The Return of the League, Prelude of Imperial Cleansing

On the perimeter of the League space there is a Imperium Observation outpost that oversee the Warpstorm.... Guilliman propped it up to allow the Imperium know of the Leagues return...

A Elderly man watched the endless rift... For countless generations, he and his father and his grandfather... For how many men that watched the endless rift in Virgil... Their Hopes of their Allies beyond the wall... Appeared before them once more...

Those blinking lights beyond the rift was the sole comfort that they were still live and prevented most of the people of going insane staring at the warp for too long...

Never would the man have thought that in his lifetime his family wish came true...

It was just a regular day... But now he found movement... Now the few lights that remains in the League warp storm... Slowly grow brighter...

His partner who was a Psyker all he could see was like the Emperor met them face to face....

A flash of golden light erupted, and the large portion of the rift was cleared....

Never the aged watcher would have thought that their ancient allies now appeared more stronger than before....

Ships of all sizes now flooded out of the warpstoms grasp...

"So many ships...." He muttered as the fleets flew past the observation outpost...

He saw Titans flying in the void now staring at him... There were many that he could have sworn it was a swarm until one approach the Observation outpost...

For several moments of the monocular eyes of the giant stare at him... Before it left to join its main fleet. It left a Coded message for them...

After a brief translation from the Techpriest that was stationed at the outpost... After consulting the Machine spirit, they have analyzed it.

"We have returned..."

His son rushed towards him with his orders to relay the vox... Barely in his teens approached his father...

"Tell this to the vox son... Tell the Imperium that the League have returned..."

The Imperium was in a uproar once more as the League whom they only heard legends and myths now joined into the battle. Reports of the league fleets are now heading outwards in the Ultima Segmentum.

And the Return of the High Lord Alexander that was heard throughout the Imperium shook it's foundations... Both its allies and Enemies...

And he repaired the golden throne was more than enough to verify his claim as high lord...


Marshall Solomon smiled he watched the prophecy of his family came true... He chuckled as the boy he saw was the high lord in disguise...

He looked at the picture of his wife that passed away long ago..

"My dear beloved...our family dream has come true..." He approached the bookcase and opened a secret panel... In the panel was the flag of the League..

Now aged and was treated with care...

He calmly unleashed it and placed it beside the flag of the Imperium...

At a certain pub "Farewell Winds", a group of soldiers were having mixed emotions...

The 69th Dust Hounds of Mina was led by a High Lord...

They just saw him journey with the emperor messengers and now he become a High Lord as soon as he touched down on Holy Terra? And the Leader of the League no less?

Was that a Dumb luck or just mere coincidence?

Commissar Hector smiled Wryly as he raised and drank his amasec with ease... Alexander Hyde was more than a wild card for the Imperium...

Sector General Vance Stubbs in Kaurava was laughing at the news... A Corporal was actually the high Lord?

He would been bragging that he led the leader to victory... But he smiled as he knows how much effort he made in Kaurava... And he gambled it big.

The Eldars was aware of the Warpstorm slowly fading and they could sense their brethren that lived there, still alive and they have more of their kind living there and the throne world that was erected there is still active...

Eldrad whom now lived his years in peace, thanks to the crystal Alexander given him during their last meeting... He managed to direct the Eldars in a more favorable path as most of the events was truly coinciding with the crystal future, he was not outcasted by the Eldar society as each decision he made did not end in a disaster and managed to prevent the disaster inflicted upon his people. And the Eldar were more on the point, instead of their vague warning have lessen the xenocidal Imperium hatred towards them to a certain degree however they are still assholes, and they still continue raiding the Imperium... As there were some of them received the letter of marque to raid rival Imperium lords world with legalities...

But Eldar decided to follow one last action to play his part... To pre-awaken Ynnead from its slumber... And allow Yvraine to take its place as a priestess of Ynnead... He knows it would fail but nevertheless that is where the future that was given to him truly end....

The Orkz were happy as they have other "umies to krump on" and Ghazkull Thrakka was aware of the newest player to the stage... He grinned if that the High lord or whatnot can provide entertainment like Commissar Yarrick (this was before Yarrick died by Angron...)

