Burning of Commorragh

Alexander was on his bed wondering why he was hugged by a Eldar Goddess and a Eldar clinging him by the bedside... Horus didn't know what they done to him... And those two didn't gave any answers... As Isha was worried of what just happened.

"Huh, you sure made it big... " A voice was heard and Alexander found himself in a boat floating on a ocean of stars... Just moments, he was in his room and now in this dimension?

He found the original occupant busy rowing the boat...

"Star child..." Alexander spoke.

"You heard of me? Seem like I couldn't keep it hidden for that long?" The figure laughed as he continued rowing until they reached a island...

"What is the meaning of this?" Alexander demanded from the figure...

"Seem like you got Isha and fixed the golden throne... And you think he would be sane?"

"So you implying that he is still incomplete?"

"Yes, That is me..." The figure raised his arms like a hugging embrace...

"Uhh... Do I get infected by something or some shady deals to accomplish for you?"

"Is that how little you think of me? Alexander Solair?"

"It's been a long time since I remember that name...and that smirk... definitely you."

"The me on the throne is using echoes of my memories as a means to control you..."

"That I agreed... That man on the throne is no longer my friend..."

"I propose a deal. I will posses you and when I reached the throne... I will inhabit my corpse or was it my body? at this point considering you did fixed the golden throne, nah it doesn't matter...."

"Wouldn't it clash with your body that is damaged by the golden throne? Especially the matters of Faith?"

"Since you barely managed to stop the decay and you fixed my mind... It is enough."

"Hah... Better owe me a beer when you done with it..."

"Yes... That I do..." The Star child entered into Alexander and melded into the Emperor shard...

Alexander began to grow in power tantamount of the faith of the star child that pervaded into the Imperium Nihilus now flowing through him... But he knew that the power is temporary... But he knew that it is more than enough for his last time in this extra dimensional Warp...

He found himself waking up once more and Dimh-Yriel noticed his awakening... And upon her close facial inspection, she is worried as she held his hand... Alexander didn't realize that she was literally bound by him... Isha is conflicted about the situation.

But knowing that person sitting in the bed is more of a puppet of the corpse god... Than a actual human that have free will. She could not deemed him as a Lower species...

How long did he planned to make this being?

How long will this unstable weapon will drop from his hands?

She have read of the Primarchs and their deeds during the Horus Heresy from the league archives in the ship that is translated in her language... She couldn't fathom how a group of Demigods have wreck the Imperium and the Galaxy...

But that person... He could have the Galaxy under his command with the people willingly obeyed his will... They don't even need to fire a shot or a war cry... They will just obeyed his will the moment his arrival... A worse weapon than Horus Luprecal... A weapon of Promise.

She cares about her people... But better chain his crumbling sanity to reality.

She approach the being with a proposal...

A Eldar Cosair is traversing the webway. It traverses the now treacherous webways ever since the opening of the Great Rift, the safest place of travel to the Eldars is now flooded with Daemons making the passageways of what the Eldars knew is unable to traverse and they forced to collapse and broken up to buy time, and with Magnus work of breaking the webway from ages past is slowly growing, allowing the denizens to flood in even greater Numbers...

The Wcyh Yvraine, emissary of Ynnead stood upon her deck looking worried.

High Lord Alexander have given her a Ultimatum... Commoragh will be sentence to death. And the time limit is when the call of Isha and the fall of Slaanesh he would come...

It's been Ten years in reality since that proclamation, until they heard the shrieking of the one that devoured their world to become silent... And the voice that all old Aeldaris that witness their empire fell recognized their birth...

Isha was saved... And with the souls of the Eldar that was freed many have grace the news of the mortal feats of saving them and their goddess...

Many flock under her banner.... Especially the conservative exodites that hidden in the Galaxy.

And added to her plate the Seer Council have demanded her to Ally with the Imperium with a Political Marriage with Roboute as the Craftworlds knew that their time is up... And with several concessions... As providing a heir?

They see the lining that the Aeldari Empire that they dreamed of returning is no longer viable as there are two Empires that is lead by two Men that could erased them off the Galaxy and one of the Empire is their God is slowly waking up and the other one is more lenient towards their race and they prefer not to strain their relationship with the League... As they are returning with the Goodness of healing...

