Alexander Interaction with Primarch [Part 2?]


Perturabo, He never did like war... he preferred to build than to destroy...

Most of the Times He often tossed into Battles that others were not too keen of doing. Garrison Duties, Sieging a planet... And Being Labeled as Mud Dwellers by imperial fist because they been fighting in the Mud... Longer than be in the Imperial Palace...

Many times, he did feel resentful of himself of bringing his Olympian brother to the Trenches...

He never complained but his brother seeing his mood Requested a Vacation... The High Lords of Terra Intercepted the Request and was about to deny it as they were more useful on the field destroying Walls than being behind them... The High lord of the League personally gave the Letter of Absence to the Emperor and it was Granted...

He would have not imagined that seeing a message from his father telling him to come home in exchange of fulfilling two simple request....

He never would have to admit it... But he did appreciate his brother actions...

And His First two request from the High lord of League that made him appreciated...

The First was to Make the High Lord a Seat of his Standing...

Perturabo wanted to know why he wanted him not Dorn?

"Simple, all his head is filled with Walls and His Vision on my seat creation is gaudy as ever... I preferred your Kind of Style, Practical, Efficient, something built to last and that is what I like best... Would kind of sting Dorn that your work is within his walls. And he could do nothing about it."

Perturabo Smiled as if he knows what he is thinking...

"And the Second Request?"

"I want you to Build My City Perturabo...I want you to be a Builder. "

"Why trust me so much?"

"Perturabo... While many in the Imperium court looked down upon you and your legion... I Sense studied how structures work and I saw a report that one World that you destroyed you rebuilt it better than before... That is why I trust in you... I cared not of the Whimsical whisper of Nobles in the Imperium senate that mentioned how bad you are...I only see results on the field."

Seeing Perturabo was indecisive...

"And your father agreed with my idea that you would be a builder... And your Blueprints will be enacted throughout territories under my jurisdiction then soon implement it throughout the Imperium... At least your father did care about you... All you need is to just ask..."

Perturabo Called for Help of Vulkan and Ferrus Manus to build the Seat High Lord seat of Cog and Gears being created...

Metals harvested from the Depths of Nocturn. Vulkan Provided the Materials...

Ferrus assisted the molding with his silver hands, He molded the Metals with ease...

Perturabo was the mind of it all, to create the Seat he was requested he personally created the Intricate design of the Seat.... A Silver Seat among the Seats of Gold... and it was a Communication Device that allowed Alexander to Contact the League... And to Power it was Perturabo personally crafted a Perpetual Motion Engine to keep it running as long as the Imperium Draws breath... 

He managed to impress his Father by showing designs of Improving the Planets of the Imperium..

Newer Constructed Hive Planets based on his blueprints on the Fringes of the Imperium were less grimdark...

Improved Agri Worlds Provide more Food at the Less Expense of Manpower.

And Mina Which was once under Alexander Custodian territory before he handed to the Imperium, he made the 3 walls that held up till the 41st Millennium and the Place where Alexander first started before the Soulstorm Campaign...

Mina was To the First Project that he Undergo in Imperium territory once He finished the Capital of the League, Power plants, Hydroponics, Manufactorum, armories all was built to last and comes with Copies of Manuals to fix it... He was given inputs on many scenario's like a Eldar Raid or a Ork Waagh... And the Mindset of what do ordinary people actually wanted... he Did Appreciated the Efforts of His High Lord Brother that is Making Plans to prevent him from deploying and instead allowed him to bond with his Legion and Improved their skills as a Builders. For Once He could gloat to Dorn that he is something more than a Weapon... He was a Creator...

It lasted for Few Solar Years of the Iron Warriors giving them Peace building planets when in Canon they would have fought the Hrud by now, which is now tasked by the League for Extermination campaign. Requisitioning their technology to reverse engineered to human use...

HIs Relation with Alexander was more akin to acceptance...

[Corvus Corax]

In a room full of dataslates His work never finished as there is always a Planet that retracted their Compliance.. and his Ravens were sent across the Imperium to apprehend or make the dissident leader disappear...

He often did wonder if his brothers had such free time...

As His work under Macaldor never cease to end...

As he ordered his Squad to the next planet to be brought to compliance, he met the Carefree High Lord Wandering in the Battlefield... As if he was taking a Stoll in a garden than a Soldier in a battlefield... with no escorts in sight...

