Alexander interactions with the Primarchs [Part 3?]

[Horus Luprecal]

The Emperor Favorite child... And future traitor...

For once Alexender did open his heart to this newly found Primarch...

And he was the mediator time to time when his brother have disputes...

His relationship with Alexander was closer than his brothers before him.

He often showered with fatherly love as his efforts to be the best was appreciated. And the Emperor tried to be a good father... Although those self-help books about parenting is not helping time to time... At least he tried...

In the Golden Palace in nighttime after he enjoyed a moment with his father, he noticed Alexander drinking a beer on a terrace while enjoying a single moment of silence staring at the moon.


"Oh Horus... Welcome back..."

"What are you doing?"

"Enjoying a moon viewing... I often spend time with the Emperor like this before he found you..."

"Tell me... What was his days before he found me?"

Horus was informed about his existence on Cthonia... And most of his question is answer... But he wanted to hear it from the person that stood by his father side long before he met Macaldor...

"Ah, You want his story?"


"Originally... We met in circumstances... It was he that approached me..." Alexander waves his hand and a Beer that was the size of the Primarchs hand appear beside him...

"That so?" Horus took it and gave a Swig..

"During the Age of Strife, I bought time for him to finish the Thunder Warriors..."

"I heard about these honorable warriors... Tell me about their story?"

"Ah, they were strong... But considering the number of enemies in Terra ... It was a wonder if we managed to survive...traitors, Mutants... And relics of the past.."

"Were the enemies that powerful?"

"Of Course, at that time they held weapons that could have ended the Imperium from the start, madmen holding weapons that could ended earth in a single push of a button...And We were both continents apart... Him being in old Himalayas while I was in Old America..."

"We Held contact over the years... When he first told me about you and your brothers birth... I was designated as your brother... and Macaldor your uncle... Originally when you finished gestating in the pods we would have found foster mothers that were suitable to raised you... But seeing you were stolen and scattered in the warp...Originally I wanted to find his son by the number, but he advised that we should find you first."

"So... Why me? Why did he find me first instead?"

"Because he sees himself in you...a Image of a Child in himself that is lost long ago. His Family was a mess but at least he tried to make himself a better man..."

After the two take a swig of the beer, Alexander sighed.

"Horus... You know why he often showers you with love? It wasn't because you were the best general or the charismatic leader the Imperium see you as... it because he sees you as his son... a child he never could have... One of the Objectives of the Great Crusade was that we should find you and your brothers first...and the unification of humanity is secondary. Heck he even made several favors of making my empire move in the galaxy just to find you."

"Did he see me as his son?"

"Why have that doubt Horus? He always sees you as a son...Long as you have a problem you can always ask Revelation or me... We are always open to hear your problems. If there is a mistake at least me and your father will always assist whatever we could."

"Thanks for your thoughts brother..."

"You know Spending time with you and your brothers... it is worth it. At least I am grateful that we could enjoy this moment...would you care to enjoy watching the gaze of Luna?"

"Would Love to... I have plenty of stories to tell you..."

"I would love to hear it..."

Horus told his exploits of his legion and his campaign in a Grandiose Manner... all while both of them watch the Moon that remains eternal in Terra skies.


Sanguinius was always the Perfect son... Though one question why he is always so distant...

On one moonlit night on Baal he watched as the barren Baal was Fully Terraform to human life...

The sands that he dwelled and raised by mutants is now covered in fertile soil and endless streams of water... The Emperor looked after him and his people... His brother that Assisted his dreams of giving the people a better life was filled...

No longer will they starved to death... And the Medical aid to the people and the League removed the radiation in Baal was appreciated... There was flesh eating nanite river that now under Alexander command reconfigure to defend Baal... Tyranids will have a difficult time breaching the defenses... hopefully before Guilliman arrives in the future.

There was so much Sanguinius could do to thank him...

But his brother spoke a sentence when Baal was undergoing Terraforming...

"You always be my brother...and my appreciation for the people that raised you the way you are is beyond what favors you could afford... Its a least I could do for the people of Baal."

Such a old thoughts entered his mind...

He mused as that was a decent impression that Alexander have imprinted upon him...

But every night he suffered nightmares...

His death... For once he did felt fear, not because he saw Glimpse of the future... But the things he would leave behind...

"Brother... Did you have that dream last night?"

Sanguinius smiled as he recognized that voice...

It was the first voice he heard since his creation...

Always filled with concern and anxiety... The Angel smiled at his actions....