The T'au shuddered they heard of the person that created their defeat in the Kaurava Conflict was the leader of a Major Human empire... and it was heard from the humans that lived in their territory spoke tales of the fabled league and how they treated the races with care and as long as you are ambitious you can work in the League government, the Ethereal cast have deemed the League as a threat as they could be the only one in the Galaxy that is the "good guys" propaganda that is spread in the Imperium territory that is near T'au space. What could the league provide than what they couldn't?

Commander Farsight received news of the League through those that is loyal to him in the T'au empire and the General that lost to Alexander that arrived at the Farsight Enclaves he was a uncertain ally and wonder if they would be willing to ally with him?

Even those that dwell in the depth of the warp have heard the League awakening... Through their cults that dwelled in the depths of the Imperium, in the Materium they are wary of the foes that hindered them... As they truly possessed power to kill higher ranked demons... Now the Dark gods have to contest with the Emperor that is in the warp, that is slowly growing his power and in the Materium is the League that is now cleansing the Cults in the Ultima Segmentum and now encroaching on the other Segmentums...

Making their source of information and eyes blinded by their actions... They are unable to send spies and cultist to the League as the League borders is heavily contested with Patrols made from machine and Eldar trained Psykers oversee every immigration station making it impossible to infiltrate... They couldn't corrupt the people living in the league as if they were heavily doused by their hated enemy essence and at the same time, they were like blanks... They could barely know their movements in the Imperial controlled planets that is temporary controlled by them before they lose communication ...

Seems like They bless Abaddon with all their strength and blessings to deal with the new threat... And unlike the canon... He would be pulling no punches as he amassed a bigger army and fleets than before... And the Dark Mechanicum spent several thousand years to reverse engineering the derelicts of Alexander weapons that they managed to salvage during the 30k

++Mining World X-18458, Ultima Segmentum, Status: Under attack by a Ork Waagh, Value: Insignificant, receiving new orders...: League will now take over the call for aid...++

It is a planet that is on the fringe side of the Ultima Segmentum that is under attack by a Ork Waagh...

It was one of many resources planet that is providing the materials to the galaxy at large...

The Warboss wanted this planet under control as he wanted to contest his strength against the Prophet of Gork and mork... But this planet would suffice...

Many sent out Psychic Choirs and Messages to the Imperium to no Avail...

And the governor that was stationed there was forced to realize a grim truth... They are not worthy enough to help as they are one but many that called out for the Imperium for help everyday... Both Pirates, Xenos raiders that threaten that is no concern to the Imperium at large...

"Have we been abandoned by our God Emperor?" He cried out in despair...

He had been faithful; he sent the tithes how steep it may be at the expense of the people suffering to provide the Imperium needs and in exchange for safety and they couldn't answer back...

A Techpriest approached him bearing message...

It was a message from Terra was sent to them...

Bearing a High Lord symbol that was the highest degree...

He listened to it with great importance...

"You are not alone...and reinforcements will soon come, hold out for two days then the nightmare will be forgotten" was the message entailed...

The high lord message did bring them hope...

One could imagine for the defenders of the planet and the words of hope could do to inspire one that was in depths of despair...

For two days was all they needed to hold out... Before reinforcements arrived.

And many of the PDF forces defend with such ferocity with hopes that their families are saved...

Many died for that belief... And their corpses have been a symbol of their need of Hope in this grimdark galaxy...

As the Day ended as almost half of the PDF forces was eliminated and the promised time have come...

Many was injured for that hope... Their prayers to the God Emperor that they prayed ...

Soon that hype turned to despair... As they heard the Waagh in the distance...their hearts sank as the sight of the greenskins are approaching them.

Until they hear humming from the skies and Several Drop Pods landed down on the surface... Just between the defenders and the Waagh...

"Space Marines?" One such defender ponders such question, but they have no symbols of any chapter in charge of their sector of space... As they heard the Fabled angels of death... But to this insignificant planet?

But what opened from the pods was not a Astartes that immediately Guns blazing, but a being of Mechanical gears and metal...

They Stepped out of their transport silently as they faced the unending tide of Greenskins and they opened fire...

The Men of Iron have arrived and now they fulfill their old orders... To destroy the enemies of Man...

The Waagh was halted for a while as they were not the beakie boys but something else...