But they could placate the Imperium of their Xenophobia by sending her off to marry the "Son of God" Regent of the Imperium Roboute to consolidate their Alliance. Without her consent, and she had it with their vague prophesies and even Eldrad was confused why they wanted the Alliance with Roboute instead of Alexander...

"He has been blessed by the priestess of Isha as Isha Ordained..." Was their vague words...

Eldrad knew Alexander quest in the Warp of freeing the traitor Primarchs and the Expedition to free their Goddess... When He sense Slaenesh died in the warp at least it was a small comfort for the dying race to be free from being devoured.

And for once he looked at the crystal that was given by Alexander a millennia ago... The path he chosen managed to preserved most of their forces and he still have a say and influence in the Seer Council... But something in him realized that the Seer Council already made up their mind sending Yvraine into a Political Marriage with Roboute...

The Farseer Council knew that she shed a part of her soul and bonded with the primarch for his resurrection. Which made her a viable candidate...

And when she senses the Primarch close to death in Ultramar, She instinctively wanted to go to him...

But she have a time limit of gathering like minded Drukhari that realized that the God that thirsted for their souls is no longer there.. Leaving those that are crazy in their vices to their fate to the flames...

As she saw the distant silhouettes of Commorragh spire she proceeded with her plans. 

"Hexensnacht." She spoke the word as she whispered to herself. "The time of the hunt is the time to strike."

She either was raving mad or stubborn as that event is the gathering of all the Kabals gathered to deliver their spoils to Vect... But her vision didn't lied...

And the Laughing God sent her one of his own Solatairs to assist her...

Alos to partake in the madness of destroying Commorragh as plan for the Drukhari and their purpose have been used up...

She looked at the said Harlequin that is on her command room silently watching her. And reminded of her cargo that is within her hold...

A League Beacon...

Her task was simply Infiltrate in Commorragh and activated the Beacon that will attract all Assets of the League within reach as Legions of Iron Men, Mortal men and several Legion sized Astartes to steamroll the Commorragh defenders and she knew Alexander wasn't laughing when he means to destroy the city... Roboute gave the green light and sent some of his Veteran Companies to assist the endeavor, especially Primaris that still lacked training... And the League of Votann voted to join the slaughter as their grudges of the cursed city is more than enough to have several grudge bands formed into a fleet ready to follow the beacon .. and all three empires is rested on her part of the play ..

And with the dead that was spoken to their living counterparts... The time for this city standing is short... Many of the citizens of Commorragh was disturbed and many riots was occurred daily. And many was put down.

Her corsair landed in one of the Hidden Docks the Lower levels of Commorragh.

Just below the Port of Souls. A harbor was made just for smugglers or shady people...

Lower level Cabalites was paid to ignored her group arrival as they patrolled in the other way and Ynnari sympathizers escorted her to a Hidden Warehouse.

For several years, they had laid traps, prepared ambushes, established resupply corridors, secretly secured ports and strongholds, bribed cabal members, secured weapons, slaves and intelligence.

All waiting for the spark that is Yvraine to be brought in to this dark city.

"Mistress you have returned..." One of the female Ynnati gave her a cordial respect, she was one of the wych that fought in the wychs collesium and found there was another path for them to strive forward from torturing for them to survive...

That believing in the god of death have now shielded their souls... She was pragmatic and realistic to know that their salvation had arrive... And with her family souls that she was aware that the Slaanesh is dead... The Ynnari have grown considerably in greater numbers that they were before especially some of the converted is simply observed the gathering of the Kabals in cold light...

Yvraine nodded as she began her part of the play and Alos smiled beneath his mask as the play of death is starting.

Asdrubael Vect that ruled Commorragh is overseeing the event that his bootlickers giving his gifts, stubborn to realized that the Webway is going to collapse faster than he anticipated but he is desperate to cling the power over the people by dismissive of such a mere mortal defeated the She who thirst and freeing Isha had brought him a good laugh... Never realizing that the Doom is slowly arriving beyond the Khaine gate that kept them safe is now the last day they ever wake their eyes...

Yvraine planted the Beacon that will raze the city of old to the ground...

"May you forgive me..." She sighed as she pressed the red button with a skull on it...