"Yes I do..."

"Tell me Sanguinius... Do you fear it? Your death?"

"I do... A part of me... The Primarch side of me... How I wanted to flee away from the danger...but the Human side of me... The one that you see before you...I accepted it..."

"I wished there was another way..."

"Do not worry... For my end may be etched in the stone of fate...but knowing you would come to rescue me once more..."

"You knew? That I came from the future?"

"I know since we first met, but still... you are like family...I don't know what will happen after my death...but I know I will be reborn... And save father...alongside with my brothers...I seen you there with my brothers..."

"I wished I could have done more to save you..."

"Your presence here have slightly swayed my brothers into the light, making fate envious of a pawn that it couldn't sway...for that I am thankful..."

Sanguinius Swept a part his wings and Granted Alexander a single feather... Golden glistening feather was a gift from Sanguinius....

"When the time is right...that feather will lead you the way..."

"I hope that day will never comes..."

"But my time is always moving...sooner or later... That fate that I face will come..." Sanguinius hugged Alexander embalming him in a feathery hug.

How he wept knowing that might be the last time he would see his brother among the living...

"Do not shed tears for me... Alexander...thank you...for being my brother..."

"No...I am just glad to spend time with you...Sanguinius... This is not a Final goodbye may we meet again."

The Angel smiled as he closed his eyes...


A Man of Paperwork, Alexander joked that he gave Guilleman Excel and removed Paperclip Guy in it... He would be thanking Alexander for the more streamline work In Macragge...

"What the deal with Yvraine X Guilleman Books Spreading in my territory?! We ain't in 40k!"

Alexander groaned as A Truck arrived with the Couple Merchandise... And flooded his office...

[Well, the Blueberry Prince and the Eldar Priestess Series was popular... And they often wonder who is the Eldar is he been with? And Nocturn was popular with the series as Vulkan have Eldar Daughter.]

"I wrote that book as a means to tease Smurfberry! It was just a book I made to pass the time..."

[And it been a number one seller in the League.. I do hope the Eldar in the League do not create another god cater to love...]

"We have enough of Slaanesh problems..."

As Alexander Lament of the Merchandise... He heard knocking at the door.


"Who is it?"

"Roboute Guilliman is awaiting your presence..."

Alexander Paled as he attempts to place the item into the inventory...

The Door opened and Revealed the Ultramarine in Question...

He was dressed in his Toga and Greeted Alexander cordially.

"Brother I would like to thank you for the Gift you sent me. "

"Anytime Roboute... Seeing you can place more time on more important matters. So how goes the crusade on your end?" Alexander Cough as he pretended to grab some files as to pull in Eldar Magazines into his desk.

"So far thanks to your assistance, we have been steadily, and in some areas, we are ahead of schedule."

"I see, I will inform Revelation of your work... It seems you want to know something?"

"Ah, Yes I am curious of how the League operate."

"Of course, you are welcome, which place do you want to go?"

"The Shopping Center, and the Alexandrian Library, I heard there are some techniques that I could improve my skills. And there is Admin books from the Federation that is interesting..."

"Never change Roboute" Alexander Eyes Deadpanned as Roboute always have work in his mind...

As The duo head to the Shopping center, Roboute took note of the infrastructure that his brother has made...

"I can't believe that Perturabo can do all of this?" Roboute remarked.

"All he needed was a opportunity... And I granted that."

"I see..."

They reached the Shopping center it was filed with all sorts of "Sanctified" Races loitering.

"Brother, why do they believe in your cause despite in a different race?" Roboute watched a Squat Child Walking with a Humans and Eldar Vendors sold their Planet and Craftworld products... And a white fox Girl was on a giant Roomba. While being chased by a Security Pink Rabbit with Pippa on her identification tag... [A/n: Pippa and Tenma? If GW got Cat girls, why not fox or even Rabbit Girls as Genetic manipulation were the rage in the Golden age of Man.]

"Hope, Security... And The Future."


"Roboute, Once the Great Crusade was started, I saved them and it is my responsibilities, I will see to it that they are my people, they contribute Taxes and their products, in return I offer them what they need place of rest in a galaxy of war... I don't look at them as a race but what they could contribute."

"I see. It seems only your Territory is successful; I hardly doubt that it would able to work in the Imperium..."

"That was the Deal the Emperor and I have made; I get all the Useful Xenos while the emperor get the Axe to those that harm Humanity."

They arrived in the Store that sold books... Alexander freaked out as there was the Books, he made long ago being placed in the top seller section...