As they tried to retreat and regroup from the hail of bullets and Volkite weaponry...

From the skies several triangular ships appeared and immediately opened fire and its belly have released hundreds of attack craft that strafing the mass of Orks below, many of the Orks that manned the Flak Cannons hoping to bring down the Ships in orbit as that is a good amount of scrap if they could loot it...

Ork Fighta-bombas flew ahead and meet the Fighters as the battle was favoring the Defenders...

Several Valkyries landed near the defenders of the planet and several Medicae was deployed and gave them medical attention as those that was heavily wounded was placed in the Valkyries to be healed in the ship in Orbit...

The Governor that saw it all witness it as if the High Lord words were divine...

The destruction of the ork waagh ended with a crushing victory and several machines are burning the ork corpses and the general vicinity of the orks to prevent fungal growth...

The ships landed and provided several tons of supplies such as medicine, food and clothing and war Material, and a General Healthcare. Many of the civilians wanted to know how to join the League... As they are eager to get a medical aid... what is free is not what it seems...

Until one individual rushed out of the field hospital screaming as the person fired back a laspistol at the building... there was a three purple bulges on his forehead...

"We got a sign of a Genestealer!" the words that the Combat doctors that attended the ill screamed out.

Many of the people didn't know what is the Genecult but the soldiers of the league took time to explain what is the genestealer. Along with pictures of the chosen enemy.

"It is a group of fanatics that allowed a virus to infect themselves to sabotage the planet and allowed this xenos to devour this planet." A Corporal place the video recording of the actual Tyrannid invasion

"I know that guy! he was my neighbor! He wouldn't betray us!"

"He is infected and soon such affections he have for his fellow man will be replaced by obedience for these monsters, he will allow these monsters to your planet, absorb you into food, destroy whatever you still keep in your old home, willing to kill you for his false gods, he has already given his mind, body and soul and strayed from the path of the Emperor light!."

"Tell me how can we find these cults?"

"Tell me the location of those that gave your people and family with cheap medicine and promises of meeting the four armed emperor then we would cleanse the traitors."

"What about my daughter that was given the medicine? will she be saved?" a concern mother cried out.

"How long did she take the medicine?" The doctor asked.

"Around 2 weeks..."

"Then you have a chance to revert and save a innocent soul from damnation, hurry and time is of the essence!"

As the man was led to the House and they met is a female teenager and he scanned the body... there was Genestealer virus at it's early stage spreading it's vile plague twisting the inside of the girl...

The doctor produced a vaccine that contains nanites from his medical bag and injected its contents to the child...

He could see that the Nanites is slowly fighting back the Tyrannid corrupted DNA... And after a hour the girl is cleanse from the infection...

As soon as the Combat doctor was finished he left the home to inform the league... He was met by several thugs outside the door of the family... One of the thugs that presumably the leader of this group aimed his auto pistol at the doctor temple..

"Oi, Boss want us to wack him, the Emperor is coming soon and we all ascend..."

The doctor realized that the depth of the Genestealer cults influence that they hired street thugs to deal with him... He smiled that brought them with shudder... He suddenly disappear from view and they discovered one of them was fallen to the floor with his head missing.... the doctor nap was a machine that is glowing orange...

"Well then, Who wants to practice medicine?" The doctor smiled... Before they aimed their guns or even take the hostage ... Most of them had their spine ripped out... Leaving the leader baffled what just happened... The doctor cripple him to prevent him from escaping...

"Now then... Tell me where your leader is?"

"Bah, I will never sell out my brothers and sisters!" The thug spat out...

"*Sigh* we have ways of dealing with such rebellious thoughts..." He dragged the thug to a dark alleyway and for a few moments there was screaming that will make any grown man shiver of what is happening there...

"Shush, your mind is a terrible thing to waste..." Such words only made the screaming grew louder.

After a few hours... The doctor left the premises having gotten enough information from the Criminal.. what's left of him... Is a shed skin and a Brain and organs neatly placed on the floor still beating, clinging to life and the occupants that was observing the torture took the organs as it could provide a meal until their next workday... Silently thanking the doctor for a decent meal...