Baffled as he approached the High Lord under stealth, it seems as if he know where Corvus was hidden...

"Corvus, I see you..." The High Lord Hummed...

Corvus Stood still...

"Very Funny Corvus... You are standing there confused? The Emperor sent me to help you relax for a bit..."

Upon he was sent by his father, Corvus removed the cloaking...And he looked as if he didn't bathed for days..

"Corvus, I would have mistaken you for Mortarion if you didn't have that cloaking...You kind of reek...First thing first is a Bath...Then we talk..."

A portal appeared beside Alexander and He went ahead first...

Corvus did wanted to continue his mission bringing the Planets under compliance... but he got a premonition if he ignored what Alexander wanted from him something bad happened to him...

As he Entered the Portal he was met with a grasslands that stretched beyond horizons... and saw some of the supposedly men of iron mowing the grass near by...

He followed the High lord until he reached to a Cabin... Seeing it was meant for human size, he shrank and Entered the House Leaving the Armor Outside...

He found the dining room where the man was in the open window Kitchen Cooking up a Pot of Soup...

"I would need a bit of Parmesan...Corvus... The Bathroom is on the left side on the third row..."

Corvus suddenly felt that he was compelled to follow his directions... as he walked past the rooms he saw several numeral that have the Legions name on it and guess that it represented his brothers that came here before... But he noticed there was two extra rooms that was scratched out... as if it was mauled by a beast...

After taking a Bath that seem like it took ages... 

he return to the Dining Room he found a Steaming Feast waiting for him...

"Take your time Corvus... I having a Call with the Emperor for a moment... Yes, He is here with me *Voice Inaudible*"

Corvus Took time to eat what is needed and he felt as if he was filled with warmth...

After finishing his meal... He asked Alexander several questions...

"Tell me, What are those two doors that seems broken?"

"I guess that you somehow managed to find out about it...There were your brothers...That Revelation and I failed to save..."

"How did they die?" Corvus was curious to know...

"They died during the Rangdan Xenocides... They Brainwashed one to kill the other..."

"I see... Did Father got their remains?"

"Yes... And They are kept in Stasis pods..."

Alexander omitted that one of them was being Revived in his territory as his personal general...

As requested by the Emperor himself he realized that it was not the same son that he grew... As if the Revived Primarch lost something... And the Body is just a Husk... either he was disgusted or remorse of the Revived Primarch... He allowed Alexander to keep him...

After his meal and learning the fate of his brothers he slept in one of the room.

When he woke up he ventured forward outside only to see that his Armor was fully cleaned and the High lord finish his upgrades...

"I believe that this would be my gift to you..."

The Man opened up a Panel to revealed a Conversion Shield covering his armor...

"It would not help much... But it will keep you alive."

For a Week in that realm he could take time off to relax and reflect...After a week... He exited the Portal he was met by his Sons and his brother that was worried for him...

"Where have you been, Genefather?"

"I been with the High lord what happened?"

"You been gone for 3 solar hours! Your IF disappear a few hours ago..."

Corvus eye opened as the time he spent in that place was more than a Week...

"A Twinkle in time..."

[Konrad Curse]

"Ah, The Warhammer Batman, I wonder how he is doing these days..." Alexander thought to himself... As he moved deeper into the Depths of the Imperial Palace...

He Often check with his Shard on the Updates on the Primarch as he is worried of the defective foresight that plague Konrad... The Emperor managed to temporary fixed it, During his Free time, He Actually Made a Batcave Below the Golden Palace, Just a Level Above the Dark Cells where the advance surveillance equipment was created to survey Terra... So He could Prowled the Night in Terra...

Primarch Konrad having a constitution of standing in open light actually hurts his eyes due to living in Nostromo for so long forcing him to wear his helmet during Family outings or stayed in the Golden Palace.. Alexander Provided a Darklight technology from Rimworld that didn't hurt Konrad Eyes... Bringing a Sense of Illumination to the deary place...

As He Entered Konrad Room he saw a Duo sitting down at a Dinner Table eating a Sandwich while Watching a Old Horror Film from the late 21st Century on an old television that flickers time to time...

"Did I come at a Bad time?"

"You are at a right time Brother... Sit...We are just starting our Movie Marathon." Konrad Beckoned Alexander to sit beside them...

Alexander remembers a time when he was a Director for the Terran Federation in Starship Troopers... Seem so Long ago and he did miss his family... But Spending time with the Primarch was well worth it... As Alexander sat with them, he noticed a Familiar Hockey mask Murderer...

