Side Chapter: John Rico Beliefs and Meeting of Alexander

John D. Rico wondered about the Martian, Alexander that he met yesterday Football Match...after He Woke Up in a Saturday Morning and went to the Dining Room with his parents...

In the T.V nearby there was a Segment about the Youngest Businessman in the Federation and widely Successful one, as Alex was called the Perfect Example of the Federation and Morals that a Colony ever Produce, Appeared in Bueno Aires...

His Dad Commented How a Youth managed to be successful and wanted to Rico to be Like Him...

Rico thought about it, and left it to his future him, he went outside to visit his friends... and went to an Arcade and saw Alexander hanging out with his friends at a nearby cafe...

As he was a Bit wary of Alexander, Carl and Ibanez was Eagerly wanting to talk to him about how he was successful and Jenkins talking to him how aware of his abilities ... and Alexander Noticed him...

"Ah? well it isn't the Champ, we were Waiting for you..."

"Waiting for me Sir?"

"Come on, Rico, I not "that" Old, Carl Does mentioned you have Some Sense Of Humor about you and he manages to find me in the the Mall, Keep Calling me Mister or Sir, I Start calling you Sonny or is that okay? Best Called me Alex...Come On, We all Better Go to the Arcade.. "

Baffled by the Bluntness Of Alexander, Rico Was Curious Why he is in Buenos Aires of all Places? Why not Usa or Paris? As if He Knew what Rico was thinking, He Grinned..

"Well, you got that look like that same reporter when I arrived at the Spaceport, and I tell you Keeps me Humbled, since the higher you Climb up the Social Ladder, the more chances you forget, what are you Seeking for, what you want in Life, will Be left forgotten... Buenos Aires Is a nice place to be in... You got Ocean, Lakes, only Mars that is literally a dust bowl is slowly getting Terraforming by the year...." As The Group head to the Arcade, Alex Went to Rico By the side while Ibanez and Carl wasn't looking and Whispered to him...

"You Like Carmen Ibanez do you?"


"Come On, I Noticed that when I attended your Match, I noticed you were like a cute puppy and when you Were wiped by Carmen 🙂"

"She my friend..."

"Keep it that way, she will literally be only a Friend..."

"Alex, Rico what are you two Talking about?"

"Nothing Ms. Carmen, We are discussing After the Arcade, we would head to The Wondertainment Toy Shop"

Wondertainment Toy Shop...

A Business Is very Popular Among the Children and teenagers due to its Diverse toys and Dolls and its been rumors that the toys are alive... But it was Scoffed of because the toys was so lifelike and almost mistaken as a human if it weren't for the fact that the normal height is always 2 Feet, But there were Custom Orders of it being 8 feet tall Plush toys .. and Some figures were Emitting a almost Divine presence that some were worship as a Spiritual Relic in some Household... And there were rumors that High Command Use this toys as a Simulation Game...

(A/N: why do I get the sense I writing a Poppy Playtime Dolls?)

At the arcade Rico had a Time with his life as he played Games like Parody of Street fighter, Trail Fighter, Ace Combat, Crane games with his friends, despite how much Alex Tried to Play, he Seems to Suck at Basketball Game, Rico Had a Great time playing with Alexander and he realizes that despite how much Alex is portrayed as perfect, he still Sucks at certain things, and Rico got really get used to this Person Bluntness, at the end of the Arcade fest, They went out with Lots of Toys, and Ibanez was holding a Bunny Doll that was given By Rico, And Only Alexander and Carl Smirks at the Two young Lovebirds...

At the Wondertainment Toy Shop

More like a Department store than an actual toy shop, Where there are so many Toys, Like an Astartes Action Figure and Chaos Space Marines Plush Toys or Tyranids Pin cushion and so much more, and there was a Battle Arena that is like a miniature Environment for letting the Children play their toys...

"Fire Warriors, Move in the Bushes and use PlasmaGun" a Boy Orders his Toys to move into the Bushes and they shot out Lights of Beam

"Space Marines, Avoid then Use Bolter and Rush close to Melee" as a Older boy Tells his toy, as they managed to dodge and shoot bullet pellet and rushed in melee and Downed the Tau which as the Chainblade almost reached the Tau Gunner

(A/N Sound like a certain Pokemon Battle? Just need To Battle the Elite 4 Generals and Beat Gyms Trainers of Warhammer to be the Very best?)