The league initiated a martial law as they scanned and observed the highest governor to the poor in the slums, many did protested their saviors about their actions but after they were informed of the implications of their entire families being devoured, doesn't matter if you are a noble or just a slum they will all be turned into food, many helped join the search of the Infected... Families brought the sick and injured to be cleansed... They were vaccinated.

Many of those in the early stages was treated as they could be brought back, but those that already had signs of late stage of Tyranids transformation... Even the League with its advance technology acquired from the Golden age could not revert the changes...

While the population was being scanned and cured from their Genestealer taint...

The escaped genestealer that escaped from the field hospital was being tracked and ended up in the abandoned factory that is next to the mines that fueled the Imperium Forge worlds.

 "The League have found the method of seeking the faithful!" the man spoke to a priest... but that priest is a four armed Genestealer cultist and a Tyrannid Lictor that surrounded itself with heavily armed guards and a Tyrannid genestealer nearby looked at the escapee with disgust...

"You said they are coming?" The Cultist stares at the sniveling person before it...

"They are the one that despise the four armed Emperor and our ascension to the heaven is in jeopardy!..." He stopped as they heard familiar humming...

"You were being tailed!" The priest snarled.

They started the uprising, and it was a moderate sized one... From the mines hundreds of thousands flooded out while the Genestealer cultist tried to summon the "Great Ones" for their Ascension...

But the soldiers were ready...

Men of Iron and soldiers in Armoured suit carrying Promethium Flamers blocked the entrance and scorched the rebels out...

The Autoguns and Las rifles stolen from the planet armory for centuries didn't make a dent to the invaders as they were engulfed in flames... As soon as they were done, they headed into the mines with scorch earth... Turning the mines up by several degrees of heat...

As soon as they arrive, they found the leader of the Genestealer cackling as he believes that his god would come...

Before he could start a monologue that his god is ascending soon, he was killed...

A Hive tendril of the Behemoth have found their followers calling as it moved towards the designated location... They met a human fleet that was not Imperium made, they were smaller but numerous...

The League was well aware of the tactics of the Tyrannid and has a simple solution.

Don't let them enter planet fall. And deal a crushing blow before they invaded the planets.

As they headed towards combat mode, the Hive Fleet was met with a series of missiles and torpedoes flying towards them. And it hardens its chitin armors as they braced for impact...

Just before it almost reached the skin of the hive fleets the attacks exploded into a cloud of mist.

They hivemind was confused...

Until moments later it felt pain similar to the T'au did to them some time ago...

Flesh Eating Nanoswarms, now covered the hive fleet... And now in larger quantities and faster to deconstruct the molecular structure of the Tyranid fleet than the T'au own creation...

It's psychic scream was heard in it's neural nexus...

That this enemy is not meal but a threat...

++Ultima Segmentum is 12% complete and cleansed, plans are moving more favorably with little deterrent on the way... Proceeding to place Pylons in the estimated rift opening in our controlled territories. ++

Such a news amused Alexander... Sure the Great rift may empower the Emperor even further... But he decided to place Necron pylons in three different locations to provide a source of avenue for Imperium ships to bypass. For the Imperium Nihilus needs a source of transport... Using one passageway was complete suicide. But three is better...

Unfortunately, one of them was a Tomb world that is part of the Necron Faction that despised the Silent king... And In turn as the ancient alliance holds between the League and the Triachs of the Necrons... He would send forces to capture the Necron nobles to submit to their King and sent them near the silent king territory as tribute of friendship without killing the entirety of the Necrons in that planet as one of the prerequisites of gaining their trust, which he did accomplish once...instead of his men... He sent the Men of Iron and his Automata Fleets... And he personally went to oversee the battle... As what he does must not be seen by humans...

After learning the Necron culture, they were hailed using the old Necrontyr Honor codes of battle that was learned by Trazyn and if they disavowed it, they were cowards... Which the Necrons hate being called one... Especially by a lesser species that spoke their tongues...

"Insects how dare you used our tongue!" The Necron Lord berated Alexander...

Alexander armies of metal soldiers meeting the Necron guards that is protecting the Necron Lord...

"How fallen are you to think you can beat the Emissary of the Void Dragon?" He sighed.

"The Void Dragon is dead and I along few of my comrades have personally ripped it to shreds!"

