Mortarion Providence, Mind seeking answers

Alexander sat under a shade of a tree in one of the many parks that dotted in the ship that provided mental solace... Tired... and in dire need of Recaff...

He watched the crews relieving their tensions from being under attack constantly in the warp...

Playing chess and tossing freebee while demons is pounding through the Gellar fields wanting to get in... 

Is something He rather not want to be imaging for a crew that wants to barge into hell with him... But hey, how could he blame others while he is playing a Violin while humming to its tune...Mocking the Daemons from thinking of flooding into the Ship. Perturabo have already modified the ship to become a deathtrap to any daemonic forces... 

"Is there something wrong?" A familiar voice was heard behind him. A familiar enemy Alexander first started out in this universe, they stood upon a shaky alliance to keep the Drukhari out of Kaurava conflict now a assured ally. How times changed...

"Dimh-Yriel... It's been a while... Did you managed to keep those in Alanstar up to date what is happening?" Alexander did not look at the direction where her voice was, to keep a certain distance as she appreciated...

"Of course... They are aware of the dangers ahead and decided to follow you to Nurgle realm..." The Eldar softly smiled behind the Tree and use it as a rest for her weary body. She was aware of the Recycled Air that she boarded the Imperial ships that attack her craftworld, but here it as if she was on a planet.

Originally, she decided to follow Yvraine along with Farseer Caerys and her sister of bonds.

But the Priestess of dead have ordained the tasks to both of them to follow Alexander to see where the High Lord go, and he was the path the Eldrad have spoken to her.

When the Alexander and Khaine fight against Slaanesh that she senses the souls of her brethren is freed into the void, for every apparition that was killed have freed countless of Eldar souls that was devoured...

For the first time in her life... she could smile...she could no longer strained herself with discipline in a mask of fear from being devoured from Slaanesh. But she somehow sense the future is blank on the High Lord...

She looks at the person that calmly playing the musical instrument... She knew that he was keeping a distance from her, and He respected the Tradition of her race...

"Remember the time we first met?" She asked as she strode towards Alexander figure.

He stopped his instrument as he remembered the time they actually met.

"Yeah... I remember I was a mere Colonel of the Imperium trying my best to survive against the Orks... I could sense your presence in the distance when we were out investigating, and we had a hard time facing your people...I could still remember you were pretty hostile back then..." He remembered a memory so long ago.

"And now you are a High Lord the moment you entered the Heart of the Imperium no less...and defeated she who thirst...I am grateful that I listen to Eldrad ordered me to that place..."

There was a moment of silence as their standing is different...

She softly touched the shoulders of the High Lord and simply whisper in his ears.

"Thank you, For all the things you have done...Once it is done...Come speak with me later." She smiled as she stood up and disappeared into the crowd of the crew having their off time..

There was severed awkwardness as Alexander smiled.

"I guess that's progress?"

[You got a Hospitaller Wife and a Step-Daughter that is a Lord Commander Militant grade as a Family and you go after the Eldar booty? Are you sure since Last time I counted its three of those gals from Cyberpunk and now two? Are you sure we are not in a Harem Book or some shit?]

"Hey, At least this five and that's the Limit no more no less, I don't act a horndog like the Emperor and bedding women left and right and leave so many children that called themselves as Sensei's all over the Imperium! Family reunion is truly a bitch to be reunite..." He mentally screamed.

[Are you aiming to beat for the Body count of the Emperor sleep with the women or the total of the death rate the Imperium serve under? Is the Shard influencing you or is it your Own?]

"Frak you"

[Just asking...Don't want to end up like him...]

Revelation spent so many times in his wandering on Terrra, sleeping with women throughout the Eons he spent on earth like a complete horndog, and Alexander managed to be gathered most of them and their descendants into the League... and it is by estimation there were a 5 billion of them along with their descendant that were related to the Emperor of Mankind by genealogy that is in the League. And a million of them is in this very ship unaware of their relationship with the Emperor... And if their ancestors were still alive the child support would bankrupt the Imperium several times over and the League Finances would be cratering... And that is the Interest alone since he been in the Golden Throne for a Millennia.