"Match Over, winner is Space Marines Gutierrez" said a Judge

Rico and the Group was amazed at the Competition...

"Like what you See Guys? This is my Personal Pet Project"

"How did you do that? making those toys come to life?" As Rico was Amazed...

"That is Top secret, and that is the Purpose of My Company, Bringing Joy With a Pixie Dust of Magic, Come I guide you to your destination..."

As the Group Headed up the Second floor They were More amazed there was a Racing Track, For Children and Adult to enjoy like a Go-kart Version of a Ork Trukk or a Chimera, or even a Eldar And Tau Grav Vehicles, Though those are for Adults... A Remote Control ThunderHawk was seen Flying in the air...

As they Reached the Office, Alexander Cheerfully Open the door and Rows of Toys and Dolls were as Far as the eye could see...

"Welcome to the Toy Hub, Where all the Toys are delivered to Children Daily, and You can Pick One of your Chosing..."

As Rico And His Friends went to pick their Choosing, and they returned 30 Minutes later...

"Let's See What you Got... A Ultramarine Captain For Rico... a Commissar For Carl and a Saint Celestine For Carmen, Quite Popular Among the Woman Choice..., You Don't need to pay, Rico Here Already Foot the Bill, He told me when we are heading to the Arcade that Your Birthday is coming up Carmen, and ask if I have anything to prepare for him to give a present to you..."

"Thank You, Rico I am Glad that you remembered My Birthday This Coming Week" As Carmen gave a Sweet Smile that Melted the dense Rico...

"I uhh... Yeah I Glad you Like my Gift Carmen" As Rico Scratches his head... While Alexander and Carl is No longer Smirking but grinning widely instead...

While Carmen is admiring her New Figurine, Rico Approached Alexander...

"Do I really need to pay this? It looks expensive..."

"No, Rico Free of charge, Managed to spend time with the you and your friends is more than enough for me, Besides I give you a chance to make her get closer to you..😉, And that look on your face is Worth it, isn't that right Jenkins?"

After realizing that Alexander gave him a chance to Carmen, He stood Silent...

"You know Thanks"

"Your welcome Rico, Guys, we Better head Back to not Bother the People here, It's Almost Closing time..."

As the Sun Sets, A group of Four is happily Returned home with their gifts and At the Entrance of their Neighborhood, Alexander Soon Stopped in front of it...

"Well I Guess it's Time for me to go now...I will Enter the military soon..."

"But you're Young?"

"No, Carl, I have a duty and my Responsibilities for my People, And Spending my Moments with you guys is... Pretty Fun...Here is my Gifts and they are very Special..."

Rico was given a Combat Knife bearing a Symbol of Mars and a Omega Symbol merged with it, Carl Was given a Bracelet bearing a Purple Lightning, and Ibanez Was Necklace That bears semblance of a Azure Rose...

"You May not Understand it now, but this will help you in the future..."

"Why don't you Have Dinner with us? Before you Leave?"

"Okay Rico, I will have One last Supper with you Guys..."

The Parents of the Three heard that Alexander was here they Let the Neighborhood know and threw a Party for Alex and He paid all the expenses and enjoyed their company... And making Business deals with the more Business minded folks.. And left in the Next day...

As Rico Lay in Bed admiring the Craftsmanship of the Knife that was a Gift from his newfound friend, He Kept it In a Box... Later when he grew Up, He Always Brought the Knife with him in combat and it saved him Many times in his campaigns...

He said once in the interview, Had he Not Met Alexander Solair that day, he wondered if his life could be different?


Author here, I just planning the Invasion of Planet Klendathu... And this chapter a side Chapter before entering the FAS

And the Toys is usually what I did wanted GW to make.... A Ork Vehicle as a Go-kart? nah I prefer a Salamander Go-kart , But Red Go Fastah

A Tyranid Pin Cushion? Now that is quite a Nice way to reduce stress as a imperial guard player... That is overrun by them Genestealer every single match played against them...

But a dream is just a dream....

Now Moving on Main Chapter....