"Then are you ready for round two?" The Necron Lord sense fear for the first time... And the Figure he belittles now slowly morphed into the being he hates and dread the most...

A lesser being of a Human slowly grown into a Four legged Dragon and it breathed green flames that they never forget...

"How... You shouldn't be alive... I crushed you... I watched turned to pieces!" The Necron Emotionless voice screamed with fear in his tone as the lesser being he belittle now transform into a being he despises from the war in heaven...

The Void Dragon have descended upon the planet... And there was eternal silence...

Alexander watched as he controlled the avatar of the void dragon and he shackle the mind of the Necron Lord wiping his memories of his transformation, forcing the ancient programs in the Necron Nobility that dwell in the world into stasis until they were handed over to the Triachs for judgement and reprogram the Tomb world Defenses to obey The League and not fire upon them... The Necron Triach did say not a single drop of necrodermis was shed to be an ally of the necrons and he provided them a means to gain their personalities... That was a obsurd task but at least it was doable. He would have given the machine to make the Necrons back to their former selves but at this critical juncture of the Galaxy at stake?

The Tyrannids will be invading the Necron Territory that reverse their transformation had he truly given them the means of turning them back, and make another Frontline for the league and the Imperium... So he dangled the prospect of returning them back in exchange for a alliance and non-aggression pact with those loyal to The silent king and in exchange, The silent king followers will use him as a means to silence his opposition and makes the dissident empires returned to the Necron fold, if he failed they could blame Alexander, but so far it was success after success during the years leading up to his disappearance.

A Triarch Praetorian phased next to Alexander... It's blade reached Alexander neck.

"Alexander Hyde... It has been a while..." It spoke.

"Well, well, if it isn't my old friend's like what a few thousand years since we last met and I see that your necrodermis is gotten a lot shinier than we first met .."

"I came to you upon the order of the Triachs that you should meet the Silent king... About this tomb world..."

"I will ensure that the Mechanicus will not raid this place and I am only using the surface to build Pylons once it is done, then we leave. I respect the duties of the Praetorians and the Necron laws. It must be troubling to keep all the Nobles in check... Old grudges..."

"So, your species were like that?"

"Yeah... Only thing is that they don't have a eternity to squabble their problems."

"Fair enough..."

"We have a common interests about the enemies in the Empyrean... And our deal still stands, just make sure you kept the other side of the deal."

"Understood... When will you meet our king?"

"Around a Necron microcycle, or in Terran language, 10 years later. I need to keep the Imperium from truly falling apart."

"You know, of all the lesser beings I have met, you have a sense of respect of our culture."

"At least I know Necrons are honorable... As you given us technology to prevent us to further dammed ourselves to degeneracy."

Trazyn reached out for the League during the Age of strife and provided the history, he also provided a means to allow the league in the Triach court... The League managed to contact the Triachs during the Age of Strife... And a mutual alliance was shared... As the League managed to gather most of the tombworlds that was corroded in time and repair them, giving the Population with their personalities upon returning to them, the Necrons provided several technology that was outdated to them... Including the basic Inertialess Drives as well as a simple pylons to understand its function, Alexander system only provided the Ground based units at that time...

And the plans of the Cadian pylon is lacking the actual foundations for the people in the league to understand, Alexander could make it, but he decided to allow the people learn and make the pylons on their own without him being the middleman...

While he made the pylons that surrounded the League, he knew the possibility he wouldn't be there to managed them forever... So throughout the years they managed to make their own pylons without his help.

And the League Remnants outside the rift have their own pylons set up without affecting the occupant mental health impacted... Preventing the entities in the Warp from interfering the colonies. But in exchange any ships that used warp drive are unable to enter their territories, as the Navigators looked at the location as series of black holes willing to engulf them. Which they bypass the restrictions using the Inertialess Drives and Hyperdrives by the League.

As Alexander wanted to say more the Praetorian left... And what left of the Necron existence was the of the Phase lights slowly flicker to nothingness...

Exasperated he oversee the creations of the Human Made pylons and as promised he left the premises. No garrison. But a Flag of the League that was placed there to signify their protection on the planet...

He returned to his newly made ship Olympia...

The Abyss-Class Ship that he used for the Command and control during the Horus Heresy is being retrofit with the newest technologies had to offer...