"Jason the Killer 10k? I never got time to watch that old show..."

"Yeah, this is the 5th Season we rewatch it..."

"How long did that killer did not get caught?"

"The Directors gave him primitive Space Marine Genetic, so he is clearly Unstoppable in that time period... this Season is a Detective called Dave Following the Trail that he left behind..."

"Brother no Spoilers, Let us take time to enjoy it." His Shard hushed Konrad...

After Seeing the Bloodied Detective aiming his handgun at the Immortal Killer at the Cliff the Season ended...

"Sigh the Detective wouldn't last long... I pity him..."

"There is Season 6..."

"There's more? Just how much did the producers spent making it?"

Alexander took the Dvd Cover and noticed the Brand Bearing Wondertainment logo... 

His Eyes Twitched as he remembered a Director that approached him during the Golden Age of Humanity, wanted to make Horror stories as a timeless classics and He practically gave the Director unlimited budget to make the films...

"Yeah... I really did spend so much money I did forgot about this... Did Managed to Buy DC, Star Wars and Marvels in this universe before the Ip went under... Macaldor got the Ip of GW..."

A Blaring amount of noise occurred, and Konrad went to the Panels and Saw a Crime was Ongoing...

Terra was Safe but there are always people that are ambitious to tempt the law...

Konrad wore a Black suit that would make this Novel Labelled as copy right by DC

And His Shard wears a modified Arbites Uniform that is vaguely similar to a certain bird...His suit is a mixed of Gold, Red and Black...

"Great all you need is a bat mobile...and a Killer Clown..."

"Nah, Traffic in Terra is a Bitch...and Sadly the Emperor did not allow Clowns in Terra."

"I see... Take Care." As Alexander weakly waved the duo as they used grappling hooks to exited the room...

"I shouldn't give them my Comic Stash..." He watched as the News showed a Duo Vigilantes managed to apprehend a criminal... 


Ever since the Operation that removed most of the Butchers nails from Angron..

For the First time he managed to learn what is like to be free...

He could Experience the Emotions other than rage... 

He remembered that he left his dog back on Nurceria...after the unification of Nurceria he look for a week for that dog...

Somehow the High Lord managed to get the Dog somehow before the riots happened and made it immortal... It was in the Gardens of the Golden Palace that he took his dog on a Walk that he Met the High Lord... Sleeping Peacefully... As he Approached the High Lord... The Hooded Figure stirred from his slumber...

"Angron... Is that you?"

The Gentle Giant smiled as the dog approached Alexander and Licked his hands...

The High lord Looked at Angron checking his head of there is any Butcher Nails being implanted...

"I see you are doing well..."

"I never felt more clearer than the day before my induction to that blasted surgery..."

"I see...did you managed to visit the Freemen in my League?"

"Thank you...At least even though you didn't completely removed mine... You saved what is important to me..."

"I do understand the importance of family..."

"Family... What a Strange word for someone that is related to us..."

"That's so? After all we are just the Weirdest family in the Galaxy after all... All 19 of us..."

As the Two Talked about the Good times they spent together...

Another Duo approached them...Alexander sighed as he saw his shard rushing head to head with Lotara and Kharn followed after them. Tired from the two quarrelling everytime they search for Angron.

"It is my Turn to inform Angron, Lotara!"

"Well, it is my obligation as a Ship Captain to inform my Passenger to get back to the ship.."

"Well... He is My brother after all, Your words have no jurisdiction here."

"How about you try me..."

"Now is not a Time to shoot that in here!" The Shard Panicked as he is aware what she is about to do...

"Nonsense there is always a time for you." Lotara smirked as she aimed her lasgun and opened fire at the City Eater Captain Feet...Making Him Dance as she smirked at his misfortune...

"Why Mee!"

'Mental Note to myself: never to let her see my face...' Alexander looked at the shenanigans of the duo...

"I do apologize for my follower misconduct, but we will have a conversation later... Seem like my Friend wants to stay behind...Take care of my Friend..." Angron handed his dog leash to Alexander...

"I will Angron..." Alexander watched the group disappeared to the Exit of the Garden...

Alexander looked at the Dog Eyes... and Understood it was feeding time...


On a Planet on the fringes of Imperium space... Where it held a Endless Green plains that Touched the horizon... The White Scars took Camp and Began to relax in their modified Yurts...