The only relief was that Roboute was dense as he went to the Administration and Office where they sold for College students...

"I take this...and this...and this " Roboute calmly handed out books on the cashier by the Handful ..

The cashier smiled professionally swiped the Bar code...

"Here is my Card and send it to my office." Alexander flashed a Auramite Card whom the Cashier understand that it was the Leader that have it and no one else can make it.

After seeing the Staff loaded up the books, Roboute walked in the Center with Alexander, Enjoying a bit... And Eating Sandwiches and Tea they went to Alexander Library to seek the remaining books...

They met Trazyn still reading as they passed by...

They found Magnus enjoying a debate with the scholars in a corner and they moved past him...

After a inquiring a Librarian of the books they seek, later the Man arrived with the books on the subject.

For Several moments the Primarch and Alexander read in silence...

"Done, Thank you for letting me use the facilities."

"Why the Formal Speech Roboute? You are always welcome."


"Brother I am the Leader of the League and you are always welcome... Revelation said so."

"I see, Thanks" Roboute smiled.

"Someday you will grow into a better person...but I don't know the burden you would bear shouldering the Imperium when we meet again..." Alexander thought to himself as he accompanied the Primach to stay for the Night as his ship is being prepped for launch.

[Leman Russ]

In the Feasting halls of Fenris, Leman Russ came from a successful campaign from the battlefront, although he visited the Golden Palace time to time... He considers Fenris is his home their endless feast often made his brother groaned of the cost of the feast but nevertheless the Emperor granted him a subsidiary for him to purchased food which he was grateful for...

Today is one special day that the High Lord arrive in Fenris.

And he brought Gifts of Food and weapons to the Space wolfs.

Mastercrafted Weapons that made by the High Lord was spoken in whispers and they have properties that helped them for good luck... 

"Bwahaha, You shouldn't done that!" Leman grinned showing his canine teeth.

"Leman they are my Nieces, and they are family and I am A Caring Uncle that looks out for them, A Feast for my Entrance is already enough for me." Alexander smiled as he drank a Barrel of mead.

"I heard from Father that you are a good duelist, may I have a duel with you?'

"Sure, why not, No hard Feelings when I beat your ass?"

"Hah On Fenris Honor I will have no grudge against you, for it is a Bout to test my strength."

"That is what the Emperor Like about you... the tenacity to improve yourself..." the High Lord spoke in praise to Leman who grinned that the Emperor have a high Expectation on him...

A Dueling Circle was made, and the Space Wolfs and Thunder wolves stepped aside and watched the High Lord duel with the Wolf Lord...

It was awkward as they did have Friendly Duels with the Dark Angels but never a Baseline Human. 

The Wolf Lord Raised his Frostblade in a Stance while the High Lord used his Faithblazer.

The Wolf Lord after checking any cracks in Alexander defense immediately took probing attacks. Alexander Parried as much as he could.

To the Lesser-Known Observers, they would think that Alexander was Losing, but those that witness war for so long, it was like a Art, each clash was like a play, a bond of Brotherhood between them... Neither was grim faced but they were laughing as they both clash once more. They don't care whether they win or lose as the finality of the clash ended Leman Losing his Sword...

"Look like I won... Brother..." Alexander approached the Frostblade and Handed back to Leman.

Upon which Leman gave Alexander a headbutt...

Thus winning the duel. Knowing that he wouldn't die with such force. Alexander was Swept with such force that he smashed into a cart full of cabbages that the local serf was escorting into the great kitchen of Hel...

"My cabbages!" The Fenrisian Serf lamented...

"Haha, I won Brother."

"Well at least you have done well. Let's try this again with no headbutts!"

Leman Grinned at Least he found someone that is strong and enjoyed his company...

[Lion El' Johnson]

On a theater of war in a joint cooperation with the Salamanders, League and Space Wolves, the Lion stood in a Command Center, He was the Eldest brother, but he is more social compared to the cannon version and he often said in short sentences. But at least it was more improvement to converse with his brothers.

After seeing that the tide of battle is now into his favor He nodded as he went to the Salamander Camp.

"What are you two doing?"

Lion Noticed Vulkan and Alexander at the Salamander Barracks Center... reading a picture book

"A Picture show about how cute my daughter is?"

"Don't mind me, I just providing him a reference."

Lion was dumbfounded as the two is reading a picture book in a Middle of combat...

"Is there any problem Lion?"

