Fifty kilograms of delicacies

One morning while eating breakfast in the Great Dining Hall, a flock of owls delivered a huge box right in front of Soisen, managing to make several of them faint from the obviously excessive load. Fortunately, none of them ended up inside a cup and were not at risk of choking on pumpkin juice.

Somewhat surprised, he lifted the lid slightly with his hand and closed it just as quickly as he identified the contents and guessed who sent it to him.

-Soisen," he heard the person next to him call out.

-Yes, Luna? -He answered even though he knew what he was going to ask next.

-Why did your mothers send you fifty kilos of brownies? -she asked in a tone of genuine confusion, which showed how rare the situation was even for her, who usually used radishes and blimps as earrings....

Soisen didn't know what to answer him, he also didn't understand the reason for this situation until he saw a tiny note among the top brownies and read it.

The first brownies made with magic! - With lots of love, Mom.

-Well, that explains it," she muttered as she sighed.

It seems Ann and Ingta got a little more excited about learning tame magic and tried to make brownies to see how they would turn out, but they couldn't control themselves and the result was what was in front of them. Being only a few in the magic bastion, it was clear that they could not finish it all so they sent it to him to share with their friends.

-Let's take the brownies to the common room, everyone can have some in moderation or they'll end up rolling down the passages," Soisen thought as he levitated the box in front of him with a snap. He gave a couple in advance to Luna so as not to spoil the surprise and she very happily accepted the fluffy bribe.

I work very hard to have such an excellent body and I wasn't going to lose years of effort for a big, succulent box of the best brownies in the world.

...Okay, maybe I would keep a small private stash.

But before that I'll let Hermione and Silvia know, so they can take a few in advance as well. They are entitled to a bonus for being the best secretary and the best girlfriend.

And so, Soisen left the Great Dining Hall under the intrigued gaze of the others for the mysterious contents of such a large and heavy box.

...In the Headmaster's office...

Dumbledore looked worriedly at the letter he had read for the sixth time in his hands.

It contained nothing less than detailed information on all of Tom's Horcruxes, their identity and location pointed out with clear explanations and reasoning in a handwriting he could identify as being typewritten.

He looked down at his bad hand and wondered to himself if it would have ended the same way if this letter had arrived sooner. But it's not worth spending time wondering what it might have been.

The moment the contents of the letter were seen through his half-moon glasses, he used his abilities to trace the letter's origin to a Muggle home. The person who sent the letter only remembered that he had had it in a drawer years ago and that he was supposed to mail it on this exact date.

As a wizard who uses Legeremancy fluently, he was able to verify that the person's memories were altered and the moment he tried to restore them, he knew he would not succeed. Too much time had passed since the modification and it had already been integrated into the fabric of the memory perfectly.

Not only that, he had an intuition that even if he managed to restore those memories, he would only find an empty hole because he suspected that someone extracted the memory thread directly.

Dumbledore was a powerful wizard, but even he would find it difficult to deal with something from several months ago, let alone something that happened in such a perfectly covered way years ago.

Whoever sent him the letter wanted him to have the vital information to deal with Tom, but that same person was unwilling to come into direct contact with him or reveal his identity.

Perhaps there was a traitor among the Death Eaters who decided to spill the beans out of fear?

But who might be close enough to Tom to know these secrets?

The only people who seemed to match those criteria were Snape and Bellatrix.

Snape was a loyal supporter of his and could have found more direct and less cumbersome ways to deliver the information, while Bellatrix was the opposite case and couldn't imagine how such a crazy woman could even know the concept of regret or the idea of betraying her beloved dark lord.

And ultimately, Tom is not stupid enough to reveal his aces up his sleeve to his followers, no matter how close they were.

He knows that Tom never trusted anyone and everyone in his eyes is nothing more than a more or less useful tool. Surely the creation and concealment of the Horcrux was something a second soul should not know about to be safe, it was too important to him.

So... should he trust this information?

Could it be a trap?

But as much as he would doubt, the information seemed to fit Tom's habits perfectly. Using objects as important as the founders' relics was in his line and employing something like Bellatrix's vault to hide one of them was a shrewd move.

Not only did it involve the person who wanted to stop him needing to get past the bank and its greedy guards, but he was certain that should he manage to open the vault, there would have to be curses or additional security measures.

-If only he had more time," Dumbledore lamented, looking once more at his cursed hand, which had received an unpromisingly thorough examination from Snape.

With his contacts, it would not be complicated to verify many things, but taking action was something he only did once all the pieces fit together perfectly to avoid making mistakes.

Unfortunately, time was now a luxury for him and one of his only consolations was that Hogwarts was safer than ever with the changes Soisen applied to the thousand-year-old castle.

It's just, he doesn't know what kind of approach might emerge once he's gone.

It's clear to him that Soisen wouldn't support Tom, but his relationship with Harry wasn't good either if he looked back. His refusal to join the Order of the Phoenix and his watch-and-wait stance was troubling to him.

He was sure that if Soisen decided to join the side of light and actively collaborate, they could greatly shorten this terrible time by using the financial resources of the Galegold family.

For the greater good.

Dumbledore's stomach growled and he put his good hand to his abdomen.

-I think I should join you for breakfast, you don't make good decisions on an empty stomach," he concluded.

As he made his way to the Great Dining Hall, he listened to some of the recent school rumors for entertainment and couldn't help but rub his ears, thinking he misheard.

Something about students in the infirmary for excessive brownie intake?