His Group Entered the Entrance, Showing A Trio of "Astartes" Statues Raising a Sword in the Air...

He noticed that that there were no Security Cameras in the Main entrance? Were they That Confident in their Personal Security?

The Group passed By the Dioramas Section of the Facility portraying wars of Humanity against Monsters beyond Comprehension...

Titles such as

Siege of Krak, Last Stand of Cadia, Armageddon Wars, The March To Macragge Created by Unknown Creator who's imagination is pretty much creative... As Kozmin wondered...

They managed to reached to the center of the Facility, the Operator noticed that there no Heat signatures at all, Not even a Night Guard was Found... Throughout the facility...


A Voice that is heard throughout the Facility

and All the entrance leading to outside were Blocked with a Metal Wall

A Scream was heard

Komzin and the Rest Looked behind and What Spooked them was that the Operator was Impaled... By a Astartes Statue? As the Operator Body Was Lifted Up into the ground, The Statue Sliced the Operator into two with it's Sword, Komzin Broke out of Stupor and Shot at the Statue.. And the rest accompanied him to shoot at that indestructible Statue as bullet sparks and Bullets Deflected and Not even scratching the paint job, their panic increases as the Statue Picked them Off One By One, And Worse out of the Souvenir shop nearby come out Marching God Knows how many Miniatures and Toy vehicles and Planes are Flying out of the Shop Peppering the Intruders with Miniaturized Missiles and Tank shells and Flash Light that singed their clothes...

The team opened Fire on the Miniatures, and noticed they weren't decreasing but increasing instead, as One was Destroyed, Ten Took its place as they pressured the Team to escape ..

What's left of the Team Fled to the Security room nearby and Watch in Horror through the Live feeds of Video Cameras that Scatter around the facility, That the Toys are Coming to Life and Each Passing Minutes they are Converging toward where they are... and More and More Bigger versions are now Banging the Door, Komzin Had a Great idea of Escaping the Air Ducts... Only to Find out that He was Facing a Miniature of Gas Masked men aiming their Artillery at his face, And he was Blinded temporarily by the Shells and He felt Pricking of Being stabbed by the Miniature, He Swatted them Left and Right blindly Crushing them, but more of them came as they rushed forward with Shovels as their mini cannons shot at him, as he manages to escaped from the Air ducts only to find out, while he was busy escaping, the door was Busted, and all his team was dead slain by the Statue, only for it to noticed him and Approached him with a Blood Soaked Sword, His only last regret was that he should have gone to another team.. Such was his last thought as his head was Lopped off

After the Conflict has done, the Metal wall was raised, and the Toys and Statue returned to their respective places, and gathered the broken pieces to a Recycling Pan so that they will be remade anew... and Group TechPriests and a dozen of Cleaning Servitors Came In and Began Cleaning up the Corpses and Tagging the bodies for Skull Servitor program, and Cleansing the Blood Soaked Floors... as if they were accustomed to doing this...

Team Bacon:

Tyson Richards was furiously Typing his Computer in a van... He manages to cut off the power line, but there were still lights on the Solair estate, as he desperately Trying to Hack the System, and More and More of his programs is being destroyed, As he typed more programs to attack the Server, he was Knocked Out by some Unknown Identity

Later he woke up in a Underground Room that was lit in ominous Green Light and saw the Rest of his group all Tied up, Gagged and bare naked ... A Congregation Of Red Hooded Masked Figures Approached them with Incense and Chanting Litanies of a language he doesn't know .... A Video was Shown... Showing a Red Headed Youth frowning upon them

("So... You are the rats that seek Harm to my family....Your Lives ended the moment you took that Job... TechPriests... You have permission to turn them into Servitors, so that you will have more time for you to "Innovate"... Don't Show remorse and the more you can make them into Servitors, the more time you can research of the things you wished to know...And I don't care about your Pleading Scums, this is Only a Recording...")

The Chanting Soon Stopped as the TechPriests Soon Went to their respective Chosen and They Commence their Procedures...

Pain, Screams and Begging was heard in the room, screaming for these figures to stop... as slowly the Group was Mind-wiped and Reprogrammed, and their limbs were Dissected and replaced with Tracks and servo limbs to carry out the Cleaning duties, forevermore Damned in a Incoherent and Babbling Servitors till the day their flesh turn to rot...

