*Corrupted file*

(A/n: Timeline in Warhammer is wonky, thanks for nothing GW...)

While Alexander is putting out the fires and changing the Imperium bureaucracy in Terra to be a well-oiled machine from the rusted cesspool of bureaucracy...

And the Anti-piracy campaign that started a few decades ago have started out with a success, they could not be bribed or be intimidated by the Pirates that had Nobility backing... If they did so would ratted out their clients as the League gave no shits of their threats and they also go after the said nobles and their blood splatter on the planets they stood on... Many noble left them out to dry, but the nobles that did have no excuse as they could not escape their sins of colluding with the pirates.

Many used their family connections to hinder and cover their tracks have only for their connections severed as they heard news, they would be charged with conspiring for assisting the nobility with connections to pirates and the punishment is death. Many didn't believe that Alexander wouldn't dare do it... and touched his bottom line... only to realized that he could in fact very well replaced them and he already have a better form of governance with people eager and trained by the league of governance... he began another purge... a tenth of the Senate Imperialis was butchered and their family as well, the wealth was divided among those that were alive and they were satisfied, but there were spouse families want vengeance only for them to be killed and their wealth was added to the coffers of those that willingly lick the foot of Alexander...

Which disgusted him, had he have the time to remove the incompetent nobles and replaced them with a more trained one he would have done it in a heartbeat. But a event is coming soon and he have to solidify the Imperium defenses.

The Thirteen Black Crusade happen... And the Traitors bare the Fangs at a weakened Imperium. Their Fleets outnumbered the Sons of Russ ships that patrol the boundaries of the Eye of terror and Abaddon now oversee this crusade. This time the Imperium will fall.

From the Depths of Cadia, Belisarius Cawl was trying to understand the nature of the xeno tech that might be the thing that save the imperium...

He senses someone... and he aimed his weapon at the intruder. A Necron...Higher status as his mind managed to get something about the intruder.

"I mean you no harm." The Necron raised his arms as if he doesn't want to fight.

"But you...Are a abomination!" Cawl cried out as his weapon now sparked with life.

"I prefer honored guest, At least Alexander Hyde have a fancier way to put it...A friendly welcome." The Necron Shrugged.

"But Abomination or not, you and I have a common cause."

"Logic dictates otherwise." Cawl calculated several scenarios... some may not bode well if the necron was what he knows about... High Lord Alexander knew him?

"Then you don't seek to understand the nature of this Matrix. At least that Organization managed to build their own..." the Necron Amused of the Techpriest wariness.

"You comprehend its secrets?" Cawl lowered his weapon but still ready to defend himself. 

"I was there when they were first awakened, Or perhaps I wasn't? Memory is such a Fickle thing for having lived for so long..." The Necron was vague with his answers.

"But neither wants us to see this Galaxy ripped asunder by the Empyrean ones. Destroy me if you wish... Nothing will change... For me...for you, For this Planet." Those words made Cawl shiver to his core. But he decided to take a leap of faith...

"Show me..." his eyes gleam...

Cadia Stood defiant against all odds despite Trazyn aid and Alexander reformation of the military, it was not enough to defy what had been signed into stone, when Abaddon toss a Blackstone Fortress into the fortress planet, Alexander knew it was time. It was as if Humanity stood against the Despoiler with spite...

But despite the tenacity of the Imperium heroes, it was not enough...

Cadia fallen. Its heroes lie in the ashes of their dead planet, General Creed was nowhere to be found as a certain Necron laughed in the shadows as he found a prize as he waited for alexander to get ready... Upon its death it ripped the Imperium into half, it was the last seam of a barely stitched cloth broken...

The Warp became closer to reality, Forming a rip that the Orks called it Gork Smirk, Demons and Possession began in record numbers and the Inquisition that Macaldor had created is overstretched as Untrained Psyker began to appear in many systems and through them, Demons and Chaos cults propped up like a abundant harvest...

And the Imperium was split into two. Imperium Nihilus was later known as the Dark Imperium as they could never receive the Emperor Light. And Millions of T'au was killed and nothing was lost from their misery...

The only saving grace was that the Pylons that Alexander propped up in Imperium space allowed three safer passages into the Imperium Nihilus. And now the League ships are able to travel in the dark and managed to keep the People hope intact as they stamped out the local Chaos cult and managed the planets psyker population that was lost from the imperial light.

As Belisarius Cawl, used his Flagship to aid the remaining defenders to escape the doomed planet, He carried the Armor that is used by Guileman, but as he was hounded down by the traitors. He was saved by a Unexpected ally in a form of Eldar...

