Magic bastion

(I warn that from here on it can get a little crazy, let's see how it goes...).


After giving more details to Nagini and going through a touching family reunion, Soisen put the idea he had in mind to Ingta and Ann without much delay.

-So, do you want your friend and girlfriend's Muggle parents to move in with us until the dark lord's return is disproved or his downfall happens? -Ann repeated, trying to confirm what her son said.

-Yes," Soisen nodded, "There are other ways to protect them, but they would be quite undesirable as they involve memory manipulation among other things.

-Well, we have enough rooms for everyone, we could make more friends, meet your future in-laws and it's not a problem to add a few dishes to the table -considered Ingta seriously- But do you think they will accept? I mean, for everything to go smoothly, they should quit their jobs during this time and agree not to leave the protected house. Not everyone can accept such a big and sudden change or keep it up for who knows how long.

-I think the solution to this situation should be out in less than five years," Soisen assured, "Besides, it's not as if they really can't leave, it's just that they should do so accompanied by Piklet or one of my house elves so they can go and return safely.

Ann and Ingta exchanged glances for a few seconds.

-Ann and Ingta exchanged glances for a few seconds, "Okay, let's go to that meeting and see what they say about it.

Later that afternoon, Soisen and Nagini were met by Ragnuk at Gringotts, who after learning that they were there to discuss the lands of Snowdonia, pulled out a tin compass that acted as a Translocator of the exact coordinates to the center of the inherited land. He explained the exact extent and what its recognizable boundaries were.

-This place is breathtaking," said Soisen once they had used the Translator and seen the landscape around them. They were surrounded by mountains covered with green fields and clouds, a couple of streams with their small waterfalls and the air was completely pure like that of a piece of the world man has never known anything about.

In addition, in the distance a small village built on rocks and parallel to the main river could be seen, which they crossed with a bridge.

-Let's start by erecting a muggle-repelling enchantment over the entire area and all other basic protections -If there was a reason this place was famous, it was for attracting tourists, photographers and naturalists, so he needed to make sure that no unwanted individuals could trespass the property by accident. It took several minutes, but with Nagini's help, the enchantments were in place and working on time.

-Well? -What's the idea you have in mind?

-I want to build my own magical stronghold here," Soisen stated as he tried to picture the dimensions in his mind, "A place hidden, safe and comfortable enough to become the last line of defense and allow my future family to grow up safely away from greedy and malicious eyes.

-Didn't you have a family home to inherit in a few years for that?

-Not the same thing," Soisen denied, "While the house will have several old protections, it doesn't change the fact that it hasn't been touched in over a thousand years, I'm sure many things will have deteriorated and it's not like having an extra place will pose a problem. It will also be good practice for when I start modifying Hogwarts.

-Your idea would be to move here in the future? -Nagini asked.

-Yes, when I leave my mothers house, I want this to be my home. The place is simply spectacular, I can mold it to my liking with no worries, there's a small vein of magic underneath that while not as big as Hogwarts, will provide enough magic to power everything and it's far from the Ministry's restrictions. It's also not like it's a problem going back and forth with the convenience of magic thanks to Flu Dust, Apparition and Transporters among others.

-Should we start drawing up a plan on the ground and figure out how to ship building materials to this place?

-Let's make the initial blueprint, the materials are easy to transport with an undetectable extension enchantment and the house elves will be an excellent workforce that will make sure to follow the details to the letter. What we really need is an experienced foreman who can carry out such an ambitious project, put the enchantments I have in mind to perfection and I did not hesitate to sign a strict secret magical oath.

-Why not hire Ragnuk? -Nagini proposed after some thought, "Yours are not only enormously talented in metallurgy, but they are accomplished craftsmen who accept nothing less than perfection in their work. I don't think he would refuse in exchange for a generous payment for his services as long as the project piques his interest and he has good materials at his disposal.

-Mmm, that's actually a good idea and I could also ask him for some unique enchantments from his people that mages can't set -I carefully consider Soisen- Even if he asks me for a ton of gold in return, in reality payment will never be a problem.

He took out a huge parchment and wrote down with millimeter precision everything that might be necessary to draw a plan. He intended to have several people help him design the bastion by contributing all sorts of advice and suggestions.

Snape could suggest protections, defenses, and measures against uninvited invaders. He was sure that after what happened to Lily, he should have a little black-covered notebook somewhere on how he could have prevented it all from happening and created a truly impenetrable place.

Silvia could come up with different workshops, research and development. Also, since there is a possibility that in the future it will also be her home, it wouldn't hurt to involve her in the project, which will undoubtedly make her very happy.

Pomona could design a garden/greenhouse where she could grow different ingredients, materials and food. A virgin surface ready to transform with high demands will certainly be tempting for her as a personal challenge.

If she were to copy every facility that Galegold House has (minus the quidditch pitch, which is unnecessary and stupid) her living facilities such as the library, pantry, indoor pool, and so on would be quite complete, though she can always ask Hermione if she thinks she could add anything else.

Maybe he could add a beverage cellar or a cheese vault, who knows.

Asking Professor Flitwick for help in perfecting the permanent modified and optimized enchantments is certainly a must. Although at this point he can cast higher-powered incantations himself, what he wants is something that will effectively last and nothing can beat the expertise the professor had in that field.

Several additional experts he would consult with also came to mind.

-Mmm, it looks like I will need several weeks to polish the blueprint and weave everything together properly, especially the magic side of things -I reflect as I realize I had too many ideas to implement and it would not be as simple as I first thought- Never mind, I have all summer to perfect the blueprint and I can hand it over to Ragnuk before the fifth year starts. This place has to last for generations and I definitely don't want a shoddy one like The Weasley Family Burrow is.