The beacon was emitted in realspace and the fleets that was tasked to the destruction of this depraved place began to moved...

Perturabo was not amused... That he didn't destroy the Khain gate... But teleporting escort fleets to the outskirts of Commorragh is more than enough... And waited till the gates opened from within...

Ships arriving into this realm by the thousands and all bound by their hatred of the drukhari...

Their main cannons is loaded and their Hangars is filled with Landing craft that held Metal and flesh ready to unleash on the city...

Both Imperium and League soldiers that often mingled and joked during their off time, is deathly silent... And Several regiments of Kriegmen in several bunkbeds silently waited for the green light... Their mask only lighted up by a red light...

The Thunder warriors that was serves in the League is now tossed into this strange world...

3 Legion of them was sent alongside with a Indominatus sized Imperial fleet that is retrofitted with Hyperdrives arrived later....

The Drukhari Skirmisher fleet wanted to disguised themselves as invaders own, hoping to board them and grab a few slaves to display their loyalty to Vect... But never realizing that is impossible as their craft was destroyed the moment they were within it's range...

The dark city raised alarms as the forces began to manned it's walls hoping it was a Imperial Battlegroup as they knew how foolish the admirals of the Imperium believing that they could conquer Commorragh... But they were met not by brave and foolish Salamanders that once invaded them... But a force that will crush them...

The city ancient defenses lighted up as the first wave of missiles dropped on the spires and drop pods landed by the hundreds of thousands scattered on the streets of Commorragh... Unloading Astartes and Machines of war... The dark city deployed their Razorwing jetfighters like a dark cloud... And began strafing on the first wave that begining to make a foothold in the entrance gates. Setting up teleporters to allow heavier vehicles to join the fight as brief light was flash revealing a Titan that blared it's warhorns as it unloaded its weapon of destruction .

And the portable Anti-aircraft rockets and Hydras Flak cannon launched to provide fire until the next wave that comes in mere minutes...

The next wave was the Thunderbolt fighters flooding the skies... The Drukhari laugh as that was a simply a piece of junk that they bested several times that they knew the ins and outs of the vehicle...

But when they clash they were very deep trouble as it was the League variants instead of the regular variants... shielded and blanks piloted it making the Famed foresight of the Drukhari pilots unable to ascertain the pilots position... The first craft landed in flames is not the invaders... But their own.

But it incited the local population as they knew their time is up...

The human and Xenos pirates lords that hidden themselves in this city have assisted the defenders as they knew that this is the last place where their reign of piracy is free from the voracious hunting of the League .. with their deranged crews shooting the invaders despite they were humans...

Alexander orders of killing Pirates was absolute regardless if they were forcibly conscripted, as time is short and who is a bright idea of living and walking freely in the dark city and proclaimed themselves as innocent?

Yvraine hoping to start with a simple revolts but not a full blown extermination fleet, Simply free the slaves from the slave pits and Handed weapons to the slaves... But with this amount of forces entering into the city... It was more than enough.

Imperium citizens that have been kidnapped from their homes...

Astartes that was trapped in the collesium matches... Unaware of the time they were trapped here... They were hostile to Yvraine as they are still aware of Eldar hand of atrocities to humanity...

She couldn't care less...

But something bother her as she was given a vision of beings of great power that is similar to Roboute in one of the dungeons of a Kabal...

She followed the path and entered the dungeons, she passed by countless cages of prized captives. She saw several Astartes that was stark naked that followed her with uttered hatred in their eyes...

And if she went to a wrong path, she could see a Shadowed form of a Haemoculous at work ignoring the war that is outside, with lights flashing from its lab as their test subject was screaming in pain, Yvriane trusted the vision and went to her path, knowing the gate that is her destii is nearby...

In the deepest depth of the dungeon where even the false light from outside could reach was a separate chambers. The doors was sealed and locked all kinds of contraptions with the heaviest security she ever seen since her time as a gladiator in the wych cults of lower Commorragh...

"What is this..." She muttered, seeing how desne the security is... "Wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if this place is rigged with a miniature star to engulfed this place."

"It does." A voice emanated from the prison.

She was surprised that somehow someone heard her, but she kept her mouth clenched as she looked through the viewport that show the chamber.