And the Primarchs would be so awkward when all of the Emperor Mortal estranged sons and daughters along with their children flooded into the Golden Palace for Happy father day... And even in this version of the Emperor he is practically the worst father of the multiverse even without the Horus Heresy... but at least this version tried to be a decent one...

[Grand Crusade Era, After the Victory of Ullanor, Bucephalus, Emperor Office]

After the end of the Orkish Empire and the signaling of Horus as the Warmaster, Alexander and Revelation was having a discussion that only both of them knows...

"Is this all of them?" The Emperor spoke as he scanned the names that was listed in the Dataslate that was handed to him.

"Yes, Revelation that's all your so called "mistakes" you made in your youth that me and Macaldor Agents have searched throughout the Imperium space and transferred them into my League. What are you planning to do with them?"

"I have a handful raising the Primarchs...Could I visit them at least?" As He finished reading the contents he sighed...

"Well, So much for being a Perfect dad, You should have kept the pants on. Fine we be there for a short time..." Alexander Laughed at the groaning Emperor not because the Emperor was the horrible father but because of the absurdity of the number of his estranged children that is now proliferating in the League.

They teleported and they found a daycare facility that held them... He saw the children that held a miniscule of his blood having a playtime... Unaware of the danger of the war in the horizon...

Many of the staff was alerted of the presence of the Emperor and welcomed them...

The Children noticed the duo and swarmed over them...

"Uncle, Tell me a bedtime story..."

"I wanna play house."

The emperor chuckle as the children swarmed over Alexander... Until a 5 year old approached him and gave him a simple drawing, It was not as artistic style of the Fulgrim or Sanguinius, nor have means of undertones of hidden doubts... As it simply contains the Child holding hands with the Emperor that is grumpy faced.

He took several seconds chuckling scanning any meaning in it as they didn't even met him... the Child smiled as he tugged the armor of the towering Emperor...

As if he understood the simple sign of request... He held the child up High and placed him in a armrest position...

"Old friend... Could you do one thing for me?"

"I already been doing it the moment you said it... assured they are in safe hands... Even if the Primarchs rebelled...and those things in the warp... They are in a better place."

"Thank you" the Giant man placed the now sleeping child into the caretaker who was in awe of how holy the Emperor have graced his presence to them... He simply took the child drawing as they teleported back to the Bucephalus... And made a simple picture holder. Many of the Primarch question what a childish piece of art was place in a room of perfection, he simply smiled.

[Enough in the past... Something's wrong ahead...]

Those words have broke his thoughts as Officer rushed towards Alexander as if given a dire news...

"The Nurgle realm is Burning."

"Where is Leman Russ and Kaldor Draigo?"

"They are safe sir and now they are at the entrance of the Garden killing anything that escaped from that realm..."

"Ready the forces once more... We are going in."

In the epicenter of the Firestorm of holy fire and flames... Roboute Guilliman was holding his brother Mortarion by the neck, his eyes was glowing gold as if he was being possessed...

He was killed once more against the Mortarion in the Plague Wars that erupted in Ultramar.

And Mortarion did managed to kill Roboute with a poison that is Godblight meant to kill a Primarch...

But the Emperor for the second time saved Roboute and possessed him, purging the poison from his flesh and healing the Primarch from the brink of death...

Mortarion attempted to peer into Roboute mind to see if he could take advantage of Roboute...

He found himself standing in the golden throne... In place of where Roboute stood, was Mortarion that watching the Conversation of Father and son instead of Creator than tool...

But what he saw was the corpse emperor different from Roubote conversation he remembered, now fully formed, staring at him with his eyes now opened wide, brimming with power that eclipse the stars...


Mortarion was screaming as the soul that possessed him for all this time is burning along with the ashes of Nurgle Garden leaving the true Primarch of the Death Guard that took control of his body...

As the other Mortarion that possessed him was swept clean, he bore witness of the things, he and his legion have done in Grandfather Nurgle embrace, it sickened him... But the shackles of Nurgle that loomed around Mortarion is not so easily burned as he was dragged into Nurgle Hut by rotten tendrils of foliage...

Mortarion eyes pleaded to Roboute to do what he must... And the Foliage intensified as more tendrils of rot and plague dragged Mortarion and the door was closed, shielded from the rage of the emperor beyond...