As he returned to his quarters... He was tired... Unlike his persona of showing the public that he was the strongman for the imperial citizen, a symbol of hope, A human that everyone they could relate to...He was tired, more tired than he was during the Horus Heresy...

As he rested on his bed trying to make sense of what is happening... For twenty minutes he rested... As his perk prevented him from sleeping heavily... He sat by the bedside and whisper his thoughts...

"Roboute....were you right of saying that we should have let Horus burn the Imperium to ashes?" He muttered as he did heard the words spoke from the canon Roboute lips as he saw what truly transpire... Seeking answers from a Primarch that is still sleeping in Macragge...

He faced the same Dilemma what Roboute have actually faced... There were many obstructions from the planetary governors that is hostile for his aid and his fellow high lords are more like pig teammates... Many of the planets in the Imperium have either Genestealer cults, chaos cult or even both at the same time... Eldritch entities that requires fleets just to subdue even one of them..

Pirates and Raiders were as numerous as the stars could count... Some that even have backings of Imperial Nobility...

The only sole comfort is that upon the news of his return, the Eldar Corsairs have drastically reduced their raids...

Logistics were a mess... Many reports of the frontlines needed supplies, call for aid happen at real-time... Planets needed to cull down their rebellion...

Tyranids are slowly but surely convening towards terra...

Request of the Planets willing to join the League if they were close enough for the League to reach them...

Unlike the Black library books that he read... It was more dire than he actually thought... As there was no Gw writers in this life of his, making the status quo of every races the same, remaining stagnant on the stage and keep the grimdark artificially...

Tyranids are making strides to devour every planets that have bioforms. And they grew in numbers... Calth was nearly destroyed until he sent 5 fleets to stop them...

Ork are invading Imperium faster than intended. He sent everything he have against them including the Flesh eating nanoswarms, Exterminatus and Raiding in their territories culling a third in their ranks...

Dark Eldars using the Ancient Warp Gates to raid the Imperium fringe worlds...

The only two other major races such as the Eldar and Necrons while they have a Alliance with them, they only apply to the League not the Imperium...

The T'au, a arrogant race thinking the world is their oyster slowly invading the Imperium in the Ultima Segmentum... He have the resources to conquer the T'au but now keeping the Imperium to it's strength is his main objective...

Many planets were under attack by Xenos, heretic and traitors from within... And the League may save a planet but there were thousands more that call for help, perhaps echoes of destroyed planet long ago...

And the Ultima Segmentum was barely pacified by his men as they slowly fix the Imperium territory they held... hive planets are being retrofit with better life supporting systems... Agri world were given fertilizer and modern farming tools... And they dropped Million tonnes of Black soil from orbit.

The burden is heavier as he knows that if the Imperium Fails, his system will not be activated...

And He already offended Monsters in the Multiverse for Helping the Emperor... And without his crutch and his family and friends that is scattered in the multiverse would be in danger..

They were one step away from a brink of destruction and anarchy and the Coming 13th black crusade would have snapped them apart...

Roboute would have been the first to clean up this mess... But rather than keeping the way history, he would try to make a change first to at least make humanity climb up from the cesspool they have created, but first thing first, he would need to clean up Terra bloat and the need from outside resources by reactivating the Gate that was destroyed long ago... At least Roboute would have a semblance of home, which Alexander hope a semblance of the place he remembers...

And there were nobles that hinder his reclamation by claiming that the land that held the gates remains as their "family" heritage...

He has plans for them...

He left the living quarters to teleport to Terra in his office and met the Master of the Assassin Fadix who appeared before him from the shadow of the office...

"Are you ready for the plan High Lord?"

"Ready as ever... May the cleansing begins..."

"So that is why Macaldor put his trust in you..."

"Carry out the orders faithfully... The blasted bureaucrats have ruined the Imperium with their desire of power, it is time to make to do the Macaldor intended to do for your organization... Cleanse the bloat and wipe the slate clean... You will have the blessing of the Sigilite and mine... Make sure you do it thoroughly..."

During the time Alexander stayed in the golden palace fixing the Imperium, the flames of Nobles dissatisfaction against Alexander was rising...