Inside she found one of the Primarch that was chained with hooks that attached to the walls, his armor still intact as several turrets and traps that will be triggered on a slight movement. And on one of the desk was a soul stone that is placed haphazardly on one of the table.

She recognized that it is Jaghatai Khan as his features is similar to the tapestries that was shown of the Primarch family...

"Please tell me if you know where the keys are. Or do I dispatch the Haemoculous myself for them?" She asked hoping she would use him to get the two men some respect towards her contributions...

"I can get out myself... All you have to do is find a way to disable the systems that will kill me if I attempt any movement..."

Yvraine nodded, closing her eyes . She willed a vision forward, hoping this time, she could call the power of foresight on her own.

For a brief moment, she found the answers in her flood of vision and decipher the truth and lies and found that the control panel that held the Primarch was beside Lady Maly's bed in her personal spire...

She now understand why the visions made her start in Hexensnatch. Usually it is a impossible task. But lady Maly's gone for the festivities and her guards lured out to all the fighting...

"Listen to me Jaghatai" she whisper to the Primarch. "I know you may not trust me, But I come on behalf of The Aeldari Seer council and Alexander Hyde. Peace is brokered between us and humanity-"

"Xeno... You claimed that Alexander is alive?" Jaghatai spoke with his words was husky...

"Yes... He sent me here to free you and he will burn it down... And he is now outside..."

"That's just like him... I will hear more about him in another time... Are the defence mechanic deactivated?"

"Not yet, But I know where the controls is place..." She breathed deep, keeping calm. "Once they are deactivated, there should be a click. Wait for it. Outside, the Dark city is besiged by a combined force of the League and Imperium of your past, once you are out... You will likely meet your brothers. This is all I could do for you."

"You speak of delights of news I never would have received... Go. I shall not forget this favor..."

She nodded and left the Primarch in his jail, quickly dashing from the prison as she make her long journey to the top of the lady Maly's spire...

Trazyn was smiling as he was sent ahead of Alexander and was tasked to gather any manuscripts and documents before the burning.

And he lead several companies of Armed scholars that was tasked to carry the manuscripts away from fire... And he was aware of the revolt and war is just outside the library outside and he couldn't care less...

"Yes, yes take care of the documents...you...handle that with care." Trazyn order his accomplices to carry the documents to his loaned teleporters which made his looting much more easier... A Library was drained... And another was under attacked by the rabble...

He hummed among the burning streets as he walked in the company of people that appreciated knowledge...

Yvriane managed to gather Maly's servants and they followed her to the floor until they reached Maly's bedroom as they were sent away on a transport... When she reached the top there was no fanfare and she was disgusted with Maly's sense of fashion in her bedroom... But no less she opened the console and deactivated it there was a sharp explosion after a few seconds somewhere in the base of the spire, causing it to shaken...

Causing her to smile.

The moment the Yvraine released the defenses, causing it to be deactivated, Servo that powering countless of Firearms slowly powered down along with the shock restraints finally losing power along with countless smaller defensive mechanism that Yvraine unable to see from the viewport.

He broke the shackles with ease, destroyed the power emitter that raised a defensive shield in the event the main power was shut down in his cell was destroyed in a swift kick, before kicking down the heavy duty door to his cell... He didn't forget to grab the Soul stone and place it in a compartment of his armor... As he have a decent conversation of his brother trapped within. Can't leave him to his fate in here... He deserved enough punishment to merit his crimes.

Slowly he reached up with a simple groan, taking a hold on his neck, moving it swiftly side by side, causing cracking noises to echo throughout that could be heard throughout the spire..

He began to stretch his fingers and limbs...

Maly's managed to capture him when he tried to invade the Dark city, he underestimated of the desire of the hunt of the drukhari and the sheer numbers that hunted his White scars... He lost several of his sons... And many was enslaved.

He found the cages that held the Astartes that was found by Yvraine a day prior..

"By the Emperor..." The marine in the cage gripped the bars as he stared at the Primarch with awe "...A Primarchs have graced us in this dire times?"

"Oh,am I?" Jaghatai asked with sarcasm positively dripping from his words "And you, which company you are from Astartes?"