Yvraine now a priestess of Ynnead due to Eldrad meddling allowed them to escape in the Webway and ended up in Macragge...

After the News of Cadia fall reached to Terra... Many was confused, and many panicked. But Alexander enacted a ambitious Operation...

Operation Solaris was enacted... The League will have legal rights to oversee the Planets that they assisted the Imperium from danger... It was a distasteful policy for those that was short sighted, but after hearing that they will reform it to have the technologies and wealth equivalent to the League and its proxies... Many are willing to sell their assets just to live in the Luxury life in the League...

Which brought more burden to the Logistical network than actually helping it as it takes time and resources, depending on the planet that was being sold, Assessed, and to be put into League standards... 

Thanks to the Celestial Orrery copies that Alexander erected in two places, One In the Golden Palace for Roboute use, and Alexander Flagship. It allowed the observation, Logistics, command and control more efficient. It allows him to know which messages was decades or even centuries old and those that are fresh and which planets are under attacked by which factions...

Especially the Tyranid Fleets that was not seen by scouts now is seen with extreme precision slowly gathering its forces towards the sol system and showed how bad the situation was to the Nobles that lived their lives in terra... Especially that there was a Tendril that is coming from below the Galaxy and above it as if they were making a Cage of devouring the galaxy... Several Fleets that was capable of exiting the Galaxy was sent by thousands, all automated and A.I controlled, not to colonize beyond the Milky way or finding a new galaxy... but to destroy the extragalactic threat that is the Tyrannids... As sensors that is in the League have confirmed...

It was Tyranid Bioforms confirmed beyond the galaxy, and this galaxy might be the only place that have bioforms... and the next galaxy was devoid of life, not even bio-organism that made up a planet ecosystem in the neighboring galaxy... there was a void in the north before the fall of cadia and several probes was sent, and they haven't returned...

Due to the threat, it allowed Alexander to have more power...but not to the extent to the Regent of the Imperium Roboute that was given by the Emperor... Celestial Orrery creation allow the Imperial Navy and the League Navy to work in tandem, to alert the planets in the force of destructive nature to be prepared is more important than apprehension of their beliefs... Many felt apprehensive of using the xenos tech, however the strategic value of such a item surpassed their fear... The only major weakness is that they are unavailable to scan any chaos cult... 

This takes place between the interaction of the Imperial Guards and the League Soldiers...

++Imperial world: X1937a-132, Ultima Segmentum

Manufacturing Hub/Mining world

Population: 1.900 Trillion Humans

Description: It was once a Factory world that the League supplied to the frontlines and handed over to the Imperium of Man during the Rangdan Xenocides, after its main purpose was fulfilled providing logistical support once the campaign came to an end it was handed over to the Imperium, it became one of the series of planets that manufacture exotic weapons to the imperium. It once provided a steady stream of resources due to the Mines that seemed to have unending supply of Metals and ores, both natural and processed to the frontlines and sold to the charter houses at large...

After the Horus Heresy it was forgotten for 200 years until it was found by a Rogue Trader Gallius Syoadh who brought it into Imperium Compliance... The Automated Factories that once propped up slowly turn dormant forcing the population to used labor to fulfill the ever growing daily needs of the Imperium that the people of this world is Hardy and genetically pure due to the fact that they thrived using Automated Hydroponics that grew meat trees and Industrial Greenhouses, and they followed the old League Standards of Living and technology in the 30k, they were allowed to have some leniency of the tithes in exchange of making two vehicles, Baseline Chimera and Leman Russ Vanquisher that they have the blueprints of... Alongside with 25 regiments as the population was minimal..

Tithe: Chimera, Leman Russ Vanquisher, Specialized Ammo for Autocannons, Autoguns [Ap, Dragonfire, Phosphex], 25 regiments of Imperial Guard grade soldiers.

Status: Under attack by Ork Waagh.

Enemy number: 8 Ork Roks, 25 Ork Cruisers, 3 Ork Class Battleships Confirmed...

Numbers of land forces unknown...

Rectifying problem... Complete.

Sending 5 regiments of Imperium Guard, A Baneblade Company... A Imperial Battlegroup... To aid the PDF forces. 

Eta: 1 Month and 3 days based on estimation of the warp travel at the current level of transportation...

Chances of Astra Astartes aiding...12%

Probable chance of Warpstorm in the vicinity 31%

Probable chance of success: 21%

Receiving additional information...

League of Ten thousand forces are enroute...

Eta: A Month Due to making a supply chain...

Number count: Unspecified

Increase the success rate to 85% based on prior information...