"No, never mind... Just would like to inform you that Unification day is tomorrow..."

"That so? Vulkan Unification Day is tomorrow!"

"Oh, I better get my Sons to ramp up the compliance, Brother get Leman on the vox."

Lion was Befuddled of why his brothers were so excited in the Unification day... It was a day in that year that they spend time in a dinner table, and it was nothing special to him... With the Added daughter of Vulkan sitting among giants and eating a Fish and Salad was adorable if one did not forget that she belongs to a race that is being hunted down by Slaanesh...

After informing Leman Russ.. they were teleported back into the Golden Palace after leaving their captains to handle the compliance... Where the rest of his brothers was arriving to the palace...

Alexander noticed his Arrival when the Lion just silently waited for the Emperor.

The Emperor arrived with Macaldor as a Giant Turkey that was steaming in its juices placed by his side, "Today is the very special day when this Imperium have been created... I know this might not be a special day to some of you... but it is the only time that we could spend time as a family. Happy Unification day." the Emperor Smiled as he carved the Turkey and handed the first slice to Horus...

It was a day as the Primarchs were not treated as tools or a Generals commanding vast fleets... But they were simply sons having dinner with their father...

Lion looked silent on the dinner table but sometimes... he did remind himself that he is the emperor sword to his enemies...

"But even a sword needs to be oiled and sharpened to be of use. This is the only time you can relax." The High Lord reminded him via Mindlink. As if he knew his thoughts.

Lion Said Nothing as he silently eats his meal...watching Leman voraciously eating his meal and ordered a barrel of mead to the staff. And Magnus and Perturabo was conversing with their topic.

On the seat he looked among his brothers he did wonder... Will there be a day like this happen once the Great Crusade is over?

[Ferrus Manus]

Alexander first Primarch he revived... Though he knew the Primarch In the far future that he considers him as Family... Now they were just strangers...

On the Chapter monastery of Gorgon, clanging of metal being hammered echoed in the Monastary. Bringing some of the Iron hands a Sense of camaderie...

Ferrus Manus Calmly molded a Piece of Metal with his bare hands that is enveloped in necrodermis...

He let out a smile as his work is finished.

"Are you done Ferrus??"

Ferrus turned around and saw the High Lord at a bench watching him.

"Finishing my work. What brings you here?"

"Observing your work..." He smiled.

Ferrus resuming the work.

The High Lord was observing his work without word.

The Constant Hammering echoed in the Monastery... was the only sound made.

The Two stayed silent until he fully finished his work.

"Tell me Brother...what is your dream when the Great Crusade ends?"

Ferrus paused as he did wonder...

He could take up as a Trademan... But he did have one thing on his mind...

"When it is over... I hoped that one day I would free my sons as using me as a Symbol...I know that they tried to replicate my hands, replacing their own with augments... but i know these aren't mine...One day I will free myself from these hands and I will change my Legion for the better." Ferrus held out his hands....

"Those hands may not be your own... but the Mind that made those hand to create are your own. but I do believe that may come soon that will free your hands of that silver veil." the High Lord said Cryptic as he is aware what will happen soon.

"I hope so...Maybe I do have plans for my Legion future..." Ferrus smiled.

Ferrus went into a storehouse and handed the High Lord a Emblem.

It was a Symbol of a Iron Hand.

"I would have given you this after the Great you are an Honorary Member in the Iron Council."

"I keep that in mind...How is Fulgrim?"

"Doing well, I am planning another competition with him when I have the time."


A/N: It is short as I Was Planning to Write a longer script... 

But I nearly getting a Writer Block. And My work in the retail is getting heavier handed, I just hope that it is no worse than Black Friday...

So many Codex's and Audiobook to follow...I know there is plenty of Books on other legion on the Horus Heresy...Hard to keep track on all the glories on both sides so there might be some people that i might miss like the Loyal Word Bearers and the Iron Warriors that gave the middle finger to their parent legion...

Let see...After this is...

Ullanor ["Hopefully My writer Block is not sending a warp storm into my head."]

Horus Heresy

[Perhaps some perspective of the Soldiers and Civilians during the Horus Heresy and Post Heresy? I know this time it's all about the Space Marine legions clashing one another and Titan Tremble the land they stood upon. what about the people that lived in that turbulent time? The People that the Imperium swore to save?]

Back to 40k

???? [Tzeentch done something on my mind again... A Random Galaxy Poll will be Enacted if i manage to pass to 40k. To conquer or to preserve...]

Starship troopers

End Times