"Decimeran Dolius, Of the Fist of Vigilance chapter... I fought to defend the evacuation of a Hive world from a Tyrannid until this foul Xenos raided us at the most critical moment... Lord Commander have deemed us to be the rear guard-"

"Lord Commander? And why you said Primarchs?"

"Of course my lord, Lord Commander is Roboute Guilliman is now leading the Imperium and his brothers that is Vulkan, Ferrus Manus, Rogal Dorn is assisting him."

"I see..." Jaghatai smiled knowing that there are still brothers still alive...

Jaghatai reached over with no further words and with a single hand he ripped the door from the wall that caged the Astarte and dropped it on the floor

"Is there any of your brothers, cousins trapped with you in this dungeon?"

"Yes milord. This is where the prime stock that is held, we are all fighters, Lord Primarch." Decimeran answered, stepping out of his cell. "I am sure there are plenty in this place would be more than happy to assist you."

"Come with me and help me free some more doors."

"Which one, Lord Primarch... Forgive me if I don't know your name-"

"Jaghatai Khan, The answer is simple, all of them." As Jaghatai broke down a few more cells release the occupants within.

"Just as my Primarch would do.." the Astarte smiled as he grabbed whatever weapons he could find and Arming the Battle brothers and cousins.

Each cell they passed is a fighter that joined them, all willing to serve if nothing else to guarantee their freedom...

The lacking form of resistance in form of the jailers as they were sent to the frontlines and the defensive mechanism is a welcome one.

Soon, they reached the primary transport hub in the center of the spire... However

Decimeran was already sprinting towards the lift transport..

"No, we aren't taking the lift." Jaghatai decreed.

"Why not my lord? Too great a security risk?" One of the freed marine asked.

"No" Jaghatai denied the claim as he walked instead towards the central mass staircase...

"That would mean we have go through every single remaining freaks left in this spire." Decimeran was informed Jaghatai of his plan.

"Yes." The Khan acknowledge. "I have no issue with this exercise... I am out of practice of being locked up so long.... Will you join me?"

"My Lord Primarch." Decimeran answered with a chuckle. "I thought you never ask."

Yvraine leaped from the Maly's spire, and stabbing the crone sword she wielded into the side of the spire as she looked over the expanse of Commorragh. She tried to pick out where her people would be ..

In the distance was the combined armies managed to breached the walls and the fires of their attacks is slowly heading to her location, and the skies above the dark city the fleets began to do a ethnic cleansing, meticulously burning down inch by inch as if they were commanded by Necrons...

But casualties is mounting and She knew time is running out.. as the webways wall is deteriorating faster than anticipated and several lesser demon prince managed to breach the wall... And demons is now flooding into the battlefield making a fourth force to contend with the dark city.

"I better need to get to the Star Maintenance Spire.." she sighed as she pulled out her crone sword out of the spire letting her fall and hook on the outcropping. She swung and hung on different outcropping, scanning the wider Commorragh for any sign of her people.

And she saw a familiar figure...

"What is Vect doing out here?" She whisper to herself as nothing would be good would be coming from his appearance. "Him being on the ground with his men could only mean bad things..."

She swung in haste until she managed to reach a skiff by barely catching it by one of its spikes, and she swung up and dispatch the pilot that was about to reach a Shard Carbine with one hand...

And sending the skiff into a Crashing course in a opening between the two spires...

After the smoke ended she found herself surrounded by Vect and his warriors..

She doesn't know much people around Vect as she didn't spent time around him. Except Drazhar...

"Well if it isn't the self proclaimed Emissary of the so called God Ynnead." Vect welcomed not noticing the battlefield that is currently engulfing in the streets of Commorragh below.

"Lord Vect" she greeted with a smile so poisonous that made lesser drukhari took a step back. "What a displeasure of seeing you again, and how amusing now you dirty your boots upon the cobble of Commorragh?"

"Feisty today, aren't we?" Vect quipped back.

"More than you would know" Yvraine smiled as she received a mindlink message to stall Vect for time...

"What is your plan exactly?" Vect asked from a distance, not moving close to Yvraine as he was aware how dangerous she is at close range. "The Combined fleet of the Imperium and the League of Ten Thousand crashing on my city gates? The slave revolts in the lower levels of Commorragh? Or those Daemon abominations?"