For a day they looked forward to their Father Throat singing...

As they prepared for his song ... they found a Human amongst them just simply waited for their Father to begin his play...

"What is the high lord doing here?"

"Don't worry it my off day... just want to hear The Khan sing..."

As the Khan exited his Yurt and Bringing his Horsehead fiddle instrument... He noticed the man and smiled for a bit...

As he began the song of his people, amongst the cackling bonfires and the silence, it brought something mystical to the land around them...

Whispers of their loved ones far from home... Their ancestors returned and greeted their kin... The White scars know that even far away from home...

Their family waited for them...

As the play came to an end... Khan looked around... And he found Alexander drink Horse Milk and Goat cheese among the people having a Feast...

The two never said much... As they knew their position in life... A high lord that mingled among the people does make Khan think he was a outlier in the Imperial nobility and a Primarch that is aware of his duties... But nevertheless he accepted the Brother to his feast...

At the end of the feast. The high lord felt satisfied with the accommodations and Handed Khan several codes...

"If you ever needed to resupply at my league assets, you are always welcome to use it as it is tied to the White scars...Even if you hate me or wary about my existence... at least you are always welcome... and thanks for the performance...It reminded me of home...a home that I am afraid that i will unable to return..."

"You have a home?"

"That I do Jaghatai... But now my responsibilities is now manning trillions of people that listen to my orders of whether they live or die...I can no longer be selfish...Sometimes I do Envy you... You and your legion are so free... able to go wherever the wind may blow...."

"I do have Hunt will never ends."

"Aye that is true... as long as there is a enemy of man that still draws breath in this galaxy... I wish you a good fortune in your hunt brother..."

"And you too High Lord."

"For now, I am not bound by the High Lord Position, I grew weary of the nagging of the court... For I am Simply just a brother wanting to attend his Sibling Performance...Tonight We Feast and Tomorrow we go on our merry way."

As the High Lord Claps his hands Several Crates and Barrels appeared beside him, and Seasoned meat and Milk wine flowed endlessly into the night... Perhaps this was the time the Khan let his Guard down as the Man before him that is celebrating with his sons have no malice towards them...


Mortarion the Death bringer...

Those words spoke behind his back both by the public and the whispers among his brothers...

After all he was a walking war crime of allowing the usage of Phosphex weaponry in his legion...

Sure, the League managed to terraform the destroyed planets cleaning up his crime, but his deeds were not gone unnoticed...

One of his dreams was to make a Hospital Ship that wander the Cosmos and his Sons as Doctors... Perhaps weary of the Chemicals weapons he have created... He sought to heal the people of maladies and illness..

He was glad that his Father was understanding and dragged Alexander to make a Fleet dedicated of Medical Aid...

"Not My Taxpayers money!"

"Not as if you tax them to death...Make it!"

"You could have asked the Fabricator General to make it!"

"Nope, You lost on a Jenga Session and that is a favor well spent."

"You and Macaldor Cheated! That last move is practically impossible! How on earth is that last stick of wood held up 5 kilometer worth of blocks? And you expect me to remove the top one?"

"But still I won."

It was a Fleet that held the Most advanced medical facilities that Humanity had to offer, throughout the imperium Astartes, Humans are all welcomed to that place, and it helps mend his reputation from being a chemical warfare disaster.

It was exaggeration that it was excessive, but the Emperor wanted to see the best of his sons...

On a Planet in the fringe space of the imperium that needed medical aid, he met Alexander face to face as his brother from Barbarus was in the ship taking notes of the medical supplies...

"Mortarion, how is your day?"

Mortarion turned around and he wore a modified mask that is a purifier...

"Hello brother..." Mortarion wheezed through his purifier mask.

"Where is your brother?"

Mortarion pointed towards his fleet.

"I see...Would you mind letting me see your work?"

"As long as you don't disturb me."

He watched silently as Mortarion resumed his work... Seeing countless diagnosis charts in a single glance...

He walked into the depths of the hospital and Looked at the Intensive care units...

There were many that needed help... Some were more needed his help than other...

He looked at a child that was diagnosed with cancer, one of his legion casualties of war... As the Guardsmen often affected by the chemical wars the death guard have created...

Sometimes he did wonder if making planets into Compliance with his methods were worth it...

" I going to be okay?" Mortarion paused...

"Yes child..." He lightly touched the child hairless head... Unsure if his hair would return...