High Lord Alexander have decreed that the Tithes of this planet will be paused for 30 years and use the amounts of tithes that is paused to use to defend the planet.

Pro Somnio Imperatoris...


In the outskirts of the Hive City a Battle was enacted. Many weapons of the Pdf held ancient Volkite weapons and Autoguns that the League left 30k ago... Now dusted off the long-forgotten armories and the Techpriest that oversee the Manufactorums now bless their newly processed vehicles that is fresh out into the battlefield... ready to unleash their first cry of life and fire and admantium to their enemies... Trenches and Bunkers was raised in record time...

They stood nervous... As the healthy people was just forcibly drafted alongside with the Pdf forces and the children that was young as 7 was made as a Ammunition carriers.... the women worked in the factory in overtime.... and even the elderly manned the ancient flak batteries. As they knew how to operate it...

The Waagh was heard.... and the people saw their local defense fleet debris raining from the skies...

Many that watched the debris that fell their hopes shattered slowly... they had families manning the ships that tried to save them... many prayed to the god emperor to save them... but now... it is the tenacity and will of the people to survive as long as they can for the reinforcements to come... Survive they did... 

"Sarge...My rifle jammed!" a soldier panicked as his autogun was jammed.

"Get your head down private!" a higher level officer bashed the unaware private head down the trenches that was moments away from blown from a ork shell that was exploded nearby...

"Guardsmen! Get to your stations or else I put a bullet to your heads!" the Commissar approached the two and his gun safety was unlocked...

Both of them didn't complain as they went to the frontlines and open fire at the unending tide of orks that is flooding out of the Roks that landed on the outskirts of the cities...

Many screams were overshadowed by the sheer amounts of explosions that was heard in the battlefield the land outside the Hives was turned into a muddy cratered landscape, Killa Kanz smashed a Leman Russ, only for a Tank hunter kill team of Teenagers killed the ork machine, later they were killed by a ork shoota squad, to be killed by a basilisk strike....

The medicae worked overtime that some dropped dead from the sheer amount of wounded that is flowing into the field hospital by the hour, medicine such as morphine, penicillin and blood plasma is running out... the Vehicles were destroyed faster than they could be replaced... the Artillery shells is slowly running out and the earthshakers is slowly becoming silent....

But the orks sense a opportunity as they flooded the defensive position of the defenders...

there was several Valkyries appeared from the skies and began to strafe the orkish tide. Many of the survivors saw this metal angels with hope...

The Planet command was glad that there was someone that heard the call of aid... but their smiles slowly disappeared when they heard the amount of soldiers they are receiving... as it was just a mere 5 regiments of regular Imperial Guardsmen and a Baneblade company and the only saving grace was that there was a Imperial Navy group that is meeting the ork fleet in space... against near a infinite tide of orks now threatening the hive cities... Beggars can't be choosers as the new reinforcements are sent to the walls to aid the defenders... under their watchful eyes of their commissars of course...

The draftees is nervous as they saw the gargants being constructed in the distance... And the Ork waaagh was constantly screamed over and over every single day making the people unable to sleep, a new form of psyorklogical warfare?

The Imperium navy managed to kill most of the ork fleet but the ork battleships managed to maul the imperium fleet forcing them to retreat.. as they received orders to retreat if the situation seemed dire, Ships can be replaced in the Mars ring dockyards and League orbital shipbuilding facilities, but the Crews are irreplaceable... Many complain of the new tactics, as their honor is mostly consisting of ramming and destroying their own ship in a blaze of glory... which Alexander facepalm that they are only wasting the expensive resources to make them in the first place. And this current Imperium don't have a mind of Tactical retreat and regroup at a better opportunity.

Admiral Spire appreciated that there was a High lord that had a Brain to know Naval Warfare... After receiving orders to make the officers revert to their primes... Many retired Commissar and Astra Militarum and Navy Officers that reached their old age reverse as they are sent back to the frontlines... Ciaphas Cain who was in his elderly years... made several excuses of not joining the rejuvenation treatment... Alexander personally visited him and there was a fragment recording between them...

"Hero of the Imperium Ciaphas Cain, Join me and I will place you to a Artillery regiment...And once this madness ends you can retire in a more peaceful life, a planet deep within my territory that is beyond any frontlines, and you have a lifetime of free amenities..."

"You sure about that?" Ciaphas already had greyed hair looked at the high lord with suspicion.

"Look I know what you really are, But people need a symbol... and who would it be than Ciaphas Cain Hero of the Imperium?"

Seeing there was a pause of Commissar that a High Lord willing to visit him at this age, means that the situation was more dire to even want to reinstate him as a Commissar.