"To be fair, I didn't plan on the demons arriving to the play. So that just a happy mistake for all of us." Yvraine bit back.

"What ever it is you are planing Wych, it appears it is not going so well..." Vect pointed out as the city is barely managed to driven the invaders back...

Yvraine chuckle, "You claimed as if you still hold power to this realm? Did you noticed where are all those pink and blue abominations coming from? They are flooding into this place. And you are ignoring reality Vect." Yvraine mocked Vect.

The smile of Vect is no longer there... His feature was frowning...

"Drazhar kill her." He calmly spoke...

There was large tremor... And Vect and his men looked at the Khaine gate with a snarl.

While Yvraine smiled as the newcomer...

For throughout the years Vect spent here in the Webway, that gate didn't opened till now...

The Invaders managed to reached the control panel that opened the ancient starsteel gate... And the flood of the demons was intensified as they flooded into large numbers....

Only moments later a rain of Lancer strikes eradicated the flood and another form of danger of the Drukhari have come in a shape of a Abyss Ship entering Commorragh... And the ship is surrounded by several traitor ships such as Magnus flagship Photep and Perturabo

And another round of drop pods landed in the direction of the Khaine gate... This time is veterans of the Warp...

As soon as the ship slipped past the gate the hijacked tower commanded the ancient gate and sealed it once more...

"VECT I HAVE COME FOR YOUR HEAD!" A familiar voice was heard throughout as Vect was furious as it was a prey that become a predator in Kaurava and he is here...

"Alexander..." Vect gritted his teeth as the figure stood beside Yvraine..

Several figures was teleported in Yvraine location and escorted her away and assist her to her destination... And Vect could not deny that Alexander already plotted to destroy the Comoragh...

"You...insect! I should had killed you when I had the chance!" Vect roared.

"Time had passed, and your mistake have come to your home!" Alexander smiled with a grin as the image of the dark city Is burned in the background...

"Drazhar kill him!" Vect ordered his loyal pet...

The Drukhari sprint in blinding speed as he attamp to slash against the Invader... He couldnt move forward... The body is trembling...

"Drazhar I order you to kill him!"

"Don't bother... He met someone beyond his blades could reach..." Alexander smiled as he simply went pass him as the drukhari dissected into many pieces...

As Vect wanted to used the hidden weapon spires that is hidden nearby but realized that the controls is no longer in his command.

"Someone kill him!" Vect order his men to fired upon Alexander, Star carbines and Long rifles fired rapidly into the general direction... Vect fled the place as the gunfire occured behind him... He rushed in a good mile until he heard the guns remained silent...

He began to flee to one of his hidden hideouts...

He screamed his remaining followers into the general direction where Alexander is chasing him.

He fled to the Dark throne... Ignoring the destruction to save his own hide. The spires was burning. And the Haemoculi was killed permanently as their copies is burning with their brethren... The last of the ancient spire defenses laid silent as the soldiers is now resumed their march on a manhunt for Vect... That was his only source of refuge is the unfinished dark throne...

It was a last attempt to place the mon-keigh emperor on the throne and they nearly had his blood if it wasn't the dastardly Inquisitors that hinder that transaction...

Beneath it is a Webway portal that lead him somewhere far away from the monster...

He turned around with a breath of sighed...

"Pity... Its a magnificent throne... Without a king, it is meaningless..." The voice made his spine crawled...

"Yvraine was right in a sense... the Webway is doomed and here you are clinging to what feeble powers that you desperately kept, a pauper King among the filth and decay..." The voice mocked him.

"You are no different than a insect to judge me!"

"Do you have the authority to judge me, I am the Celestial Butcher of the Federation, High Lord of Terra, and Leader of the League of Ten Thousand, I have raised species to their capacity and potential ... But unlike you that thinks that I am a insect... I just simply want your head."

"Then try it Insect!" Vect charged at Alexander as his ego is damaged by the insults.

Their clashing was heard across the dying city...

Vect rashness was underestimate the being before him.

They clash and Sonic booms was felt even in the most sealed rooms and Trazyn was not amused that a single parchment was almost sent to a nearby fire.