After he exited the ICU.

"Is that child going to be okay?" The high lord asked.

"I believe that his would lived to an age of 21... Then the toxin will kill him. No Medicine in galaxy would cure what I have done..."

"I wonder can I take a look?"

"Be my guest... "

He watched as the High Lord walked by him...

His Being glowered in Gold...

A simple but a Short flash... That enveloped the ICU... Mortarion could have sworn that he saw his father in him in those mere moment...

Several illness flooded out of the patients around the high lord...

As if these illnesses wanted to envelope and spread their misery to him...

After a more intense light... That nearly blinded Mortarion the illnesses disintegrated... Leaving the hooded figure in the ICU... He approached the cancer patient.

"Child.." a voice that was not his brother spoke, it was more like Mortarion was facing a presence of the Emperor of Mankind...

"You did well to survive this far... Your parents would have been proud of you... Staying alive...Your parents lives were not in vain... They will enter heaven... Watching you..." Mortarion eyes were in disbelief as two more figures stood beside the bed...

The child looked at the two and smiled and hugged them... As he slept in this ship...he misses his parents... His relatives never wanted a deadbeat child in their home... For once he did wanted to end his life... But seeing his parents smile... It did motivated to move forward..

After the lightshow ended... The Figures disappeared...

The child went to sleep...

Mortarion was baffled

"How did..."

"Honestly, I don't know, it happens time to time. I believe Magnus have a Inkling of what warp healing look like..."

"Are you father?"

The figure stood silent of his question as if to deny or said yes... It was a few Moment until he spoke.

"Perhaps? Perhaps not?"

"You getting more mysterious than before..."

"I like a Schrödinger cat... Mortarion... I am your brother... A High Lord..The leader of the League... Or even your Father... Depends on your perspective...Tell me Mortarion... What do you see me as?"

As The High Lord removed his hood... Mortarion looked at Alexander as if he was a Mini Emperor staring at him... A Red head Man looking at him... A Mercenary, A Doctor, a General.... As if he have many identities flooded into Mortarion mind at once... Bringing him pain...

"A Brother?"

The image receded and showing a Plain Hooded Man with his smiled barely seen from his hood..

"A wise choice.... Brother..." The Figure smiled as he held out his hand...

"Never do that again..." Mortarion grabbed it and he managed to rise back...

"Can't blame me when you are more curious."

"When will you show your true identity?"

"Someday... But first you have a patient to tend" He turned around and saw the Light at the end of the hospital began to light up tht requires his aid... As he turn towards the High lord... He disappeared...

"Brother... What are you doing?" Mortarion found his Brother bringing in supplies from the ship, Baffled why he was just standing in the middle of the hallways...

"Nothing... Come help me and tend to the patients..."

"Okay.... Is there something would you like to tell me?" Mortarion hesitated as he did wanted to tell of the presence of the High Lord that visited him...

"Mortarion I know that look you know.... You make that face when you have something to hide..."

"Am I really that open?"

"Well, we both fought to liberate Barbarus and I known you that long... Whatever you are hiding from me, I could take a hit..."

After Mortarion explained the meeting of the high lord and what he did... Alexander laughed....

"So what... " Alexander smiled.

"You are not fazed of what he done?"

"As long as he helped you... It nothing to bother with... Why get spooked of a Man of many faces?"

Mortarion was in doubt of the answers he was given... And he decided to let the matter under the rug...

After Mortarion left...

Later as Alexander was taking a smoke outside the hospital and was seating down on a empty crate.

The High Lord appeared beside Alexander...

"Was my answer suitable?"

"Well that is sufficient enough... Continue your duties of overseeing Mortarion."

"Well do I took of liking of helping him..."

"I know cause you are literally me..."

"Fair point. Where you are headed next?"

"Preparing for Armageddon..."

"Will I survive?"


"I see... At least I get to be with my favorite brother till the end..."

"I wished moment like this would last forever..."

"But fate will always come for all of us... Farewell."

"Farewell... Me..."

Alexander looked as the High lord teleported somewhere... He sighed as he returned to the Hospital... Keeping a smile to not let Mortarion suffer even if it's a single moment...

Even if he just a Mere copy... His concern of Mortarion was real...


A/n: Been sick for a few days... December makes me more ill...

Now drafting and brain storming on the last chapter before Ullanor then the shite storm of Horus Heresy...