Secret revealed

Soisen was in the express carriage to Hogwarts, on his way to his next school year, with a serious look on his face as he was questioned under several stares, as he was caught and his secret discovered.

He couldn't hide it anymore.

-I can't believe it," said Silvia as she looked at her boyfriend in disbelief as she saw that he did not deny his revelation, "You really are the creator of Nico Ravenheart!

Soisen could only smile as he shrugged his shoulders, trying to somehow appease those present.

It turns out that using illusions and music during the tournament, made Silvia feel that something was wrong and after a summer reflecting on it, she realized that Nico Ravenheart was exactly that. Coupled with the single appearance he made that end of year at Hogwarts, it wasn't hard to deduce the rest of the points.

Now he had Silvia, Hermione, Ginny and Neville looking at him with wide eyes.

Soisen pulled a polaroid camera out of his robes and made sure to immortalize their expressions for future laughs. Even before everyone processed what happened after the sudden flash, a house elf took a copy of the photo to secure it in a safe.

-My eyes! -Neville shouted as he stood up and slammed into the carriage door, "I'm blind!

-Relax, Neville, it'll pass in a moment," said Soisen calmly as he put the camera away as if nothing had happened.

-Why didn't you tell us? -Hermione asked as she blinked and tried to regain her sight.

-And miss the expressions you guys put on? Besides, it's nice to hear you guys talk about how great Ravenheart is," laughed Soisen amused as he recalled the exciting discussions about which song was better.

Ginny, Silvia and Hermione blushed with embarrassment as they listened to him.

-We'll make you pay for this humiliation, remember, my older brothers are the Weasley twins and now he can Appear," said Ginny through gritted teeth as she looked in what she assumed was the direction Soisen's voice was coming from.

-Really? And here I thought you'd ask me for a private Ravenheart concert to show off to your friends, what a shame," Soisen sighed theatrically.

-This... You'll do exactly that as punishment! You owe each of us a private concert when we ask for it, and no excuses," Ginny replied after hearing him and liking the idea.

-I want one too," Neville lay down on the floor waiting for the darkness to disappear from his eyes and raised his hand, "Please.

-All right, but don't tell anyone my secret identity," Soisen told them as he promised them the private concert, "If they ask, just say you won a golden ticket while eating a Ravenheart brand candy bar.

Sorry Wonka, but your ideas are mine for the new line of Ravenheart candy.

Everyone went on to discuss when would be the best time to hold their concerts. They could do it on a weekend or during a birthday party as a gift for a friend. The possibilities were there and as long as it wasn't something that crossed the Soisen line, like doing a concert for Ron's birthday, it was fine.

-At least you girls didn't have to spend all summer cooped up in a dusty old house with a house elf who insults you at every opportunity," Ginny complained, "He hadn't been able to go out for weeks and the only exciting thing that happened was when Potter arrived. Apparently, he used magic and got expelled from school.

-Really?! -Hermione exclaimed when she heard that someone was expelled.

Soisen raised his eyebrows and did some remembering.

Wasn't it the Dementor attack that Umbridge deliberately sent against Dudley?

-Oh, he had a trial in the end and they cancelled the expulsion," Ginny added, "My father was stunned, as it seems the way it all went down was too disorganized, even for the Ministry.

-I have an idea what could have happened," said Soisen, getting everyone to look at him, including Neville who was still on the floor even after regaining his sight.

Did he look... quite comfortable? Maybe he was just imagining it.


-Oh! That's right, her name was on this year's Hogwarts letter as a DADA teacher -Silvia remembered as she took out the letter she was carrying with her for some reason- I think Cho already told us that she wasn't a good person. And what do you mean?

-That lady is the most dedicated bootlicker I've ever met in my life," Soisen explained as he leaned his back against the backrest, "From what I understand, she must have been the one who sent Dementors against Potter to force him to use the Patronus and have a legitimate reason to expel him. After all, that would be ideal to drain his validation that the dark lord has returned and the Minister would be very happy. As for the chaotic trial, that was most likely also his doing to try to avoid invalidating the expulsion.

-That's horrible! -Ginny's eyes went wide.

-How do you know all that? -Neville asked.

-As a Galegold heir, I have to make contacts all over the place, and that has its benefits, like getting some inside information.

-What else do you know? -Hermione wanted to know what she should be prepared for with such a person teaching DADA at Hogwarts, because it seemed like a minefield.

-There are three things you must remember about that bad woman," said Soisen as he held up the fingers of one hand, "First, she is a person who believes that the position she holds gives her the right to give orders to everyone and everyone should obey without complaint. He won't respect Dumbledore or the other professors, because he believes that the Ministry is above them in authority, even at Hogwarts.

-So arrogant?

-Secondly, never, and I repeat, NEVER, take anything he offers you. It doesn't matter if it's tea, cakes or cookies, from what I was told, he tends to have "accidents" where he drops Veritaserum on everything he gives his guests to give him the information he wants.

-But that's illegal! -Hermione jumped up in outrage, "You can't administer Veritaserum to students!

-Third and last," she said ignoring her startled friend, "As I said, she's overbearing, but also very vindictive. She may punish you if she doesn't hear what she's looking for in response, and that punishment may be copying something several times on a scroll.

-That doesn't sound so bad -Neville found that punishment better than cleaning the potion cauldrons.

-Did I mention I would use a dark artifact in the form of a quill where I would not only use your blood as the ink, but what you copy would be etched into the flesh on the back of your hand?

-I take back what I said -Neville blanched as did the others.

Use of Veritaserum indiscriminately?

Using dark artifacts to punish students?

Looks like they'll have to be very careful with this teacher this year. If they only knew...