The Emperor knew time is running out for Roboute as he needed to bring him back to the Materium... And he saw newcomers that arrived in front of Nurgle hut... An army of Mortal with their guns blazing carved a path into Nurgle hut... The flames didn't impacted their march as it shielded them from the most virulent diseases known to man...

Magnus recognize the Emperor that used his brother as a conduit... But he didn't said anything...

He never intended to meet the Emperor in these circumstances...

Lorgar stood among the ashes of the screaming nurglings... "If this is the the power of God... Why did you reject me..." He thought as he watched the blaze somehow brought a different emotion in him...

For this sort of feat is beyond what Psykers could achieve... And the sear of his rage was fleet on Lorgar face as he watched the Fires burning down Nurgle realm for Mortarion to come home...

Ferrus Manus was calm as he was aware that Alexander could be possesed by him... But only in dire circumstances... But that output is beyond comprehension...

Roboute nodded as he pointed his Emperor Sword to Nurgle Hut...

"Save Mortarion and complete your duty." He spoke just before the Emperor teleported him out of the burning realm...

The Thousand sons was put to work placing a Ritual circle with Magnus as a point of power...

Five Obelisk of Blackstone positively charged with Magnus pysker energies to breach nurgle hut, ten obelisk of negative to contain the powers that is overflowing.

Magnus read his book... There was a Spell that was unfinished is able to breached into Nurgle hut without repercussions and it is up to him to finish it... But time is limited as the denizens and Chaos Space marines despite they were inflames were enraged of the newcomers... Swarmed like a plague of locust...

Perturabo Wartyrants Terminators provided fire support while his Warsmiths assisted the Iron Hand Techmarines as they began setting up defenses as they assisted the Mortal defenders from the obelisks from being destroyed.

Fulgrim and his Emperor children took the Frontlines as melee as to buy time for the defenses to be erected.

In a short time it was a Starfort that is built in front Nurgle hut along with Five Outpost is built from the place where they entered from.

Air support in the form of Marauder Bombers periodically swept the battlefield dropping loads of Psyker charged bombs and Thunderbolt Fighter Strafing runs came from the direction the ship... Buying much time as possible. Valkyries transport and LAAT periodically drop soldiers and vehicles to bolster the defenses.

"Brothers hear me... I could only provide a limited time for opening the realm but I will be defenseless while maintaining that door...some of you must defend me while some of you assist Alexander towards the depths...of Nurgle realm"

The Primarchs drew lots...

Perturabo, Ferrus Manus, and Lorgar would be tasked to defend Magnus that is providing the opening. And Kaldor Draigo Defended the Ritual along with the remaining four grey knights.

While Leman Russ assisted Alexander.

Trazyn and Dimh-Yriel followed him...

Horus remained on the ship working as a temporary commander. Overseeing the operations from Olympia. And Farseer Caerys accompanied as she provide Scrying duties as Magnus was needed to barge into the gate.

Corvus Corax serves as a skirmisher and Fulgrim and his Emperor children serves as a mobile task force defending the peripheral surroundings of the star fort..

The Crimson giant spoke in Prosperonia and the Door was ripped opened...

If it was before Emperor possessed Primarch burned down the Garden, it would be impossible... As the countless of disease and Nurgle Demons will hinder the Expedition and many would have died before reaching the footsteps of the garden...

The flames alone provided a safe passage, burning the pathogens and virus that floated in the air.

But this is the only chance the Emperor could give them as now the Materium realm are becoming more of a problem... And what miracle he gave to them is now impossible to replicated.

They know that time is running out as the flames will not last forever.

The Expedition group separated to their task... Those that protected Magnus began to set up defenses around the obelisk and with Perturabo and Ferrus... Alexander knows they will hold that ground with spite towards Demons...

And Alexander group rushed into the murky depths of Nurgle's home... Magnus gave them a talisman for them to returned to the entrance....

(Alexander Pov)

It was cold, it was slimy... Sometimes I wonder why Nurgle wanted Mortarion...

My Blanks are providing me safe passage as the realm in this plague god is mind boggling....

My sword serves as a source of light in this dark realm as the lights of the power armors and gunlights are unable to pierced the shroud... I noticed that the Reality anchors that we kept our sense of balance, that we left behind is slowly decaying... Which makes the path forward more necessary...