Team Steak:

Maxwell Gilbert was a former Federation Officer, He was Disgruntled that the Federation wasn't that Bloodthirsty like before and Hated the fact that the Federation Catered to the whims of the Martians? And because of that, his family lost the influence? When he took jobs in the underground, he sadistically Tortured and killed Federation Officials and their families that are More Pro-Martian due to the benefits they received... And when he received the Job about Killing the Solairs, He was Filled with joy that plagued him so long... Killing the source of his family problems...

Too Blinded by his rage.... He stumbled into a trap...

As the group Marched on to the Solair estate, Beams of Light Were shot at them and the groups before him fell down as a Several Burns Marked in their Chests as the rest Fell down And avoiding the beams that nearly took their head off... and they Found a Team of Men On the Rooftop with a Turret that were shooting them.... Maxwell took aim at them and his shot flew true, but it just Nicked the helmet of the Shooter, Which in turn the soldier aimed the Turret and the Beam shot at Maxwell, Hitting him in the skull, as he laid dying, flashes of his life till now, of all the crimes he did.. He felt... Something? Remorse? Regret? He is befuddled with his emotions as his consciousness is slowly fading away...

Next Morning

Joseph Solair Had not a Good Day..

As He see in the morning, Armed Guards now Wrapping up Bodies in Cloth in the Green Yard as a Nearby Chimera was with a Cargo Container was Being Loaded up with bodies... He was Grateful that they didn't allow the Twins to see the dead Bodies of their assailants... He felt his life is shaved away as the Guard Informed him that there were 500 men tried to take his family lives in this night... And when the Guard Press a Button On a Sign Nearby, It switch From 2475, To 2476 making Joseph didn't know it's purpose now Realize that that's how many times he was so close to death... He was Grateful that Alexander Managed to find this group... Or else Would there even a Home for Alexander to Returned to? The Family Welcomed this guards with Breakfast made from the Kitchen staff as thanks, The Soldiers left, and Informed Joseph they will continue to Protect the Family... As much as they can and Alexander gave them a Chance in life... and that much, they can do whatever they can to protect His family...

Kenny McKenzie did not also have a good day, He found out that the Groups did not even Achieve their Objectives and he is Rushing towards the Spaceport to escape his crimes...

He was Stopped by the police, and while he demanded that he is innocent, A videos was spread throughout FedNet as he was Shown that he planned to Kill the Solair family for cash, an Uproar was heard throughout the Federation Space, as why did he And that masked man wanted to ruin the Solair family, when this Family helped lives and Managed to Make people Prosper, even to the Most obscure Colonies that benefited from the Family Business? The people demanded Blood and Answers, and the higher echelon of the Federation, Is under Fire under duress...

They Deny that they did it, and Kenny McKenzie was made into a Scrapegoat and the Corporations was under Scrutiny especially the Energy Sectors...

And Kenny McKenzie Was the First Person to be Burned in Space by using the Wood made from Mars, and the Rage of the people is more than enough to stave off the Fear.... His throat was Removed and he is gagged... as Promethium was Doused on the wood on the platform he was in, he was burned on the platform that was Shot into space like a meteor, where the flames burned him that even bones were nowhere to be found... Such a Unique Method Only Found on Mars, and Meant for very high Ranked Criminals would afford this treatment, And not Much Attacks happened Since the Burning Of Kenny, They Named the Execution the Mars Flames, Since there was only Mars planet could afford such a Extravagant method of execution... Some Called it Kenny Meteor as the first person to have such an luxurious Execution...


Author here, Just had a Ramshackle Day,

At the First group I thought of the Night in the Museum Vibes and the Five nights at Freddy's, And Toy Soldier Movie,

But I lack the Brain matter to Fix it...

Yeah imagine a Statue Of an Astartes walked towards you silently and a swarm of Miniatures will harm you can make you literally feel afraid...

Second group Probably they have the Worst of the Lot... They didn't die of toys or the LasGuns But they were turned into Servitors...

Well Cater to the TechPriests... And I did imagine seeing them Mopping up the floor with a Archaic Mop is hilarious.. perhaps they did not like working that is below their station and requested for Servitors?

Third Group I Did wanted to make the Toys in the Twins room Come to Life, But...I Stopped otherwise ... This is one of the ways That Imperial Guards are able to Entered the Cities unimpeded by People curiosity... As they are the Group that been Saving Alexander Family Couple of times... People will not question much about it... And think of it as some Security Firm...

Why name the group Wacky like food? well I been sleep deprived Lately, and why not make the group like that, I listen to the Meme Call Signs of Ace combat... I don't want to Say Deez Nutz December, Or Horny Faraday... But Food... Prices here are increasing... Now I am probably eating near month Expired food ..