Alexander made policies that touched their interest especially him taking the land that they believed that was rightfully belonged to them, Replacing them with more competent ones and preventing their own family of taking position using the family name. And began distributing food and medicine to the population without their consent...

But there were some that have their interest ensured that their trader fleets are not encroached on by Alexander trade protectionism have silently gave their support especially the trade with the League is tantalizing... As Money is the thing that binds them...

And Many that have the foresight that the League were no pushovers as they seen the battle records and they may be parasites, but they know when not to disrupt the lion. And the Trade Agreements allowed their sector to lessen the Tithes by a third was one of many things that made them jump in his bandwagon. That means more wealth for them to spend, and their lavish lifestyles are ensured...And the promises of a permanent eternal life treatment from the league is more effective than the rejuvenation treatment of Imperium of lengthening their lifespans to young adults permanently, have made more of the fence sitter and those that desperately clinging on to their vanity to his cause... And all they needed to do was to allow him to bypass the red tapes and their devotion to the Emperor...

Alexander disagreed with joining forces with the dregs of society but until then he would train a generation of new officials to take their place while slowly lower the Nobles influence. Especially the named traitors that will betray him like what they have done to Roboute...

Many of those that had affiliation with the chaos cults did reconsider their loyalties as immortality is just a loyalty away from true happiness... It is better to devote to Alexander and be given eternal life with no strings attached than sacrificing several thousand people that lived in the slums...

Alexander discover that there was actually a Genestealer Cults gestating in the depths of Terra and in Luna and they were already at the late stages of the transition... And He decided to allow the Alpha legion that was in stasis to root out the infection by observing the hideouts before he Sends his soldiers to cleanse the taint...

He knew that the modus operandi of the Genestealer would comfort the downtrodden and the needy with false promises and cheap or even free medicine and food that is often laced with Genestealer virus...

Rather than making some cheap form of hope, he decided to ennact his policies that he made in the Kaurava conflict instead of a city that is under siege by a Ork Waagh, it is the Holy Terra that consists of trillions, that now he have to tread under the scrutiny of the Nobles that want to obstruct him in many ways, to make work for food and medicine eddicts allow on Terra population... The people were grateful but he cares not the blessings of the people as he knows when he messed up, that gratefulness will be turned to resentment... After lowering the Political and spiritual effects of the Genestealer cults to the people at the lowest point, he took action about a year later...

There were sounds of bolter fire and screams often heard in the slums in the Hive cities of Terra and in Luna domed cities and the people response was apathy... They heard about the Genestealer cult and often saw them obstruct their new savior efforts... They held no remorse despite there were many that was helped by the High Lord... Many were skeptical of the bastard as for all their lives they knew the high lords wouldn't even bat an eye towards them now for the first time in how many years, they held a helping hand?

Many had families in the Genestealer cults and they were apprehended and if they weren't infected, they were memory wiped. And they were sent far away from Terra...

While many of them died by the hundreds of thousands... and their tainted blood become the ascension of Alexander to solidify his position...

Alexander read as the Reports of the Arbites assisting his efforts is making strides... And by their estimation given by the information by the Alpha legion, they would cleanse the Cult within 6 months with the current influx of people that willingly join the neighborhood watch and conscript that he trained...

And he gave a training program to teach the people of terra of the dangers of Genestealer, he couldn't inform them about the Chaos cults as he most likely be burned by the puritan inquisition... But at least it did prevent many of the population of not joining or even buying their products...

One such threat was gone, and many more is still plaguing the imperium.

Upon rumors in the dark that there was a Man willing to defy the High Lord....

And the dissatisfied nobles and people of power converged around a Former Administratum Irthu Haemotalion to stage a coup...

As they believed that he already changing the way of life that has been for the Imperium for thousands of years... And they plan for a revolt...

Seeing as they couldn't order the Minotaurs to removed him as he was a high lord...

And they heard of the two women that was with him and they were more of a hot potato as one of them was part of the Adeptus Sororitas and the Child was being trained by the custodes... And assassinating them have more dire implications...

And the Minotaurs would not obey for a few High lords as they needed a majority votes for them to act forward. And they were facing a High Lord that made a decent change not a Primarch that made radical changes and the Minotaurs decided to wait and see approach.

They decided to use their personal soldiers of their houses to prop up the coup....