Up, down, left, right... The sense of balance is warped as we traverse this maze of decay... Nurgle knows we are coming... And at this point he is weakened thanks to the emperor wrath, I wanted to put the god out of misery but the Emperor in a short second before he took Roboute out of Nurgles realm told, me that I must only retrieve Isha and Mortarion...

If I really hate him, destroy his Pot of Plagues... And at least buy time till his influence on the Galaxy is faded.

"Please be there, brother...." I gritted my teeth as I delved into the infinite void of Nurgle realm.

The link between of Shard of by soul and Mortarion is the only compass for me to navigate this maze... Barely alive as it is flickering its existence in the darkness.

Many paths lead to dead end or rooms that held the denizens of Nurgle that is unaware of the rage that is occurring from outside or Traps that killed some of the Scouting party....

I noticed that the Plague Marines that is in this realm is no longer to be seen...

Only Demons of Nurgle that is being thrown against us. But they seemed distracted.

As if...

There was a explosion in the distance there was screams and several dead daemons... somehow in the distance I see several Death Guards that is somehow cured from nurgle rot trying to stave off the demons with their Rusted Chainswords as clubs, some that taking hits in their now rusted ceramite armors barely holding in place defending a entrance... They noticed our approached and wary at us... 

"Sons of Mortarion step aside, as we will free your genefather!" I bellowed.

Many was hesitant but they stepped aside giving us to pursue our goal... They received the weapon surplus and agreed to defend the Entrance...

There we found Mortarion lying on the lap of a Eldar his insect fly wings is replaced with a butterfly wings... Now fully cured from his ascension, I know who is she... the one that could fully cure the Emperor.

"Goddess Isha..." Dimh-Yriel rushed toward the two.

The goddess smiled as if welcoming a child back home.

"Dimh-Yriel, My child..." She touched the eldar head and hugged her. It would be a lovely scene if one ignored the screams of Nurgle demons that is flooding behind us...

"And you must be Alexander...thank you for freeing us..." She looked at me as if she knew it.

Mortarion was heavily asleep, But at the moment he is away from danger.

"ISHA!" A roar was heard in the depths...

A Giant figure of rot and decay that was like a mountain in the distant and was accompanied by several Unclean ones and Daemon Princes of Decay and a innumerable amount of Nurglings and Plague beast that rushed to our location...The decay already collapsed the passageway we entered in, leaving only one way out.

And I will not let Leman Russ fight against him...

Not now as he was tasked to escort him away from this place...

"So much for Grandpa Nurgle generosity, he is pissed!" I yelled, as the Bolters and Volkite began to shoot at the tide of nurgle to swept over us...

The Astartes and Guardsmen showed valor... but the Technology alone is impossible to sweep the tides of decay that rushed towards them.

They knew we were all blanks, so they creatively used items that is not affected by the Blank radius, Stalactites and Bolders of rotten earth was tossed at subsonic speed and Impaled several soldiers, the land itself now fought against us... We knew that it is dire as the plague is inching slowly closer to all of us... Like a Noose around our necks...

"Better get Magnus Talismans... I will stay behind...Brothers...Protect Mortarion." I ordered the group...I placed my own talisman on the slumbering primarch...As if unaware of the world around him.

We were expecting just two people but not his sons... But the talismans is more than enough to send them off... Except one.

Dimh-Yriel suddenly knew why my future was undetermined...My fate is not decided. And she wanted to say something...

"Protect your god...That is a final order"

"Milord..." A Death Guard approached me, wanted to fight with me till the end. I remember the Death Guard Infront of me that warn my shard about the Virus Bomb of Istvaan III long ago...

"Brother Sleous... Time to come home. And your duty is to protect Mortarion and bring the Goddess into the Golden Palace, do not die with me. I will handle this old friend, I want you to be a Healer...after this war ends.." His eyes widen as he only told no one in the galaxy except one, He wanted to call out to why I know it, the familiar runes of the Thousand Sons engulfed the group and disappeared from sight. Leaving me alone with the corpses of my men...

"Sorry Dimh-Yriel... I supposed I will wait another time..." I smiled, I am alone... this time there is no primarchs or my men defending me...