"Also...Inquisitor Amberly Vail also vouch for your candidacy, and you have no right to refuse."

"Frak. She is still alive?"

"And Kicking, She was the first of the Inquisition that used my League rejuvenation treatment and she told me about you... Jurgen is having problems with his dataslate porn is being uncomfortable with his new unit... Speaking of that guy..."

A dirty dressed Vahallan soldier that had a melta gun strapped behind his back and he held a flask appeared out of nowhere... As if he knew they were expecting him...

"A cup of Tanna Sir?" he smiled with a grin and cup to both Alexander and Ciaphas as they both awaited the decision of the retired commissar... He took note that the High lord was not affected by his smell and smiled kindly towards the Vahallan.

The new of the newly rejuvenated Ciaphas Cain was heard in the battlefield, as promised he was sent into the Artillery Regiment as promised... And he was slotted to enter the League paradise world have this madness will end... Inquisitor Amberly mused as her interest is taking the stage... perhaps maybe she would have time to be with him... for a short while.

"Ironic that it was the Artillery Regiment that brought me fame... and it is a Artillery Regiment that is my final soldiers to lead..." Ciaphas chuckled as he drank the newly brewed Tanna... And Several roars of Shelling is heard in the distance. Their shelling has obliterated a Chaos Cult per orders of the Commissar... As he knows what happens if they actually succeed their plans to summon demons. And he knew that there was someone in the High Lord looked on him fondly despite him realizing the true nature of Ciaphas...

And now back to the planet that is under siege, the day that the League is approaching...

The First of Many hives are breached and the orks began their looting and scrappin... and it brought fear to the citizens... the Defenders couldn't aid the besieged hive as it would risk opening their Hives under attack. The Planetary governor stared at the war table alongside the military staff. Their Eyes sunken as they never able to sleep for days thanks to the screaming of the orks no less... and there was a brink of mental breakdown... and the Rations were running out and the risk of riot is always on the brink. Law and order is slowly breaking down that there is anarchy on the streets.

And the Stockpile of vehicles was used up and the workforce was exhausted, no matter how much the overseers shouted promises of double rations and lower shift rates... the productivity is low as many was unable to keep up to the demand of the frontlines...

The governor opened his gilded watch as the pointed hour into the end of the day... There was transmission from the void was heard... One might have thought they were hallucinating or gone insane as they saw the symbol of the league that is shown in the edge of their system as their surviving satellites managed to avoid the ork warpath... ones...hundreds...thousands...

They flooded into their system like a storm... And the Ork Battleships and the remaining ork Rok in space met the League ship and a great battle took part... while they were distracted there was another fleet slipped past the blockade and began a bombardment on the ork infested planet until they confirmed a safe landing... Hundreds Landing crafts and Drop pods was dropped into the atmosphere, as the Drop Pods arrived first and Men of Iron was the First of the League to arrive and began extermination protocols to kill any survivors that survived the bombardment, and the Soldiers of the League calmly unloaded onto the planet and opened fire joining the chorus of hatred against the greenskin...

The Defenders watched as their allies managed to calmly dispatch the orks. They slowly slept for the first time... as they somehow know that they would be kept in good hands...

But the Higher ups have a issue, about how to accommodate them, but they were eccentric...

They left a Machine that made Food out of thin air... and all they need was power. [A/N: Horray for Star trek Replicators.]

And Medicine was given cheaply than the Local Genestealers cults. Making them lose their power over the people. As they are marked for death. The people saw the League as a saviors... and many did want to join the League. And the Genecult and Chaos cults were uprooted and the population was informed about the genestealer cults but they label the Chaos Cults as a Terrorist organization...

 And this metal beings slowly patrol the streets to maintain order and they judged more fairly aside from murder whom they turned the criminals to servitors to help rebuilt the Hives and their examples was more effective than killing the criminals upright. The Engineers slowly fixing the decayed systems of the automated factories and restarting their original purpose as a Factory world... After receiving the news that the League temporarily took over the Planet the Governor protested, but after ensuring that his title was assured, and they would receive a daily stipend to maintain the planet from fully breaking down...

And if they do their jobs well, their tithes will be reduced to a mere Tenth as was the League gave to the Imperium during the 30k, it become a incentives for the governor to work harder...

The League fleet in space managed to obliterate the last of the Ork fleet. They knew if even one of them escape, they would bring more into the fray. A never ending cycle of violence and brutality.

A Planet that has been attacked by a ork waagh was becoming a common appearance ever since the rift opening...

Especially the greenskins are flooding the Ultima Segmentum and beyond...