Vect tried every trick in the book every feints and false thrust was seen by him... But he is overwhelmed by the sheer power of a mortal that is smaller than him...

Alexander stabbed him and impaled him on the Dark Throne.

Alexander observed him...

"It seems I was mistaken... You look good on the throne? May this be your last place of existence." Causing Vect to scream but the blood that is filling his lungs is making him unable to scream out...

"Behold... The Inauguration of a Pauper turned a real King..." Alexander smiled as he activated the Dark throne that is fit for a Emperor...

Vect screamed as his soul was sucked out by the sheer force of the Dark Throne... His body is steadily getting atrophied...

Alexander just watched as his body is nothing more than skin that is barely clung to his bones...

"Pity... Even the Emperor had the balls to sit on this throne for ten thousand years... You just last for a mere 5 minutes...I did said I want your head, I never did specified how fresh I want it to be?" Alexander stopped the machine and chopped the head from the corpse...

"You make a fine Halloween addition when I come back home..." Alexander observed his prize as he materialize several grenades...

Several Plasma Grenades and Melta bombs was tossed wantonly into the machine causing it to explode damaging to the point of irreparable...

Never again will those that managed to hidden from the purge unable to rebuild the false Golden throne...

A mindlink message was received and Alexander called the forces to retreat....

Yvraine managed to reached the star maintenance spire of Commorragh and commence a meltdown...

If the damaged on the surface of the dark city was extensive... This is the last gasp of the city as it will eat itself alive...

Yvraine managed to gather most of the like minded Drukharis into the captured Cosairs... And joined up the fleet... There she met Alexander with mixed expression...

Alexander simply handed the Cronesword he managed to retrieved from Slaanesh and smiled.

"I done my part of reviving Ynnead... And may our alliance rings true. As we drive back the darkness as one..." He looked at the Drukhari that managed accompanied her...

"Honestly I hated you lot, but you should thank the Emissary kindness of making me sparing you... With Isha that is aboard on this very ship... No Aeldari blood shall be spilled." Alexander stepped aside allowing the Goddess to appear...

Many fell into tears as her aura of kindness and warmth touched their sinned hearts...

A Aeldari Painter, Imperial Remembrancers and a League pict taker shown a scene of a first founding of a solified alliance...

And the Eldars have no excuse of gaslighting Humanity as they double their efforts to assist humans... Aside from their xenophobic Craftworlder like Biel-tan is kept in the shadows... As a small minority behind the majority as they demanded to Alexander return Isha and give them territory... And they will forgive them? Isha refused and a small war broke out...

Another news bashed on the Imperium as news broke out as the news of Yvraine that is emissary of Ynnead is wedded to Roboute... And the High Lord of Terra was married ... To the Priestess of Isha... Many is conflicted to which joined but Isha was kind enough to accept if they simply wished to follow her... She resided in the League space in Eldar territory getting her children... It was both politically feasible and spiritually positive as the Eldars may be Allies, but the League remained neutral with their relationship... Allowing some Craftworlders to visit the planet she resided where she is taking care of Mortarion that is still comatose...

Roboute pen was dropped when he received a marriage from the Eldars... And Yvraine was looking anguish staring at the silent blueberry...

"So what do you think?"

"Seems feasible... As it provides a decent alliance on the imperium... Why not Alexander?"

"Simple... He have been chosen by prophet of Isha..." She spoke as she stretch her hands...

"So a god chosen him?"

"Seem that you still didn't believe in god?"

"I did... Until I read Lorgar book...and considering that I just revived not once but three times... I starting to see some truth to his words..." Roboute recall the time he did not like the Leticio divinatus... But now where demons roamed the earth and Gods that hates you to the bones... It is hard to be a atheist.

"Honestly, I never know how marriage mean something... We usually spent a few centuries till we parted for a different path..."

"Are you aware of human marriage?"

"Perhaps you can tell me about it..."

Alexander was under fire in the golden palace... As he brought Dimh-Yriel to his first wife... She spent several hours of lecturing him.... But later hugged him as she knew how long that he had to suffer for the emperor task... She was okay with the relationship.....

His daughter... Something else...

She barged into room now grown up and a Imperium Uniform with a Major insignia stitched on her overcoats... When she saw him, she rushed towards him and slapped him...