[You sure you want to dorn the Khornate armor? That armor have a limit you know?]

"Yeah... It will provide a decent time for them to retreat." Alexander smiled at the horde that is swarming him until his body is covered by a crimson red armor...

He held the Faithblazer close to his chest as to not fall to damnation.

"May the Emperor guide my path....May he be with his sons once more..."

[Entrance of Nurgle Hut.]

The expedition group was teleported, and they found the situation outside is more dire than before.

The Nurgle demons is now flooding around the now ruined Star fort...

The star fort is burning and there was signs of breach and the Obelisk that opened Nurgles Door is flickering...

There were signs of life still clinging in the base as there was sporadic fire.

The Expedition group rushed and found some of the Obelisk is slowly cracking....

Perturabo and Ferrus, Injured they may be held the ground with spite.

Many of the soldiers were slain, Eldar, Humans, Squat... All was tossed into a pile as the Eldar soul stones was pried out and teleported back to Olympia.

As they head towards the Center of the Starfort where Magnus is located, they noticed that there were demons that didn't belonged to the chaos four...

Remaining Autocannons and Basilisk fired their psyker and Negative charged Blackstone tipped shells into the horde ahead of them.... Ignoring the monsters that are flooding into the fort.

A silhouette of a Marauder Bomber in the distance was seen crashing into the distant as Cyber Nurgling was flooded out ripping the cords of a Disable Men of Iron that opened fired at the defenders...

Signs of clashing of Fulgrim blade etched across the area. Many of this newcomers were armoured and cyber augmentics.

Leman Rushed forward and found his brothers are trying to defeat the Armored stranger that leading these new foes...

It noticed the group and snarled; "Where is Alexander!"

"Brothers Be wary of the Foe!" Fulgrim yelled towards the group, he is bloodied and his armor shows cracks... He may be a clone but his abilities is second to none compared to the original.

"I shall not say where he is, fookin foul beast!" Leman rushed towards the Monster with a cleaving blow.

The Expedition began to fight back. It didn't care whether it was a Eldar or Human they reached this far in the warp from him alone... And Alexander contribution was more than enough to make even the xenophobic of the Imperium that begrudgingly assist their Xenos allies...

The enemy clash with his blade and Leman felt the same force forcing him to take a few step back... the foe assessed the enemy and laugh.

"My job is done here..." He growled in a small chuckle. Tendrils began to emanate from him and he was dragged into the warp...

Several explosions occurred and several of the Obelisk of Blackstone began crumbling down...

The foundations of the Obelisks was destroyed...

Magnus began to panic as the Obelisks he been channeling from is shattered...

And his breach is slowly repaired by nurgle powers of absurd regeneration...

"Magnus we must retreat!" Perturabo ascertained that the defenses is already a loss, and the forces of chaos is now flooding in a greater swarm despite the Emperor flames serve as a moat against the tide, these demons have no longer self restraint as Isha was seen among them and if they managed to bring her back to nurgle they would be blessed into Greater Unclean Ones. Their pain is miniscule compared to the rewards...

The crimson giant smiled as he strained his powers to open what remained in the Nurgle Door.

He is unable to use the blackstone obelisks to channel his power and now he is brute forcing his way...

For a ten thousand years he waited for Alexander... He would rather wait... 

A figure managed to escape with grievous wounds from the realm of Nurgle hut...

Alexander managed to reach in front of the entrance of the hut, having achieved his mission.

This time he is weakened to the point that he is close to death... And the Armor that they seen him ventured in was filled with punctures and holes.

What remaining defenders managed to escort him with a certain Eldar that is worried leading them, and they made for a retreat.

Perturabo ordered a orderly retreat, and only essential remaining weapons and supplies was to be shipped off and the dead bodies was to be tagged and to be incinerated to prevent them from becoming nurgle zombies. Those that is wounded is teleported directly to medbays...

With Librarian and apothecaries to tend to their wounds, assisting the medics to cleanse the warp triom the soldiers.

Alexander this time, comatose from the fight against Nurgle have given Perturabo orders in advance in the event that he become incapacitated, to head to the Khaine gate in the warp... He remembered the wretched Drukhari and since Alexander informed him that it is the last destination to gathered the last brothers, before returning to realspace, he smiled of the weapons in in this ship that is able to breached the Impossible gate. He couldn't care less of the Drukhari lives for all the torment they inflicted to Mankind, perhaps that is karma for them being devoured by the demons they created.