The Waaaghs are more frequent and more violent... under Ghazkull Thraka... The appearance on the league have provided them into a more frenzy...

How they rampaged both the Imperial and League territories with glee.

Alexander used the League and even his rainy day fleets and Droid armies that he kept building in his subverse till now... 

"Not enough..." Alexander stared at the Celestial orrery copy that was on his ship...

Sure, the Ultima Segmentum and Sol System is secured barely, both Politically and Military as well as the popularity of his brand of soldiers was secured in the hearts and mind of the Imperium citizens, but the rest of the segmentum is not safe...

Admiral Spire requested more of the fleets to the points to the gothic segmentum... Many call of aid beyond the Imperium nihilus... The League could supply a Third of the current Imperium but at the current rate? About a Hundred years till the surplus of the league produce is gone at the rate of the attrition rate... If the Replicators? Around 250 years if the population boom before the infrastructure is not repaired, the Replicators are unable to sustain the population. And he have several meetings with other empires...

Since Alexander know Blueberry Primach is coming to Terra... He might as well leave this place clean and orderly enough... As he have another League to visit... Thanks to the Great rift it allowed a Passageway to the Galactic Center to enter the League of Votann territory...And he hopes that the Votann will answer his need to fill up the orders of war material and supplies... And Allies, as he doesn't fully trust the Current Imperium in its entirety especially the Information given by Inquisition Amberly given him information of the Ordo Hyde in exchange for a favor...

Which he was not amused of the Inquisition is doing behind his back. The Grey knights obeyed him as he was the inheritor of Macaldor Legacy... But the Inquisition? They are a threat to be taken care of...later... As they believed that they only obeyed the word of the Emperor himself was the only deflection of all the stunts they did over the millennia. Founding a Ordo that specifically destroy and shut down his hidden bases and supply depots?

Especially when one of them ruined the chances of the Cure of the Black Rage of the Blood angels? The Lamenter had a chance to cure their legions prevailing sickness and the Inquisitor used his authority and raided the ship the cure was being made... They didn't participate the Badab war as the League help Lugft Huron to contain the riftstorm, but there was a Inquisitor that came from the Ordo Chronos started the Badab war and claim to "Protect the Timeline" forcing the Lamenters to be under scrutiny as they were forced to defend themselves from the Inquisitor forces... The only saving Grace was that the Minotaurs was called off leaving the Malevolent to make their life miserable.

And Trapping a Legionary of the Dammed in a Prison ship? They have much to answer... but now is not the time. And he needed Allies beyond the Imperium Grasp.... Farsight Enclaves would make a better ally than the T'au Empire and he knew that the T'au Ethreals have deemed him as a threat than a ally, He would rather trust a Warrior than a Ethereal that would try any moment to control him... And the Votann is the first task to handle the affairs...

T'au, Orks and Pirates are making their way into the core in hopes to find something useful...


A/N: Its been a while since I wrote. I have been sent to a Noon shift that last till Night and i work 6 days a week, so lately I haven't got any rest... Cashier/Retail assistant is hard especially moving refrigerators after the customer is done and manning the registers... Chinese new year is going to be a Hell hole as it is Asia version of Black Friday in here. I will still write... 

So a Brief Recap would be in order:

Alexander is doing whatever he can to stomp out the corruption, Sure the Nobility may try to stifle his political power by hindering whatever his policies, but they forget he was one of three founders of this Imperium and he still have military power to crush the opposition and those that want to help the accused will be under his target and their jobs will be replaced and their wealth divided among their rival houses to shut them up, and doing so allowing Roboute to handle the Imperium affair smoothly once he is awakes.

League of Ten Thousand ships are able to travel without the Astronomican and it allowed more flexibility to aid the Imperium Nihilus. And keeping the worlds from decaying back to the stone age.

Allies are needed even if Alexander have some sentimentality to the Imperium of 30k, it is not the Imperium that he spent time with the Emperor and the Primarchs... So he is stuck between his life as a guardsman of 40k and a High Lord of 30k

That Eldar Lady that Alexander met at the start of his journey? Hmm... Political ma-something would be possible? I am on the fence about that relationship, But after watching walkthroughs of Rogue Trader... And Alexander have the Warrant of Trade written by the Emperor himself, making the first High Lord that have the Warrant of Trade... Oh yeah, its all coming together.

The Alexander would be heading to the warp after meeting the League of Votann and the Silent King... so the Dark Imperium Trilogy still happens and I like Blueberry get his ass kicked around and make him more relatable than the robotic Roboute in 30k... as they wouldn't meet each other... and Lion would probably be awake...With less luxurious hair and a Manly beard.