"Ten years... Frakkin bastard... It's been Ten frakkin years..." Her eyes was glowered in anger.

"I sorry I am late...Travel in the warp is sketchy at best."

"Late... How many birthdays I waiting for your return... Waiting a vox message or even a Psyker choir for me...it's been too long Father..." She weakly punched on his High Lord coat as she sobbed...

"Daughter... Father have come home...let me spent as much time with our family..." Alexander patted on her head... As if time stopped as she remembers the Guardsman before her now a High Lord, did the same thing she was little...

Ephritta looked at the scene with some comfort...

In the depth of the Golden palace... A laboratory experiment took place...

Bringing Konrad Curze back to the Living... Jaghatai given The soul stone to Alexander as he is reliable... And the he returned to his Homeworld to pacify his people...

Now to recreate the same way he done of reviving Ferrus Manus... He is bringing back the Night haunter... He knows this time the mind is not affected by the damaged foresight...

Flesh and sinews is grown... And the facial features of the Primarch is shown...

Alexander held out the Soul stone and dragged the soul out of the body, implanted into body...

Alexander dismiss the staff and waited for Konrad... Waiting in the event if the Night Haunter is released into the world once more... He would put him down if necessary...

The body twitch... And the first thing he saw was Alexander simply waiting and reading a another book of the Blueberry Prince...

"Oh... You are awake?" He approached the bed and check the vitals ...

"Doing well... I somehow felt better than before, where is my sons?"

"There are safe and constantly worried about you..."

"I see..."

"Is the Night haunter with you?" Alexander spoke.

That figure that dwell in Konrad mind is one major issue... He closed his eyes and found himself staring at the Night haunter looking back at him...

"I have nothing to do with you, now that my part have ended... You are free..."

"What about my crimes? You honestly think I could be forgiven!"

"No matter, you must atone your crimes by assisting Alexander... The crimes your made is long but at least you have the time to atone for the deed you done...this path is different than my own, pave your path...Konrad." The night haunter slowly dissipated leaving a empty throne... Leaving Konrad alone in his mind...

Konrad was delegated as security in the League along with the traitor primarchs...

As their appearance in the Imperium is too much for the Hearts and minds of the People of the Imperium... And while they begrudgingly agreed with the marriage of Roboute... The Traitor Primarchs is not welcomed... But they are needed for the final defense...

Roboute was informed of their Existence... And he started a fistfight with Horus clone... Several building was destroyed and a planet is destroyed Horus was beaten to the point of death for the misery he inflicted on the imperium despite the clone not wanting to fight back... Until his rage disapated... He hugged the nearly dead corpse .

No words was said as Horus Simply patted the Ultramarine.. before the Apothecaries managed to grabbed him for treatment...

Isha was nervous when she approach the Golden throne with Alexander... And she saw the sleeping Emperor and commence the ritual... The star child essence flowed out towards the Emperor.... And the Eldar Goddess is doing her hardest to merged the shattered consciousness into a singular being...

The Custodes faithfully waited as the winds began howling and surrounded the emperor and as the ritual completed... His eyes glowered and the Astronomican began to glow so bright that the Navigators that still travel the warp seen from holy Terra as a Glowing cosmos, A birth of a Galaxy and those demons that hidden nearby trade lanes was killed permanently...

Isha nearly blown away from the sheer waves.... Until Alexander help her from flying away...

As the winds died down.... Alexander watch the man on the throne...

"Did we did wrong?" Alexander was dumbfounded...

He heard a Bottle cap clicking and Found Revelation simply drinking beer and handed a extra to Him...

"Seems that you kept your promise .." Alexander smiled as he received the offering...


A/n: funny really

The Imperium have the Emissary of the dead Ynnead, while League have the Prophet of Life, Isha.

The Emperor is resurrected... But now he have two bodies... One in the Warp and one in the Materium realm... He can now make actual living avatars of himself instead of using someone to represent him, So technically Alexander in the imperial part is done?

Next stopped *twitch* T'au and Commander Farsight... So that technically 6 of remaining chapter.

[*Greater good Intensified*]

*Casually lob a Black hole at the T'au defense fleet.*