Dimh-Yriel was beside his bed... Watching over the High Lord as he slumbered. Horus was nearby to observe the Eldars for any treacherous thoughts.

"My child... you are awake?" Isha approached the Eldar that is vigil as her face looked sad as she have differing thoughts...

"Goddess Isha... I am in grateful by your presence..."

"Child... I care not of your formalities...Tell me child...what is the history of our people? And with him?" Isha smiled as she hugged Dimh-Yriel as she looked at alexander... A small garden of roses was sprouted beneath the goddess feet... Horus was wary of the god in front of Alexander...

The Eldar of Craftworld Alanstar and Farseer Caerys informed her of their story on how they suffered in the warp... But she wished to speak to Dimh-Yriel and the events of what happened during the duration...

"I see... My child... it has been a hard time for you..." As she understood on the suffering of the Eldars but she did take note of the Man that is bedridden managed to sheltered most of them in his territory... Mortarion was a child in Isha eyes...

She saw his dream of a time that is lost long ago...

A time when he was simply Mortarion that freed the people from the plagues and diseases... Instead of blessing the lands with Nurgle gifts...

She learn how to travel dreams during the time she spent trapped in Nurgle realm to give the cures of Nurgles diseases to mortals...

"Would you like to see this mortal mind? To see what ails him so?" Isha asked Dimh-Yriel as she held out her hand...

The Eldar hesitated... But she grasp it...

She found herself on a plane of existence in Alexander Ego...

They found themselves on a unknown planet in the Ultima Segmentum as a child lost his parent to a Ork Waagh... And he proceeded to kill the Ork Waagh boss by himself...

They noticed something was wrong with the discrepancy as the child was manipulated by a higher entity like a Puppet on strings... Someone more powerful than the one that seated on the golden throne... Possesed the child as he have the reflexes as a Eldar...

A Planet devoid of Life... A Imperial Guardsman was casually digging a trench... The familiar firing of Imperial Artillery rang out in the distance...

The duo watched as the man casually waited for the start of the mission...

"Hmm... This is not it..." Isha muttered as she delved deeper in Alexander mind...

A Imperial Colonel was leading his men... In a familiar planet that Dimh-Yriel fought together with...

Kaurava... She remembered the Handkerchief Alexander left behind on mina that she decided by returning it back to him...

They saw the events what happened after he returned to Mina and she saw how he gotten married and raised a adopted child... Free from the duties until the Emperor Custodes have summoned him... It pained her to see that...

His last events later was shrouded in mist that not even Isha could pierced.

"I suggest that you only know what you need to know Eldar..."

The duo was wary as that voice is not Alexander voice but somewhat robotic that is cold like the Machines...

"I want to know the truth about Alexander!" Dimh-Yriel spoke into the void...

"What would you do if you know about the truth? Achieve it for your Farseer council leverage over him? Despite all the things he done for your race?" The Voice became more chilling that even Isha shuddered what being dwell in Alexander soul...

"I simply want to know more about him, the Farseer council had nothing to do with this."

"Hah that what you would have said... Only those that are closest to him knew the truth of his actual existence and paid the price, Even the Emperor of Mankind paid his price of ripping a part of his Empire to be given to him to prepare for the future, Even the Macaldor the Sigilite paid his price by giving him the position of a High Lord... What do you offer to assure that you will not betray him?" As the voice materialize into a Golden Dragon. That is staring at the two of them...

"My vow-"

"Vows are useless, Verbal words have no meaning to know the truth. I seen your kind betray him the moment you find it useful, it was by sheer luck that he knows the Vow of Isha that binded to your alliance in The Kaurava Conflict... If he didn't say that you would have backstab him the second he turned around..." The Dragon mocked the Eldar that gritted her teeth... Dimh-Yriel stood silent as she was aware that was to happen like any other imperials... She worked with...

"May you bound my soul with him...if I betrayed him you can erase me from history..."

Isha gasp as she knows that binding a soul together is a more primal version of her vows...