As Alexander attended the Imperial senate... For the next squabble fest as he would like to call it.

The coup happened...

As Private soldiers rushed into the Senate Imperialis and it caused chaos as those nobles that wasn't aware was panicking but the ones that was in on it was very calm...

The expression of Alexander was filled with disappointment...

He already gave enough leeways to the nobles to have a better life...

And didn't actually pressure them hard like Roboute... But it gave him the needed excuse to deemed them as criminals and traitors...

He wonders what would Macaldor would have done if he seen this if he was alive?

That the Government that he and the Emperor propped up, have become a decayed bureaucracy.

"High Lord Alexander Hyde, We have found you with treason!" the former Administratum Irthu approached him as if he actually won....

"In what charges in the Imperium I have inflicted?"

"Subversion of Imperial Authority, Overthrowing the powers of the Senate and Falsely use the Emperor Name! And the punishment is Death!" Was all he could gather.

"Then is that all?" They were baffled if that is all he could say.

The people in the coup felt something was wrong...

Their Breath is shallow... And they couldn't keep their eyes on the trigger...

Alexander head appeared a Halo... such a simple halo brought dread to them...

They wanted to end it all, just pull the trigger and all the wealth and riches that dwell in the league will belong to them... but somehow, they froze at that opportune moment...

"I... the Bearer of the Imperator Somnium... Have now bring your judgement upon you..." [A/N: Emperor Dreams = Imperator Somnium]

"You have defied him over and over again, even knowing your action brought suffering you never renounced your sins...your lies have tainted the very lands he stood on.... and you were given many chances to help the imperium in other methods, but your greed is disgusting." Alexander spoke as his Halo grew.

"Your Punishment is that you will undergo a cycle of death and revival in this very Imperialis Senate hall till the day Imperium is fully reborn from the rotting foundations, you will never see peace... as a Symbol of your sins... and ensure others will know when to keep in line..." 

The Coup started with a uproar and it ended with a uproar with several octaves higher...

The Entire coup forces immediately turned into a cloud of blood mist... and reformed them back... before they could understand they immediately suffered pain and they could not scream, some tried to touched them and their hands just simply passed by the inflicted and they turned to mist once more and revived... and the Imperialis court now have Warp ghost of the dead...

Unlike Roboute method of dragging the traitors naked and whipped through the streets of terra, Alexander made them permanently ghosts unable to enter the warp and they were to remain there as a reminder... Join him and their lives are kept, and they will be rich... Defy... they already saw the examples next to their seats... Screaming wordlessly and silent.

Many was amused as their competitor was Killed and Alexander picked the Same People that Roboute picked out and ensure that the Imperium is running efficiently. The War Council is being Set up for Roboute to handle his military affairs, while Alexander handles the civil affairs... While reigning in the irregular elements in the High Lords.

The Fabricator General did not mind of his action in the Imperial senate and thanked him as he found them as a interesting subject and swear loyalty as he heard the mars will be fixed once more and the Stc's Copies that Alexander kept will be given to Mars... All he requested is they will provide their aid. And their Skitarii legions and their Titans will be brought in full might to the frontlines... 

Even the Ecclesiarchy saw a miracle that happened before them, and they could not defy his will...

Even the Inquisition representative was wary about him as they consulted their psyker retinue...

"When that Halo appeared... I saw countless emperor staring at me! As if they could see what my existence is made of! He is truly the Emperor Chosen! Don't defy Him, I beg you don't make me end up like them!" as the Psyker Pointed at the Apparitions that is still screaming silently in agony next to the seat...

Having learn from Macaldor, he was not as lenient as the Blueberry, As the Traitors Families were killed and their wealth was given up to the nobles that wanted their wealth... Many flatter him with words as they swallow the wealth of the dead...

"As Long as you swear fealty to the Imperator and his dreams, I could care less of your quibble." Was all he could say...

What was once a person that have ideals of saving the Imperium... slowly turning cynical as he fights to protect the Imperium, now fighting in every battlefront from the halls of politics to the trenches of the battlefield, uprooting the rotting foundation for a brighter tomorrow, for his family... for his brothers... for the Shining path that the Emperor shown him...

He has to win... Before it is too late...