The Dragon stared at them for a moment until it breathed golden flames that engulfed the duo...

But they found themselves unharmed... But they were bathed in flames.

Dimh-Yriel found a part of her soul is taken from her...

"I have a part of your soul as collateral... I sincerely hope Isha you are to be the witness of her oaths?"

Isha nodded making the dragon grin...

"Then you are permitted... To see a part of him."

The mist that surrounded Alexander deeper parts of his mind was cleared by the flames.

What they only saw what Alexander been doing in the ages...

They saw his version on other side of the mist...

They found themselves standing on the Emperor ship until Tzeentch took him back to the past...

Being thrown back into a past into the age of humanity march towards the stats...

He was witness of the Golden Age of Humanity as one of the Generals, making conquest for Humanity, Slaughtering countless Xenos that deemed dangerous for the sake of humanity future and he was scholar to its downfall, saving all he could before it fallen to decay...He shed his own soul to pieces to a select few of the Primarchs he could reach before the Primarchs was tossed into the voids..

Many of the Eldar scholars debated who was the Leader from the League.. but never would they thought it was thanks to Tzeentch desire to erased him was actually undermining it...

They saw what happened in the Golden Palace...

Until they saw the events what happened as they teleported away from Nurgle realm...

A fragment as the memory that shown the event is very blurry for them to view but they could make the outline of the Nurgles Pot of plagues being destroyed.... Only for him to be tossed by Nurgle in extreme force sending him towards the direction to the exit not without crushing his skull and ribs in the process...

After the viewing, they found themselves a deeper part of his mind...

They found themselves a field of statues of the emperor that reached the Horizon, solemn and silent as if never giving any answers...

A man silently chisel a Statue of the Emperor, after observing his deed, he nodded his work as he simply headed to the next marble block... Beginning his task anew.

"What is this?" Dimh-Yriel eyes widen as she saw that man repeatedly chanting the same mantra of the Church of the Echlesiarchy... Different from the man of she knew... Here his eyes was sunken and his eyes is void of life, his arms was so frail as if a single wind would tear it apart... As his mantra was the only solitude voice in the void planet...

"Who is this?"

"His actual form and function Eldar."

They turned and Found the Emperor just observing him not as a friend in his eyes but more like a creator observing his creation...

"He is a puppet that is given a illusion of Free will. A Final Weapon for the Twilight, against the Fate that Ordained us, this test subject is operating at optimal parameters. What brought you here Intruders?." He coldly looked at the intruder. As he spoke fluent Eldar. Making them realized that any small gestures would be seen...

"My child simply want to know about him?"

"Ironic that his efforts to bring my counterpart is worth the effort... Perhaps I should grade B for effort..." As if he was ignoring the duo as he took notes of the specimen before him.

Dimh-Yriel realized that the Emperor before her is different than the person on the golden throne.

"He is different from this thing " she spoke out pointing out the human that is busy chiseling, unaware of the figures speaking behind him..

"To you, he is what the image of what you desire, a perfect human, But none would understand his suffering."

"But at least I tried." Dimh-Yriel voice was ignored as the Emperor spoke as if her intentions was meaningless...

"Honestly, I would not surprised if he truly gave up of the Imperium and decided to destroyed it along with this wretched Galaxy... But yet he didn't, Perhaps a remnant of his humanity?" He chuckled as he view the man before him with curiosity... With eyes not as a family but a scientist that observed the specimen.

"He is a man of his word." Isha spoke grabbing the Emperor his attention...

"And yet he kept his distance among the Experimental Tools that this version of mine called sons, and that family he raised? That is merely a illusion he raise in his mind to keep his sanity intact."

"What about you? Eldar? Do you keep your word?"

The Eldar Goddess hesitated as she was gambling if she actually heal the Emperor... Would he become the cold calculated person before her than the one Alexander seen as a family?

"If not begone and approach him when you got the answers." they were kicked out of Alexander Ego and they found themselves facing a fully awake Alexander smiling at them... Making them have a different opinions of the Man before them...

And Alexander wondered why the Eldar Goddess was giving him a hug. And Dimh-Yriel expression was more different... As if worried about something.

"A dammed fate for him..." She muttered as she left the med bays...

Vashtorr appeared once more, in the ruined Starfort that is slowly reclaimed by nurgle garden... 

Having surrounded by Demons that is bound by his contracts escorted him.wepons from his soul forges to a place of security have allowed all demons to follow him by contracts...

He passed by among the ruined defenses uncaring of its worth.

He hummed a tune as he found several things that is needed...

Fragments of Blackstone Obelisk that is still charged with Magnus Psyker energy.

And the greatest prize of them all...

A barely damaged Replicator that is still thrumming with power... Forgotten by the hasty retreat...

But he noticed these slain demons still scattered about that is not affected by Nurgle plague...

He would further examined this augmentics that prevented them from being into Nurgle zombies.

He could hear the sobbing from nurgle... but he couldn't care less....

He may have lost Perturabo and his Iron Warriors to accomplished his goals... For his ascension.

But he found new allies... From beyond the void...

In the Vengeful spirit...

Abaddon was in wits end as one of the god is killed and the other was sobbing. And Several of the Traitor Primarchs went missing along with their remaining legion that disappeared mysteriously....

The Haemoculaba that was drafted by Perturabo is is given to the Dark Mechanicus and for manpower it is still abundant enough...

As he retired and return to his quarters, Two Alpha legion approached the Command Deck... And many didn't question about their reasons but their task was not to be disturbed...

"Brother... It is time...the signal from the Golden Palace have confirmed Alexander is in this timeline as only he knows our password for our sons below the Golden Palace.."

"I agree...time to free the winged angel..."

During the fall of Sanguinius... A echo of his soul remained on this very ship, but they were shattered across the multiple decks of the Vengeful spirit hidden in plain sight, in places where Horus have attachments to this ship as if the echo have lingering feelings of the slain Warmaster, Abaddon somehow got a inkling about the Primarch and he Destroyed much of the items that is linked to Horus like to replaced his own... Throughout the years these Two Legionaries carefully tasked to gathered their brother soul... Piece by piece to gathered their brother soul into a Flask... Being under their Brother son that proclaimed himself as a Warmaster and to do his missions... Is unpleasant.

And they disappeared as fast as they appeared... And none noticed their presence no longer aboard the ship, As if the Alpha Legionaries didn't existed...


A/N: my laptop is emitting smoke and I never knew how much smoke a laptop can do in a short time and I lost my drafts to the flames...

I glad I didn't live in Canada... If They found about my little jab against the truedumb in my age of strife chapter... I would be jailed for lifetime.(I read news coming from the west as their policies will affect where my parents live in...)

So much for free west as I am walking in eggshells making me stressed out... Even Asia is no longer safe... Since when words actually harmed anyone? And people can't tell fiction from actual reality? All it takes is some mentally unwell person to track my Ip address (which it happened and I got some very disturbing mails time to time) and told me that I am a Fascist in my Gmail and I left it in my junk mails... And with death threats? I know my country was under controlled by imperialist Japan .. and I am aware what is Fascism means... Why do people represent the pro-bugs the moment Helldivers II come out, want to called people like me that have nothing to do with IRL politics in the west as things they don't like? I m Pro-Humanity and Only see Xenos as friends if they are beneficial to the human race and a target for extermination if not. And I am more than willing to exterminatus a system if the threat of Xenos outpace the benefits they give. Like the Borg and Yuuzhang Vong which I clarified they are more of a threat than being allies.

And the Helldivers II have made good movement of video games and I enjoyed Killing Bugs from My Cousin steam Account that he lended to me... And I saw some of the spam in my gmail claimed that I am a far right fascist... Am I quarrelling with a Bug sympathizers that sided with a literal hivemind that wants humans dead? Have Humanity have degraded to the point that they see BuGs from a fictional Game/movies to think that it have feelings?

Next stop is Burning of Comoragh and then we are free to enter realspace.... So around 5 chapter left in this universe after the burning... Then back to Starship troopers [I know it's rushed... But planning back a sequel after Alexander done fixing his own universe... To see a more "somewhat" improved Imperium]

I may have some xenophilia but drukhari should be burned to hell regardless of their Craftworlder Cousins opinions. As Slaanesh no longer exists they don't really have. Reason to fear, but knowing their culture? they are the factor for that god to simply regenerate itself back to the setting in due time...